marxism (53)







Does “Power from the Barrel of a Gun”

Threaten “100 Flowers?”



               The bailouts of GM, today known as “Government Motors,” and Chrysler by the federal government and the $787 Billion Obama-stimulus are two of the most hated actions by Barack Obama and his administration. To oversee these travesties, Obama appointed one of his 43 un-vetted high-paid czars (none of whom would have survived even the most harmless questioning by the U.S. Senate if it had been allowed to have talked to them) a neo-Marxist named Ron Bloom. Technically Bloom was the “manufacturing czar” but that’s a lot less important than the man’s ideology as expressed here:


“Generally speaking, we get the joke,” Bloom said, “We know that the free market is nonsense. We know that the whole point is to game the system, to beat the market or at least find someone who will pay you a lot of money**, ’cause they’re convinced that there is a free lunch.”

“We know this is largely about power, that it’s an adults-only no- limit game. We kind of agree with Mao that political power comes largely from the barrel of a gun. And we get it that if you want a friend you should get a dog.”


Mao Tse Dong (or Mao Tse Tung) was, of course, arguably the worst tyrant in human history, having brought about the death of 60-70 million of his own subjects during peacetime. He was 100%-convinced in the rightness of Marxism and a totalitarian communist who reduced every soul in the most populous nation on earth to absolute slavery to its central-planning government bureaucrats. Mao’s star rides very high in the progressive (liberal) sky. For example, Obama's former Communications Director Anita Dunn regarded Mao as one of her “favorite political philosophers” according to a graduation address she gave in 2009.  She and Bloom are not alone.  Mao is cherished by BHO himself who admitted to taking courses from only the most left-wing of professors during his days at Occidental College. 

Anyway, getting back to Ron Bloom who recently quit the Obama administration . . . just this past June he was interviewed by Florida Republican Representative Connie Mack at a hearing held by the House of Representative’s Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs, Stimulus Oversight and Government Spending.  During that hearing Bloom was forced to explain the “dentist chair” bargaining technique favored by labor unions (grab the dentist by his testicles Mack further pressed Bloom about his role in the General Motors and Chrysler bailouts, asking numerous tough questions regarding several of Bloom’s remarks listed above.  Mack also asked Bloom if his union background should have disqualified him from heading the Obama initiatives.

Bloom denied any fondness for Mao and tried to laugh the whole line of questioning off. You and I know better . . . and bringing the Bloom story up-to-date the leftwing blogsite ran the Bloom resignation story and ended it this way:

In reference to Obama’s continuing efforts to forge a partnership between manufacturers in several states, unions and academia — in order to revitalize American factories — Bloom apparently saw something Mao-esque in the way government was attempting to support private business, stating the approach would,let the great thousand flowers bloom in America” -- Mao’s exact wording was “a hundred flowers,” and there is absolutely no question as to where the phrase originated.

Back in the summer of 1957 in the People’s Republic of China, a movement emerged called theHundred Flowers Campaign,during which the Communist Party allegedly encouraged those with diverse view points to step forward and share their ideas with a view to “letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend as a policy for promoting progress in the arts and the sciences and a flourishing socialist culture in our land.”

Tragically, it was all a sick-sick ploy that a lot of Chinese intellectuals and free-thinkers fell for . . . a sick ploy with the aim of snuffing out as many free-thinkers and dissidents as the regime possibly could.  Not surprisingly, Mao severely punished many who participated in the Hundred Flowers Movement until finally re-imposing his oppressive policies on public expression once the hundred flowers had been crushed under jack boots and rather than pressed between the pages of a book. Once again Rajjpuut would suggest the reader look up the Obama czars and their personal histories and their words in video online; as well as reading Dreams from My Father Obama’s first autobiography; and read Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, the Chicago University course that Obama taught for five semesters.

It’s also helpful to remember that before it was removed in recent editions, Alinsky’s second book (Reveille for Radicals was the first) featured this “dedication page” . . . .

"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical:  from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins -- or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that, with a total starting capital of one snake, he won his own kingdom -- Lucifer."

            And it’s even more important to remember that also ran this revealing article by Barack Obama’s dad from the East Africa Journal when the boy was four years old (Dreams from his father, indeed) in which he praises “scientific socialism” a.k.a. communism and talks longingly of the possibility of “100 taxes” upon the rich. Back in 1925, Rudolf Hess took dictation for Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler . . . like Bloom’s and Dunn’s and Alinsky’s words; and the words of all the Obama czars and those of the great man himself and his father . . . too many people do humanity a huge disservice when would-be tyrants are allowed to speak with impunity with no good people bothering to listen.


Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,



** Bloom said at another time “someone who will support you because they believe there is such a thing as a free lunch,” but Rajjpuut cannot now find the quote.

By the way, Rajjpuut owes this logic to a friend:

If you can answer this correctly, you can answer the
question on what action to take on raising the Federal debt ceiling.

               You come home from work and find there has been a sewer
backup and you have sewage up to your ceilings.

               What do you do……raise the ceilings, or pump out the shi_?



