supreme (28)




Romney Ryan Conservative Take Off The Blinders

The Cabalistic Globalization that exist between Romney and Ryan pursuits is punctuated with the fraud and forgery of Obama's ineligibility, lack of integrity towards the Constitution, and America's National Security says Cody Robert Judy, " If you think differently you need to take your blinders off."
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Cody Robert Judy
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Emergency Notification to Chief Justice John Roberts- Will he take a stand for the Constitution?
The ink hasn't yet dried on the opinions of the Justices in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Cases that Chief Justice John Roberts sided on as Constitutional because of the 'legal taxing abilities of Congress' and the Chief Justice has upon his desk an EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION regarding the eligibility of Barack Obama in the competitive race for the Democratic Nomination being held September 5th, 2012 in Charlotte North Carolina.
Cody Robert Judy has pleaded his case through the Judicial Branch in Georgia all the way up to the United States Supreme Court asserting that Obama is not a natural born citizen, and if made the National Democratic Party Nominee may face an Eligibility Challenge from the Republican National Nominee in a tight race that could debilitate the Democratic Parties chances to recover before the General Election in November.
In the Emergency Notification that demands Chief Justice Roberts attention during the Summer Recess of the Court, Petitioner and Registered Democratic Party Candidate for President Mr. Judy asserts that the Court's recess during Summer is in conflict with the Democratic National Convention being held September 5th, 2012, and that unless the Court decides the case in August in a Special Session, the Court may well prejudice itself out of Redressability, as well as open the door for it to be decided in the General Election that could cause much more wide spread discontent, as well as prejudicing himself as the petitioner.
The Emergency Notification to Justice Roberts was sent July 30th,2012 and indeed places the eligibility of Barack Obama as a 'natural born citizen in sharp contrast with the eligibility demands of the United States Constitution.
To date the United States Supreme Court has never heard the case of Barack Obama's eligibility dismissing half a dozen other petitions seeking the Court's supervisory powers due to conflicts in Standing and Jurisdiction.
Cody Robert Judy asserts his case is the first case to come to the Supreme Court of the United States in living action during the race, before a Democratic Party National Nominee was chosen, by another Candidate running for President in the same party.
Cody's case is the first of its kind to also submit evidence to the lower Courts that has reached now the U.S. Supreme Court from a law enforcement investigation. Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Cold Case Posse released evidence on March 1st, 2012 that included 2200 hours that reasonably questioned and now has concluded that Barack Obama's released long form Birth Certificate is definitely a forgery as well as problems with his Draft Registration.
Judy's complaint surrounds the Eligibility of Barack Obama placed on the Primary Ballot by the Democratic Chairmen's of each State, but is ultimately certified by the Secretary of State(s) whose duty is more to the tax payers who pay for Primaries and the Constitution of which Secretary-Of-States swear an oath to, then to the Democratic Party Chairmen's who have prejudiced his name as a choice for voters in the Primaries.
"If the Democratic Party were to nominate Barack Obama as the National Nominee, and the election were close, the Republican National Party Nominee would have every Constitutional Right to challenge Obama's eligibility after September 5th,2012", Judy said, "Its much better if we deal with it prior to the General Election and the Nominations of both major parties, and that's the reason I've pulled the Emergency handle of the United States Supreme Court which should be used only in rare instances."
The Republican Party's National Convention held in Tampa, Florida precedes the Democratic Parties this year, and is scheduled for August 27th - 30th 2012.
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
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Remember our Framers and Founders in Judy v. Obama SCOTUS 12-5276
In a newly released video The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign reflects the principles and standards of our framers and founders that have been ingrained in us. This certainly presents a genuine reflecting pool for Americans to all ponder. 
From one who earned a reputation as a great communicator , Ronald Reagan said, "Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again."
It is very easy to see that in no point in our modern history has our Constitution come under such a heavy domestic threat from the very people who have enjoyed the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. 
Getting close to politicians, the press in many cases now days, must often acquiesce their stories for Government approval for the politically correct establishment of the State. While 
'being in' is certainly "no sin", the price is often compromising professional journalism. 
No where in our American history have we seen this placed upon the sacrificial table more then Obama's fraudulent identification transparency by the press. Indeed it may well be said in our future that "The Press" lost itself in the dis-ease of the "State" and they along with the United States Supreme Court Justices become relics to the principle they once served that was surrendered by their own hands.

