palin (55)


In April of this year everything "birther" changed: Obama released a supposed long form birth certificate.

Since then, top-flight analysis have piled on with no answer from the White house or analysists to defend the document: it's a fake. This is not some fringe analysis; Joesph Newcomer whose analysis of the Killian dicuments got dan rather fired from CBS News, Mara Zebest, whom everyone here has heard of, Ecomp Consultants who provide expert document wiitness testimony in court to a client list that reads like a Fortune 500 wish-list. They all say it's fake. So do others.

It's time that we - tea party patriots - start pressing this issue. It will takje a while even after Trump made the issue legit, so we better start now. the big problem, of course, is that it;s difficult to understand with certainty if you don;t know graphics. As a consequence, I have provided a basic primer for anyone and their congressmen, friends and relatives that has all the evidence reduced down to easy-to-understand, "Reader's Digest"-style bits that any adult can easily understand.

This site is safe, non-profit and is a tool you can use right away to get light bulbs going off even the dimmest heads.


Here's the link. God Bless:






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4063375118?profile=originalThe highlight of every Tea Party Express tour is the extraordinary American patriots I meet. Felix is from Russia and became a proud American 16 years ago.


I shared with Felix that for years I performed my original song, “Celebrate America”, at U.S. Immigration Citizenship Ceremonies. I was struck by the number of seniors tearfully taking the oath of citizenship; some so old they were in wheelchairs and some needing support by family members to stand. Why was it important for these seniors to become official U.S. citizens despite their ages?


Felix, formerly a Russian, replied, “When you have lived under tyranny you understand the precious gift of freedom. Freedom is so wonderful you are always fearful of it being taken away. This is why it means so much to become an American. No one can take away your freedom”.


Tea Party Express rolled into Rochester, NY at 1am. C-SPAN was rebroadcasting Sarah Palin's speech at a tea party rally. The crowd was huge. Palin's speech was interrupted numerous times by the crowd chanting, “Run Sarah run! Run Sarah run!”


With no holds barred, Palin boldly attacked Obama's horrific record and agenda, the hypocrisy of the “lame-stream-media” and she apologetically proclaimed America to be a nation under God. For someone whom everyone says could never win, the common sense all American appeal of her message and patriot's response to it is extraordinary.


Palin is making the media and people on both sides of the aisle crazy and furious at her; will she or will she not run? And yet, everyone is on the edge of their seats in anticipation. The woman is a marketing genius.


In Milford, MI, I had the pleasure of fellowshipping, discussing strategics and praying with three fellow black tea party activists. Please check out and I shared my passion to take the tea party message to the black community; colleges and etc.


4063375158?profile=originalSome blacks are so infected with years of liberal entitlement indoctrination and their own racism, they will never accept the truth. We can only keep them in our prayers. But, there will be blacks who once they hear it articulated that conservatism is best for all people, they will see the light.


I pray for assistance in planning and funding a tea party tour to black America.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Co-Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.

Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.

Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin





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The Mobocratic Dislike of Sarah Palin

I have had it with the phrase, "I like Sarah Palin...but..." This is not coming from Liberals, reticent Independents, but Tea Party Conservatives.  I have had it!!! I will invariably ask, "well, why don't you like her?" And I have never received a satisfying answer.  The speaker will look thoughtful, hem and haw for a moment, and usually come with something as lame as, "she's weak, " "she can't possibly win," or "the mainstream media hates her!"  What??? Does any thinking person really give a flying frisbee about what the MSM regards as good or bad?  I will no longer accept the mobthink in which the entire Left, and many on the Right, participate when it comes to Palin.  Look closely at Sarah Palin.  Scrutinize, research, follow, and read the words she has written.  She is no lightweight. She is highly intelligent.  And though she is not pretentious like Obama or Kerry, she is eloquent.  Her eloquence comes from her heart-felt love of country and love of God.  I challenge you to press anyone on the Left or Right, who glibly dismisses Sarah Palin as qualified Presidential candidate, to give a legitimate reason for their stance.  I assert that she is qualified, she is soundly rooted in the Constitution and the concepts individual liberty and accountability.  She is an individualist, unique, tough and whip-smart.  And SHE CAN WIN!
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What would Paul Revere say today?


Sarah Palin issued a strong warning to the USA and the world with a witty reference to Paul Revere’s ride warning that the British were coming.


Here is what both said: We are not surrendering, we have not even begun to fight! You may press on with your invasion but you will never subdue us. We are fiercely independent and armed. We will fight to the last man! American people wakeup and prepare for war all else has failed.


Today, a paradigm shift in America and the world has occurred because of our lack of leadership. This “change” reflects a huge tectonic shift in political money and global power. We are now called “the largest Islamic Nation in the world”.   Confidence in the strength of the U.S.A. has reached a tipping point in the world. “Emerging is a new reality that the importance of a newly freed and now consequential Arab (and Islamic) public opinion may be applied to the U.S. as it does to Israel.” This is the view fabricated by mass media purchased to provide "news" and commentary to the world.


In truth, Radical Islam has embraced western society taking full advantage of our freedoms while at the same time planning for our downfall. Infiltration into our open democratic process has provided easy access to sensitive information and a quick base of support. The highest offices in our country have been purchased by enemies of America with a mountain of cash, billions of dollars, flowing into the American political process from oil-rich Muslim nations and powerful people seeking globalization of world politics.


The forces of Islamic globalization have turned our system of government against us. “Local” elections are won by money from who knows where buying influence and creating fear in the media. Freedom of speech is no longer practiced as journalists fear for their jobs and their lives at the hands of radical Islamic people. The Muslim Brotherhood is on the march. They have given the green light to fight for control of the Islamic world now that they perceive control has been secured in the USA and all western nations.    


