russia (23)

Has this country gone mad or are we being inhabited?  Just relax and reflect on this for a moment.  An individual was elected as President of the United States who is not even qualified by the bare essentials to even run for president much less be elected.  This has been proven by expert witnesses as well as even an admission by the individual who forged the birth certificate document.  While this story is even wilder than the strangest Hollywood intrigue, the press has nothing to say.  Instead, the press tries to discredit the most Patriotic of American representation, the Tea Party!  This is an equal part evil and another equal party pure lunacy.  It appears the American press is working for America's enemies.

And when sane Americans who love their country speak the truth, we are slandered, libeled, and otherwise intimidated into going along with the coverup.  It is absolutely bizarre that neither the press, the FBI, nor the CIA vetted Obama prior or during the election.  Just as bad, the press continues to protect and cover for his constant and shameless lying.  When the administration is confronted as they should be in a free country, such as Rick Perry recently did by suggesting that Ben Bernanke is committing treason by continuing to devalue the dollar, Perry is threatened by Obama.  Even the country club Republicans such as Karl Rove, say that Perry was wrong in calling a spade a spade.  Furthermore, at least two military officers have now refused to take orders from the Commander in Chief because the president has been proven not to be a natural born citizen, therefore cannot legally be the president.  But everyday, this bizarre truth is ignored!  This represents a vicious hostility to America!

The current administration's empty rhetoric complete with constant (Freudian) "projection" of blame on everybody but the perpetrator clearly indicates the smell of pure Marxist-Leninism.  While their communist agenda is being covertly implemented, Vladamir Putin and his sidekick are being seen more and more in playboy poses presented by the willing communist propaganda "press" corps.  Today, for example, the two were fishing together just as if they were two American insurance salesmen taking off early to go fishing on a Friday afternoon.  Most would not know they are actually looking at murderous KGB Agents, not businessmen.  Before that, Putin had pictured a dozen young women in bikinis washing cars in Moscow square.  Before that, Putin was seen riding a horse without a shirt on as if he was some kind of Prince looking to attract a new Princess.  All these instances indicate the Soviet plan of "merging" Soviet Communism and American Capitalism.  Indeed, that is their real agenda.  That, in short, is the real story that is being covered up every day by the so-called "press".