Remember Framers and Founders in Judy v. Obama United States Supreme Court 12-5276

Cody Robert Judy reflects on his childhood and compares the demolition of his fathers house to the demolition of the United States Constitution. "Yet", he reflects, " The founding fathers built on straight and sound principles and those have been ingrained in me". The Judy v. Obama U.S. Supreme Court Case challenges the crooked and twisted path of Obama's fraudulent identification transparency.
Cody Robert Judy continues to raise the voice of warning and fight with courage the onslaught of negativity that comes from the very people he is fighting to protect: Those who actually depend upon the Constitution but "think" they don't or that it will never change.
Asked upon where he draws the strength to continue Cody has no problem acknowledging the Creator whose blessings of love flow from Heaven like the sweetest nectar one could imagine.
"I've endeared things that I thought I couldn't endure", Cody said, " I remember the onslaught of abuse I received from those in power and control who kept me locked down 23 hours a day in a space as big as your everyday bathroom for nearly 4 years of my 8 years of incarceration because of the length of my hair. It didn't make the least bit of common sense but they did it every day just waiting for me to crack."
 "The guards would come and mock me and tell me it was NEVER going to change; that the Supreme Court would never rule in my favor. That things were set and that's just the way it was. There were men who didn't cut their hair because of religious reasons who also had suffered this miserable cruel and unusual treatment, but I didn't sue them because of that. I sued them because it wasn't a sanitary or health care problem as they insisted, because the women inmates had a code that was one sentence long, "Women inmates can grow their hair as long as they want", it was a discrimination of gender. Something the Supreme Court agreed on".
"Most people could understand that, but somehow someway the ones who got into powerful positions had lost their common sense. They had gone crazy and were the loons. That's a scary situation to be in and we are very close to that when it comes to the respect of our Constitution, and the understanding of exactly what freedom and liberty creates verses the lock down of an enslaved population."
"What Ronald Reagan said is very true, 'Those who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again." Much of the press ignores the actions of Obama releasing  compromised identification papers, and a host of other willful malfeasance and called it legit, and instead want to focus on my incarceration which is over on an offense of words made in a religious meeting some 20 years ago. That doesn't make any sense."
 "I've told people I paid society what they wanted completely and our United States Constitution declares that we will NOT discriminate in the political arena denying people the right to vote, and in such the right to run for office, based on race, color, or previous conditions of servitude. In truth this is a great lesson on forgiveness we are pressed to understand. You don't keep asking for freight money on something that has been paid for, while some one who hasn't paid any freight, like Obama, is loading the ship up heavy and walking away with it."
 "This case in the United States Supreme Court is not about me and my wrong doing, its about Obama's not telling the truth on his "Declaration of Candidacy" and the fall out from that one lie that continues to rack up points on being the biggest fraud and forgery in our history! For all intensive purposes the Utah Media is Republican.. the majority of Politicians in Utah are Republican, and this "was the place" that had no problem doing to me what they did which is consistent with the national Republican Party sweeping their own complacency under the rug of the biggest fraud and forgery case in American history. How can they deny that?"

"Now asking me how they should feel about it, is not something I care to comment about. Maybe it is something you should ask them about, because it doesn't make any sense to me? That to me is bizarre, loony, crazy, and just plain weird as it relates to the sound conservative principles of the Founders and Framers of the United States of America?"

