of (105)

Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of a minor victory by the Mexican military  over the French during the late 1800s; that has now resulted in a decree by  which American students must reverse their shirts or face expulsion for  potentially “inciting racial violence.”  This disgusting restriction of the  First Amendment right of these students is a clear sign something is seriously  wrong in not just California, but in our country.

Our national experiment always worked because immigrants assimilated to the  culture those American patriots (some wearing white powdered wigs) helped create  when they went to war with the British and dared challenge King George III’s  tyranny.

Today, our national experiment is fragmenting because of decisions like the  one by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which basically stated: “The  court said fears of racial violence by students outraged over the American flag  displayed on the T-shirts outweighed the right guaranteed by the  Constitution.”  Call me crazy (and I’m sure many of you do), but in this  situation I’m not sure what is worse: an American court of appeals blatantly  infringing upon the First Amendment rights of American citizens or immigrants,  who have voluntarily chosen to reside in this country, being incited to violence  by the mere appearance of its flag.

So to put this into the appalling perspective it deserves, because some  American kids dared to wear American flag shirts on Cinco de Mayo, the court  declared the fear of racial violence outweighed the right guaranteed by the  Constitution.

What was the point of the American Revolution if students in this country  will be told they can’t wear the flag of their country on their shirt, because  it might offend and create racial blowback/violence?

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2014/03/zero-tolerance-for-patriotism/#OpD2oOOhTqmVpt4Y.99

Now what?

I pledge allegiance to the FLAG of the United States of American....What Happened?

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Tanner, "What does this mean?
Tanner, "What does this mean?

If you are the parent of a child with special needs are autism you will understand this story better than mosts.

Ever have a child on the spectrum have a melt down, normal need, or seemingly tantrum for no need drive you crazy?  I don't mean where you were going to do bodily harm to a child.  I mean where you felt you were a bad mother, worthless because you couldn't figure out how to help your child and more things like this.

I will give you one or two short examples.

My son is autistic, has Asperger's or High Functioning Autism.  Labels only meant something for me as a jumping point to reasearch how to help him the best I could. Otherwise, I really do hate labels; except when filing insurance claims and then I want as many labels as I can think of.

Tanner, my son, had a three hour meltdonw at fifteen months.  He cried, screamed and I think did some head banging if I am not mistaken on my recall. I did all the motherly things.  I tried to hold and comfort him.  Now I know routine is important to all kids but this goes beyond that.

I went outside to take a two minute deep breath.  Most likely this was much shorter but helped me recompose myself.  I was so out a lose as what to do for Tanner. I know he was miserable but everything I tried didn't work.

I need stories from mothers to put in my book.  I don't just want my stories. I want major stories of meltdowns to help young mothers.  Young couples have a rough time of it dealing with this.  I am sure it strains realtionships.  Help me help younger mothers, fathers and professionals by giving me your stories.

Get rich? My goal? Not really! It is going to cost me to get the book published. I am positive in my abilities but I may fail.  I want to, once I have reached costs back and a specific point...trust me....I want to do this..reach a point where 50% of my profits are given to charity of autism, special needs and such charities.

Back to my story.  Can you guess what he wanted? How it was resolved?  Well, Tanner finally figued it out by himself.  He went to the diswaher, at fifteen months, opened it and got his favorite cup out.  Autistics love routine, rituals and odd behaviors.

Think how much we can give to younger parents!  Give them a jump on the learning curve by sharing such stories.   Have an idea for an autism book you think should be covered? Email me at ollamok@aol.com  or post it on this facebook page   www.facebook.com/Tell.It.Once.4Autism. Comment on my blog.

Let me interview you for my book.  You have knowledge and expertise that is worth telling. Tell me so I can Tell It ONce and For Autism!

More examples will follow in other posts.

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1. The U.S. Constitution provides in Article II, Section 4, thus: “The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”.


2. The Constitution does not state what constitutes “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”. Nor can the Federal Judiciary do so since there is no right to appeal an impeachment to any of its courts. An impeachment is a political, not a judicial, decision, and so is the definition of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”. At stake is not the impeached officer’s property, liberty, or life. Rather, We the People, the source of all political power, take back through our representatives in Congress the office that we gave the officer. Thus, whether the President commits an impeachable ‘High Crime or Misdemeanor’ when he lies to the People is a matter for the latter and their representatives to decide.


3. Had the Constitution provided for impeachment only for “High Crimes”, the conduct underlying the impeachment would have to attain a particularly conspicuous level of unacceptability to become a ‘High Crime’. But also “Misdemeanors” support an impeachment. Hence, the level of unacceptability of a certain conduct does not determine whether it is impeachable. Nor does it affect the punishment, for impeachment always leads to the officer being “removed from Office”.


