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As if he hadn’t already done enough evil in the last seventeen months, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Democrat from Nevada) is still aiming to pass two more disgraceful pieces of legislation opposing the best interests of the American public. A long shot is Reid’s attempt at so-called Immigration “Reform” hoping to pass a law that will give amnesty and nine months later citizenship to 20 million illegal aliens in this country. That accomplishment, if it comes would be the ultimate coup for Reid’s master Obama and practically guarantee Obama re-election and Democrats control of the country for the next 20 years.

Little known, however, is Reid’s aim to create a national police force for Barack Obama killing two birds with one horrible stone . . . Reid is pushing the “Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act (HR 413) as a way to solidify the strength of unions in the country and hand Obama a national police and fire force loyal to him more than the states and cities they protect.

The temerity of the Democrats in aiming to make individual union “yea” or “no” choices into a matter of national law is scandalous. Of course, Reid is talking up the proposed laws as “crucial to national security.” One wonders if radical Islamic Jihadists are part of that particular vision of national safety? The law “benignly” seeks to nationalize rules governing every police, fire and other first responder union in the country and to have every single policeman and fireman and emergency responder to be represented by collective bargaining rules emanating from Washington, D.C. In the process, state rules and municipal rules would be nullified.

You’d think the Greek example of overly powerful national unions would have been an abject lesson for Harry Reid, who’s never met a socialist law which didn’t send an orgasmic thrill up his leg. By taking away the local and state control over police and fire forces, this is a tremendous challenge to the 10th Amendment’s separation of federal powers from state and local ones. Of course, national unions would also determine pay and benefits as well as promotions. An evil law that deserves to be flushed down the toilet.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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