Islamophobia is not prejudice against, hatred or fear of Islam or Muslims it is a very real concern that Islam is rapidly taking over our Christian society. I fear for my country when on the advice of the FBI, cartoonists are told to change their identity and go into hiding to protect themselves because a fatwa has been issued by an Islamic cleric calling for any Muslim to kill them over a cartoon.


Islamic Political lackeys from the President on down have been put into place in an attempt to gain control of our nation.


Our financial system has been brought to its knees and remains on the verge of collapse by the rapid and uncontrolled shifting of billions of dollars in sovereign wealth funds. (Our very own OIL dollars) Our enemies are seeking control or total destruction of our capitalistic system and financial networks. When you hear the words “To Big Too Fail”, think just right to manipulate or be manipulated by the people in power making the deals to “save” us. Elected officials are selling themselves to the highest bidder, becoming the willing tools of predatory wealth, soliciting earmarks as a means of providing cover for their untoward actions. The checks and balances between the Congress, the President and the Supreme Court designed to keep the country on track and bring it back from the brink of destruction are not working as a result. Many of the people involved brazenly disregard their  oath of office; “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of (President) of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” so help me God! They hide their actions, shun responsibility for their in-action and deny the existence of God.


Our secular government is subject to perversion and abuse. Socialism and communism are being achieved with the purchase of votes from an unsuspecting electorate. Few voters take the time to become informed as to the true character of the individuals running for office. Decisions at the ballot box are most often based on emotion purchased by thirty second sound bites or the promise of “$1000 in every pocket”.  Unsuspecting voters have provided almost a billion dollars of campaign money. Much of it stuffed in brown envelopes containing amounts listed “from undisclosed sources”. Those same sources have received benefits which have made far too many people nothing more that prostitutes. Amoral overzealous citizens, clamoring for “free benefits” follow the crowd like a flock of sheep over the cliff to their own destruction, ignorant of the fact that they have now been purchased as slaves.




Islamic infiltrators are very close to achieving their objective. So close in fact that they feel confident enough to turn against our best and longest standing allies in the world; Israel and Great Britain. Our President has snubbed his nose in the face of the leaders of both countries and destroyed our relationship with them in everyway possible by executive decision. He has gone into battle at the behest of his Sunni leaders helping them seek control of the Islamic world. His Islamic emissary has traveled, at the expense of the America taxpayer, to the Middle East and around the USA supporting the Islamic desire for new mosques around our nation. This same emissary clearly states that “many aspects of shari’a are already practiced in many ways in the United States.”   Islam has gained the upper hand in its fight with the “great Satan”, and is fast becoming the dominate religion in the USA.


Muslims are now fighting for control of the Islamic world! Why are we helping them fight each other? Who in the Islamic world is supporting America, demanding freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to own property in the Arab world?


What are we fighting for? Who are we fighting for? Have we forgotten what it means to be a Christian Nation? Through Love, God sent His son and all of those brave and unwavering Patriots that fought and died before us so that we might have the Freedom to worship as we desire, and to raise our families in Prosperity and Liberty.


God is faithful to keep His covenant and His lovingkindness to a thousandth generation with those that love Him and keep His commandments.

How long can we survive as a Humanistic Atheist nation in search of our own glory? September 11, and all of the terrorist problems since represent neither a superior military capability on the part of the terrorists when assaulting the American homeland, nor immunity to its staunchest defenses. Rather it is through the reject of God that we have grown weak, and over time became vulnerable because of our internal divisions. It is not the strength of the Islamists, but the frailties within the fabric of the nation, that must be recognized as its primary vulnerability to attack. The same Islamic enemies of the American ideal have existed since its founding. But not until the current age could they operate openly within our borders as they have in their efforts to destroy the nation while demanding sympathy and equal rights. The problem is the lack of Christian morals and teaching our children about the Jedeuo-Christian foundation of our country and our laws. This rejection of Jesus Christ and all Christian values has resulted in systemic failure of our society and our government of the people, by the people and for the people. Our congress is so corrupt that it provides cover for its own members offering for prostitution, weiner-gate ”. It seems that we have forgotten that we are "One Nation Under God".


As One Nation Under God, “We the people” of the United States of America must define who we are as a nation and set a true course for the future in order to prevent the total destruction of our way of life. It starts with Congress, clean up "our" house or “We the People” will throw you bums out!


Patrick Henry said it best in the year 1776 when he wrote this: "It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great Nation was founded not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. For that reason alone, people of other faiths have been afforded freedom of worship here."

The conflagration of the ensuing conflict and this election are in the hands of Almighty God! May God Find a Blessing in America! To God, be the Glory!


“I know not what course others may take; but as for me (I stand with Patrick Henry), give me liberty or give me death!”


Listen as Paul Revere and the Raiders sing "Indian Reservation" a song about what happens when people surrender and are subdued by a creeping invasion of a once unknown people.


Think Christian every time you hear Indian.


My name is Joe Story and I think it is time for “We the People” of America to stand as one “TAKE ACTION”, and declare that we are a Christian Nation.