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
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as seen on:
Why I took Obama to Court on his Eligibility?
Many people have asked me why I took Obama to Court on his eligibility. The demands of the United States Constitution for the Office of President in the United States Constitution demand a ‘natural born citizen’. Determined by the laws of nature and held in the United States Supreme Court as precedent, that means simply,” Born in the United States to citizen parents”.
The two prong test essentially eliminates “foreign” influence in the Commander-In-Chief’s position.  This has been a thorn in the side of the enemies of the United States since the signing of the Constitution.
Some would say Obama’s managed okay and he hasn’t done anything wrong.  Many others would look at his record and recognize in his first term a dangerous shadow and foreboding which confronts our national security both economically and militarily if Obama is allowed to propagate the simply lie he told when he witnessed on his “Declaration of Candidacy” that he was a ‘natural born citizen’.
Through the broad and warm smile of Obama’s polished white teeth is one who makes a lie, laughs, and mocks the truth. In this he defies God, and places promises of his own safety and comforts over and above others and in this the regard for the innocent is completely lost.
Perhaps Obama himself doesn’t recognize in his own denial the venom perpetrated upon his own children in such, but his own family is a victim of it; and if he’s willing to do such to his own, how much easier is it to do to yours? It certainly appears the philosophy of Obama lies is in the paradox that if you tell the lie long enough that it will become the truth to you.
I suppose the truth in my suing Obama remains that his lie came home to personally affect me, my campaign for President in 2008 and 2012, and everyone in the United States. Obama’s lie doesn’t simply affect a small pool of people around him, but traverses the entire Untied States, and affects our history, our current state, and our future generations.
 That kind of a circle is something that even most elected politicians haven’t seen the gravity in ignoring nor heeded the flashing red lights and warning signs they have felt in the pit of their stomach. They have even become callused to the evidence of law enforcement investigations such as Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse who’s spent literally thousands of hours dissecting the government docs Obama has chosen to represent himself with.
The audacity of hope and change has become the audacity of cover-up and scandal in forgery-gate that makes Water-gate look like a ( home-made water fall in contrast with ( Niagara Falls.
Many also have been lulled into a sullied passivism that the enemies of the United States are incapable, incompetent, or have long been vanquished. Many in the United States have even begin holding a grudge against the United State’s goodness in favor of progressivism they hold as a mark of their own bad lot in life compared with their neighbors. The sin of coveting thy neighbor’s property is seen as the justification of spreading the wealth by force and confiscation in giving the government more and more power over the independent lives of the individual.
When you consider that in combination with the same kind of pressure from those outside the United States who also envy and seek to climb up the economic ladder by pulling someone down, you understand that the United States formidably has many enemies. These are hidden in disguise but I assure you that when the dastardly plan to wreck the United States both economically and militarily doesn’t go according to plan, those enemies will come out of hiding and there will be no further doubt in your mind.
I have no doubt that if the whole world combines against the United States solid principles of freedom and liberty which has come to be represented in our history and mark in the world, that though we may pay a heavy price for it, the union will stand. We are not built on a lie. The bedrock of the United States is as solid of truth in the eye of divine power as God is God that led the Israelites out of the bondage of Pharos’s Egypt into the bastion of freedom and liberty.
Though we may walk in the shadow of death, and hell may rage all around us, we shall fear no evil in the hand of our God-Creator clearly represented in arms of Lady Liberty statuette torch and tablets evoking the law that has come to be called the United States Constitution and our independence of July 4th,1776.
The very first thing I took courage in was seeing “76” in the last two digits of my case number in Judy v. Obama 12-1576 and the representation to me that I was TAKING A STAND for our independence mirroring the title of my book Taking A Stand- The Conservative Independent Voice.
As soon as Obama made the decision to become part of something illegal and contrary to our law in the United States Constitution that was as personal as his simple “Declaration of Candidacy”, he made the choice of what side of the line he was standing on. Every opportunity has been given to him to resign his post as a ‘disability’ but he has remained boldly cowardice in his own knowledge that he is not a natural born citizen, representing himself falsely.
I can speak with all of my faults and frailties weaknesses and imperfections solemnly, that at least I am qualified to be President of the United States of America. I represent myself in truth and there is no lie in my foundation, nor will it crack or crumble for it is eternal and made strong by the fires of Celestial Heavens where corruption and dilapidation have no hold on the vision of our future of real truth and light and where though hell may rage with the gnashing of teeth it hath no power but to bruise my heel.
Please permit my eternal gratitude to God and the instruments of the eternal promise proclaimated by our Founders, Framers, Sons of the Republic, and our first President George Washington, that this Union of the United States of America shall stand so help us God.
Please help me with your contributions to this Campaign that is courageously upholding our United States Constitution here.