4. An impeachment is in the nature of a recall, that is, the procedure under the federal Constitution for effectuating the principle, “the People giveth, and the People taketh away”. They are the masters in government of, by, and for them. Officers are public servants and as such are answerable to their masters, the People, who can impeach them.


5. Therefore, the impeachability of an officer who lies must be determined in light of:

a.         the circumstances evidencing that he knew that his statement was counterfactual so that his making it anyway was deceptive, a lie, and as a result, a betrayal of public trust on which his forfeiture of public office can be predicated;

b.         the motive for lying, and

c.         the consequences of the lie, even if unintended, for an officer who due to incompetence cannot foresee the consequences of his lie is also impeachable.

    A.      The circumstances evidencing knowledge of a counterfactual statement

6. Let’s make such determination concerning President Obama’s vouching to the American public for the honesty of his first nominee to the Supreme Court, Then-Judge Sotomayor(*>http://Judicial-Discipline-Reform.org/OL/DrRCordero-Honest_Jud_Advocates.pdf >jur:65§1). The circumstances evidencing his knowledge that his statement was counterfactual are these:


*NOTE: All (parenthetical) and [bracketed] blue text is references to supporting passages and footnotes, respectively, found in the study, Exposing Judges' Unaccountability and Consequent Riskless Wrongdoing: Pioneering the news and publishing field of judicial unaccountability reporting. That study is in the file downloadable through the external link http://Judicial-Discipline-Reform.org/OL/DrRCordero-Honest_Jud_Advocates.pdf. In the study and everything else in the file, the blue text represents active cross-referential internal links that facilitate jumping to supporting passages and footnotes to check them.

a.         The New York Times, The Washington Post, and Politico[107a] had suspected her of concealing assets. Concealment of assets is a crime[ol:5fn10] committed to evade taxes or launder money of its illegal source and bring it back with the appearance of being lawful so as to invest it openly without the risk of self-incrimination attached to investing dirty, unlawfully obtained money.


b.         The FBI must have investigated such suspicion of concealment of asset, for it could have derailed J. Sotomayor’s confirmation. Using its subpoena and search and seizure power, it must have compelled production of, and obtained, documents that even those three major news entities could not obtain employing only the means of lawful investigative journalism. Had the FBI found a satisfactory explanation that dispelled the suspicion, it would have given it to the President, who would have made it public to put the issue to rest and spare himself a major embarrassment, much worse than that experienced by P. Bush when Harriet Miers withdrew her name under criticism that she lacked the qualifications needed to be a justice.

          No such explanation was ever publicized. Far from it, these news entities dropped the issue inexplicably and simultaneously. Yet, each could have reasonably expected to win a Pulitzer Prize had it found the concealed assets of J. Sotomayor or led her or the President to withdraw her name, or even caused her to resign as a circuit judge, never mind be indicted for concealing assets. Was there a quid pro quo between the President and those entities?(jur:xlviii)


c.         J. Sotomayor filed “complete” financial statements with the Senate Committee on the Judiciary in response to its two judicial nomination questionnaires and questions in letters. The Committee posted them on its website[107b]. To avoid embarrassing surprise(cf. jur:93¶211), the FBI must have done its due diligence by checking them against the statements that she had submitted to the President while he was considering candidates for his nomination. It would have been cause for grave concern if she had submitted inconsistent statements. After tabulating the figures in the statements filed with the Senate, they lead to this conclusion:


Judge Sotomayor earned $3,773,824 since 1988 + received $381,775 in loans = $4,155,599 + her 1976-1987 earnings, yet disclosed assets worth only $543,903 thus leaving unaccounted for in her answers to the Senate Judiciary Committee $3,611,696 - taxes and the cost of her reportedly modest living[107c.i]


7. President Obama’s lie can be established or dispelled by circumstantial evidence, and also objectively, e.g., by his agreeing to release unredacted all the FBI vetting reports on J. Sotomayor.

     B.      The motive for lying

8.   The motive of the President to lie about J. Sotomayor’s honesty was to curry favor with those who were petitioning him to replace Retiring Justice Souter with a woman and the first Latina, and from whom he expected in return their support to pass through Congress the Obamacare bill. That was the central piece of his legislative agenda, the one in which he had a personal interest because its continued validity by the Supreme Court upholding its constitutionality would make him go down in history as the president who managed to pass universal health care while many others had failed trying to do so.

    C.      The consequences of lying

9.   The consequences of the President’s lying by vouching for J. Sotomayor’s honesty are substantially harmful and lasting. With respect to those who supported her confirmation for the Supreme Court, it constituted fraud in the inducement, for he told them a lie to induce them to support the confirmation of a person whom on his word they took for honest.


10. With respect to those petitioning for another women and the first Latina, it constituted fraud in the performance, for they could reasonably expect that out of a population of over 300 million people and the pool drawn from it of women and Latinas qualified to be justices, he would choose one who was also honest and would not disappoint and embarrass them by being exposed later on as dishonest.