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Have we forgotten

"My friends, we declare that this nation is able to legislate for its own people on every question, without waiting for the aid or consent of any other nation on earth; and upon that issue we expect to carry every state in the Union. I shall not slander the inhabitants of the fair state of Massachusetts nor the inhabitants of the state of New York by saying that, when they are confronted with the proposition, they will declare that this nation is not able to attend to its own business. It is the issue of 1776 over again. Our ancestors, when but three million in number, had the courage to declare their political independence of every other nation; shall we, their descendants, when we have grown to seventy millions, declare that we are less independent than our forefathers?" William Jennings Bryan.  It seems we ought to think about what is we are doing in the world.  It might seem absurd but I would really like to see what would happen if we told China to take our debts and wipe their collective rear ends with them.  It doesn't really matter to them that they break international law everyday, and have no respect for intellectual property.  I Could be wrong but considering they sponsor piracy and considering they are the reason our society is declining it seems like the appropriate time to tell China to take a hike.  If they want their money they can come and get it, oh yeah guess what they can have their money when the stop poisoning us.  I think we should burn all the products made in china and raise tariffs on all of their goods to supplement our own economy.  Hey I'm not a communist or a war monger but this wouldn't be the first war over money and it certainly won't be the last.
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Soros’ $48 Million Lie-Propagation-Chain:
Media Matters to MSNBC to the Left to You
            When you pay more than $48 million in bribes to control the content of thirty-six (we only knew about thirty of them last week) of the biggest progressive/ liberal** media outlets in the United States, you’ve got a right to some reasonable return on your propaganda dollar. Unfortunately for multi-billionaire currency manipulator (“The man who broke the Bank of England,” etc.) George Soros . . . it seemed that truth, embarrassing truth kept getting in his way.  World Citizen Mr. Soros, who is heavily invested in bringing down the American Dollar and replacing it as the World's Reserve Currency with the Chinese Yuan, spent over $27 Million in 2004 to prevent the re-election of George W. Bush and has been spending more of his fortune every year backing American progressivism and candidates like Barack Obama . . . must be writhing in agony about now.
ITEM: Soros unleashed his attack dogs on the internet and in the press and TV upon Andrew Breitbart of the website Mr. Breitbart, they virtually unanimously agreed, was the dirty conservative nut-case who had “hacked” NY Congressman Anthony Weiner’s computer and sent embarrassing lewd pictures to young women.    OOOOPS! Mr. Weiner just admitted his sick habits in public today and even apologized to Breitbart who’d been taking a shellacking from the progressive media for over a week. The only question left in the story, did Mr. Weiner ‘fess up to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Breitbart has held back the picture of the erect and naked Anthony himself which Breitbart received from Weiner’s female online victims even  when protecting himself from the media’s hacking accusations) in the next few days now that the story of Weiner’s disgrace is being spread and the media is no longer protecting him, expect some more Weiner surprises, he did not employ the body language of a man revealing all . . . when asked if he could say that it was untrue that Andrew Breitbart had been sent an X-rated photo of himself, Weiner said he could not. 
While the leftwing media made much ado about Weiner’s contrition, the fact is that he lied for over a week; helped sic the media dogs onto Breitbart; and only came to the confessional when Breitbart released four obscene pictures sent him by female victims of Weiner and said that the X-rated Weiner photo was also in his possession. It appeared that all of Weiner’s “contacts” in the matter were not victims. 
Latest TV reports say there is evidence that Weiner tried to get a porn star named Ginger Lee (not sure of the surname’s spelling) to lie and help him cover up that the two of them exchanged “scores of” sexually explicit communications. Weiner denied these allegations. You’ll remember, of course, that the “” scandal which revealed that leftwing journalists had since before the Monica Lewinsky scandal been explicitly linked together online, comparing notes and co-coordinating strategies to benefit the Democratic Party and attack conservatives was broken by Tucker Carlson of and that DailyCaller and Breitbart’s were instrumental in getting that story out to the public while the mainstream lamestream media ignored the revelation. 
It is now virtually 100% conclusive that the new “UNofficial Journo-list” leftwing support organization works this way: George Soros and/or the White House put a particular spin on things which is then passed first to MediaMatters (or more rarely to the HuffingtonPost) website and then the agreed upon talking points will come out of the mouths of MSNBC reporters and from there they’ll be spread to other liberal media with virtually not a word changed from the White House’s or Soros’ preferred phraseology.
ITEM: Sarah Palin while making a bus tour of America visited the Paul Revere Home in Boston. While inside she learns an awful lot about Paul Revere that didn’t make it into Longfellow’s poem (“Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five; Hardly a man is now alive, Who remembers that famous day and year”). Some “gotcha journalists” asked her a question about Revere and she told them about how Revere warned the British not to go ahead with their plan to move against the colonials . . . immediately the story was everywhere in the liberal press “That IDIOT Palin thinks that Paul Revere was warning the British!” Of course the idiot press didn’t know anything about Paul Revere and how he was arrested by the Redcoats on his way back home . . . and frankly told them they were too late, that the countryside was aroused against them and that they had little hope of success. Mr. Revere was, after all, an Englishman hoping against hope to reconcile the colonies with the British Parliament against tyrannical King George.   
So now the progressive press is trying to spin the story that Palin was confused and told a confusing story; no, sorry, she got it right; and you gutless ninnies are too corrupt to admit that you’ve been know-it-all fools, challenging someone on the facts they just learned while inside a “Paul Revere Museum.” 
You know the rest. In the books you have read
How the British Regulars fired and fled,---
How the farmers gave them ball for ball,
From behind each fence and farmyard wall,
Chasing the redcoats down the lane,
Then crossing the fields to emerge again
Under the trees at the turn of the road,
And only pausing to fire and load.
Not surprisingly, even the Boston and Massachusetts media were slow to come to Palin’s defense – if anyone ought to know that particular slice of local history, you’d think, surely they would.
ITEM: The progressive media is now running stories of the “atrocities” of the Israeli army firing across the border to kill Syrians “without any provocation.” The pictures and video reports; and the revelations of Syrian protestors, however, tell a different story. 1) To take attention away from the atrocities of long-time Syrian strongman Assad who is now instructing his military routinely these days to just go ahead and fire into the protesting multitudes . . . Mr. Assad is now offering loyal followers of his regime the chance to earn $1,000 by crossing the Israeli border en masse to provoke incidents 2) besides eighteen who lost their lives from landmines; another eight were shot for attacking the Israeli army’s border patrol; and seventy-eight more were wounded.
            Note: Rajjpuut is not taking sides in the issue of Assad vs. Syrian protestors. Unfortunately, it appears that the leaders among the protestors are Jihadists who, if they come to power are likely to make Syria into a fundamentalist Islamic state like Iran (the largest exporter of terrorism in the world). The only side to take is TRUTH’s . . . and the American press is covering the story as if Israel is at fault; and the United Nations is also coming from that view point . . . the picture and video journalism, however, reveals what miserable news-gathering is called journalism in the progressive press these days.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Using his fifty-two liberal foundations and most particularly his OSI (Open Society Initiative which aims for no national borders with the America-hating, American-funded U.N. running everything), Soros’ money nominally is going to fund “media watchdogs against bias” such as the Associated Press; Pro Publica; New York Times; the Center for American Progress; Free Press; The Center for Public Interest; the Center for Investigative Reporting; the Washington Post; ABC; CBS; NBC; NPR; The Organization of News Ombudsman; The Center for Public Integrity; Media Matters; PBS; and influential individual reporters, editors and publishers like Christine Amanpour, Len Downie, David Gergen, Jill Abramson, Cynthia Tucker, Kerry Smith, David Boardman, Martin Baron, Alberto Ibarguen, Adrianna Huffington, Phil Bronstein, George Osterkamp, Jill Abramson, John Podesta . . . just to name the most prominent. IT’s ABSOLUTELY NO COINCIDENCE that these people and organizations are all, like Soros himself, flaming-Marxists who never met an extremist-environmentalist, a communist, socialist, ecotage agent; or other leftwing radical they weren’t enamored of; or ever heard of any facet of the U.S. Constitution that they favor except where it can be corrupted or bent to harass patriotic Americans.
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               “Besides the ignorant things he said, however, Gingrich suggested that the G.O.P. symbol might be an elephant riding on a magic carpet which (if you look closer) proves to be a paycheck; while the Democrat’s symbol would be a Donkey living in a food stamp book teepee.  Gingrich also said that it was wrong for Republicans to talk about cutting Medicare since it left them open to being demagogued for the next decade and Medicare had only increased 14% under Obama while the federal side of Medicaid had risen 54% and food stamp costs had risen 60% under Obama, then he cited a food stamp increase from 33 million to 47 million Americans now on food stamp rolls an amazing 39.4% jump” in just two years.



