rights (83)

What Liberals Need to Understand about Exactly

What Progressives are Threatening to Take From All of Us

On the national scene are three classes of people proving themselves most important right now within the wide-ranging debate tearing our government and our nation apart and the “scorekeeping within this public debate as resolved at the ballot boxes. These three major classes are the Constitutionalist or Conservative; the Liberal; and the Progressive. The formerly important “Moderate” has all but disappeared. At present it appears the Conservative force is attracting a huge national following in fiscal-matters owing to the nation’s runaway spending, deficits, and national debt and the growing opposition to Progressive programs to expand government. The Progressives seemingly (having the votes in the House and Senate) are calling all or virtually all the shots in law-making and spending. The important law-making they control includes burdensome taxes; expAnsive new expEnsive programs that impinge upon individual freedom and the free markets and place the government into the dominant realm of our nation’s activities rather than in its naturally-expected realm of being subservient to the people’s wishes. The feeling of the Conservative element is that the Progressives are running roughshod over the country and the Constitution. Where formerly there was a Moderate element, now tinges of Moderation are found in the tiny proportion of liberals who vote bi-partisan opposition to the President’s sweeping programs but no real moderation is found, mainly polarity. The Democratic Party under the gross and ill-advised Progressive leadership of Pelosi, Reid and Obama and their loyal followers has unquestionably moved the nation into deep socialist waters. The underpinnings of this socialism is a powerful forcible re-distribution of wealth: that is, THEFT.

A. The most basic principle of our American government is freedom. The American experience, the American constitution and the spirit of America are tied to freedom. That means the citizen is in charge of the government and not the other way around. Liberals tend to see the citizen as the always available FUNDING Source for the federal legislators. Progressives see the citizen as an obstruction, a bump in the road to their efforts to create (their version of) a perfect world. There are only 17 specific powers allotted to the federal government by the government and there are ten amendments (the Bill of Rights) limiting the power of the federal government over both the states and the individuals. All too often lost in the nonsensical arguments raised by Progressives (those who see the Constitution as “flawed” and who say we “MUST PROGRESS BEYOND” the Constitution), is that there is a gross difference between rights and needs. We all have needs and it is our own responsibility as individuals to employ our rights and our self-will to take care of those needs. The “NANNY-STATE” advocated by Progressives sees an unending number of basic needs (they call them rights) which the Federal Government is OBLIGATED to fulfill . . . the cost of fulfilling this cradle-to-grave catalog of needs is the loss of our real rights and our real freedoms to the increasingly powerful all-controlling federal government.

B. Rights are not negotiable they come to us from God and not from the government; they belong to the individual as our basic inheritance for being human. Rights are NOT needs, however. For example, there is no natural right to health care; no natural right to have the government bail you out if your business fails; no natural right to the resources of others just because you are needy. Taking resources such as money and labor or goods by legal force from the individuals and the individual states** is theft. It is power from the barrel of a gun used to hold up some citizens for the benefit of others. The federal government has no right to deny freedoms to any group of people to advance the well-being or to benefit others. There is NO natural right to EQUALITY, except the equality of opportunity. The Federal Government has an obligation to defend the freedoms of each and every one of us and to protect us when our rights are violated but no right to force all of us into equality of means. Freedom means equality of opportuntiy to be free, it does not mean forced equality.

C. The most basic rights and freedoms protected by our Constitution against the infringement of the Federal Government are the freedoms guaranteed by the 10th Amendment, the last Amendment within the Bill of Rights and clearly the most important. The Obama administration has willfully stomped all over the 10th Amendment while stomping all over the American Dream on the one hand and willfully ignored their obligations under the Constitution. In other words, they have done everything that they shouldn’t do, and very little (for example, protecting our borders) that they are required to do. In fact, according to a leaked document in the news today, they are plotting to within nine months make 13 million illegal aliens into citizens because they believe that they will receive 80-85% of those new citizens’ votes and will be permanently locked-into the halls of power. This cynical attempt at permanent power, they say, is based upon the fact that our Immigration laws are “broken.” Over 220 years our immigration and naturalization laws have faithfully served the nation. They cannot be changed willy-nilly to benefit one political party over another, they must be amended in the Constitution and only in that may they be changed. The cynicism and Marxist grab for power of Barack Obama constitutes the single most damming threat to our nation in its 221 year history.