11. The president heads the Executive Branch. His duty is to execute the bills of Congress enacted into law. His execution of Congress’s acts through his enforcement of the law is his function; it is not optional with him. His office carries neither discretionary power to enforce the law nor the power to exempt at will anybody from its enforcement. The president must enforce the law on everybody equally, as provided by law, including tax, financial, and criminal laws.


12. By failing to enforce those laws on J. Sotomayor, President Obama committed dereliction of duty. By so failing, he also compounded the crime because he knew of her concealment of assets, and should have known if instead of looking with willful blindness at NYT, WP, and Politico’s suspicion that she had concealed assets, and looking away with willful ignorance(jur:90§§b-c), he had diligently performed his duty to vet her properly.


13. Since Obamacare had not been passed by Congress yet, the President could not possibly have nominated J. Sotomayor for a justiceship because she happened to agree with its provisions, for nobody knew what the bill would look like in its final form, that is, if it were ever passed. Moreover, the Democrats have been criticized for having rushed Obamacare through Congress with almost no debate so that the members had barely any opportunity to read it. The fact that the bill ran well in excess of 1,000 pages made it all the more difficult for anybody to read it in its entirety Thus, it is reasonable to assume that she had not read it either.


14. By the President not enforcing the law on J. Sotomayor upon an explicit or implicit agreement that in exchange for nominating her to the Supreme Court she would support the constitutionality of Obamacare when, as expected, it came before the Court for review, he committed bribery. In that unlawful swap of benefits, the President abused his power of nomination to turn his nomination of her into the benefit that he gave. In exchange, he obtained the benefit of an agreement to prejudge Obamacare to be constitutional, whereby he intended to deprive the challenging party of its right to its day in court before a fair and impartial judge; and intended to obstruct justice. Since J. Sotomayor was a public officer, the President committed an act of corruption of a public officer.


15. To vouch for J. Sotomayor’s honesty, President Obama covered up her concealment of assets. Since that is a crime, id. >he became an accessory after the fact for the crime already committed. He also became an accessory before the fact for the crime that he knew she would continue to commit, for J. Sotomayor could not thereafter declare her concealed assets without her sudden and unexplainable possession of such assets incriminating her. Therefore, relative to her continuing crime of keeping assets concealed, the President incurs continuing accessorial liability.


16. Assets are concealed to evade taxes and launder money of their unlawful origin. When the President lied to cover up J. Sotomayor’s concealment of assets, he abetted and continues to abet her evasion of taxes, which are collected for the common good. So he inflicted a financial injury in fact on the people and still inflicts a continuing financial injury in fact. By allowing her to engage in money laundering, he facilitated and continues to facilitate financial corruption.


17. A judge who breaks the law shows contempt for it and those whose interests it intends to protect. She cannot reasonably be expected to respect the law enough to apply it fairly and impartially. In fact, due to practical considerations, she cannot because a yet to be exposed law-breaking judge is impaired by a conflict of interests: She has a duty to apply the law, but her application of it can lead to investigations and the incrimination of third parties. They can expose her law-breaking and cause those parties to enter into a plea bargain whereby in exchange for leniency they provide information or testimony exposing the judge’s law-breaking.


18. The risk of exposure undermines her resolve to apply the law and renders her vulnerable to, and extortionable by, third parties. She owes a debt of survival to those who did not, or have agreed explicitly or implicitly not to, expose her. Her mutually dependent survival, assured through coordination(88§a) becomes her first concern; doing justice is downgraded to only a request of litigants. Her unfitness to discharge the duties of her office is foreseeable. Such foreseeability makes applicable the principle that a person is deemed to intend the reasonable consequences of his acts.


19. By the President nominating for a justiceship J. Sotomayor, whom he knew to be breaking the law by concealing assets, and by causing senators to shepherd her confirmation through Congress(78§6), he exercised power irresponsibly since he exercised power irresponsibly since he intentionally caused a person known to him to be unfit for office to be vested with it. He also intentionally and knowingly undermined the institutional integrity of the Supreme Court, the Federal Judiciary, and the process of judicial confirmation.


20. By so doing, the President has intentionally and knowingly inflicted on the American people the dishonest service of J. Sotomayor. For her next 30 years or so on the Supreme Court, just as she helps shape the law of the land that she will hold others to obey, she will continue to break it and harm others so as to resolve her conflict of interests in favor of her survival(jur:xxxv), her peers(jur:71§4), and those who can expose a source(jur:66§§2-3) of assets to conceal and the whereabouts of her concealed assets.