Trump, Huckabee Drop-outs and Ex-Speaker’s

Implosion Puts Romney in Catbird Seat

For 2012 G.O.P. Presidential Nomination



               In a dramatic turn of events, the last three days marked climactic upheaval in the ranks of the Republican presidential candidates to replace Barack Obama in the Oval Office starting January, 2013.

               ITEM:  Mike Huckabee cited “spiritual reasons” for deciding NOT to contest the 2012 primary waters in an announcement made at the end of his Huckabee show on FOXNews channel Saturday.  With no effort at all, Huckabee was #2 in the polls among all candidates.  This is a huge game-changer among Republican and many other conservative voters.

               ITEM:  Pressured by his television network, NBC, Donald Trump announced today that he would NOT be running for president either.  Trump said “Business is my greatest passion and I’m not ready to leave the private sector.”  He also cited all the money that his hit show “Celebrity Apprentice” had been making for charity as a reason NOT to run.  Most pundits do NOT believe the Trump announcement changes much in the battle for 2012.  Most conservatives believed “The Donald” was moderate or even liberal; and had very little to offer conservative voters.  Especially after his recent foul-mouthed tirade, he’d lost a lot of his standing as a potential “statesman.”

               ITEM:  Only short days after announcing his decision to be a candidate for 2012 -- saying the election was the most important in America since Abraham Lincoln’s election in 1860 -- Newt Gingrich seemingly committed political suicide and greatly muddied the waters of the debate on Capitol Hill over raising the national debt ceiling and the Ryan Budget.  Gingrich (imitating Joe Biden??) offered not one but two terrific gaffes:

1)      He appeared to say that Obamacare was not so bad and that he personally supported something like it.

2)    He criticized Paul Ryan’s budget.  The Ryan budget which passed in the House with 238 Republican votes, Gingrich said was “radical.”  He continued, “I don’t support social-engineering from the right anymore than I support social-engineering from the left. 

               Unless Gingrich’s ploy will be to run as a Democrat and contest Obama in the primaries, his candidacy can no longer be regarded as valid.


               At this early stage these three key recent developments seem to put Mitt Romney in the driver’s seat.  He’ll presumably emerge with somewhere between 30-35% of the G.O.P. vote in upcoming polls.  He could have a lead of 2 ½ to 1 over his next closest rival presumably Gingrich (who had 15-16% in recent polls but hurt himself recently.  Rajjpuut believes that Mitch Daniels, Indiana Governor; Michelle Bachmann, Minnesota Representative; and businessman Herman Cain would benefit even more than Romney will from the three news items mentioned above.  The big winner, however, might just be the TEA Party.  Let’s look a bit closer at Romney and Gingrich and the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party . . . .

