mccain effect (1)


Progressive Racial-Genderism
Unreported in Liberal-Biased Media
          Rather than fulfilling their time-honored roll as truth-revealers and watchdogs for our Republic and its Democratic principles, today’s media prefers to serve progressivistic^^ ideology and obscure truth repeatedly behind the lying buzzword “racism” aimed at those who opposed this left-wing slant on American life.  Once this situation reached such a deplorable state it could no longer be covered up, the American people began seeking truth on their own making the left-wing mainstream media almost irrelevant. As a great man once said, “Then you will know the TRUTH and the TRUTH will set you free.” This blog represents a condensation and compilation of the TRUTH, the WHOLE TRUTH and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH which Americans need to help set themselves free from those in government and the media who believe it is they who should govern us rather than we governing ourselves . . . .
            It’s been known for at least the last half-century that America is a “center-right” nation.   Despite the fact that typically only 16-24 percent of American voters at any given time call themselves “liberals” compared to the roughly 40-42% who say they are “conservatives,” the liberal wing of the Democratic Party has controlled 1) Taxation 2) Spending 3) Creation of entitlements 4) both houses of Congress and 5) the subject matter and timbre of political rhetoric in this country for at least the last sixty-two years and 6) often controlled the Oval Office as well. In that time they’ve brought the country to crisis after crisis including the financial meltdown beginning in 2007** (see footnote) which has been blamed upon the previous administration and yet as mentioned above, they control our country’s direction. How? Why?
            Three major reasons stand out: “Conservatives” have tended to align themselves with the Republican Party and over the years the G.O.P. has repeatedly “shot itself in the foot”;   The media have been left-leaning since the time of Woodrow Wilson and since the time of Lyndon Johnson have been hard-left leaning and abused the word “racist” to the benefit of the Democratic Party; and lastly the Republican Party has to a slightly lesser extent been a tax-and-spend party as well which generates apathy within conservative ranks. What are we talking about specifically?
1)     Conservatives in the Republican Party and some Libertarians (not Rajjpuut) have long insisted upon a litmus test for political rhetoric by “conservative” candidates including such matters as A) staunch anti-abortionism since the 1973 Roe-Wade decision in the supreme court B) strict interpretation of the 2nd Amendment C) Support for public schools which promote Christian dogma including singing Christmas Carols and D) Preference for the teaching of creationism in public school biology classes alongside evolution . . . because strict anti-abortionism is a flat-out loser as a political stance (study after study, year after year shows that 40-42% support it and 58-60% oppose it) and the other items on the litmus test are also somewhat unpopular, conservatives and the G.O.P. have been the minority party for many decades.    This is now changing dramatically. The TEA Party uprising in the last couple years has given new life to conservativism by only concentrating conservativism upon fiscal responsibility and Constitutional fidelity its natural arena. The TEA Party document “The Contract from America” has the potential if acted upon to become the most influential “freedom paper” since the Bill of Rights and to take its place with the American Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and Magna Carta among mankind’s greatest ideas.
2)    It’s well-documented that the media in the United States have been liberal-favoring for decades. Their primary tool against non-liberals has been the use of the words “racist”, “racism”, and exaggerations and lies about specific conservatives and their candidates aligning conservativism with fascism, Nazism and White Racist organizations.
3)    The antipathy so many conservatives hold for the political process is tied up with the Republican Party’s hypocrisy. “Progressive-Lite” seems to have been the Republican Party’s direction since President G. H. W. Bush infamously reneged upon his “Read my lips, no new taxes” pledge. To top matters off, the Republican Party and its leaders have been every bit as corrupt as the Democrats once voted into office . . . scandal after scandal from a group that pledges Christian values is NEVER going to be overlooked by a media that hates those values.
Now, however, the TEA Party has brought a new game to town: fiscal- and Constitutional conservativism. The power of the TEA Party playbook is potentially unlimited. IF, huge IF, it’s handled properly (not as a political party, per se, but rather as the kingmakers in the background – at first aligning primarily with conservative Republicans and later once the Democratic Party returns to sanity keeping both parties CLEAN and LEAN and MEAN) it could indeed help restore this country to our former greatness and direction; and it could save the country from the seemingly direct attempt by the progressive-left to bankrupt the nation and its future. What stands in our way?