    D.      Action that the readers, journalists, and We the People can take

21. The readers of this article may share it with journalists and the rest of the national public. Informed of its considerations at the start of the mid-term election campaign, the public may demand that all candidates and politicians ask the President to release unredacted all the FBI vetting reports on Justice Sotomayor. If they raise concerns about her asset-concealing or other law-breaking, then he had at least circumstantial evidence requiring that he not vouch for her honesty because to do so was counterfactual and knowingly deceptive: a lie. Given his motive for, and the consequences of, lying, We the People and our current and would-be representatives can determine whether his lie constitutes an impeachable ‘High Crime or Misdemeanor’.

22. Journalists can pursue an investigation(ol:66) guided by a proven devastating query(jur:4¶¶10-14) that can dominate the campaign: What did the President know[23b] about J. Sotomayor’s concealment of assets and when did he know it?(ol:54)

Dare trigger history!(dcc:11)…and you may enter it.

http://Judicial-Discipline-Reform.org/OL/DrRCordero-Honest_Jud_Advocates.pdf >ol:70


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By Oscar Y. Harward


GOP Speaker John Boehner, GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, GOPAC President David Avella, Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas J. Donohue, Karl Rove, and many others associated with our GOP leadership appears to be leaning on ‘fiscal’ issues and deserting the GOP ‘social’ principals as clearly defined in our Republican Party Platform.


First, for the first time in Republican Party history, our GOP leaders’ ‘chosen ones’ are taking their own liberties to take RNC monies and redirect these resources to support their own choice ‘RINO’ Republicans and defeat Conservative TEA Party Republicans in Primary Elections; something Republican Party’s leadership officials have never done before without a justifiable reason.  GOP leaders are forcing their own opinions the same as many of us have charged Labor Union leaders in cramming their own political opinions down their own paying members throats.


Do not allow Republicans In Name Only (RINO) Republican leaders to convince you of their own ‘falsified’ information as some are suggesting they are changing their direction.  ‘RINO’ Republicans are still fighting to defeat Conservative TEA Party Republicans in primaries NOW; while at the same time they are splintering the Conservative base of the Republican Party.


Secondly, these same individuals in our GOP leadership have decided to join President Obama, Sen. Harry Reid, Rep. Nance Pelosi, and other leading Democrats to support ‘illegal’ immigration, and maybe leading to ‘Amnesty’.


How much more debt can Americans stand for and be responsible?  Are Capitol Hill Republicans willing to stand tall and admit they are directly responsible for additional deficit spending  for the added cost of ‘illegal’ immigration legislation?  They must admit this legislation will increase unemployment; not to mention more government outlay for food, housing, Health Care, education, etc.


Right now, we have some 20 Million ‘illegal’ immigrants in our great nation with most receiving Government assistance; more than 14 times of ‘illegal’ immigrants in the USA than the entire US Military all around the world.


Thirdly, you can ‘betcha’ that GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Speaker of the House John Boehner will join in and support of President Obama, Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, other Capitol Hill ‘Liberal’ Democrats, and RINO Republicans to raise our liability and extend even more obligation to the $17+ Trillion of National Debt; all to be left for our children and their children to pay.


Forth, since the 9/11/2012 attack leaving 4 Americans dead in Benghazi, Libya, Speaker Boehner has been stalling the House investigation. It was in this, somewhat time-frame, when John Boehner seemed to change.  Could it be that Speaker Boehner was drinking too much of President Obama’s government paid ‘wine’ and spoke unprofessionally, agreed on an anti-American issue, or acted otherwise illegal and/or immoral while visiting with President Obama in the White House and being recorded on audio and/or video?


In Summary, our GOP leaders across the board in Washington, DC have changed.  If current Capitol Hill Republicans ‘lack the integrity’ to ‘stop-the-deficit-spending’, who will and when will it start?  I am depending on Conservative TEA Party Republicans to accomplish the necessary actions to ‘stop-the-spending’ and restore our ‘social issues’ and our ‘freedoms’ in saving our precious nation, if it is not too late.

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By Oscar Y. Harward


GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is complaining that President Obama continues to silence Conservatives.  It appears President Obama and Senate Minority Leader may be on a ‘separate team’ working for the ‘same objectives’; to defeat Conservative ‘TEA Party’ Republicans.


RNC Chairman, Reince Preibus; Mitch McConnell; Speaker of the House, John Boehner; other RINO leaders, Chamber of Commerce President, Thomas J. Donohue, and others have joined together agreeing they will spend Chamber and Republican National Committee (RNC) money to defeat Conservative ‘TEA Party’ Republican candidates in GOP primaries.


Americans are fed up with more growing of deficit spending in the White House and on Capitol Hill.  Republicans and Independents are asking ‘Conservative ‘TEA Party’ Republicans to stop the ‘deficit’ spending of what now exceeds more than $17 Trillion of debt; left for our children and their children to pay.  Republicans and Independents are turning to ‘Conservative ‘TEA Party’ Republicans’ to restore our Constitution and its’ freedoms.


GOP leaders may be misleading Republican legislators to support the Chamber of Commerce on new ‘illegal’ immigration legislation leading to Amnesty; legislation that will expand Democrat Party registrations and even more government spending.