               Discussing Romney, put it this way, “Romney was having a terrible week.  His speech on health care was terrible.  With Massachusetts up in arms over Romney-care and Republicans dead set against the individual and employer mandate, his failure to repudiate his program would have cost him dearly.  But now he is sitting on top of the world.”  Much truth there but perhaps a bit too rosy a picture painted for Romney . . . .

               Morris later made a personal appearance on the Hannity show on FOXNews and opined that Gingrich had not actually hurt himself, but rather that people just got the out of context version from the mainstream media.  NOT HARDLY, Richard!  However, in Gingrich’s favor these things must be said.

               Besides the ignorant things he mentioned, Gingrich suggested that the G.O.P. symbol might be an elephant riding on a magic carpet which (if you look closer) proves to be a paycheck; while the Democrat’s symbol would be a Donkey living in a food stamp book teepee.  Gingrich also said that it was wrong for Republicans to talk about cutting Medicare since it left them open to being demagogued for the next decade and Medicare had only increased 14% under Obama while the federal side of Medicaid had risen 54% and food stamp costs had risen 60% under Obama.  Then he cited a food stamp increase from 33 million to 47 million Americans now on food stamp rolls an amazing 39.4% jump in 28 months.

               Michelle Bachmann, Morris told Hannity, would benefit because she might get a lot of the social-conservatives favoring Huckabee.  Since Bachmann is a TEA Party favorite and the emphasis of the TEAs is on fiscal- and Constitutional-conservativism, that does not compute . . . . Rick Santorum and possibly Sarah Palin would be more likely to gain in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion, with Bachmann and Herman Cain getting some lift as well.

               Morris said that “for Daniels, the withdrawal of Trump opens the way for him to become the main establishment business community rival to Romney.  And Huckabee's withdrawal opens the door for conservatives to support him as well.”  Morris thought that both Daniels and Bachmann needed to enter the race very soon.  Pawlenty, already in the tussle, was another one who Morris said would benefit greatly . . . but he left no doubt that in his view Romney might right now be the presumptive nominee.  Rajjpuut believes there’s a huge long way to New Hampshire not to mention the Oval Office and he doubts that Romney will get 30% of the Republican vote in Iowa or 25% in South Carolina.  Besides, who knows . . .  Chris Christy might just wind up running.


               Mitt Romney is the unquestioned early leader, that’s obvious.  But, the millstone of the Romneycare program in Massachusetts hangs heavy upon him.  His biggest worry has to be the TEA Party.  Romney has already pleaded with some TEA Party leaders for the TEAs NOT to run a third party candidate in 2012; some TEA Party folk recently took the opportunity after Romney’s weak Romneycare speech to call him “a walking hypocrite.” Surely  1) Michelle Bachmann, 2) Herman Cain, 3) Mitch Daniels and 4) Tim Pawlenty (after the three shake-ups this weekend) have to be considered far more compatible with the TEAs than Mitt Romney who is at best a moderate Republican and may because of his failure to repudiate Romneycare be looked upon by some as progressive (like Obama).  We’ve a long hot summer ahead of us . . . if one of these four separates himself or herself from the pack, Romney may be in jeopardy . . . then there’s the specter of a locked convention choosing Chris Christy as everyone’s favorite dark horse . . . we do live in exciting times.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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by: Trent Derr - Morning in America


Hey Soul Sister


“What’s the difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Lipstick!” And with that shot over the bow at the Republican National Convention, Sarah Palin announced her arrival on to the national political stage. From her position as a relatively unknown Governor of Alaska, Palin launched one of the most exciting Vice Presidential candidacies in U.S. history.


From the completion of that speech, even before McCain lost to Obama, there was the question about her aspirations regarding the Presidency. Will Sarah Run? And that question is still outstanding today. Although she hasn’t announced, she’s made several moves to improve her position if she does decide to run. She’s now a frequent commentator on Fox News, has written several books, has had a brief series on cable television on TLC, formed her own Political Action Committee, and most importantly threw her support behind many individuals in their respective state level candidacies. Yes, Sarah is collecting “chips”.    Continue...
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We have a lot of work ahead of us in 2011. I, for one, am thoroughly disappointed with the Republicans in the 111th Congress after the Nov elections. They let Obama end the lame-duck session a winner, even after a historic shellacking, and it could not have happened without Republican votes.
Time to keep score on who voted for what, and never let them forget it when the elections return.  I started a spreadsheet, in case anyone wants to use it (in Excel).
They're ba-ack. Read @AmSpec Jeffrey Lord's "Berwick Sets Up Death Panels By Fiat"
Contact Congress, and let them know this is NOT okay.
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If anything should get defeated Alaska incumbant senator Lisa Murkowski out of office, it's her unscrupulous act of getting radio host Dan Fagan fired at KQFD Alaska. Murkowski was fairly and squarly beaten in the primary by Tea Party endorsed Joe Miller, but like a greedy, spoiled, wanton child, she stomped her foot, and cried like a baby, demanding she stay in the race as a write-in candidate.


"This D.C. Beltway thuggery ruining our country."

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Rajjpuut's Folly: Used that Brain Lately?