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If Your Emblem is LITERALLY
A Wolf-in-Sheep’s Clothing,
What Kind of Monster are You?
Part I Background
                Actually, we’re going to explain why those people who espouse progressivism can be so dangerous in only three paragraphs . . . but before we do we need to lay a little groundwork. First notice the three sites linked above. If you’re a normal non-superhero type person . . . they may be the three greatest gifts you’ll ever receive other than life and love.  The book The Myth of Stress has the potential to do more good for more good people such as the Conservative movement in the United States and the nascent TEA (“taxed enough already” or “taken enough abuse”) Party folks. It also has the ability to turn many dangerous progressive malcontents into far more reasonable people not by merely relieving stress but by virtually eliminating it from their lives – it’s that good. For people already hounded by serious physical complaints with a psychological component or origin; or serious but not commit-worthy psychological problems the next two links are godsend . . . for example helping relieve and virtually eliminate PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) in some cases going back to the Viet Nam War in a matter of 3-4 sessions. My gifts to you . . . .
            More background:  the link immediately above disrobes the Fabian Society in England (whose organizational emblem, a wolf-in-sheep’s clothing, is displayed in the background within an infamous stained-glass window in which George Bernard Shaw and other Fabian Socialists are shown heating the world over a blacksmith’s fire and pounding it into to their desired shape) which was the movement that gave birth to so-called “progressivism” here in the United States.   The progressives and the Fabians believed in the ideas of Karl Marx but NOT in the violence inherent in REVOLUTION. They believed that they could sneak their agenda onto the scene and take over the world that way. The term “Fabian” comes from the Roman general Fabius who defeated Carthaginian leader Hannibal (him of the war elephants crossing the Alps) by refusing direct confrontations and winning a thirteen-year war of attrition. 
             Progressivism arose here in the 1890s and was a very strong movement for many years. Then he word “progressive” fell out of favor thanks to the debacles of Woodrow Wilson and his administration (the altered historical record in which some people put the Democratic progressives Franklin Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson into #2 and #3 position among U.S. Presidents and then alter history dramatically to hide the fact that Herbert Hoover was a Republican Progressive is totally inaccurate); the term “liberal” was used over the next eighty-five years but now “progressive” is back in favor among them since “liberal taxation” and “liberal spending” and “liberal government” now hold such negative connotations among voters. The link below tells you how in order to make Wilson and FDR into undeserved heroes: the biggest economic lies possible were used:
            FDR, of course, and his VP candidate attacked Herbert Hoover as a “socialist” and promised to imitate the actions of Harding and Coolidge (49% decrease in spending and taxes; 30% pay-down of the national debt) that made Wilson’s Depression into the “Depression you never heard or” or the “Invisible Depression” even though it started out much worse than the 1929 crash and downslide.  Of course FDR not only continued every single one of Hoover’s initiatives but created another 39 brand new federal agencies and did precisely the opposite of Harding-Coolidge by dramatically increasing spending, taxes and the national debt and dramatically expanding government. But besides “adjusting” history as necessary to make their opponents look bad and themselves look good, what do progressives believe? Progressives believe that we must ‘progress’ beyond the ‘out-dated and ill-conceived’ U.S. Constitution if we’re to achieve the Marxist/Socialist earthly Utopia. In recent times progressives like Van Jones, George Soros, Maurice Strong, Joel Rogers, Bill Ayers and others are flying from the woodwork to let their followers know that NOW is the time for the final stage of the “revolution” -- the takeover. Background material over!
Part II Why Progressives are So Dangerous
            One of the greatest additions to the human evolutionary arsenal over the years is man’s neo-cortex high in the front of our brains. It is the neo-cortex that gives man FREE WILL, art and culture, fiction, what-if thinking, science, free markets, capitalism, the U.S. Constitution, the TEA Party, etc. and unfortunately the ability to lie and to get stressed out. It’s a blessing in large part but a curse in many cases. The neo-cortex allows man something that animals can’t embrace: CONTRA-FACTUALITY the ability to postulate “lies” or creative speech or invention and as we’ve said, FREE WILL.  But along with the good comes a large chunk of bad.   If you’ve ever seen the amazingly funny movie The Invention of Lying, you know what we mean by contra-factuality. Contra-factuality is the ability to think, do and eventually deeply believe ideas that are contrary to present truth. Constant inner bombardment with contra-factuality makes stressful lives for people – they live whole lives based upon the words “should” and “shouldn’t;” “have to” and “mustn’t” in situations where they cannot seemingly separate these untrue – intangible statements from reality. The liberal or progressive corruption of the United States Constitution, for example, is changing all their desires into “needs” and then putting forth the proposition that these newly created needs for health care, government handouts, etc. are “rights” akin to the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness mentioned in the Constitution. And the rest of us, meaning ‘the taxpayers,’ are henceforth naturally responsible for meeting these nebulous rights of theirs. 
            To them there are no obstructions to a constant, consistent and bountiful eternal federal free lunch. There are no evils to deficit spending, the national debt, or inflation in their world. Since far more than most of us, progressives are geared to living inside a world that has little close touch with reality; they are far more dangerous to themselves and to the rest of us. For example, in 1970 Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadette Dorne can postulate and be entirely convinced that they know far better than the rest of society how things ought to be (“should”) be run and then convince themselves so thoroughly of the rightness of their case that making and planting bombs is “necessary.” Barack Obama can believe so deeply in the Marxist anti-colonialism that his mother raised him on and his Father exposed him to during their magic month together (Dreams from my Father by Barack, Jr.) that he would do anything including totally undermining this country to make his vision of a better world true. George Soros (“The Man who Broke the Bank of England” and decimated the currencies of six other nations and who’s now trying to do the same to the United States via his puppet BHO) believes that only he has a full and accurate grip upon what’s best for the entire world . . . and he’ll stop at nothing to achieve it.
            Totalitarianism, sick human cruelty and all despotism comes from abused and corrupted contra-factuality.   Ayers and Dorne, Castro and Che Guevara, Pol Pot, Hitler, Stalin, Mao . . . these are great monsters because they believe they and they alone know what’s best and should control or even end the lives of others. Today another wave of contra-factuality is threatening us on many fronts:  Contra-factual science. Man-Caused-Global Warming based upon carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses such as water vapor is just part of a conspiracy theory which the progressives are using to help impose greater government control over everybody else.  This is a repeat of the environmental extremism that erupted upon us following the publication of Rachel Carson’s pseudo-pscience book Silent Spring and the banning of DDT by the U.S. and the U.N. which followed.  With over 2 million deaths per year just from malaria (the total yearly malaria death count was a mere 42 thousand in 1972; now malaria kills roughly 2.15 million worldwide every year), Ms. Carson (and her book) have become a greater mass murderer than even Mao (a mere 60 million) with presumably well over 100 million deaths to her credit. Because the progressive mentality allows them to see some human life as an obstacle or unnecessary to “the greater good” . . . or to propound falsehoods that ignore truth so severely as to threaten other human lives these depressing progressive human beings are a threat to us all. The greater threat, however, is not them but the people who follow them for whatever reason. The progressive leaders themselves are remarkably incompetent human beings but when someone like a Hitler can get huge masses of people supporting him, well, the rest is sad, sad horrific history   . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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  CCC** Gone, Replaced by the University Rowing Team?
For years now, it’s been common-place for the conservative students on college campuses to be assaulted from each and every angle by students, profs and books belittling decent behavior, the nation’s traditions, the U.S. Constitution, our history, and our religious foundations. Believe it or not, things may have just gone from Carlsbad to Carlsworse for Christian conservatives attending schools of higher education in particular . . . .        You know all those left-wing professors who’ve taken over America’s colleges and universities and begun organizing students into shouting down visiting speakers who express any agenda but Marxism and environmental ecotage? Well they have apparently succeeded in spreading the atheistic message of Mr. Marx really well according to the latest news on the college front . . . at least according to a surprising announcement first heard today . . . .
The well-known sixty-year old national Christian movement CCC (a.k.a. Campus Crusade for Christ) has decided it’s time to divorce Christ, figuratively speaking. The ubiquitous and venerable multi-faceted para-religious organization has stated their fear that the word “Crusade” might be “considered  offensive” to some while also dropping the name “Christ” from their moniker altogether.  Instead from now on the organization will be known as “CRU.” So they’re now running the college rowing team? “Stroke, Stroke, Stroke!” Or are they flaunting the first three letters of the word “Crucify?” 
Apparently the name Christ is the most offensive thing they discovered about their organizational title since they still kept the first syllable of "CRUsade" but kicked "Christ" out completely . . . let’s see if we’ve got this right? Here’s CRU’s new "missionary" approach: “Say, there’s a guy who came down here to earth and did some absolutely great things for mankind including you, my friend, uh . . . ahem, but, er, we’d rather not talk about it because it’s just not politically correct . . .????  Sounds like they’ve taken more than Christ’s name out of CCC, they also removed another important C: “courage!”
“Stroke, Stroke, Stroke, Stroke!”
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**CCC says they sifted out over 1,600 names before deciding on CRU.  They also say that a lot of their followers for many generations have been referring to CCC as "Cru."  Rajjpuut doesn't doubt either statement.  However, the recent trends within the Christian community to even remove "Christ" from the names of Churches and this move all smack of the most gutless of political correctness . . . after all, the name "Christ" and the word "Christian" in your faith's name and that cross you removed from your steeple might have been extremely off-putting to terrorists, eh?   Now with the advent of Mr. Obama there's been a sudden meteoric jump in the number of "faith" churches and "hope" churches -- with many of them now preaching radical environmentalism as Christ's message.  One wonders what Jesus would say about banning DDT in 1972 and roughly 77 million^^ people dying of malaria and over 100 million deaths from all sorts of tropical mosquito-borne diseases on the basis of science fiction NOT science fact . . . is that the Christian, er, CRU thing to do?
^^ before Rachel Carson's pseudo-pscience book "Silent Spring" claimed that DDT hurt the environment, made eggshells too thin and even gave humans cancer (none of this proven; and almost certainly all 100% lies) the worldwide malaria death toll dropped to 42,000+ in 1972.  It's been closer to 2.1 million deaths ever since the U.S. and the U.N. banned the substance that G.I.s in World War II sprayed directly upon their bodies, clothes and tents; and which Africans used to spray inside their homes 3-4 times yearly.  Was Rachel her brothers' keeper?
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“. . . if an adroit 12-year old computer geek had master-minded this fraud it would, of necessity have been 96% more difficult to discover.”

“Before there were “birthers,” all this began with Hillary Clinton’s campaign allegations in late 2007 and early 2008.”


FoxNews and Mainstream Media Drop Ball

New Obama Birth Paper an Obvious Fake


They’re called “Techies” or “Geeks” and their research indicates that this week, whoever came up with the White House document purporting to be the valid and true long-form birth certificate from August, 1961 for Barack Obama was either extremely inept or deliberately wanted to be shown up as a fraud.  Where did all this “birther” controversy come from?

Before there were “birthers” as we know them, all this began with Hillary Clinton’s campaign allegations in late 2007 and early 2008.  The Democratic Party National Committee muckety-mucks were unwilling to get involved and later when obvious corruption such as bussing-in illegal voters from out of state won Obama 14 of the 16 caucus states whereas Hillary won 26 of the 42 voting states (some states use both processes on the same day), Barack Obama won the Democratic nomination with the Democratic Party machinery again unwilling to step into the fray and make a ruling. The mainstream media refused to cover the story and then when Hillary lost the nomination began to attribute it strictly to “conspiracy-theorizing conservatives” never mentioning that Hillary’s people had first seen the problem for what it was: a threat to the Constitution of the United States and an audacious fraud.

For quite some time all Obama-doubters regardless of party had to content themselves with reports that his Social Security number on file for many years and many uses was one the Social Security Administration never actually issued to anyone; and that IF IT HAD BEEN ISSUED it would have been issued to a Connecticut resident not to one in Hawaii, back when Obama was still attending prep school on the Island on the issue date (when he was only sixteen).  The most helpful document was unavailable at that time.   And they’ve had to content themselves with a short-form birth certificate which was, if nothing else, internally-consistent although out of numerical order with earlier and later births in the same hospital.  