As Michelle Malkin says,  “If you are a business owner who believes your country should strictly and consistently enforce its borders and deport illegal immigrants who violate the US Code, the laws of this nation, the terms of their visas; the U.S. Chamber of Commerce doesn't represent you.”


President Obama, Democrats, and Chamber of Commerce President Donohue, are leading Capitol Hill Republican leadership around as if they have a rope attached to a ring in their nose; lacking leadership with character.


Unfortunately, (y)our GOP leadership appears to have joined President Obama and the Democrat Party in turning their backs on Conservative ‘TEA Party’ Republican candidates and the GOP Platform.

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3 Minutes for Your Children & Grandchildren


Please friends take a minute to send the Speaker of the House John Boehner a message for Monday, spread the word and let’s keep it up every day – it only takes three minutes and you’re done.  Ask your friends, relatives and family to do the same thing.  We must learn how to have our voice heard and we can learn to use the social media the same way Obama has used it to win 2 Presidential Elections.

Here’s the url to put in your browser:               http://www.speaker.gov/contact

Here’s the message I tweeted to him, sent him an email and did the same on Facebook, but everyone can craft their own little personal message.  

“We the people don’t want “Amnesty” on the table in 2014 period – we want the five scandals resolved that have threatened millions of Americans and we want you to either do your job as an American Patriot or kindly step down, Mr. Boehner.” 

If you have an extra 3 minutes send one to Harry Reid - 

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This is nothing less than an outrage!!  We need to abolish DHS and DO IT NOW!!!!!!!  I feel really bad for this lady.  If I had the six grand I would give it to her myself and help her arrange a trip bypassing the USA.  Please let me know what you think.  Blessings Andrew

Ellen Richardson went to Pearson airport on Monday full of joy about flying to New York City and from there going on a 10-day Caribbean cruise for which she’d paid about $6,000.

But a U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent with the Department of Homeland Security killed that dream when he denied her entry.

“I was turned away, I was told, because I had a hospitalization in the summer of 2012 for clinical depression,’’ said Richardson, who is a paraplegic and set up her cruise in collaboration with a March of Dimes group of about 12 others.

The Weston woman was told by the U.S. agent she would have to get “medical clearance’’ and be examined by one of only three doctors in Toronto whose assessments are accepted by Homeland Security. She was given their names and told a call to her psychiatrist “would not suffice.’’

Read more at http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2013/11/28/disabled_woman_denied_entry_to_us_after_agent_cites_supposedly_private_medical_details.html

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NPR111%rs Milita MO 1 Brigade

im glad to be here fellow patriots my new milita NPR111%rs MO 1 brigade were are new and apart of a large regualted MILITA FORCE!, (non hate,not radicals) most are military vets like myself! were looking for willing patriots to take a stand with us in Defense,protecting our given American FREEDOMS and perserve those same rights for future generations!! if anyone one here who will answer THE CALL OF DUTY!! email me or go to nprmobrigade.webs.com/ and apply today all are welcome 

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of the Tea Party of the United States of America

In the United States of America

October 18, 2013

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness – That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

We, therefore, the Representatives of the Tea Party of the United States of America, appealing to Almighty God for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name, and by authority of the good people of these United States, solemnly publish and declare, that the Tea Party of the United States is, and of right ought to be a free and independent political party; that it is absolved from all allegiance to the Republican Party of the United States, and that all political connection between them and the Republican Party of the United States, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a free and independent political party, we have full power to present candidates for national, state, and local government offices and elections,  petition the government for redress, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish commerce, and to do all other acts and things which independent political parties may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.

National Tea Party Headquarters:

713 Cedar Drive Suite 19

Fairborn, Ohio 45324

Temporary email:


WE, the undersigned hereby affix our names to this document:

Mark R. Winkle, Founding member

To have your name added, email me at teapartyunitedstates@gmail.com

Documents will be filed by the end of this year to establish the Tea Party as a separate political party.

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The Soviet Leader, Kruschev visited the US under the guise that he wanted to learn about our agriculture. It was during this visit that he made his famous comments, which I fear are not discussed in todays school rooms. The comment at the bottom is from the Secretary that toured the visitor at the direction of then current President Eisenhower. Mr. Benson thought they were ahead of schedule to do what was promised by Kruschev back in 1968. He may have been right or not, but surely now that the keystone has been laid for a new socialized America with Obama care we are well down the road to a transformed America, as Obama has promised. I hope and pray that this destruction of America can be stopped and Obama's DREAM can be stopped too. I want America the Judeo-Christian super power nation with our Constitution and all of our  Bill of RIght's intact  and not transformed into Obama's Fabian world.