My sincere condolences go out to those injured and the families of those whom were lost in the tragic shooting in Colorado. May God bless them in their recovery and grief.

Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign
Campaign Commercial :CRJ TV
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A Mound-Of-Mitt Judy v. Obama SCOTUS Faces Romney as a Birther Motion & Order
Why did Mitt Romney become a Birther? Find out how a Mound-of-Mitt could effect the election in the logic before the U.S. Supreme Court submitted in the United States Supreme Court by Cody Robert Judy in Judy v. Obama July 14th,2012.
See the Motion & Order here.
The affective position of this Motion and ORDER is actually in protection of the Democratic Party Nominee of which it is easily assumed more than half of all Americans have a stake in for election of the next President of the United States.
 Assuming for instance, the Court does not hear this action, or adopt the Petitioner’s ORDER, the result could substantially affect the election process in the following scenario. Mitt Romney becomes the nominee for the Republican Party, and once he has the nomination, with affective and competitive standing, (just like Petition has right now within the Democratic Party), decides because he is down in the polls to challenge Barack Obama’s eligibility because he is not qualified as a natural born citizen, and wins affectively eliminating the entire Democratic Party chances in the election because it’s too late to reorganize prior the November 6th 2012 election.
If the Court somehow believes or is certain Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee would not do such a thing basically all of the lower Court’s decisions that represent dismissals because of Standing are moot, because a parties nominee has affective standing to challenge any other Parties Candidate for eligibility. If for instance Barack Obama won the Democratic Party nomination and went on to win the general election but Mitt Romney had filed a eligibility complaint to this Court having lost in a very close call, Mitt Romney could Constitutionally remove Barack Obama from his general election win, and that could cause a real chaos in the Nation. Hence it is a much better scenario for the Court to hear this challenge now, and procedurally adopt this Motion and grant the ORDER attached.
Link to read entire Motion & Order here
Check this CRJ Video out and more on YouTube Channel CODE4PRES or CRJ TV
Politicians Like Romney think the Constitution will kill us

Stay Tuned in for further developments in this Case and please realize that Cody Robert Judy needs your assistance now more then ever. Please make a contribution and join Cody in this fight to save our Country and Constitution.