To repeat: all this began with Hillary Clinton’s campaign allegations in early 2008.  Let us be perfectly clear, IF HILLARY’s campaign in early 2008 had the evidence presented to the American people this week on . . . she and not Barack Obama would be the president of the United States . . . that is not a guess or a theory . . . that is virtually incontrovertible fact (barring a miracle, no Republican could win in 2008 with the economy as fouled as it was). However, if John McCain had this information in October, 2008, that would have proven miraculous and he would be the president . . . that’s how important the fraudulent information provided by that long-form birth certificate is . . . .

 All that changed with the surprise release this week of the long-requested, long-form document. Obama-lovers immediately said, “There, we knew it all along.” Obama doubters bit their tongues. Meanwhile the mainstream-lamestream media began crowing and they and even the always more vigilant FoxNews all simultaneously failed to investigate the document.

                This posting of the long-form document changed everything. Soon it was apparent that something akin to lunacy is going on. Whatever the absolute truth about the recently revealed “long-form” Obama birth certificate turns out to be  . . . one thing is obvious, the document we’re looking at is an inexpert computer-generated fake purportedly showing the truth from 1961 when no computers existed except in the military. Many sources on the internet have given highly credible evidence that the new document has been fraudulently created using “photo-shop-type” technology. Truly that document is so very obviously phony that it’s INCONCEIVABLE that anyone closely politically connected with Barack Obama could have deliberately created such an obviously phony “record” with any reasonable faith that its fakery would not be discovered within hours: a lot is at stake after all. This is the great mystery, why? And why now?  

The TRUE document, if such exists is thus still hidden from the American people. We repeat:  it’s INCONCEIVABLE that anyone closely politically connected with Barack Obama could have deliberately created such an obviously phony “record” with any reasonable faith that its fakery would not be discovered within hours.

ITEM: Posting of the long-form document linked above was a complete surprise to Obama’s political opponents and his allies alike. Why was it released this week? As a distraction from other chicanery?

ITEM: After thirty months of dodging the birth certificate issue and over $1.2 million spent by Obama and the Democratic National Committee to prevent efforts to have any documents at all released, suddenly the timing is right this week?? And suddenly this counterfeit long-form birth certificate is posted for all to see. How “inexpert” is this fake document . . . even at first viewing, Rajjpuut immediately had doubts . . . for example . . . .

ITEM: Rajjpuut’s first impression was that the “paper” was computer paper not generally available until at least a dozen years after Obama’s birth in 1961. . . but there was no proof of that, just some vague recollections from the past and the fact that of the perhaps 500 birth certificates he’s dealt with (verifying athletes’ and chess players’ age and eligibility) over the years, he’s never seen anything quite like that.  Perhaps a copy of an original birth certificate is now routinely produced on that paper . . . but he felt the original never could have been . . . in the end not having expertise in this area no definite conclusions could be made.

ITEM: His second impression was that the background computer pattern had been deliberately “woven” into the central “content” part of the document itself and did NOT match the external paper’s apparent newer age and higher contrast . . . it was as if the whole central image with its writing had been deliberately “cut and pasted” onto the larger paper expanse and carefully lined up with the external design pattern. Again, not having expertise in this area no definite conclusions could be made.

Item: Third impression -- the document presented appears very different from contemporary 1961 long-form records of birth for others in Hawaii (and in the supposed hospital where Obama was born) which the earlier revealed Obama short-form has often been compared to all these years. To be precise, it appears like someone took a modern COLB blank and filled in the “proper information” from 1961 and the information appears to be printed consistent with a modern computer rather than with a 1961 or earlier typewriter. This was sufficient to Rajjpuut to indicate that the item was probably phony . . . but he lacked expertise to make any authoritative conclusions.

ITEM: Certainly the data Rajjpuut had seen on 60’s era birth certificates such as the baby’s length and weight was not provided . . . data which one would expect on a legitimate birth certificate.

ITEM: Within a day, actually within five or six hours, people a lot more involved in the “documents field” and a lot more expert on computer graphics modification were pouring out their souls on the internet proving (by finding as few as three and as many as thirty-four different inconsistencies) that the document was fake and so stupidly faked that, in their opinions, no reasonable expert could doubt the counterfeiting.  Rajjpuut got the impression that if an adroit 12-year old computer geek had master-minded this fraud it would, of necessity have been 96% more difficult to discover.

ITEM: Many of the alleged inconsistencies were graphic; others were logical or even numerical; others were a combination of graphic and logical. Of some approximately sixty distinct critics, Rajjpuut opines that only one in twenty was dubious in its presentation (not necessarily in its conclusions – just unconvincing in its “science”).

ITEM: How were these examinations done?  The 95% of these experts who Rajjpuut found “convincing” all began the same way, they blew up the page by perhaps 300%-400% (kind of like Sherlock Holmes with his magnifying glass) and at that size a whole host of features about a document you weren’t aware of before come into sharp relief. At that size the “uneasy” feeling Rajjpuut got from his first and second impressions of the life-sized document become clearly manifest so that all the inconsistencies jump out at you. Rather than belabor the point here are five helpful websites and you, the reader, can judge for yourself:


Now the problem with all this “birther” stuff (they prefer the term “Constitutionalists”) appears to the uninitiated to smack of a half-baked conspiracy theory of fifty-years duration (from 1961-2011). In actuality, however, the root cause of the matter seems to be a flighty self-described Marxist known as Stanley Ann Dunham (Barack’s mother) who lived 2/3 of her lifetime as a scatterbrained-communist always  thumbing her nose## at the United States and all it stood for. It’s not known where she delivered her son.  Given all the facts that we won’t go into, Canada is far more likely than Kenya (she was traced to Seattle and Vancouver back about the time Barack was purported to have been born) . . . but it is literally unknown. It is known that Stanley Ann’s mother (Barack’s maternal grandmother) Madeline (yes, that is the correct spelling, NOT Madilyn as given by hundreds of less thorough sites) who was a very industrious and conventional person put in the paperwork in Hawaii that generated the short-form; and that she had a birth announcement put into the newspaper (normally handled by the hospital and reporters) a few days after the reported birthday of Barack Obama. Because all the information on this short form is generated by the parents or grandparents and not state records  . . . it is thus how the controversy arises . . . and it arises because of Stanley Ann Dunham.

Whether or not Barack Obama was actually born in the United States, it appears that his mother Stanley Ann Dunham deliberately lost him his citizenship when she moved to Indonesia (which did not allow dual citizenships in those days) and once there married a high-placed local petroleum official, Lolo Soetoro, and the stepfather soon adopted the boy. So American citizenship, something which most of us value quite highly – was possibly deliberately put at risk for her son Barack not once, but twice by Ms. Dunham. Much of the sketchiness of Barack’s nebulous past can be attributed to the fact that he seems to have spent a good part of his youth under various names, most likely-provided by his mother. Barry was the most common given name but Obama, Soetero, Soweto and several other last names seem to have been used indiscriminately.

The mainstream media would have you believe that birthers/ Constitutionalists believe that Barack Obama is the devil and a worldwide conspiracy exists just to put him into control over the world . . . nothing of the sort, it is clearly Ms. Dunham who is the central personage in this little birther-drama. She may have even told Barack he was born in Kenya. Certainly she spent an awful lot of his early life telling him all the great things about his father Barak (that is correct spelling) Hussein Obama, Sr. a Marxist official** in the Kenyan post-colonial government (who lost his job when his very vocal demands for more “scientific socialism” a.k.a. communism) conflicted with the more moderate socialism of the Kenyata government. His paternal grandmother says our president was born there and she witnessed it, but no evidence has ever been produced documenting this claim.

Certainly, the Associated Press following a debate during his senate campaign relying on Obama-provided information called him a “Kenyan-born U.S. Senate hopeful” and this information was reprinted with the bigger story in Kenyan papers; and later Michelle Obama referred to her husband’s native land as Kenya.  This explains the context of the often-cited debate, in which Keyes faulted Obama for not being a “natural-born citizen”, and in which Obama, by his quick retort, “So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency”, with Obama self-admitting that he was not eligible for the office of president. All this rather quickly became known by some in the Hillary campaign. Later, probably much later, someone decided that Barack’s maternal grandmother’s short-form indicating Hawaiian birth was essential to an Obama presidential effort . . . that’s when, in 2007, the short-form generated in 1961 first appeared as “evidence” in Obama’s favor and inconsistencies were brought to the Hilary Clinton campaign’s attention and the whole “birther” argument arose.

