stonewalling (1)

“Mexican attorney general, Marisela Morales, now estimates at least 200 Mexicans have been killed with Fast and Furious weapons -- among them, a powerful Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle that downed a Mexican federale helicopter.   Morales calls OFF a ‘betrayal’ of her country. In a Los Angeles Times story she said she first learned about Op Fast and Furious from news reports. American officials never briefed their Mexican counterparts on it, Morales says. Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger, Marisela, Eric Holder and the Obama administration has been quite calculating on stonewalling the world on this one.”
AG Eric Holder Caught in OFF Lie
By Earlier-Dated Memos
            It’s an oft repeated truism of political life that the “crime” might get you; but it’s the cover-up that always nails the lid on the case . . . so let it be for scurrilous Obama administration bad-boy U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Here’s just one more story that the mainstream media (MSM) has been hiding from you for months now as Eric Holder has been playing a rearguard, stonewalling hand for three months now . . . the facts keep slowly dribbling in to Darrell Issa . . . just last week a third gun from “Bordergate” was implicated and has now been linked to the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, whose death in Arizona last December at the hands of Mexican bandits created the crack now threatening to break the scandal wide open and destroy the career of Eric Holder and his so-far “mum” underlings.
Holder -- who’s denial of knowledge about Operation Fast and Furious (OFF) in July of this year (OFF is the rogue and ill-conceived Obama administration offshoot of the Bush Administration’s less well-known Operation Gunrunner), is plastered on internet videos all over the world – the AG received at least two e-mails updating OFF information nine months prior to stating that he’d only recently learned of OFF in October, 2010 and even before that in July, 2010 and . . . worse luck for the AG, both memos indicate prior knowledge can be assumed since they are operational updates not presentation memos.
            The denials by Holder and the recent revelations, of course, spurred California Representative Darrell Issa to ask for a special (outside, non-DOJ) prosecutor to look into OFF and the involvement of Holder’s Justice Department. The festering mess known as “Bordergate” in some circles took an ongoing and successful Bush sting program to capture illegal gun sales and went two giant steps too far by deliberately seeking to sell automatic weapons (34,000+ so far) to members of Mexican drug cartels and then, instead of making an arrest . . . just allowed the guns to cross the border. So far about a hundred of those guns have turned up at crime scenes including the death of two U.S. Border Control agents and several dozen Mexican citizens.  Tidbits of information suggest great involvement by the Homeland Security Office and by the Whitehouse itself.
            It seems also that Holder’s DOJ manipulated knowledge so that FBI information about the identities of the gun buyers was kept away from Department of Alcohol, Firearms and Explosives and Tobacco members who had been running Bush’s Operation Gunrunner for several years. Many ATF agents who have become “whistle-blowers” tell stories of their great upset when they found that guns sold to known Mexican criminals were being deliberately allowed to cross the border. Several ATF agents and administrators have already lost their jobs as Holder’s DOJ casts about wildly for scapegoats. Mexican officials meanwhile have been conducting their own investigations of American gun-supplying to drug cartels. 
To say that the stench in Washington is getting stronger is to repeat the obvious. Besides OFF; Issa’s Oversight and Government Reform committee is also investigating the Solyndra and Light-Squared scandals . . . but it’s hard to imagine that either of those corruptions will catch up to OFF’s reeking stupidity and malfeasance. The insanely idiotic idea was to trace cross-border arms trafficking, and allow the gun-hating Obama administration to then prove the oft-repeated claim that 90 percent of the guns seized in Mexican drug war zones originate in the US.  Well, their efforts DISproved it; the actual statistic is closer to 17 percent. But, as Issa’s committee continues its investigation a major international scandal has been born.
Mexican attorney general, Marisela Morales, now estimates at least 200 Mexicans have been killed with Fast and Furious weapons -- among them, a powerful Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifle that downed a Mexican federal helicopter.   Morales calls OFF a “betrayal” of her country. In a Los Angeles Times story she said she first learned about Fast and Furious from news reports. American officials never briefed their Mexican counterparts on it, Morales says.
Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger, Marisela, the Obama administration has been quite calculating on stonewalling the world on this one. Eric Holder’s DOJ has inflamed Issa’s committee -- turning over subpoenaed documents only ultra-slowly and heavily redacted (sometimes only words like “the,” “a,” “and,” “an,” and “that” NOT being blacked out in long memos turned over to Issa) and also making witnesses unavailable and transferring or retiring implicated officials such as former “temporary” ATF head Kenneth Melson. Issa has publicly accused Holder , et. al of “gaming” congressional investigators. “There is an ongoing cover-up of a pattern of wrongdoing,” Issa noted last week. “Even though I have subpoena ability, I don’t have the ability to lock people up for contempt until they fess up and give us what we want” hence the call for a special prosecutor.
As noted in a blog two weeks ago, there have now been 76 serious Obama administration scandals about which Rajjpuut has informed his readers . . . and now the MSM is finally covering three of them. The only other one of those 76 scandals touched lightly upon by the MSM so far in the first two and a half years under Obama was their pseudo-journalistic expose of problems associated with environmentalism related to the Gulf Oil Spill (they deliberately missed the whole scandalous part of the story that Obama himself and Interior Secretary Salazar both knew of critical problems with Deep Horizon up to two weeks before the explosion). Now the MSM is really looking hard at Solyndra and Light-Squared and trying NOT to get involved with OFF, but slowly, slowly they’re finding themselves dragged into Bordergate as the evidence mounts and the circle of corruption** expands.  
Solyndra, of course, is a story of monumental incompetence and crony-capitalism that’s already cost the taxpayers $535 million.   Malfeasance is still a very strong possibility as the Obama administration agreed to a deal in which last-minute Solyndra investors would be paid first in case of bankruptcy, before the taxpayers.   The Light-Squared scandal involves the Obama administration seeking to pressure and change a Four-Star Air Force General’s testimony about the dangers of a communication invention sold by an Obama supporter’s broad-band company which mal-affects other battlefield communications and global positioning and thus would have made in-close bombings and artillery very risky for our soldiers in the field. Yes, the “hits” do keep coming . . . and finally the MSM is starting to play them.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** We feel like a broken record here, but about a dozen FAR more serious scandals from 2009, 2010 and earlier this year have all gone totally UNreported by ABC, NBC, CBS, and Cable channels CNN, MSNBC and Headline News. Only FOXNews is looking into Obama’s corruptions. Whole books someday will be dedicated to the “Journ-O-List" scandal; the Carbon-Trading Scandal known as CCX which even FOXNews barely covered; and whole encyclopedias can be filled up with the “Cloward-Piven to Wiley to ’73 Crash to NYC bankruptcy to Rathke to CRA ’77 to ACORN to Clinton to Obama to meltdown” scandal . . . . Rajjpuut (who was once a pretty fair country feature writer and also his J-school’s Academic Excellence Award winner lo’ these many years) blames 97% of the country’s present horrific state and ongoing predictable future financial problems on the MSM which is picking winners and losers in politics and refusing to do its time-honored job in keeping the country aware of government corruption, incompetence and malfeasance.
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