The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign


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Well folks, what many said would never and could never happen is actually happening. When you read the following letter and see the ORDER Cody Robert Judy has submitted for the United States Supreme Court, you might feel a chill run up your leg if your a Birther.
If your an anti-birther, for there exist only two planes to catch on this issue regarding the ineligibility of Barack Obama qualified for the Office of the President according to the demands of the United States Constitution ( "Birther" and " Anti-Birther"), you may experience a slight cold dizzy spell for you'll recognize along with the Birthers that this has NEVER happened before!
Let me write that one more time: This has NEVER happened before!
100% of the law suits brought against Barack Obama's eligibility have been dismissed either in lower courts or the United States Supreme Court because of "Standing" or "Jurisdiction".
Before the United States Supreme Court now in Judy v. Obama are two Presidential Candidates competing for delegates at the NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION in Charlotte, South Carolina.
In the first movie National Treasure - Actor Nicholas Cage utters as the last word before he found the treasure, could the secret really be that simple, " The secret lies in Charlotte" as he inserts the key and twist unlocking the door to the treasure hidden by Founding Fathers see Trailer here:
While our Constitution is our National Treasure, it has never happened that a challenger for President has actually reeled another candidate for President into The UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, especially before the National Convention of the Democratic Party, where a decision from the Justices could have a legal bearing on the eligibility requirement demanded in the United States Constitution.
It's unheard of. The closest anyone has ever got to this was Diplomat and Reagan appointed Ambassador Alan Keyes running for president as a Republican in 2008 but that wasn't even heard seen in the U.S. Supreme Court until 2011, where the U.S. Supreme Court refused the Petition upholding the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision that Keyes was not a candidate for President in 2012, nor had he obtained his Parties nomination to represent the Republicans.
This is unprecedented to have a Democratic Candidate for President challenging Barack Obama in the Democratic Party, and to have it hit the U.S. Supreme Court before the Democratic National Convention has taken place is the U.S. Supreme Court in Star Trek's, "Warp-speed Scotty".
Upon hearing the news that he was finally going to get his Case in the U.S. Supreme Court Cody responded with a big grin;
" Well, this journey has been an uphill battle that felt as if I was being pelted with stones the whole way up the Hill. I've done the best I could with what I had available to me, which wasn't much. It took me about 10 times to make it up the hill resubmitting over and over and over again, I think like 10 times, but it's good... it feels real good. I'm kind of reminded of the song I wrote "Big Things Happen Everyday" ,because this is a pretty big thing happening."
When asked whether he thought the U.S. Supreme Court would hear the Petition the Democratic Party Candidate for President said,
"That is not my department, that is the Justices of United States Supreme Court's decision. The only thing I know is I've done what I needed to do to get it to them in time ,they do have time for a decision, and I have "competitive standing" seeking to uphold not only the eligibility requirements of the Office of President in the Constitution, but the Legislative Mandate made so by proposals that the Constitution's demand be changed having never made it out of a Legislative Committee. I suppose at this juncture the U.S. Supreme Court is the check and balance of our Republic."
Judy continued, "I do want to thank everyone who has contributed to my campaign. We haven't got a lot of big contributions or a Super PAC supporting my campaign, however everyone who has contributed from many of the States- Maryland, Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Utah, California, Idaho, Colorado, Nevada, Florida, Wisconsin you Patriots know who you are, have been very appreciated and crucial without which I could not have come this far. I need your help more now then ever before, please log on to and contribute to this Campaign making a stand for our Constitution."
The United States Supreme Court is believed to have a case number in reserve for Judy v. Obama owing to their instruction to Mr. Judy to get to them the Stamped copies of the lower court decisions on track to be released to the public sometime after the 18th of July, 2012.
Continued here:
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Breaking News: U.S. Supreme Court Case Needs Your help in Judy v. Obama

This is probably going to sound more like a journal entry then a blog piece, but I am moved to express some things that I think are important at this time.

First I do want to thank and pay a tribute to those who are fighting the good fight; those who are raising their voice and going on the record. I know the last week I have received more of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals treatment #5 (Rule 5: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon) these weeks then I have ever received. It’s nasty, distasteful, and ugly.

Here’s just one example that’s tame enough to print-
“Anyone that makes videos of their self trying to be Pres and claiming Obama is not qualified to be Pres needs help. I hope U get that. Do U have a doc? Mental disorders R not to be made fun of. I hope U don't hear voices but help is there 4 U!”

I do kind of agree with him that ‘I need help’ but its more on the financial side in contributions then from a doctor trying to convince me to abandon the Constitution in favor of Obama’s State of the Union and usurpation.

If anyone could comprehend how many people support Obama and picture them all ganging up on me you’d get some idea of what my mail box looks like in the above times 10,000.

I thinking I’m not sure what’s worse:

The precarious status of the Fukushima Dai-Ichi nuclear units and the risk presented by the enormous inventory of radioactive materials and spent fuel in the event of further earthquake threats with 1,565 fuel rods translating into 460 tons of nuclear fuel stored in a pool in a barely intact building on its third and fourth floors that could result in a catastrophic radiological fire that could wipe out most of the northern hemisphere; certainly it would be a massive civilization-breaking event or Obama’s eligibility going un-checked, ignored and avoided by the U.S. Supreme Court?