            It appears that the bottom line is this: Americans disgusted with the way the Republicans had governed from Washington, D.C. voted for a pig –in-a-poke known as “hope and change” and thanks to the mainstream media’s refusal to vett Obama, we don’t actually know who the present President of the United States actually is. On the one hand there’s the birth issue . . . which could be small potatoes or absolutely huge. Then there’s this sealing of all his records and college credentials and his frankly, slippery life narrative (Why did they build a statute to ten-year-0ld Barack in Indonesia and place it in the Muslim school he attended?) for both himself and for his mother and maternal grandfather. Then there’s the vast amount of radicals he’s installed into the government and especially as unvetted czars. And next is his apparently unashamed political dirty tricks and the brave promises for fairness, openness, transparency, oaths about turning his back on the corrupt old ways that dominate in D.C., and his pledge of bi-partisanship all added to government takeover of virtually everything possible . . . all of that makes Americans very suspicious. And now we have this phony document . . . .


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



## in fairness, Stanley Ann appears to have been very smart, just not “level-headed,” and she did do some good by helping indigent natives in the Eastern Hemisphere learn some really important skills like smithing while indoctrinating them into Marxism and anti-Americanism. Once she stopped studying Revolution she eventually got a degree in anthropology and, as mentioned, played a helpful “Peace-Corps-like” role.  Once she left America she never returned for any length of time. And she left Barack, Jr. to be raised by her parents.

here’s a little sample of Barack, Jr.’s father’s thinking (notice the reference to 100% taxation, of the rich? Or of everybody?) Our Barack’s parents met in a Russian language class in Hawaii and were both Marxists.


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Ba-rack Promisin’ Change
By Rajjpuut
A parody sung to:  Irving Berlin's great classic tune Blue Skies

For tune:   



Ba-rack promisin’ change

Now we know Ba-rack’s all de-ranged

Ba-rack’s bringin’ us ruin

Nothing but PINK notes to his tune


Ba-rack said we’d soon see

Everyone working happily

To him, tax larceny’s

Redistributing proper-ly


Then they took over the economy

Implied Marx-ism would set us all free

Then they claimed ugly debt-limits were good

They said . . . we’d just: mis-understood


Bar-ack he seems to dream

Illogical nonsense constantly

Ba-rack  worked for ACORN

Home-lenders are sheep -- he has shorn


Then we lost more jobs made ev’rything worse

Ba-rack came back, hands in my purse

He said illegals were better than us

Made slav’ry from freedom, now I don’t trust . . .

Ba-Rack . . .
                                                Musical interlude

Ba-rack  said W. Bush

Caused all of our pain

But t'was CRA ’77

That clogged up the drain


Jimmy Carter gave us that law

While Billy Clinton continued to claw

Four CRA expansions** in only eight years

Progressives now cryin’ crocodile tears


Then they took over the economy

Implied Marx-ism would set us all free

Then they claimed ugly debt-limits were good

They said . . . we’d just: mis-understood

Ba-rack promisin’ change

Now we know Ba-rack’s all de-ranged

Ba-rack’s bringin’ our ruin

Lately there's RED notes in his tune


Big dreams, all of them dead

They sold us big dreams

 Now we’re RED


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



** Specifically: Bill Clinton paid back ACORN with the Motor Voter Act of 1993 and with four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee legislation originally passed by Carter as the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977.   By presidential edict in 1993 he expanded CRA ’77 by means of regulatory change; twice legislatively in 1995; and with a poisonous steroid-version expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998. Clinton was our first ACORN president.

The background for understanding Clinton’s and Obama’s part and becoming an informed citizen (right now only 6% of us are) can be found at these two weblinks:


            The short version which covers some different areas from the valuable blog info above is this . . . .

1.       A philosophy called “progressivism” has dominated the country’s top politicians from both major parties for over a century. Progressives believe that we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution as our only hope to ‘progress’ toward an earthly Utopia (more or less the same goal that Marx delineated and which created “Fabian Socialism” in England is on this continent:  American Progressivism).


2.      Famous American TRUE Progressive Presidents include Republicans: Theodore Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover; Democrats: Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Light progressivism is found in Republicans Eisenhower and both Bushes. All of the true progressive presidents a) ignored the U.S. Constitution in large part b) instituted dramatic increases in taxes, spending and debt and made individual Americans far poorer and c) moved the country much closer to socialism than we were before they took office.


Generally, the background on Clinton, etc. is . . .

Three “NEO-Marxists”:  Community Organizer Saul Alinsky (author of Reveille for Radicals; and Rules for Radicals) and Columbia University professors Richard Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven (authors of The Weight of the Poora strategy for ending poverty which has popularly come to be known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy for creating and profiting from chaos”) created the revolutionary structure that today’s progressives have been using for overthrowing the United States as we know it. Cloward-Piven and George Wiley openly used and bragged about using the strategy to bankrupt New York City in 1975 (and nearly bankrupt New York State) and send the whole nation into a huge recession during most of 1973-74 and double the welfare rolls from 8 million to 16 million. The federal government bailed out NYC late in 1975. They told their followers to switch concentration to voter-registration and housing.

In 1977, Jimmy Carter passed a very bad law called the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) a mortgage-guarantee law FORCING home lenders to knowingly make very bad loans to people who were serious risks for foreclosure. At the same time the bill was being passed, Cloward-Piven (the two most important words for informed Americans to understand) ally and head of the National Welfare Rights Organization, George Wiley, already had one his community organizer lieutenants in place in Arkansas: Wade Rathke. Rathke created ACORN (Arkansas Community Organizations.

ACORN using massive voter fraud (they purported to be gathering new voters, but threw away all the newly registered Republican paperwork) to elect Bill Clinton governor of Arkansas in 1978. They kept him governor through 12 of the next 14 years and got him elected president in 1992. ACORN efforts just in Arkansas doubled the percentage of bad home mortgages from 1 in 404 in 1975; to 1 in 196 by 1985.   ACORN was then expanded nationwide (now it was called Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now). President Bush #1 who had successfully vetoed 45 of 46 bills that progressive Democrats had pushed upon him, in 1992, failed to veto a bill he largely favored. That bill had a minor provision expanding CRA ’77 to federal programs Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.

When Bill Clinton became our first ACORN president he immediately paid back Cloward and Piven and ACORN by passing the Motor-Voter Act (“a 12-lane highway to voter fraud”) and expanding CRA ’77. In 1993 Clinton used regulatory fiat to expand the law; then twice in 1995 he got CRA ’77 expansions passed through congress; and in 1998 he passed a poisonous steroid version of CRA ’77 expansion. As a result of Bush #1’s and Clinton’s actions . . . in 1995 14% of all home mortgages were suspect (issued with less than 3% down payment to risky home buyers); by 2005 the number of bad loans had risen to 34%. Worse, thanks to Clinton’s ’98 steroid expansion of CRA ’77, A) many of the loans were being made at not 3% down payment but with Zero-down payment B) ACORN now had less trouble putting an unqualified loan recipient into a $440,000 home than they’d had in putting him into a $110,000 home fifteen years earlier and C) the unqualified loan recipients now included people without jobs at all; people without even rental histories; people with horrendous credit ratings; people without I.D.; people whose only “income” was food stamps; and even illegal aliens. 

All this brought on the prime-lending crisis which was about 94% of the problem underlying our recent financial meltdown. By the way, in 1996 Community Organizer Barack Obama was working as an ACORN attorney shaking-down unwilling lenders to force them into bad loans. Obama was famous for not only getting promises for large numbers of loans but also getting these financial organizations to donate to ACORN.


Read more…
“Thanks to the American media’s blackout of the Climategate scandal revelations in East Anglia, England, Americans have not been privy to the revolution in thinking going on in Europe over the last thirteen months. Two terms, in particular: “Watermelons” and “Mean Greenies” have come to dominate the Europeans’ new evaluation of the leaders in the environmental movement in general and of the Global Warming alarmists in particular.”


Time to Strain Your “Belief Muscles” Again?