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Obamacare Forces SEIU to Drop Children’s Coverage
It seems the free market is much more compassionate than Ms. Nanny State after all . . . . At the end of October the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) informed dues-paying members of its monstrously large 1199 affiliate in New York that it was dropping health care coverage for children. That's correct, you read it right, an ultra-radical Marxist union, not evil Republicans, is abandoning our ‘chilluns’ to cut rising health care delivery costs . . . .
According to The Wall Street Journal, more than 30,000 low wage service industry families will suffer because of the decision. Who's to blame? Mitra Behroozi, SEIU 1199 benefits manager, singled out oppressive new government regulations, including the progressives’ sacred cow, Obamacare. Specifically the rule forcing insurers to cover dependents of policy holders until age 26 was singled out by Behroozi who said the Union’s financial resources are “already stretched as far as possible.” These things will happen when to a Union that pushes hundreds of millions of dollars toward losing Democratic candidates and $60 million to elect Obama himself. Not to mention anteing up bus fare for thousands of their SEIU employees to stand out in the sun at a Comedy Central anti-TEA Party rally in Washington five days before the election. The road to hell is paved with progressive intentions . . . .
Obama and Dems Push for Trickle-up Poverty
Margaret Thatcher’s famous line about socialism, “Sooner or later they’ll always run out of other people’s money,” seems quite appropriate these days given the Obama administration’s and Congressional Democrats’ penchant for taxing and spending and expanding the size and scope and unconstitutionality of the federal government. At this moment when the fate of the soon-to-be-expired Bush Tax Cuts is still in the balance, it seems evident that the contrast between the two major parties could NOT be greater. The Republicans seeking smaller government, lower spending and lower taxes are seeking the obvious “trickle-down” economic answer that worked so well for Ronald Reagan and over the first three years of the G.W. Bush administration. The Democrats as always are seeking more taxes to spend for an ever bigger and more controlling and intrusive federal government . . . while doing so they’re hoping to inspire the middle-class voter with wealth-envy by letting only the tax cuts for those earning $250,000 or more annually expire . . . policies that Reaganites called “trickle-up” poverty.
Chinese, Russians Show Disdain
for Dollar as Trade Currency
China and Russia have jointly announced that they will use their own currencies for bi-lateral trade in an effort to avoid the risk that the two nations say the American dollar now represents. While Beijing and Moscow have long wanted to heal their longtime “rift,” the announcement of their trade settlement being based upon their own currencies is a telling statement about the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank’s recent Q1 and Q2 monetary easing (demonetizing American debt and devaluing the dollar). In effect both nations are saying, “Our currency is stronger than the BUCK; and so is yours so let’s abandon the dollar and protect our domestic economies.
The two countries have long used the currencies of other countries, most notably the American dollar for bi-lateral trade. Recently, however, the Chinese Yuan has been traded against the Russian Ruble in the Chinese interbank market while the Renminbi/Yuan from China is soon expected to trade against the Ruble in Russia according to Vladimir Putin in a press conference in a meeting with Chinese leader Wen who was making a trip to Russia two months after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's three-day visit to China in September, during which he and President Hu Jintao launched a cross-border pipeline linking the world's biggest energy producer with the largest energy consumer.
From the viewpoint of America’s economy, IF this Chinese-Russian agreement proves to be but the first of a cascade of nation’s “bailing out of the dollar” truly bad times are ahead. From the viewpoint of anyone holding dollar bills, including all American citizens, the real question is “What took so long?” In late 2008, Fed Chief Ben Bernanke printed up fourteen times the circulating currency in the United States in new bills. Thus, then with fifteen times the previous level in circulation, the 2009 dollar was POTENTIALLY worth just 6 2/3 pennies of the 2008 greenback. Now in 2010, the two quantitative easings (Q1 and Q2) have doubled the money in circulation as recently as July of this year . . . potentially, then the dollar is currently worth 3 1/3 cents of the September, 2008 dollar. All in all, news that makes you proud to be an American, eh?
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Iran Will Gain Apocalyptic Nukes Soon
Barack the Ditherer’s vacillation in dealing with Iran has now, after sixteen months of playful diplomacy, brought us to a crucial point in Middle East and World History. Now, early 2010 is the point where a Muslim theocracy hating the Jewish state of Israel and believing that an Islamic Apocalypse is necessary, in accordance with their theology to “bring back the twelth Imam” (a Messianic figure called the “Mahdi”) which is the highest and noblest possible purpose within their belief system . . . such a nation is within days, weeks or months of gaining nuclear wartips for its missiles. Thank you, Barack! Allah be praised! And as for those veiled threats (“we will take nothing off the table”) Obama's made in recent days, Rajjpuut reminds the less devout infidel westerners that the deterrent power of our own nukes and our own veiled threats have never been nearly enough to stop ANY jihadist contemplating an after-life full of virgin brides . . . and now thirty years after their country first brought Islamic Revolt to the attention of the world by attacking and occupying our embassy, Iran will NOT be deterred by the probability of its entire nation being vaporized –- realizing wisely that to get to heaven, you’ve first got to die, Iran will aim for heaven.
Deterents against madmen are worse than useless. Deterring Iran's mullahs from their commitment to fiery apocalypic messianic death is not in the cards, don’t fool yourself. After all those years of America's confrontations with the former Soviet Union . . . it now appears that the planned nuclear attack by a fourth-rate nation achieving its first bombs is now almost inevitable.
According to former high-ranking Reagan security official Frank Gaffney, in a recent interview, “The only country Barack Obama can lead to de-nuclearization is our own.” Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy says that sanctions against Iran will definitely fail and only a military strike can now stop Iran becoming a nuclear power. According to Gaffney, Iran has been trying to build or acquire a nuke for over twenty years. “It took the United States three years to invent a nuclear weapon, to then develop the capacity to build them and then to use two of them for military ends. We had no idea of the science, lacked all access to computer science, lacked most of the technological breakthroughs deemed fundamental in today’s nuclear world . . . it could be any day now, if not, maybe a few months. I would be surprised if it’s as long as a year. Certainly, it would be the height of folly to think you’ll be alble to dissuade them from pursuing their theological ends and even starting a nuclear war.”
President Obama, according to media sources, has recently made breakthroughs in getting both Russia and China to talk seriously about sanctions for Iran. Gaffney scoffs at the idea. “China regards Iran as one of their most important clients and their most important energy source.” Gaffney says that an American military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities would likely have very severe repercussions, but must be seriously weighed because as the chief exporter of terror in the world, Iran acquiring nuclear weapons would be “a huge threat for freedom around the globe.” He also said that the Taliban was almost as big a threat to get nuclear material or nuclear weapons from Pakistan (the only Muslim nation currently among the nuclear powers).

Gaffney said that Obama’s effort to reduce stockpiles of nuclear weapons and his vow not to modernize our weapons, amounts to a “unilateral denuclearization of the United States. The truth of the matter is, the only country Barack Obama can denuclearize is ours, and I personally don’t think that’s advisable. And I don’t think most Americans will either once they focus on it.” Amen!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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