I know people in Washington DC don’t think about the most prestigious monument representing our first President George Washington in the cracked Washington monument with a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hitting east of the Rockies for the first time since 1897 or Hurricane Irene blowing through the same geographical area a few days earlier being the first of the Hurricane season showing exactly how bad the cracks were, or the 700 mile storm front that bee-lined from Chicago to Washington DC, causing 3 million to lose power -The very symbolism of losing power in an area like The Beltway is as poignant as it is profound, not to mention Obama's same course from Illinoise to Washington DC being traced; as part of God pointing out Obama’s ineligibility, but if you had to trace God’s finger it’s no stretch of the imagination to say our Founding Fathers are pissed off people!

To read Ann Barnhardt’s sentiments about the situation involving Obama’s ineligibility and the U.S. Supreme Court’s majority ruling which “Ok’d” a tax on every American’s very existence making it a possible crime to be born breathing if you don’t pay, well she said it very well I think:

“I don’t want the people who are living on this continent ten or twenty years from now to be able to whine and deflect responsibility for their sorry, sorry state by claiming that “no one ever told us” or “no one ever explained anything to us.” No, you were told. You were warned. And it wasn’t just me doing the warning and explaining. You will accept your suffering in SILENCE. You will blame nothing and no one except YOURSELVES. You will own the tyranny that you live under, because you begged for it. You bought it with your own stupidity, and you nurtured it with your own squealing cowardice.”

I do think she’s probably right about the Government as it stands now never repealing any part of ACA whether Republican Mitt Romney is in charge or Obama’s ineligibility never meets the U.S. Constitution head on.

She says thoughtfully as Ann always does, Republicans ‘will start referencing the fact that ObamaCare is SCOTUS-approved, and approved by Chief Justice Roberts, no less. They will also start to argue that it would cause “chaos” to repeal it. Day by day, this rhetoric will increase. It will begin on the news channels, then spill over into the faux-conservative blogs like . I wait with bated breath for Ed Morrissey or Allah pundit’s piece on how “sensible folk understand that ObamaCare simply cannot be repealed.” Oh, just you wait. It is coming. I promise you that.”

She continues, “You HAVE to wake up and acknowledge that Romney is a sociopathic liar who is simply bullshitting, and that is the word for it – bullshitting you people in order to raise money. He will say ANYTHING in order to raise money and maybe “get elected.” You are being conned just as sure as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, and if you aren’t smart enough or mature enough to see when you are being blatantly conned, then you deserve what you get.”

Sadly it appears the payday for politicians exist if they do “lie”, if they don’t tell the “truth”, they are rewarded with what you “hope” they are going to represent. Romney reportedly raised 100 million in June. Well we all know what path that led us with Obama, but somehow we always hold out “hope” for a politician who actually means what he says and does what he says he’ll do.

With history as a guide to Washington DC actually having the power to beat the constitution-swords that go there elected with good intensions who then get beat into plowshares wanting to go to the latest Washington DC cocktail party, you’d think Citizens would understand the best remedy would be to send someone there whose actually done time for ‘Taking A Stand’. I mean is that the kind of courage you want or is that just crazy to you?

If history is a judge of Romney’s path you understand very clearly exactly what Ann (not Romney’s wife) is saying. You gotta give that pack a dynamite Ann credit where credit is due. She’ speaks the truth about the big fish in the race getting contributions for the office their running for, but she still hasn’t got a clue to actually putting her mouth to work for someone who is running for office and could certainly use a little positive support and help out here and we all need to ask ourselves the same question:

How will we respond to these and many of the other upcoming events which are poised to take this world of ours by storm? Who are we supporting and to what extent does our support towards that person represent our making the best decision we can?