Now that the TEA Party has roused up the nation, one single word is, more than any other thing standing in the TEA Party’s way: “racism.” As mentioned earlier hardly a day goes by when some Democrat’s or some media pundit’s use of the words “racist or racism” never backed up by facts isn’t hurled at the TEA Party. Here’s what we’re facing and what we must NOT and must NEVER fail to counter at every juncture:
1.       The McCain Factor: Barack Obama supporters in the media made hay against McCain and Palin by treating them and their programs as racist. What’s the truth? Obama in 2008 got more WHITE votes and a larger percentage of WHITE votes than either John Kerry in 2004 or Al Gore in 2000 . . . roughly 48%. Instigated by the media coverage John McCain received only 4.4% of the BLACK vote . . . roughly 1/11 of the racial crossover voting of Whites.   Abetting highly encouraged institutionalized racism against Republican White candidates (as racists) and Republican Black candidates (calling them Uncle Toms and worse) is the tried and true playbook of the liberal media. When Americans understand the powerful import of these simple facts, then the country will be free to return to its powerful Constitutional roots.
2.     Forgetting and altering history: Think of just the words “rednecks,” “fascists” and Nazis constantly hurled at conservatives . . . . The original “Rednecks” were violent union miners wearing red bandanas so they wouldn’t shoot each other by mistake as they tried to force West Virginia mine owners to comply with their demands. The original fascists were union bosses in Italy who grew so powerful they took over the corporations and eventually promoted their man Benito Mussolini to control the whole country. The National Socialist Workers Party (Nazis) clearly displays the two key words “socialist” and “workers” right there in their name no reference to capitalism or freedom (the chief tenets of conservativism along with our American Constitution) at all. The Nazis claimed from the start that they “represented a third way: not communist and not capitalist but something better.” The last ones to come aboard the Nazi bandwagon in Germany were the corporations and they did so only after Hitler had come to power with the support of others 13.5 years after Hitler came to dominate the party. These groups (rednecks, Nazis and fascists) all started as anti-capitalist left-wing organizations and hold no appeal to freedom lovers anywhere.
3.     The words “capitalists,” “capitalism” and “profits” are used as negative slur words in the left-wing press. The left never seems to appreciate that “surplus” is what profits are. Without surplus, new jobs and new opportunities cannot be created. Thanks to the particularly strong incentivization of the American Constitution something akin to (but alas not the same as) true Laissez-Faire capitalism was established in the United States with a power and wide appeal that has never been seen anywhere else in history. That is why, when left-wing governments the world over had to pen their people in behind iron curtains and machine gun toting guards, the place everyone wanted to get to was America. Unmentioned by the left-wing media (in an American cultural climate where Che and Chairman Mao T-shirts are seen everywhere) is the DEMOCIDE of 122+ million people under communist rule in the 20th Century.
4.     Unmentioned by a left-wing press that vilifies White Men (they’ve cornered, they think, the White Female vote) is that a group of angry White males created the most free and successful society in history and eventually even won the freedom of Blacks enslaved among them for almost 170 years.
5.     Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that Old Glory, the Stars and Stripes and the Pledge of Allegiance have long been drawing cards for foreigners seeking freedom for almost two and a quarter centuries. This should be an area of pride, but is denigrated regularly by them.
6.     Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that those who decry the actions of Barack Obama do so because of his fiscal and foreign policy incompetence, racial bias, and anti-Constitutional actions endangering freedom in this country.
7.     Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, this country was a place for diverse people to come and respect and become a part of a superior culture. That “melting-pot” effect so denounced by the left made us great. People who oppose using taxpayer funds to print ballots and government information and educational materials do so not out of prejudice or racism but because English is the language of this country.
8.    Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, people who have voted Republican over the years were just “misguided” conservatives who had no other outlet until today’s TEA Party arose. Conservative people believe in the Constitution of the United States and in common sense fiscal responsibility by individuals, corporations and all levels of government.
9.     Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that America is a sovereign nation and perfectly justified in protecting our borders from terrorists, criminals and other aliens who would enter our nation uninvited and illegally.