Items of Interest for Thinking Americans
Item: According to pollsters at Rasmussen Reports, 43% of Americans believe that government programs increase poverty in the nation while just 22% of the nation’s likely-voting adults believe that those programs decrease poverty. 23% say they have no impact. 33% of all voters say the government anti-poverty programs are at least somewhat effective. 62% disagree and say they’re not effective. This includes 7% who believe the programs are Very Effective and 21% who say they are Not At All Effective.
Item: You GO, Arizona. They’ve done it again in Arizona where Proposition 106 (the Healthcare Freedom Act for Arizona) would amend the Arizona Constitution to prohibit any law from compelling any person, employer or health care provider to participate in any health care system, allow a person or employer to pay directly for lawful health care services without being penalized or fined, and allows health care providers to accept direct payment for lawful health care services without being penalized or fined. Besides Obamacare being a mad law in a multitude of ways and increasing the National Debt it’s horrifically complicated and creates 388 brand new federal agencies or offices. Yeah, Arizona!
Item: the recently defeated Defense Funding Bill had provisions about illegal aliens; openly homosexual behavior in the armed forces; and abortion . . . wonder if there was anything in there about the military’s budget?
Item: According to Rasmussen, 52% of Likely U.S. Voters say their own views are closer to Sarah Palin’s than they are to President Obama’s, while only 40% say their views are closer to the president’s than to those of the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate. Within the Political Class, however, 68% say their views are more like Obama’s, while 63% of Mainstream voters describe their own views as more like Palin’s.
Eighty-four percent (84%) of Republicans and 59% of voters not affiliated with either major party say their views are more like Palin’s. Eighty-one percent (81%) of Democrats say they think more like the president. White House Press secretary Robert Gibbs last week said Palin is perhaps “the most formidable force in the Republican Party right now,” but just 22% of all voters agree. Fifty-two percent (52%) do not believe Palin is the party’s most formidable force. Twenty-six percent (26%) aren’t sure.
Item: bumper stickers on a hybrid-electric car . . . “Save the polar bears, stop global warming” and “Don’t vote, it just encourages the bums” Sounds like the Dems are praying for a very light turnout . . . perhaps the bears will save them?
Item: Barack Obama’s aunt from Kenya, an illegal alien for several years, claims the U.S. now owes her an American citizenship.
Item: 50% of Americans give Obama a “poor” rating on economic issues, according to Rasmussen while 35% rate his performance on jobs and the economy as either excellent or good. 71% of Americans say the best way to create jobs is to cut taxes while only 17% prefer increased government spending as the best way to create jobs. In another poll, 61% of Americans want Obamacare repealed with 56% saying it will be bad for the country and 61% saying it will increase federal deficits and the national debt.
Item: Because of the new Obamacare regulations beginning to kick in or threatening to kick in by 2014, some insurance companies have dropped child coverage . . . which would soon be mandated till age 26 under their parents’ carrier by Obamacare and would even be required regardless of pre-existing circumstances no matter if the parents waited until their children were sick before signing up for coverage.
Item: Ever heard the term “shovel-ready?” The stimulus bill that funded a lot of $10,000 “your stimulus dollars at work” signs, liberal art projects and esoteric research grants immediately, but which was supposed to quickly get the country back to work with shovel-ready projects has apparently set up an almost impenetrable red-tape obstacle course for legitimate businesses seeking stimulus funds. Many reports exist of would-be employers spending a year or more seeking to clear legal hurdles thrown up before them to prevent their hiring of new people and receiving stimulus funds.
Item: Reports that officially the recession ended in May, 2009, appear to have been greatly exaggerated since the country’s lost more jobs than it created during the ensuing fifteen months.
Item: 56% of the HOPE-benefitted students (Helping Outstanding Students Educationally) did NOT need any financial help in Georgia (the originating state) and across the country and not surprisingly, HOPE programs are running out of money without helping very many needy students.
Item: Medical marijuana has caused police departments across the nation huge problems deciding who’s legal and who’s not and even who’s a dealer and who’s not.
Item: Remember Rachel Carson’s ecological disaster, ‘er ecological masterpiece Silent Spring? The sixty million malaria deaths that have occurred each year since DDT was banned (in 1971 only 43,000 deaths worldwide from Malaria occurred, today two million die from malaria annually) despite the paucity of scientific evidence (which actually amounts to zero scientific evidence) she provided have got scientists debating the virtue of a world without mosquitoes. Most say their environments might “hiccup” and then go on as normal. How do you kill several dozen TRillion of something? They’re working on it . . . . Rajjpuut suggests that mosquitoes, damn them, play an important role in pollination. The males (which don’t bite) are nectar drinkers and the scientists should know that. Kill ‘em, kill a lot of ‘em and prevent malaria and the other eight awful diseases they carry, but don’t go too far.
Item: President Obama recently denied that he and his administration have repeatedly vilified business and denied that Americans are growing frustrated with his job performance but he did it in a very strange way . . . “IF I was green or I was purple, people are still going to be upset if they have no job or they’re losing their home; we’ve done everything we could to buck up businesses.” Hmmmmm besides his grammar mistake . . . what exactly has the president’s color got to do with the economy? Somebody send the “too-cerebral” Barack a book on the subjunctive and remind him, that despite his much ballyhooed “post-racial presidency,” everything in this country is NOT related to someone’s skin color. And NO, MR. PRESIDENT, taking over businesses is NOT the same as bucking them up.
Item: The “Dream Bill” to benefit illegal aliens and “Don’t Ask-Don’t Tell” repeal amendments within the Obama defense budget proposal were rejected again today, both for the umpteenth time. There seems to be no statute of limitations for relief from facing ill-conceived laws.
Item: Why is it that no conservatives or Republicans ever mentions that 4.2% of Blacks voted for McCain and 48% of Whites voted for Obama (more than and a higher percentage than either Kerry or Gore received) when racism is implied as something that Whites only are guilty of?
Item: Some Republicans are coming to the rescue of Ms. Christine O’Donnell their Delaware senate nominee recently lambasted by Karl Rove and others. It seems to Ol’ Rajjpuut that Rove’s got it right and that Mr. Castle (whom O’Donnell defeated) was preferable to a one-time witch and an admitted present-time Marxist (Coombs, her Democratic opponent) . . . good work TEA Party Express.
Item: Obama’s still telling his “car in the ditch” lie . . . why don’t conservatives or Republicans remind the Democrats that with their help and ACORN’s abuse and 30 years of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee law and its expansions they took the country from ¼ of 1 percent bad home loans to 34% of all home loans being fiscally-irresponsible and granted at less than 3% down payment . . . why not remind progressives and Democrats that they created the sub-prime lending crisis and Obama’s treasury secretary recently said that without G.W. Bush’s 2007 law the recession would have been much deeper and home prices would have plummeted . . . why is this never mentioned?
Item: the Democrats and Obama Administration have made a big deal about them being behind “extending the Obama tax-cuts to the middle-class” while the Republicans, they say, want tax-cuts for millionaires. FACT CHECK. It is impossible to extend what doesn’t exist. There are no “Obama tax cuts for the middle-class” being presently discussed; the cuts in question are about nine years old now and were created by the Bush administration. Secondly, the Republicans want to extend tax-cuts to 100% of Americans while Obama wants to raise taxes on the job providers, the vast majority of which are not millionaires but rather individuals earning more than $200,000 or couples earning more than $500,000. Meanwhile Mr. Obama and his administration have pointedly refused to bring up legislation to extend his stimulus bill’s “Making Work Pay Tax Credit” which provided individuals up to $400 and couples up to $800 in credits from their withholding. If anything could be called an “Obama middle-class tax cut” that would have been it. But the Administration has pointedly NOT created a budget this year and any MWPTC tax cut extension would either have to be passed within the overall budget or raised as a separate item . . . which the Dems have also pointedly decided NOT to do thus far. Whatever names you call them by, eliminating such programs amounts to a willful tax increase which is a monstrously bad idea during a recession, much less a severe recession.
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“. . . two things work in O’Donnell’s favor: 1) Sarah Palin is backing her and 2) Sarah Palin is backing her because the Republican Senator Mike Castle is one of the most liberal Republicans in the nation. Castle actually supported Cap and Trade. The biggest thing against O’Donnell among practical considerations? Money, support and expertise are lacking, not to mention integrity.” Rajjpuut