Are you ready for some hard answers God has for you? All of those answers can be found within. Now is the time to go inside and ascertain the true meaning for each person in the contemplation of your family’s future.

Of course you want someone who pays for it all for you, who pays the bill, and makes the sacrifices so you don’t have to. But how in the world could you gain any appreciation for what our Constitution actually give you if it was all for FREE?

Indeed your participation in helping build a house makes it YOUR HOME.

You know in the Court cases I’ve represented against Obama about 99.999 percent of you haven’t paid a dime. You haven’t raised a single word of support. I’m not so sure you don’t deserve what you pay for. One thing I am sure of God’s going to give it to you, oh yea, you can count on that. But .. I still find myself wishing.

That brings me to the chapter I read in the Bible last night which was so telling of how things should be, or maybe how things are when they are done right and correctly in 1st Chronicles chapter 28:29 David outlines that not only has he gathered all that he has for the Lord’s Temple but he has himself given his own wealth to the project-

“Besides, in my devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the temple of my God, over and above everything I have provided for this holy temple: three thousand talents of gold (gold of Ophir) and seven thousand talents of refined silver, for the overlaying of the walls of the buildings, 5 for the gold work and the silver work, and for all the work to be done by the craftsmen.”

Then David asks a real simple question? I think its telling, but here he is in charge asking people to give of themselves. He isn’t saying for instance if you breath your taxed as our own ACA is mandating.

David says: “Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the LORD today?” The response was incredible and amounted to much more then could have ever been collected in a forced mandated tax, because of a simple few words, “ The people gave willingly”. Wow! How incredible is that power of genuine love?

“Then the leaders of families, the officers of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and the officials in charge of the king’s work gave willingly. They gave toward the work on the temple of God five thousand talents[d] and ten thousand darics[e] of gold, ten thousand talents of silver, eighteen thousand talents of bronze and a hundred thousand talents of iron. Anyone who had precious stones gave them to the treasury of the temple of the LORD …”. “The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD. David the king also rejoiced greatly.”

Please take note of the words “GAVE” to the 4th power or used 4 times in those words, also “FREELY” and “WHOLEHEARTEDLY” associated with the acts of giving and the reward of freedom the Lord had given Israel from bondage, and then not only that but the feeling of “REJOICEING” by everyone at what was accomplished together. Imagine our world if our elected leaders gave so willingly to the Constitution?

All of this “taxing” and “putting people in prison” for stupid stuff, and not standing up for our freedoms and liberties that are inalienable rights given by God is not us. That’s not the United States principled under the United States Constitution.

WE ARE CAPABLE OF SO MUCH MORE and its important not only to us here in the U.S. but its important to the world who sees us as a shining beacon of light on a hill representing what people can do with freedom and liberty. We can’t let this go.

I say as David said, “What “change” have you to give towards REALLY standing up for the Constitution and my campaign for upholding it? Will you send me your change?

If my Campaign is the only one holding up the Constitution’s demand for a ‘natural born citizen’ against all the hatred, and devils crying foul, how much more can you count on me then Mitt Romney or Obama’s lies?

You’ve seen what I have done by myself and given; will you now help me in Taking A Stand?

You can contribute here

Cody Robert Judy
The Cody Robert Judy for President 2012 U.S.C. Eligibility Campaign

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Last Sunday morning, as I basked in the sunlight outside a coffee shop with the New York Times, I came upon an op ed piece entitled "Big Money's Alarming Political Edge."

The occasion for naming a new Supreme Court Judge has rekindled the liberal bitterness among some in the media over the Court's Citizens United ruling in January which gave freedom of speech protections to corporations, unions, and non-profits.

Theuse of the word "Alarming" in the article title no doubt meant that theauthor felt republicans would benefit more from the Court's decision.

Any doubts were erased when the article was read.

According to the author of this piece, due to the ruling the US Chamber of Commerce was putting into action its "most aggressive drives ever" to raise money "to favor mainly republicans" in 50 races this fall....