That is the most important thing that Liberals need to understand and that Progressives want to steal from all of us: our American freedom and the Constitutional American traditions that have made this the greatest most powerful and most just nation on earth by eternally defending and renewing our freedoms to pull from each of us the intrinsic strength that Americans has thrived upon for over two centuries.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** right now Obamacare will temporarily ease the Medicaid burden upon the individual states, however, that changes quickly and the increasing share of Medicaid forced upon the states by Federal Medicaid requirements commanded by federal law will in due course bankrupt each and every one of them.

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I joined a Tea Party April 15th , I met many Patriots!

I found the The Tea Party Revolution is….

our revolution for equal liberty and fair confirmation of our laws ….

our liberation of pure unalienable rights that lead to our constitutional value….

our resolution to renew the truths of freedom in the United States of America…

our absolution in life for our children’s future....

The children, in Washington D.C., leading our country these days are in large part from a distant young generation shredded by political turmoil and fantastic worldly advances surrounding the sixties decade. This past forgotten generation, part my generation, the self acclaimed Aquarius movement, moved to inspire beautiful idealistic dreams of a future where all mankind could live in equality, equal in love without true charity, equal in peace without rule, equal in life without work.

They fingered the man, spat on our soldiers, trampled on equality --- with celebrations that delighted in burning our beloved stars --- bleeding the very stripes of our precious freedom. They became disillusioned in government --- angered at the all powerful big brother, hateful of political oppression, violent against our nation’s best morals, they immerged from some darkened pit and dawned a new age of grimacing indignation toward the American family core.

These distant immoral minorities --- now eyes entrenched in red with bygone rage, minds clouded in storms of lost psychedelic futures --- now wade deep gorging on thick governmental waste --- blindly marching forward in time devouring the futures of our children. These now immoral majorities smirk in closed governmental caucuses communing with each other to ignite intentional fires that would consume our United Statehood Constitutional fabric --- all the while waving their arms high in allegiance over blue fielded cloth they will use to cover the very coffin that will entomb our solemn brave few blessings of liberty --- our Bill of Rights.

The children who rule this day in Washington trumpet the wave of socialistic politics in the name of public care --- are the governmental well fare, the big brother, the omnipotent oppressor!

Today, in our nation’s capitol, politicians railroad imperialist laws --- ushering in this new dawning age --- this new enlarged age of taxation.

Today, in the world, our politicians give way ------ of giving away the inspired treasures of our great nation.

Today, in our homes, these leaders raise nightmares --- haunting our very endeared American dreams.

Now, Mr. VP Joe Biden, Ms. Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Mr. Nobel President Obama ----- You are the socialistic justifier!

You are the man!

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Why does the TEA Party exist? It exists because people who love their country were not only fed up with the string of radical actions raping our wallets and spitting upon our Constitution by the spring of 2009, but also because these patriots felt isolated and helpless in the eye of the media storm of unceasing raucous support for this totally UN-American transformation of America into the nanny-state, abject socialism and now as we see more clearly communism itself. Look at it this way, we are suffering through a crisis created by, managed by and exploited to their great advantage by the progressive (those who feel the need to “progress” FAR BEYOND the Constitution of the United States) element in this country. People are afraid to call them “Communists” because it invokes memories of the McCarthy era, but communists they are . . . .

IF, and it's a big IF, IF the Mainstream media did their jobs instead of engaging in gutless and corrupt partisanship ever-benefitting the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party . . . IF they did their jobs, by 2000 Americans would have been well-informed enough to understand the present crisis was coming and informed enough to do something to ward it off, specifically:

o Presumably, one hundred times as many people would have read “Rules for Radicals” by community organizer Saul Alinsky and understood what and how the Communist Party planned to cleverly and subtlely bring down and replace the U.S. Government. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Citizens would have understood the much publicized and discussed (by the left wing) Cloward-Piven Strategy and read their boasting and detailed description of how they deliberately created the National Welfare Rights Organization (NWRO) specifically for the purpose of employing C-P Strategy and used NWRO to bankrupt New York City and almost New York State in 1975, a project that took them roughly eight years to complete. The citizenry would have understood the in-your-face radical affrontery of these radicals that made their uprising work. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Americans would have understood the original CRA ’77 (Community Reinvestment Act) was an unneeded GIB (government interference boondoggle). The United States at that time enjoyed the highest home ownership in the world at well over 60% for over thirty consecutive years when it was passed. Then they’d have seen the ’92 expansion into the Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae programs with mortgage-guarantee legislation for the danger it was; the ’95 expansion of M-G programs similarly; and understood why Clinton’s ’98 expansion was the final piece of the M-G puzzle that put the whole process on steroids. These were all both attacks on landlords and unneeded interference in the free market system which has made us the wealthiest and most just country in the world. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o Americans would not have been surprised by the creation of the C-P organization ACORN and its Saul Alinsky style of operation. They would have understood what radical lawyers like Barack Obama were doing and why and how they were doing it. They would have understood how and why they were able to force banks and lending organizations to hand out hopelessly ill-advised loans, often to people without I.D., without jobs; with abysmally poor credit ratings; without home addresses or rental addresses; even to illegal aliens. But the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware.