Delaware Suggests TEA Party Express

is Harry Reid’s Creation

Loyal readers know that Rajjpuut is a Libertarian and has advised often and mightily against the TEA Party running their own candidates unless absolutely necessary. (As it was in upper state New York when the Republican Party last November gave a $1 Million campaign war chest to a woman running for the G.O.P. who was well to the left of the left-leaning Democratic candidate in a very conservative district. The TEA Party backed Conservative Party candidate chased her out of the race with only 5% support in the polls and came within an eyelash of victory.) If it’s necessary to run a TEA Party candidate, run an out and out third-party Conservative candidate of the highest level of integrity.

Several times now, the TEA Party Express has been behind very poor candidates and helped propel them to primary wins and Republican nominations. In effect these TEA Party Express candidates are giving aid and comfort to the progressive-Democrats on the ballot by creating an easily knocked off “straw-man” to campaign against. Such a candidate is Ken Buck in Rajjpuut’s Colorado. It is Rajjpuut’s firm conviction that the TEA Party Express is NOT a real TEA Party group it is a Harry Reid creation designed to get the poorest candidate to run against him in Nevada so Harry, the most hated man in America besides Barack Obama, would have an easy victory.

It’s happening again in Delaware in the fight for Joe Biden’s old senate seat. The TEA Party Express has supported the candidacy of one Christine O’Donnell. Like all TEA Party Express “candidates” she is virtually unelectable. Ms. O’Donnell has reportedly lied for 21 years about having a college degree which she was only just awarded this year. Ms. O’Donnell has a questionable tax and earnings situation. Ms. O’Donnell lied and said she took two of Delaware’s three counties in the most recent race against Biden . . . she actually won zero. Ms. O’Donnell has been violating campaign finance laws over the last six months.

The situation is not cut and dried, however; two things work in O’Donnell’s favor: 1) Sarah Palin is backing her and 2) Sarah Palin is backing her because the Republican Senator Mike Castle is one of the most liberal Republicans in the nation. Castle actually supports Cap and Trade. The biggest thing against O’Donnell among practical considerations? Money, support and expertise are lacking. Just as Sharon Angle (who was nominated by the TEA Party Express over two far better conservative candidates to unseat Harry Reid; then was left high and dry by the TEA Party Express once she’d won and only saved by’s incredible work in her behalf nationally) found out, the question is obvious, if an outside party wins a Republican primary and the Republican nomination, why in hell should the Republican Party support her financially? Indeed, since she’s such a poor candidate should anyone in their right mind support her?

Let’s look the situation over logically: it looks like a three-way LOSE-LOSE-LOSE situation for Conservatives in Delaware and around the country unless things change dramatically (more on that later). A) the Democrat’s candidate benefits by running against a presumably unelectable O’Donnell and wins B) O’Donnell somehow gets elected but because she has no apparent integrity or ability to practically manage her own life, the state gets a loser for a senator C1) Castle wins the primary against O’Donnell but his war chest is depleted and the in-fighting weakens him as a candidate and helps the Democrat win or C2) Castle wins and wins again and Delaware gets a fiscal RINO** and a Constitutional RINO again in the senate.