You may have trouble believing this story IF you believe the following lies propagated by Progressive politicians for the last 20-50 years:

A. We’re running out of oil in the world. This blog will change that notion for you.

B. We’ve long ago run out of oil in the United States. This blog will set you straight.

C. Man-made global warming is endangering the planet. Most real scientists here in America and almost all real scientists in Europe are positive that statement is Untrue (see the top link below this paragraph). In fact our American media silence in the United States on those two facts (the truth about global warming itself; and America’s scientists’ convictions about global warming even before the Climategate conspiracy was unmasked) amounts to a huge betrayal of the American people and of our U.S. Constitution. The “Climategate” e-mail release thirteen months ago in Europe has only been covered here in the United States by the Wall Street Journal and FOX News among the media but the internet, both here and in Europe, is alive with it. While Americans have believed that Global Warming is dooming us, Europe over the last year has almost totally discredited these alarmists (in case you missed out on the Climategate revelations and upon the biggest scientific fraud within the global warming lie: the next two links will put you onto the truth).

D. Environmental leaders (known in Europe as “Watermelons” and “mean greenies”) have your health, prosperity and happiness in mind always.

E. Only Green-Tech can save our planet and our economies in the long run.

The lies associated with items D and E immediately above are a bit complicated, but will roll out of the information below. Before we get to the meat of the blog, let’s clear up the key source of almost all of the lies you’ve been fed about energy over the last 50 years; and the source of the great majority of the political lies spread about the world over the last 162 years. American “Progressivism” (which called itself by that name for about a quarter century and then called themselves liberals for over 80 years) is based upon English Fabian Socialism. The key group pushing these ideas for almost 130 years now is called the Fabian Society:

The key belief of American progressives is that we must “progress” beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution so that we can “progress” toward their notion of an earthly Utopia where, they say, we’ll take from each according to his ability and give to each according to his needs (the 162 year old desire of Karl Marx writing in Das Kapital). If you have never before seen the Fabian Society unmasked; and “kindly” George Bernard Shaw stripped naked beyond Pigmalion and My Fair lady, you owe it to yourself, to America and to our future to visit the website just above. The Fabian Society also gave us the London School of Economics closely tied to the American progressive desire for a single global ruling elite. The London School of Economics also gave us George Soros.

At the risk of seeming racist, let Rajjpuut say this: George Soros can aptly be called “Barack Obama’s MASSA.” He is the puppet master pulling the strings of Obama, Pelosi, Reid and American progressivism.

The eighty year old Mr. Soros can accurately be compared to the ageless Emperor in the Star Wars movies. He grew up as a fourteen year old capo, a Jew working with Hitler’s Nazis, getting other Hungarian Jews to “report” for their transportation to the death camps. He’s only become more sinister since.

Known as “the man who broke the Bank of England” super rich Mr. Soros went from hundred-millionaire and became a multi-billionaire by profiting from wrecking four countries’ currencies over the last 24 years). Mr. Soros has said on more than one occasion, “The number one obstacle to world stability is the United States.” He aims to destroy our currency, impoverish the country, and with the help of the 48 progressive American non-profit foundations he’s created (start with the Tides Foundation; Center for American Progress; and his Open Society Institutes and spread your research from there . . . Mr. Soros is one helluva busybody at a time in his life when most people are content to go fishing) Georgie is seeking to push us all into one-world government led by elites like . . . well, George Soros), he may well succeed.

Progressives in general and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and George Soros, who have all broken bread together on many occasions, now want to break your back. That’s where the lies come from. Back to our main points of interest . . . .

Item #1 At this present moment, Green-Tech is a flim-flam.


Natural Law (mentioned in our Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Federalist Papers and applying to such things as the Law of Gravity as well as to human behavior) discoveries in the area of wind tech; solar tech; etc. are 300 million years behind fossil fuel. We’re NOT saying that some new Edison in five years won’t or can’t revolutionize the entire green-tech picture and eliminate the need for fossil fuels overnight. What we are saying is that green-tech right now right here is science-fiction from a viable nationwide standpoint. Is that a serious problem? If the underlying scientific principles required to make PRACTICAL energy on a grand national scale don’t yet exist . . . everything based upon saying that “YES, YES THEY DO TOO EXIST!!” is a scam and a national betrayal. How big a national betrayal? Consider this: In 1997, Spain had the healthiest economy in Europe and was creating the most jobs on that continent with unemployment about 4%. Today Spain is one of seven seriously near-bankrupt European countries with unemployment at 2o.8%. How did that happen?

Spain bought into green-tech in 1998 and began to heavily subsidize clean energy jobs. Results of a Spanish green-tech study done three years ago show that 2.2 jobs in the real economy were lost for every single green-tech job created. Like Obama with the stimulus (where jobs lasting one week were credited the same as permanent jobs), the Spanish exaggerated the job creations via green-tech. Only 10% of Spain’s green-tech jobs proved permanent and most paid between U.S. $10-$14. Mr. Obama has promised to give us “five million new green-tech jobs” which extrapolated toward the Spanish example would lose us eleven million real jobs; only 10% of those newly created green jobs would prove permanent meaning that only 500,000 permanent jobs would be created and we would have an American version of the Spanish green-tech experience on our hands . . . a 22/1 debacle in lost jobs compared to jobs created (11 million real jobs lost; only 500,000 modestly-paying green-tech jobs created).

So for those of you who thought Mr. Obama was exaggerating when he told the San Francisco Chronicle that his policies “would bankrupt the coal industry” and “under my policies of cap and trade the price of electricity would necessarily skyrocket” . . . he was a straight-shooter on coal and the cost of electricity, but he was hugely exaggerating about the “benefits” of green-tech jobs at this point in time because the technology does NOT exist.

Item #1.5 The oil critics are NOT asking the right questions . . .

. . . that’s why they keep giving you and me only the answers they want us to hear and never tell us the truth . . . .

The answers they want us to hear are wind, solar power and other “Magic Clean Green” energy sources that do NOT actually exist in any meaningful way on a national scale. The truth is that fossil fuels are and have been the preferred source of power because right here and right now only fossil fuels make sense. In a nutshell, the question comes down to practical, efficient and cheap energy. Fossil fuels are all three and they’re getting cheaper (except for artificial barriers thrown in our way by environmental regulations to make slow, inefficient and expensive green vehicles look somewhat more attractive) by the day. For example the Swedes have come up with a cheap way to make extraction much more efficient for getting out 60% of the unreachable oil. For example the Canadians have “trained” a tiny microbe to allow them to take previously worthless coal tar and turn it into clean-burning methane gas. If the only answer the media and the politicians and the greenies want you to hear is so-called “green-energy” (solar power requires huge pollution and energy use in the manufacturing stages) then the truth will not get to you and the actual dollar savings you’d be expecting can just be taxed away.

Item #2 Would you believe our conventional oil supplies will quadruple or quintuple in your lifetime if we want them to?

It’s true.

As the price of oil rises and the technology for extracting it improves dramatically, we are every day returning to old “dried out wells” and eventually harvesting two to three times the original yield of those wells. Besides that, exploration methods seeking new wells are now about 400% more accurate, so less money is wasted drilling “dry-holes.” Here in the United States and southern Canada we have also discovered the Bakken Formation, which is the largest oil reserve ever found, bigger in area than the entire Middle East . . . of course we’re not allowed to drill there thanks to ridiculous prohibitions and only the reservation Indians are taking advantage of it so far. It’s also true that the same people who are limiting our drilling have seen to it that this country has not built a new oil refinery since 1974! By the way, the oil is there if we choose to go after it. We may reasonably NOT want to go after it, however, read on . . . .

Item #3 Would you believe that if we want it, Colorado, Utah and Wyoming could supply the energy needs of this country for five to six hundred years?

Also true. Keragen or Marlstone (usually MISnamed: “oil shale”) deposits in western Colorado as well as Utah and Wyoming hold that much stored energy. These deposits require a “mining” approach rather than a conventional oilman’s drilling etc. The Indians told the Whites about the “rock that burns” 155 years ago, now if we want it, we’ve got boundless energy sources using that keragen. We may, however, reasonably decide we don’t want it. Read on . . . .

Item #4 Would you believe that Items #2 and #3 above quite possibly are going to prove unattractive within a dozen years?

Without the government’s interference and without resorting to fraudulent energy sources such as ethanol (which costs much, much more in pollution start to finish; and significantly more in money –if subsidies are added in - than oil), it appears that the recent discovery of the Natural Law underlying MAN’S creation of oil in the near future will bear huge fruit. Unlike ethanol and other plant-based synfuels subsidized by the government, the cost of foodstuffs like corn will not skyrocket if and when these new technologies are perfected. You’ve heard of things like Castrol’s synthetic oil . . . this is something different, using algae to replace the 300 million year process of creating oil, coal, natural gas, etc. When this becomes reality, then a point will be reached where the price of oil says that keragen and oil in the ground will become far less desirable than letting nature take its course under the watchful eyes of man above ground.