President Eisenhower, Kruschev had expressed a desire to learn something of American Agriculture — and after seeing Russian agriculture I can understand why. As we talked face to face, he indicated that my grandchildren would live under communism. After assuring him that I expected to do all in my power to assure that his and all other grandchildren will live under freedom he arrogantly declared in substance:

“ ‘You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already have communism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy until you’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.’

“And they’re ahead of schedule in their devilish scheme.” (Ezra Taft Benson “Our Immediate Responsibility.” Devotional Address at Brigham Young University. circa 1968.”) [access the audio file on this page.]

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My original title for this post was the declaration “No More Politics!” However, Politics is not a bad thing it is a necessary thing. It becomes a bad thing when it is a profession. It is the Reids, Pelosis, Boxers and yes, the Boehners, McCarthys, McCains and Cantors that make politics ‘a bad thing’.
An understanding of the Federalist Papers and the Constitution of the United States makes it plain that this was to be a nation of individuals. Even John Jay, a member of the Continental Congress, writer of five of the Federalist Papers, the first Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and the original “Liberal” was devoted to the individual; his rights and his freedoms.
It has been said many times and in many ways that where the people fear their government there is tyranny; where the government fears the people there is liberty.
OK, enough preamble what is the solution? The solution is cradled in a thing called a Convention of States or, more popularly a COS. A COS is a convention in each state called by the people of that state and voted on in each states legislature to propose amendments to the constitution. Prohibition was repealed by such a COS.
It is interesting to note that at no point does the President have a role in the formal amendment process (though he would be free to make his opinion known). He cannot veto an amendment proposal, or ratification. This point is clear in Article 5.
The COS I am talking about here has never been used by the American people, but it is time it is used. We need to have a concerted effort by the PEOPLE to reign in the power mad DC elite. This country was founded with the idea of ‘citizen legislators’ as outlined, again, in the Federalist Papers. There is a growing movement to do just that. I refer you to the Citizens for Self Governance at www.SelfGovern.com. This is a movement and a web site that was initiated by lawyers and American Patriots to get this job done and it, WE, need your help to fulfill this dream for America. The site is in the organizational stages for the convention and need all kinds of volunteers. Remember each state has to be in on the effort. Approval by three fourths of the states is needed for enactment.
Think for a minute about a nation where the elected officials are limited in the length of service, unable to exempt themselves out of any laws, and required to be elected by citizens that can prove they are citizens each time they vote. Can you say “Voter ID”? Case in point regarding that last one: Harry Reid, after his first election to the senate from Nevada has gone into election day a serious underdog and arose the next morning as the top dog, I keep wondering how that happens.
Think about being a part of such an historical effort.
This is a movement that can make the changes we were looking for when BOH promised changes and delivered a nightmare. It needs all kinds of help from state directors and public speakers; district captains and people to help with the coffee for meetings. If you believe in the need for real grassroots change back to a government “… of the people, for the people and by the people.” Please at least take a look at that web sight and then decide to put in your two cents worth.

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4063750308?profile=original  America’s heartland must fight to keep “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance


Fifty-nine years ago young children all across America walked into their respective schoolrooms and with pride bursting in their young chests they recited the Pledge of Allegiance. There was a new and deeper meaning reflected in the addition to this pledge because the words “under God” were inserted to read, in full, “one nation under God.”

Since that momentous year millions of elementary school students all across America have recited this pledge – some hoping that their teacher will select them to stand in front of the classroom to proudly lead the recitation. Yet deep within the hardened hearts of some in America – led by infamous atheists like Madalyn Murray O’Hair – a concerted effort began to tear God away from children in public schools.

That effort has been renewed by an atheist couple in Massachusetts. They are attacking the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance’s “under God” phrase. They claim in their Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court case that, the words are exclusionary to their atheist children and violate their kids’ rights under the Equal Rights Amendment of the Massachusetts Constitution.

One has to understand the full dimension and scale of this nearly sixty plus year assault upon maintaining God in the Pledge of Allegiance which began with infamous atheist Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s frontal assault in the 1940’s and 1950’s. She waged a successful effort to remove prayer from public schools, and assisted the growing effort of the secularization of America. The goal was to create a socialist nation which undermined and removed the basic biblical principles of character and heartland values the nation’s children.

In 2004, 50 years had passed since the adoption of “under God” in the pledge and O’Hair’s war on God in America, when the U.S. Supreme Court took up a case that challenged the phrase. The court ruled unanimously ruled that the phrase “under God” may remain in the Pledge of Allegiance as recited in public school classrooms. Nine years ago, many felt the nation’s heritage of respecting God in the Pledge of Allegiance was safe. It was not.


In 2007, just three years later, the Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit defending the constitutionality of the Texas Pledge of Allegiance which includes ‘one state under God’. Attorney General Abbott stated then, “Just as it is perfectly constitutional for Texas schoolchildren to pledge their allegiance to ‘one nation under God,’ it is also constitutional for students to pledge their allegiance to ‘one state, under God.” The Texas Attorney General was successful.