..."most aggressive drives ever" the piece said, while unions were merely "working to keep pace" for their democrat favorites.

Really? Merely "working to keep pace?"

According to data on OpenSecrets.organd provided by the Federal Election Commission as of March 21, 2010,union donations to democrat candidates and causes have amounted to morethan "working to keep pace."

Since 1990, those unions rated in the top 50 of industry donors as ranked by have donated $636 million to democrats while donating $52 million to republicans (92% vs. 8%).

ServiceEmployees International Union President Andy Stern said, "We spent afortune to elect barack obama." To which Joe Biden would later reply," we owe you."

Republicans enjoy no such huge advantage from any industry in OpenSecret's top 50 rankings.

Nosingle industry group on the list donated more than $333 million torepublicans over the same time period when unions were investing over ahalf billion to democrats.

Even the oil and gas industrydonations fell short of the unions while donating a paltry $186 millionto republicans such as Bush/Cheney since 1990.

The writer of the NY Times piece suffers from the same misconception of republicans and big business donations and lobbying efforts as most of the public.

APew Research Center Report in February 2010 found that commondescriptions of the republican party were, "for the rich, corporateinterests and greed."

Democrats were seen in the same report asthe party that "stands for the average person, the middle-class and theworking class."

Asked which party is more influenced bylobbyists and special interests, 40% of respondents said thatrepublicans were, while 32% chose democrats.

Thus, it is not surprising from this report that many across the U.S.A. would incorrectly figure that the Citizen's United ruling would favor republicans.

Excludingunions from the OpenSecrets top 50 industry list, we find that since1990 total industry donations to political campaigns/causes/lobbying ofdemocrats equals $3.959 BILLION, while the same source of donations torepublicans over the same period totaled $3.954 BILLION....virtuallyeven but democrats with slight edge.

If you add the unions backinto that mix, then totals to democrats go to $4.595 BILLION, whilerepublicans increase to $4.006 BILLION (53% VS. 47%), a larger edge todemocrats.

Since Citizens United was the political action groupresponsible for this ruling, let us look at how liberal groups andconservative groups compare over the last 20 years in supporting theirrespective causes/candidates.

Democrat/liberal groups, such as,have since 1990 donated or invested $141 million in political races andcauses, while republican/conservative groups, such as Citizens Unitedhave given $106 million to their side...again, a slight edge todemocrats.

If we look at just the top 10 industry groups whichhave donated to political causes/campaigns over the last 20 years(includes biggies like lawyers/law firms, securities/investment, realestate, health professionals, insurance, and oil and gas industries),we find that dems lead this top 10 group with $2.45 billion compared tothe $1.99 billion received by republicans...edge to democrats.


Since1990 non-profit organizations have donated $47 million to democratswhile only $15 million has gone to republicans...edge to democrats.

Thismisconception about big business being in the pocket of republicans isperpetuated by ignorance and false rhetoric from the media and thegovernment.

Chris Good writing for the Atlantic (Jan. 21, 2010)said: "as the pro-business party in US politics, republicans have had aclose relationship with business than have democrats."


CNN's"legal expert" Jeffrey Toobin said on Mar. 15, 2010: "The politicaleffect of, if not intention for, the decision was clear: Citizens United looks to be a big win for republicans, who are the likely beneficiaries of the newly lubricated corporate largess."

Uh huh.

Democrat Senator Arlen Spector called the Court's decision, "conservative activism."

The Slate'sNathaniel Persily was silly in writing on Jan. 25, 2010: "Corporationmoney will flow in great amounts towards ads supporting republicancandidates. Union money will flow as well, but not as much, so democrats and their causes might be at an disadvantage."

But not as much. horny.gif

A New York Times (Jan22, 2010) story said about the Court's ruling: "A conservative majorityhas distorted teh political system to ensure that republican candidateswill be at an enormous advantage in future elections."

Reporting for the Washington Post (2/17/2010), reporter Dan Eggan stated: "Corporations have traditionally favored republicans in their contribution patterns."

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