nothing (1)

Why do Conservatives not articulate that "Obama Wants to Collapse the Economy"? Why will no one articulate what will happens if the economy collapses? As we approach the collapse of the economy, no one and I mean no one articulates what wil happen to every day Americans not if, but "when" the economy collapses. If the economy collapses and every indiactor says itr will for sure. There is no doubt about it. It is coming at us like a freight train. When the economy collapses, the bank will all of a sudden have no money. Banks will close. Business and Companies therefore will not be able to not only operate their business but will not be able to pay employees. Stores will close. No groceries. Electric utilites shut down, Cell Phones won't work. No electric. No Water. No sewage. Everything "Locks Up". It is assumed there will be riots. People will be fighting one another for basic commodities. Obama wants to collapse the economy so he and George Soros can wipe out the constitution. Trade in different currency. This wil bring heartache, pain, and misery like America has nevr seen before.
Obama and Dems are now, as I type this, trying to spend as much as they can so the economy will melt down so Americans will be begging Obama and Soros to rescue them. this is what they want. Please discuss this. Please pass this on in your own words.
This has to get out.
Alex Abrams, Orlando


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