How much better for all involved if a real TEA Party candidate and an electable one was running, no? Only one thing can save the situation for Castle and presumably Delaware. He needs to sign the TEA Party Contract from America. He needs to admit his past stupidity. He needs to understand with all his soul . . . . and and

And pledge to the people of Delaware and to the Republican Party that he will embody the spirit of these three websites and of the Contract from America. Short of this rebirth, nothing good is liable to come out of Delaware

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Unfortunately, the concept of RINO (Republican in name only) has deeply hurt the G.O.P. coming and going. On the one hand you have people like the two Maine senators or Mr. Castle in Delaware or the upstate New Yorker mentioned earlier who just use Republican money to get elected and then prove themselves absolutely progressive/liberal on taxes, spending and the Constitution. On the other hand and even more dangerous, too many undesirable candidates like Ken Buck and Sharon Angle survive the primary process because of their “fidelity” to the old litmus tests and then prove UNelectable and cede the field to the progressives directly. One great thing, however, virtually any candidate who keeps his/her big trap shut and only opens it to speak about the Contract from America should prevail, even perhaps Ken Buck, Sharon Angle, and Christine O’Donnell. The trouble is this kind of “non-RINO” tends to give Conservatives a bad name because they’re stupid enough to be against (just to name one thing) abortion even in case of incest or rape or if the mother’s life is in danger. American women won’t stand for this kind of authoritarian stand on what they can do and endure with their own bodies. That Republican stance makes abortion on demand all but inevitable.

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Well, that is if you subscribe tocolumnist DeWayne Wickham’s way of thinking; which is possible if yousquint your eyes and twist your mind.

Wickham’s latestmasterpiece appeared today in USA Today (Aug. 31, 2010, p. 11A) and was,naturally, titled, “Jackson, Sharpton Rallies Carry More Influence ThanBeck’s.”

Which is why, I suppose, the media has spent so muchtime attacking Beck’s rally.

Anyhoo, the gist of Wickham’s littleessay is that suddenly old players like Jackson and Sharpton have theability to “spur” the “core constituency” of the Democratic Party,blacks, to get up off the couch and stop watching SportCenter (to borrowa phrase from obama) and head to the polls in November to rescue theDemocratic Party.

I use the term ‘black’ due to a Radio One pollin October 2008 that found 42% of those polled prefer to be called‘black’ rather than African American (

I’mall for giving this ultra-minority a voice.

While Wickham saysthe Jackson/Sharpton rallies will create Hope and Change V2.0, hepredicts that the Tea Party “will be short-lived.”

Where wereJackson, Sharpton, and their “core constituents” a month after obama’selection when Democrats were losing two seats in black districts inLouisiana – including New Orleans? Wickham’s charges were missing inGeorgia during a December 2008 Senate run-off election which was run by aRepublican by 15%. Why were Jackson, Sharpton, and Wickham notspurring their “core” to vote in 2009 during governor’s races inVirginia and New Jersey where surveys were showing drops in black voterturnout upwards to 40% as compared with the general election in 2008? (

Wickhamis placing much faith in an unreliable voting block and two uninspiringmen with racial chips on their shoulders.

The Tea Party, Wickhamsays, is a “21st century incarnation of the anti-immigrationKnow-Nothing Movement of the 1850s.” Thus the crux of his death knell.

HereWickham, like so many, confuse the extreme nativist ideology of theKnow-Nothings with the reasonable, conservative anti-illegal immigrationbelief of the Tea Partiers.

The difference on this point is aswide as a Reagan victory over Jimmy Carter.

Due to the majoritytwo-party hold on our politics, and given the fact that members of bothmajor parties and states like Michigan are fighting to keep a formal TeaParty party off election ballots, we most likely will not be able tocompare electoral successes between the two movements.

TheKnow-Nothings, prior to imploding due to their extremism, did have someelectoral success.

Formally known as the American Party, theKnow-Nothings actually won 62 seats in the U.S. House of Representativesduring the 1854 midterm elections.

They made their way onto the1856 Presidential ballot with candidate Millard Fillmore, who receivednearly 1 million votes.

This, and more, from a party thatbasically morphed its way into being seen as a joke.

However, TeaParty support has led to more elective offices for their supportedcandidates than has the support of obama for his chosen candidates.

Wickhamwastes his time comparing a formal political party built on an extremeanti-immigration ideology with a group aligned to support candidatesthat support various conservative issues.

Wickham and Sharptonare filled with vigor when liberal groups march and coalesce for acandidate and a cause, but are threatened and become hypocritical whenconservatives choose a similar path to make their voices heard.

I’mjust surprised Wickham didn’t bring up Sarah Palin.

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In case State-run CNN wonders why they are losing their audience, a picture speaks a thousand words. Their deception and biased reporting has them in last place where they belong. CNN reported "dozens" attended the Searchlight, NV Tea Party Rally where Sarah Palin spoke.

Dozens attend Searchlight Tea Party Rally? Really?

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What would Ronald Reagan think of the TEA Party movement today, and what would he think of Sarah Palin? In a recent interview with MSLSD's Hardball and HLN's Joy Behar Show, his left leaning son, Ron, would have you believe President Reagan would have looked down on the tea partiers. Since much of Ronald Reagan's success came from the grass roots, I would have to disagree, as does his oldest son Michael, who played a much bigger role in his campaign.

Ronald Reagan Would Have Supported Tea Party Movement, Says Son

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