o If if Americans didn’t discover all the previously items until 2007, when the crisis raised it’s ugly head, if they’d known then what was going on, our country NOW would be markedly different. But the media failed to do its job and Americans still remained unaware.

Today, the media is not only NOT doing its jobs (and much of the country still remains unaware of the truth of our situation, but the media still continues to act as a joyful advocate for the Communist Obama agenda . . .

Presently there are two righteous non-violent uprisings going on in this country, these two protests are based upon the single-most important of our Bill of Rights: the 10th Amendment which says: "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

A. On the one hand citizen-activists such as the TEA Party movement are making their outrage known. They are asking for fiscal responsibility, responsiveness by the Congress and President to real concerns; a return to honoring and obeying our Constitution and the Bill of Rights; balanced budgets and elimination of deficits and national debt; and transparency and honesty in government.

B. A second rebellion is marked by the individual states enacting laws that oppose federal legislation and a set of law suits against recently enacted unconstitutional federal programs.

C. There are only 17 specific powers which the Constitution allows our federal government, perhaps ten times that number of powers have been exercised by the federal government up till January, 2009.

D. Since that time perhaps 17,000 federal powers have been enacted by the Obama adminstration . . . pay attention here . . . the New Deal under FDR created 39 brand new federal agencies between 1933 and 1938. In just one law “Obamacare” the federal government has enacted the creation of almost 400 new federal agencies.

E. While the actions and unwise inactions of the progressive Republican President Hoover and the ultra-progressive Democratic President Franklin Roosevelt extended a recession into a twelve and a half year ordeal known as the Great Depression, revisionist history has NOT told the truth and made Roosevelt a hero. They have eliminated the fact that Roosevelt ran on promises of cutting taxes, cutting spending, bolstering the gold standard, and eliminating programs that Hoover had introduced. Why would he run his successful campaign like this?

F. Because the “Unknown Depression” begun in late 1920 under the progressive President Woodrow Wilson, was cleared up quickly by Harding cutting spending 49% and cutting taxes 40%. Harding died in office, but his vice-president Calvin Coolidge continued his policies which reversed the fiscal disaster and ushered in the Roaring Twenties the greatest shift in prosperity ever seen in the world. This is when for the first time, Americans in large numbers came to own their own automobiles, folks in cities and farms all had electricity and 85% came to have indoor plumbing. Virtually every household obtained an ice box or refrigerator, etc.

G. Because the media failed to do its job and Americans remained unaware, we have long lost our way and as we continued in the wrong direction, the media have cheered us on every misguided step of the way. We need, we demand a responsible new journalism interested in the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Meanwhile . . . .

Our brothers in Arizona have created a law that mirrors precisely the attributes of the federal anti-illegal immigration statutes while emphasizing the need for police fairness and avoidance of even the appearance of racial profiling. The state and local police may act on this new law, ONLY when a just arrest or detainment is in progress, by asking for identification when an apparent illegal alien is in their custody. Since LEGAL justified aliens are required by law to carry a green card at all times, the Arizona law is a virtually perfect instrument for the state to take back its southern border. Nationally over 60% favor the Arizona law signed by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer. Within its borders 70% of Arizona citizens believe it’s a good law. However, President Obama and the progressives seeking to add fourteen million Pro-progressive votes by enacting an Amnesty law for illegals . . . has now chosen to once again raise the “racism” card. The same media that accused peaceful TEA Party demonstrators of racism, extremism, hate-mongering and radicalism is cheering on and abetting the violent demonstrations in Arizona. The law, is our protection. Non-violence, a la Gandhi is our protection. Quiet persistence is our protection. And ultimately the wisdom of our Founding Fathers is our protection. We must wield these weapons wisely and relentlessly if we are to ever hope to bring this country back to reasonableness and prosperity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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