Item #5 Would you believe that new technology called “cellular oil” could make all drilling and oil shale exploration moot questions?

That’s the name of the new technology.

Item #6 Would you believe that someone has a vested interest in our not hearing the terms “watermelon” or “mean greenie” here in America?

Thanks to the American media’s blackout of the Climategate scandal revelations in East Anglia, England, Americans have not been privy to the revolution in thinking going on in Europe over the last thirteen months. Two terms, in particular: “Watermelons” and “Mean Greenies” have come to dominate the Europeans’ new evaluation of the leaders in the environmental movement in general and of the Global Warming alarmists in particular. The term “mean greenie” has been around in England for some time. It describe folks who burn SUVs, deliberately foul fishing nets, destroy ski resorts, drive six inch spikes into trees in hopes of killing lumberjacks using chainsaws, and others who commit crimes against humans in the name of ecology. Lately “mean greenie” has seen a sudden upshot in popular usage in the media all over Europe. But the term “Watermelon” is something special that’s only become common since the Climategate e-mail revelations.

A “watermelon” is a so-called environmentalist who’s “green on the outside and pink to bright red on the inside.” That is, the leaders of much of the environmental movement are now seen in Europe as using the environment for pushing their real but hidden agenda, a heavily socialist or even Marxist agenda. What???? You see it’s like this, all of the Cap and Trade ideas needed (the progressives say) to stop Global Warming in its tracks can only efficiently be executed by a near totalitarian state . . . an all-powerful national government run as part of an even more powerful global government. And what is the basis of all this fraud?

The progressives are pretending that Natural Law no longer works. They want a crisis so they manufacture one with manufactured “science.” They want oil eliminated from the world scene so they pretend that Natural Law has advanced to the level that green-tech is viable, even though it’s not. Right now, the only Natural Law in force capable of providing energy for the whole planet at a practical price and effort is fossil fuel energy. Because of advances in Natural Law (laws we discover and use; NOT laws we make up!) tomorrow, man-made fossil fuel energy appears ready to supplant 300 million year old fossil fuels, and that is semi-green tech created by capitalism and individualism . . . not by a political elite defrauding the people** of the world.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** These are the same people who had DDT banned because of false science (a la Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring) at a time when DDT had dropped malaria deaths (not to mention suffering from a lifetime of episodic three-day fever fits) down to 44,000 annually. The American and United Nations DDT ban has killed more than 70 million souls just to malaria, never mind all the other scourges that DDT avoids, since 1974. Today 2,100,000 people die from malaria every year and tropical nations are finally seeing the light and going back to DDT. If you read the Fabian Society material given above and the words of George Bernard Shaw you see this for what it is: deliberate population control a la eugenics . . . or if you’re a sucker for progressivism, you could call it just plain incompetence . . . and the more you check progressivism the more incompetence you find . . . consider our $113 TRillion in unfunded liabilities via Social Security, Medicare and the federal side of Medicaid; or the unfunded liabilities created by the state side of Medicaid by the Obamacare Law which will bankrupt all 50 states by 2024 . . . or the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977 requiring home lenders to deliberately make known bad loans which was expanded five times (four times just by ACORN President Bill Clinton: once by regulatory edict and three times via legislation) and took us from one “bad” loan in every 404 loans in 1975, to 2005 when 34% of all home loans were bad: thus giving us our sub-prime lending crisis and financial meltdown.

Whether you consider it incompetence or a deliberate attempt to undo capitalism and create chaos so that progressivism can step in offering their neat, sweet big government solutions . . . progressivism is the lethal cancer dominating the American scene and needs to be eradicated posthaste. Thankfully, the voters in November, 2010, saw that clearly.

Read more…

“The progressive/Marxist big government mindset is that life is a zero-sum game, so they can’t really understand the creative-cooperative nature of capitalism even if they themselves are involved in some creative-cooperative activity. They treat the world as if everybody’s playing checkers** . . . if somebody wins, somebody else must lose and therefore the best result in their view is a draw; and they will always seek to drag the “wealthy” down to the level of the poor with wealth-redistribution schemes that just impoverish everyone. In America, thanks in part to largely unfettered capitalism, the rising tide of general prosperity has lifted all boats for over two hundred years and continues to lift all boats so that the typical American living under the “poverty line” in 2004 was better off than 88% of the world’s population.” Rajjpuut

Crocodile Tears of the Left

Flood America with Corruption

as the “BIG LIE” Dominates

Part IV: Victim #4, The Rich and the Poor

Loyal readers are advised to skip ahead as we give a brief review. In this blog series, we’ve been exposing the self-described “victimhood” of progressives at the hands of their evil, racist, etc. conservative oppressors and showing you where the real victimhood is:,_then_dismemberment_part_i.thtml

In part I of the series (the link immediately above) the victim was “TRUTH” and among six key areas we hit Rajjpuut documented and exposed this truth:

Using the same Cloward-Piven** strategy that DELIBERATELY created the bankruptcy of New York City earlier between 1967 and 1975 by deliberately overloading the welfare rolls . . . beginning especially after 1992, ACORN, OBAMA, First ACORN PRESIDENT Bill Clinton, and oodles of progressives (98% of them Democrats) DELIBERATELY were pushing the car toward a 500-foot cliff. George W. Bush jumped in and grabbed the steering wheel and hit the brakes. Bush was able to create a controlled-skid and guide the car to rest in a friendly-looking ditch!

The chain of evidence producing that statement is something that every American ought to be aware of, just as every American ought to be aware of the identities of Saul Alinsky, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and be able to articulate what Cloward-Piven strategy is . . . the fact that most Americans are totally ignorant of these things means someone hasn’t been doing their job.,_then_dismemberment___part_ii.thtml

In Part II of the series we examines the “Fourth Estate” and how their willful actions and inactions and choreographed responses (the scandal known as the “JournOList” which many Americans have not heard of because it’s too embarrassing for the liberal media to reveal that over 400 of its people have been colluding on how stories ought to be presented – to the benefit of the progressive political movement in this country) have sabotaged the nation and freedom and the Constitution. In Rajjpuut’s J-school classes reporting was all about revealing TRUTH in an ‘inverted-pyramid’ of Who? What? Where? Why? and How? That immediately put the most important facts at the top of the story and gradually petered out as less important details were shown. Today the inverted-pyramid has disappeared and unsupported opinion has replaced TRUTH in much of what passes for “NEWS.” Then we looked at how the false victimhood of the progressives (we must “progress” beyond the outdated and flawed U.S. Constitution) has created another real victim: “Responsibility” in the guise of the rising numbers of single-mother-families (a problem obviously created by everybody else’s sexism, according to feminists). As the irresponsible notion of deliberately choosing a single-parent family drags down all of society (see this link).,_then_dismemberment___part_iii.thtml

Victim #4: The Rich and the Poor

This will be the shortest blog in our ten-part blog-series because despite all the lies progressives might tell you, economics is a very simple area. It’s only when you tell gross lies about economics aimed at furthering the likelihood of socialism or totalitarianism or both that economics gets difficult. If your “economic world system” is a lie (the “school” of Keynesian economics) then you must forever be adding sub-schools that purport to justify and “solve” the big lie in the system. Today there are at least a hundred sub-schools of John Maynard Keynes (all of them telling lies in favor of big government at every turn). In the “Wealth of Nations” Adam Smith revealed the marvelous truth we today call “Classical Economics” that “individual men through creativity, through industry, through communications can create and magnify wealth cooperatively.”

Here is the point where the fearful progressive departs from common sense. In his world there is always an oppressor (the conservative-captitalist) and always a victim (the whole world of progressives themselves) being exploited by the oppressor. Life, in short, is a zero sum game between two people. If the capitalist wins, the laborer must lose. If the capitalist wins the consumer must lose. If the capitalist wins society as a whole must lose. How does the capitalist win? By creating “PROFIT.” Profit is the ultimate “dirty word” to progressives which means they who claim to follow a historically necessary path based upon the lessons of history, don’t understand the simplest lessons of human history because . . . (drum roll, maestro) profit is good, indeed profit is the ultimate good that makes civilization, some degree of comfort, and large amounts of free will possible to mankind.