10.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that the rule of equal law (NOT 'social justice') for all is the basic tenet of our Republican form of Democracy.
11. Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is the fact that the progressive experimentation which has given us a $14.5 TRillion national debt has also given us $116 TRillion in UNfunded liabilities just from their ill-managed and ill-conceived social programs: Medicare, social security and the federal-side of Medicaid not to mention UNfunded welfare obligations in the tens of TRillions of dollars as well. People who despise the tax-and-spend system of legislating are in favor of common sense financial actions NOT racism.
12.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, do indeed oppose affirmative action, bilingualism and other reverse discrimination alternatives. The melting pot and the concept of a “hand up not a handout” has served this country very well for 224 years and should not be replaced by systems that institutionalize misguided notions of victimization.
13.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is that most conservatives realize that the so-called anchor-baby law is a severe over-reach of an amendment designed to protect the rights of Black former slaves and their children after the Civil War and has zero-applicability to illegal aliens.
14.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a flag, is the fact that Sanctuary Cities are aiding and abetting the crime of illegal entry in this country by aliens. Sanctuary cities deprive our state and local governments and thus the taxpayers of half a TRillion dollars in resources every year.
15.Unrespected by the left-wing media which bandies the word “racism” about like a Communist flag is that conservative Americans revere the American Flag and though left-wing leaning journalists seldom cover it . . . we are proud to fly our flags, our American flags and do not seek to be part of a new world order headed up by the corrupt and ineffective United Nations.
Up until the rise of the TEA Party, the left-wing media wins in the vast majority of demographic groups with the exception of the White-Male category. Hence, White-Males as a group are racists. This racial-genderism by progressive^^-supporting media is of course totally UNreported because it is their very own well-documented bias and therefore, by definition: OK.  The fifteen items above constitute the beliefs that are the credo of the noble Americans who call themselves "conservative" and you, the left-wing journalist label as "racist."  As a certain book which they hate asks: “why lookest thou on the mote that is in the eye of thy brother, but observest not the beam that is in thine eye? Hypocrite, cast out first the beam out of thine eye, and then thou wilt see clearly to cast out the mote out of the eye of thy brother.” 
Thank God for the TEA Party. Now conservatives can pursue the fiscal- and Constitutional-sanity we’ve so long desired!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**Before the progressive Congress under Jimmy Carter passed the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act requiring mortgage companies and banks to knowingly make stupid home loans to unqualified recipients . . . only 0.24% of home loans were (issued at 3% down payment or less) suspect loans. After five expansions of CRA ’77 (three legislative ones and one regulatory one under Bill Clinton, the first ACORN President, alone) by 2005, 34% of all home loans were suspect loans and many of them were (pushed by ACORN) granted to give people without jobs, without even decent credit ratings, whose only “income was food stamps and even illegal aliens loans at adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) at ZERO PER CENT down payment. The final expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998 legislatively under Clinton made it EASIER for such people to get CRA-inspired loans for $440,000 homes than it had been to put much better qualified (but still UNqualified) people into $110,000 homes a decade earlier.   The state of Texas was virtually the only state that avoided misfortune due to this progressive-created sub-prime lending crisis. Why? Because its governor George W. Bush passed a state law requiring 20% down payment on home loans in the state. Later, as president, Bush sought to repeal the CRA ’77 nonsense in January, 2005, and for thirty months thereafter. When finally a weakened bi-partisan bill passed in July, 2007, it helped enormously (to keep housing prices from dropping to rock bottom) but it was still too little, too late to prevent the financial meltdown. Now we’re told that Bush, conservatives and capitalism “drove us into the ditch” . . . told by a former ACORN attorney Barack Obama, who spent two-plus years forcing banks to comply with the ridiculous law that forced them to make horrifically-ill-advised home loans.
^^ Progressivism is the political doctrine that we must “progress” against the ‘ill-conceived and outdated Constitution’ so we can make “progress” toward an earthly Utopia. That doctrine is straight out of Communism and Fabian Socialism.  When one realizes that the LITERAL symbol for Fabian Socialism## is the wolf in sheep's clothing and that they propose that our lives be governed by them, the self-chosen elite . . . then you start to understand what we're dealing with . . . .

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