stubborn (1)

Stubborn or Stupid

Stubborn or Stupid?

So, Mark Sanford won.

You would think that Republicans are rejoicing.

Whew, A House seat preserved!

Instead it appears Sanford will be, at best, tolerated not embraced.

Stubborn or Stupid

Do I like his “personals”? – NO

Do I like his “technicals” – Show me anybody with a better background.

Did I vote for him  - Yes.

Even though he stood in public, apologized for not answering questions I had written to him, promised that those answers would be forthcoming, and then stiffed me.

My vote came after considering the alternative.

So, will he be Prom Queen ….. Doubtful.

But as somebody (Mark Kelly) once said….  “We have met the enemy and he is us,”


Will House Republicans self-destruct over petty egotism?

Or will they show true Leadership and build a team?


Like it or not, House Members, Mark Sanford is yours. If nothing else, milk his talent!

But preferably. realize that The Enemy is Beyond….. and for America’s future, WORK TOGETHER!






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