Another word for profit is “SURPLUS.” When people live hand to mouth existences . . . in that cold gray world . . . there is indeed a greater likelihood of exploitation, exploitation of the criminal over the victim. I barely have enough and you barely have enough, if I hurt you and steal what you’ve got then I have twice as much and you have nothing. However, when we both have a little profit, a bit of surplus, instead of a win-lose proposition, life becomes win-win. I’m a farmer and I trade a little bit of my extra corn (beyond what I need to survive and to feed my animals) to you in exchange for the chair you made, your profit; to your neighbor the smith for the hoe and shovel he made, his surplus or profit beyond survival needs; and to your other neighbor for the wool he’s got, his family’s profit. I have so much corn that I’d almost give it away for the chair, the garden tools and the wool.

Each of the others I trade with feels the same about the furniture, tools, and wool they produce. Each of us feels like we’ve gained by the trades we made and lost virtually nothing. This is the essence of win-win interaction, the essence of capitalism. When money is created, capitalism often becomes broadly expansive, the resulting interactions become sort of complicated, but the essence is the same, men willingly give of their labor and their surplus to interact with other men in cooperative win-win trade. There is no oppressor and no victim. The simplest and best example of unfettered capitalism is found in this brief essay:

But there often is an oppressor after all; the heavy hand of government is played when power enters the marketplace by force. Whether for taxation or other confiscation, it is government which befuddles the simple win-win formula, simply stated the one lesson for understanding economics is:

But when government enters the marketplace, with taxes, subsidies, willful destruction, payment for zero production or lessened production, etc., etc., ad nauseum they have to justify the “displacement” of normal market forces and normal free-market good this way:

Here’s the total picture free online, Rajjpuut recommends you make this website a “favorite”:

So what’s really going on when government enters the picture? In a word “theft,” stealing by the powerful (the government) of what the productive have earned. Sometimes it is literally out-and-out direct theft for and by those in power. More commonly at other times they steal from some, pay take “their cut” as well and redistribute the wealth to others so as to win the favor of those others receiving benefits and “earn” their votes and support. Today in America 47% pay no taxes but are rather in complete or partial measure supported by those who do produce and do pay the taxes . . . this is what government has done to us.

The progressive/Marxist big government mindset is that life is a zero-sum game, so they can’t really understand the creative-cooperative nature of capitalism even if they themselves are involved in some creative-cooperative activity. They treat the world as if everybody’s playing checkers . . . if somebody wins, somebody else must lose and therefore the best result in their view is a draw; and they will always seek to drag the “wealthy” down to the level of the poor with wealth-redistribution schemes that just impoverish everyone. In America, thanks in part to largely unfettered capitalism, the rising tide of general prosperity has lifted all boats for over two hundred years and continues to lift all boats so that the typical American living under the “poverty line” in 2004 was better off than 88% of the world’s population. A rising tide of prosperity is the hallmark of capitalism; stagnation and lack of economic growth is the hallmark of government interference.

While government does play a legitimate and necessary role in defending the people and their borders and maintaining order and protecting their god-given liberties . . . government run amuck under progressivism fulfills a totally corrupted role: screwing the rich, screwing the poor and making itself ever bigger, every day . . . .

Next Time: First Crocodile Tears, then Dismemberment Part V

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** The truth is, it is ONLY when progressivism moves in to create Big Government, GIBs (government interference boondoggles) and GSB (government spending boondoggles) that surpluses disappear and profit becomes an ugly world and then life gets beastly and miserable and very close to zero-sum.
Read more…

“There is wash water. There are babies. And throwing babies out with the wash water is always a very bad idea . . .” Rajjpuut

Destroying America,

His Most Important Inside-Job

“O’ ye of little faith . . .” is a common quote criticizing those who supposedly won’t get with the program, whatever the program might be. However, that all too infamous “NO-man,” Rajjpuut, has found in his life that for every time a supposedly well meant, “Yes, that sounds like a good idea” works out well, there’s about twenty times when a soundly conceived “Hell, No!” will work out best for all considered. 94% of inventions don't make it and only lose a lot of money for their inventors, truly good change is very hard to find and needs to be well-thought out and implemented wisely. Searching for a country of “Yes-voters,” Barack Obama is touring the country calling for unity, calling for tolerance, (while himself falsely calling Conservative patriots “racists”), calling the Republican minorities in the House and Senate “the Party of No,” and saying House Minority Leader John Boehner “hasn’t come up with one new idea.” To which, Rajjpuut says, AMEN and HURRAH! Thank God for the “Party of ‘NO! and not only that, old ideas like Warren G. Harding changing Woodrow Wilson's Depression into the "Invisible Depression" by cutting taxes 47%, government spending 49% and reducing the National Debt 30% is indeed an old idea, but it works!

As Barack Obama continues to defecate upon the Constitution, Rajjpuut says, “There is wash water. There are babies. And throwing babies out with wash water is always a bad idea . . . so much for “hope and change and ‘fundamental transformation’ of a land that only needs to restore and rededicate itself.”

Like Barack Obama, way too many people talk a “great game” without knowing what they’re talking about, Barack Obama is a case in point when it comes to knowledge of the United States** Constitution; when it comes to economics; when it comes to jobs and business; when it comes to foreign relations; when it comes to the oath of office he swore on Inauguration Day, 2009. Unfortunately, on election day, 2008, for every Rajjpuut who already recognized Barack Obama for the grave danger that he represented, about sixteen other voters, even those who voted against Obama, thought the man with the audacity of hype just wanted the best for America.

Like King Priam in the Odyssey as he stood before the Trojan Horse on the sandy beach west of Troy, America had a decision to make. Like Priam we have brought the Trojan Horse into our midst; and like Priam we are paying mightily for it. More Americans have begun hearing sounds from within the lethal horse, sounds that resemble, not spoken Greek, but silent and poisonous Marxism.

According to best-selling author David Limbaugh, talking about his latest book, Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment Against Barack Obama, “President Barack Obama’s leftist ideology” has made him “the most destructive president of all time.” Rajjpuut can only criticize that comment with faint praise, “David, you ain’t seen nothing yet . . . .”

Limbaugh says the president has disdain for America’s superpower status and wants to undermine the country. Tracing Obama’s personal history, Limbaugh adds, “He thinks that we’re too big for our britches, that we have consumed too much of the world’s resources, that we’re unnecessarily provocative, and that we even contributed to bringing on 9/11,” says Limbaugh, the younger brother of Talk Radio host Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh contends the president has been raised to hate America by a communist mother and grandfather; and by his mentor, the poet and card-carrying communist Frank Marshall Davis, to distrust Whites and to love Marxism.

He attended school for part of five years in a Muslim school. Then “he attended church for twenty years with Reverend Jeremiah Wright saying things like ‘God damn America!’ and constantly preaching about White oppression against Blacks and saying “America’s chickens have come home to roost’ and ‘we brought 9/11 upon ourselves’ . . . and Omaba overuses the obvious Marxist euphemism “fundamentally change America” to describe making America a Marxist nation. Limbaugh’s new book outlines in some detail the way Obama’s agenda is destroying our country.

Rajjpuut would say, Limbaugh’s book does NOT go far enough especially in not only describing Obama’s shackling of the free market and statist takeovers of business . . . but also needs to reveal more about Obama’s out and out betrayal. Just yesterday, Rajjpuut uncovered documentation showing that far from getting involved with ACORN sometime between 1993 and early 1995, Barack Obama was already working as an outreach community organizer for ACORN in 1989 at the Developing Communities project in Chicago and then joined ACORN’s Project Vote by 1992 before later using his law degree for them as he brow-beat and shook down mortgage lenders to make bad loans to poor clients with no hope short of winning the lottery of ever repaying their mortgages. In other words, Obama played a key role in bankrupting our country via the subprime lending disaster -- not nearly the important role played by President Bill Clinton who passed three expansions to mortgage-guarantee legislation during his eight years in office – but a key role nevertheless. Read Limbaugh’s book; know our Trojan Horse president.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Obama actually taught a Constitutional Law class in Chicago and several semesters on Saul Alinsky’s book “Rules for Radicals.” He has ZERO feel for what it means to be an American and what the Constitution is all about just as he would find the following econmics truths incomprehensible:

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A) Based upon a 1966 article by two neo-Marxist professors (Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of NYC’s Columbia University) advocating a (GNI) or guaranteed national income as the solution to poverty in America . . . Cloward, Piven and George Wiley created the (NWRO) National Welfare Rights Organization in 1967 to test out Cloward-Piven strategy. In two years they used browbeating and street tactics to add 6.5 million people onto the welfare rolls. By 1975 they’d added 8.2 million and bankrupted New York City and nearly bankrupted the whole state of New York. The trio did not get GNI, but bragged about their great achievement and Cloward and Piven told their followers to use their strategy to attack housing and voter registration.