One has to ask, to what end and for what purpose does removal of God from the state of Texas public schools or from America’s national Pledge of Allegiance or removing his son Jesus Christ from the public square announcing his birth mean?


The clear and convincing purpose of atheists and secularists who denounce God and denounce Christ is to extinguish America’s connection to God in our spirit, in our heart, and most importantly in our soul. The purpose is to eradicate God and Christ and the principles and values that they exemplify as if they never existed.



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Imagine That

Imagine that.

The WW II Memorial was OPEN and unattended prior to the shutdown deadline at midnight.


Now, WHO decided that employees to fence off the Memorial were Critical ( the opposite of non-essential) and issued the order to barricade the Memorial? Was it Boehner?, Cruz?.... WHO... WHO has that authority?


I saw the ...unattended... barricades and thought.....wouldn't it be wonderful if citizens decided to pitch in and help out. They could volunteer to open the barricades for our Honored Veterans.


Would Harry Reid. Send in the troops?


This morning I read that obama sent in more guards… you know… the ones who were furloughed because the "Republicans" shut down the Gov’t.

  1. I learn something new every day

             Some Gov’t employees can’t be furloughed because they are “critical to the Nation’s Defense”… they are needed to defend against the 80+ year old Veterans who want to visit THEIR Memorial

But I still have an ongoing mystery. If you know anything that will help me out, please share it. Here is my Mystery

Which Republican issued the command to shut down the Gov’t? …. Who?... Which one? …. Rep Mark Sanford?... Who?.... Who has that authority?


I have a second Mystery. My understanding is that the House of Representatives is assigned the responsibility (check the Constitution) to authorize funds to operate the Gov’t.

= = = =

Congress has authority over financial and budgetary matters, through the enumerated power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. The Sixteenth Amendment, ratified in 1913, extended power of taxation to include income taxes.[1] The Constitution also grants Congress exclusively the power to appropriate funds. This power of the purse is one of Congress' primary checks on the executive branch.[1]

 Check it out       Power of the Purse

= = = =

But Gang Obama and henchmen reid and pelosi  call it blackmail or extortion.

They know blackmail and extortion well from getting obamacare passed into law.

I think I read that piglosi said we HAVE to Open the Gov’t to see what’s in it......

I think NOT.... it is evident that our Gov't has been hijacked.

When Congress does its job and exercises Power of the Purse, obamadoesn't llike it and throws a terrible-twos TANTRUM

Keep it shut down and SAVE $$$$$$$$$$$$




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An average $64,300 annual worker output cost originates from Dec, 2012 BLS $42,537 wage @34.4/hr work week - adjusted to $49,462 (40/hr) - plus (30%) employer paid tax (FICA, workman’s & unemployment comp, fringes, etc.).    It’s the raw average employee cost paid by lawful employers.  (employee pay deductions are about 25% income & FICA)


1) Legitimate law abiding employers pay $27,204 tax, employer paid30%/employee paid (25%) and employees get $37,096 of the $64,300 total @ 40hr/week.   2)  Criminal tax evading alien employers pay criminal aliens $12,480 for the $64,300 output and pocket the $51,820 balance (415% clear profit).    3) Criminal employers can lower prices from zero to $51,820 to eliminate law abiding competition and employees.    Competition will End!   Next, globalists will move “production” to China and pay perhaps $0.60/hr because “America can’t compete”!     It’s a cycle of bloating labor supply, poverty wages, joblessness, bankruptcy, and insanity where citizens turn everything into smoke and ash.   (Marxist revolution)

$51,820 x 100= $5,182,000

GET STRONG, DETERMINED and UNBENDING - make your legislator explain what's happening, why there are no prosecutions, and what fingers do they have in the pie!    If they need prosecuting, demand it at a state or local level.    Holder will lose his grip when the masses turn on his blatant lawlessness!

When you lift the rock, it's not a single snake, it's an unending bed of vipers, such as who pays for it, will the nation collapse, and what are the consequences.       Criminals can be held accountable in a court of law!

19 million (12.1%) were unemployed and looking for work in June and another potential 23 million equivalent jobs were lost due to working a questionable 34.5 hours instead of 40

PASS IT ON - MAKE THIS SUMMER HOTTER THAN HELL FOR THOSE WHO DESERVE IT, and bless those who endlessly sacrifice to preserve this great country!

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Senator Alexander's anti big government commercial is a joke. He stood up to the Army Engineers and passed a law to allow us to fish near dams. GREAT.

