smarter (1)

Hey y'all! Gee golly whiz, I'm supposin' itz 'bout time to git one of them thar 'puters and do some surfin on the in'ernet, whoo hoo! Cause - we ain't smart enough to Obamacare?! Is that right Washington Post’s Kathleen Parker?

I cannot believe the arrogance, the droll repugnant vicious nature of the Liberal Democrat elite. First we are told that Americans can't "Internet" properly, now were told that a certain group of Americans aren't smart enough to "fathom" Obiecare. This is the heart of the problem currently in America – there are divisive people (just like this one) with the ear of the liberal media. People like this are trying to tell us that they are smarter than we are, they are better than we are, they are more 'gooder' educated – therefore they must be our betters. It is time to bring America back to the people, bring America back to Americans where she belongs. Not in the hands of liberal elitists like this. I will run for Congress and help put an end to the ridiculous joke that Washington has become.

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