What about Obama's abusive executive orders, Fast n Furious /dead agents/lies, IRS, NSA, Benghazi, Iran nukes/Israel , Keystone, EPA and other agencies going around Congress and abuses, Syria, Egypt Muslim Brotherhood/ military conflict, Muslim Brotherhood working in the Administration of Obama, persecution of Christians in the US military, Obama bringing terrorist to NY courts while drone strikes kill Americans, Farce budget impacts over a slight reduction in the increased budget, abuse from Obama groups to carry out his agendas , Obama's attack on the US military reduction of 12 brigades, unilateral declaration war is over with Islamic terrorists while they attack, unilateral position to reduce US nuclear arsenal to zero or least below Chinese levels, push to close Gitmo and give Constitutional rights to terrorists,( Imagine doing that for Nazi's in WWII), continued apology tours, extreme expensive overseas trips, pledge for 7 billion USD for Africa energy development, foreign aid while deficits grow/tripled, slowing of US energy development and related jobs. This list could go on and on, but the point is the ONE thing Alexander stood up to was fishing locations!!!!!! REALLY!!! We need a real conservative to run in the primary.

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Another Coincident?


Has anyone else noticed the "coincidence's" occurring???

Each and every time one of obama's appointee's receives negative attention - and the evidence mounts to the point where they are certain to be exposed.... they resign.

I'd have to say in each of these people who have resigned - the investigations need to continue, if not be stepped up - as there was a REASON why they resigned.......

Please share and let's get this heard by as many as possible.... at some point Congress HAS to listen to us.



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AMNESTY SHOULD HAVE ENDED with the FACT that hundreds of millions of HONEST hard working aliens with every conceivable talent and background WANT TO BECOME US CITIZENS and the fact that 12.5 to 26.8 million citizens were jobless (December, 2012)!   We don't need ANY "guest workers!   We're in a depression!

Amnesty for 11 to 30 million felony criminal* aliens is about more than sacking our treasury $1.5 to $2.7 trillion every year, it’s treason!   Amnesty should have ended with the first realization that we don’t have enough resources or infrastructure for our own citizens… that we import 2/3 of our life-blood crude oil supply at outrageous monopolist prices, while coal is being prohibited because our president and senate forbid citizens from using their God given resources!

Amnesty is a perverse distraction to justify voiding oath of office, the Constitution, and law in order to overthrow Constitutional government! Undeniably the head of this snake is an absolute lawless government begging alien invasion while incinerating trillions in financial catastrophes they create.

Government loses $100,295 for every $37,096 40/hr. net pay citizen job destroyed! Criminal tax evading employers windfall profit per alien mercenary is $51,820 at government’s expense ($64,300 legitimate 40hr BLS wage (adjusted to 40 hr/week with 30% fringe & tax) vs. $12,480 no tax)!

ref: *Criminal means illegal entry and presence, wholesale worker-employer-government felony tax fraud-evasion and ID theft, endless theft of government funds by aliens, and governmental officials and employees, plus aiding and abetting, refusal to enforce Constitution and law, sacking the treasury, etc.  (That includes the president, senate democrats, 14 RINOs, and an endless supply of others!)

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Government loses $100,295 for every $37,096 citizen net paying job they destroy! (Citizen job tax & subsidy plus the invader subsidy) A bankrupt country can’t survive allowing its elected officials to literally throw away $1.5 to $2.7 trillion per year! It’s a perverse hatred beyond reasoning!

The only acknowledged amnesty motive is buying progressive votes. Low wage subservient workers at Chinese levels are global monopolist goals. Demonic executive branch progressive Marxist hatred seeks collapse and revolution. Bottom line, reasons don’t matter when under siege in all areas from within!

Like the senate, the house is awash in fraud, extortion, threats, compromised “government grant” money, and the endless “bipartisan” global PAC money! Officials are openly threatened into heeling like dogs on a leash! Sedition openly festers within the belly of government corruption! Oath bound elected government officers hide this from citizens. When “unknown” domestic and foreign interests dictate official decisions that overrules Constitution and law we have treason!   Does Amendment 14 Clause 3 sound familiar?   We need legislatures that will prosecute to restore our constitution and independence.

An amnesty vote will end freedom!

Data references:

Data begins with adjusting the 2012 BLS $42,537 wage @ 34.4/hr/wk to $49,462 @ full-time 40/hr/wk with 25% employee tax & 30% employer tax, regulations, & fringes (Wikipedia). Government subsidy is their $402 billion illegal alien cost/11 million illegal aliens. Individual calculated costs are $12,365 employee tax, $14,839 employer tax & fringes, $36,545 citizen subsidies, and $37,096 lost net pay ($49,462 less 25% fica, withholding, etc). 

BLS workforce was 154.975 million, employed 142.469M, unemployment 12.506M, and want job 6.437M. 2) 1997-2008 workforce to population ratios (66.54%) instead of 2012 (63.70%) says 6.896M jobless disappeared in the recession. 3) If 142,469M working 34.4 hours instead of 40, (142,469*(40-34.4)/34.4=23,194M) full time jobs lost to part time work!  Total potential unemployment is 49.033M (43 million).

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