B) Shortly after progressive Jimmy Carter’s democrats created the (CRA ’77) Community Reinvestment Act in 1977 to force mortgage companies to make bad home loans to clients who could not be reasonably expected to ever repay their loans, Wiley’s lieutenant Wade Rathke (later founder of the SEIU union whose present leader Andrew Stern has visited the White House more than any other individual) already working on NWRO in Arkansas for Wiley was told to create another community organization there.

C) Rathke created ACORN (initially the “A” in ACORN stood for “Arkansas” only later would it come to mean “Association) that same year. They (ACORN) were somewhat ineffective at first in the housing arena but they did help elect William Clinton to the governorship in 1978 and keep him their for 12 of the next 14 years. In the next 21 years CRA ’77 would be expanded four times (three times by Clinton) and benefit greatly from “mortgage-guarantee regulatory review” ordered by Clinton in 1993, his first year in office. That same year Clinton oversaw the passing of the Motor Voter Act which gave ACORN a twelve-lane highway to voter registration fraud. In the official MVA picture of the signing ceremony, Richard Cloward and Frances Piven stand almost directly behind Clinton as he wields his pen.D) Clinton oversees two CRA expansions in 1995 and the steroid-version expansion of mortgage-guarantee legislation in 1998. As a result: highly risky loans (those written with under 10% down payment) increased dramatically and utterly insane loans (with less than 3% down payment required shot through the roof. Here’s the timeline:

1966 Cloward-Piven strategy is published

1967 NWRO is created with Wiley at its head

1975 NYC goes bankrupt and is bailed out by the federal government. Cloward, Piven and Wiley brag about their great deed and C-P followers are advised that the next emphasis areas must be voter registration and housing

1975 less than 0.24% of all home loans @ less than 3% down 1/404

1977 Jimmy Carter is inaugurated. CRA ’77 is passed. Rathke creates ACORN in Arkansas.

1978-1992 ACORN supports Bill Clinton, keeps him in office for 12 of the next 14 years until he becomes the first ACORN president in 1992. Over the years ACORN voter drives “register” tens of thousands of voters in Arkansas, only trouble? They never deliver a single “preferred party-Republican” registration form to voting authorities.

1985 just above 0.50% of all home loans @ less than 3%

down 1/198

1992-1995 CRA ’77 is expanded three times by congress

1993 Bill Clinton’s regulatory review of CRA ’77 puts ACORN on overdrive now they’ve truly got the law and the president on their side

1994 ACORN lawyer Barack Obama begins work brow-beating and shaking down home lenders so they’ll grant stupid loans

1995 roughly 14% of all loans are ill-advised @ less than 3% down

1998 Clinton passes the steroid version of CRA ‘77

2002 ACORN perfects their ploys and discovers that for little more trouble than getting a $120,000 loan they can put a destitute person in a $400,000 home.

2003 Investment advisor James Stack of’s website starts running a chart on the “Housing Industry Bubble” in November, ’03 which he’ll continue running until about April 2008. Stack claims that not only are home prices in a bubble (risky high level) but the housing industry itself, construction and mortgages particularly have risen to 1400% of their 1996 values. On top of this, Stack pinpoints a coming “sub-prime lending crisis” based upon poor people who can’t afford their mortgages being put into very expensive homes.

2005 34% of all home loans are presumably bad business decisions @ less than 3% down; many of them 0% loans granted after ACORN shake-downs to clients without I.D.; without jobs; with horrific credit ratings; with only food stamps to list as "income"; without even a rental history; all sorts of welfare recipients; illegal aliens; and others who have no business with a mortgage loan.

2005 The Bush administration has seen enough, in January, 2005 they offer a bill to erradicate the sub-prime lending crisis and undo much of the CRA expansion, particularly with regard to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae and to Clinton’s ’98 steroid-version. The bill is soundly defeated.

2007 Finally, in July, 2007, enough conservative and moderate Democrats have understood the crisis and a watered down version of the original January, 2005 Bush initiative is passed . The bill proves to be far too little, far too late and the country falls into financial chaos . . . but the new law does enough that three weeks ago Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised Bush for saving the country from truly serious problems.

Today, when he and his administration and other progressives are not at work playing the “racism card,” Barack Obama delights in saying that Conservatives created the present mess and blaming everything that happened on the Bush administration that preceded him. The truth is sinister but must be acknowledged. The progressive-wing of the Democratic** Party has deliberately undermined the economy and Constitution of this country and must be made accountable. Who best to do the accounting and to banish the progressive-wing from their midst for eternity? The real Dems must do the deed.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


** A strong and honorable Democratic Party supporting the Constitution is needed.

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osted by Rajjpuut's Folly on Sunday, July 18, 2010 1:05:32 PM

"Results alone are never enough, wisdom means understanding how and why things happen, so that a repeatable excellence habit is built and foreseeable failures are avoided." Rajjpuut's reflections on Kepner-Tregoe management training methods and aims.

Why Didn’t the “Stimulus and Recovery Act Work?”

A lot of Libertarians and other Conservatives are not at all surprised that the Obama Stimulus and Recovery Act not only didn’t work but that it actually cost 2.4 million jobs. The question is why did it fail? Why can’t the government, in its vast wisdom, hee hee, create jobs? And why specifically did our communist (55% of folks out there call Obama a “socialist,” but he is and from birth has always been a communist**) president fail with this specific bill? And let’s ask a corollary question, is “jobs created or saved” a meaningful statistic?

Why didn't it work? It’s our old friend from “Economics in One Lesson” by Henry Hazlitt, “the Broken Window Parable” (linked below a.k.a. the Broken Window Fallacy or Broken Window Fable) and it denies the most fundamental precepts of humankind living in society. While economics is actually the simplest of “social sciences,” the fact that human self-interest (and not only rational Ayn Rand type self-interest, but also greedy deluded conquer-the-world-and-make-everybody-do-my-bidding type self-interest as well) repeatedly involves itself in so-called “economic projections” makes the Broken Window Parable the most fundamental error made by the statists, totalitarians, liberals, progressives, and Obamalike Marxists. Unfortunately, most ordinary citizens don't know and/or don't understand the Broken Window Parable and can easily get caught up with the progressive's $$ Utopian dreams.
While Hazlitt’s book (online free is the most helpful aid to understanding human economic fallacy . . . the “one lesson” smacks of the teachings of Gandhi . . . it’s so damn simple, it’s too easy to ignore ( but, of course, add in the technique of putting lessons into little and powerful and memorable stories found in both the simple teachings of Jesus Christ in his parables or of Aesop in his fables and the whole thing becomes instantaneously memorable forever: (

And what is the fundamental truth that makes the broken window fallacy eternally useful and valid? Ayn Rand nailed it on the head with her “The Virtue of Selfishness” one of the tiniest philosophic books you’ll ever ecounter and even that book’s “thinness” can be shunted aside in favor of a three-page “Fable” proving rational human self-interest is the engine of capitalism, of liberty and of our very lives and happiness ( So let us nail it all down, why specifically did the Stimulus and recovery act fail?

A. Imagine a typical average free market job paying X dollars per year counting pay and benefits. A real, bona fide and typically permanent job except when it's taxed out of existence.

B. The average similar union job pays 1.62X dollars per year. The difference is FORCED extra pay and extra benefits and extra protections (seniority, featherbedding, etc., etc. ad nauseum) for union workers^^.

C. The average comparable government job pays 1.94X dollars per year in pay and benefits. These are specious jobs which could not exist were not two real jobs taxed out of existence. Yes, some of these jobs (soldiers, sailors, health educators, etc.) are absolutely necessary. Of course, if you were to eliminate virtually all of the non-essential government jobs, you could expect the free market to create real jobs almost magically.

D. The average government-union job pays roughly 2.28X dollars, nuff said.

E. By lying with statistics, the government adds in temporary “make-work” jobs such as the U.S. census work and treats those as if they were real and permanent jobs when counting.

F. Government initiatives, 100% of them, come at real cost which the Left with their “government can solve every problem” mentality willfully and consistently and constantly choose to ignore because it benefits their power grabbing to overlook such facts. For example, Obama is back to tooting his “five-million new green tech jobs” horn once again. This might actually work and actually help the country . . . but ONLY IF viable and efficient green technology had just arrived on the scene. Under those circumstances eleven million real jobs in the economy would be lost creating those five million green tech jobs and so the effect over say, the first six years of the “mandated conversion” process would be horrendous. However, as the example from the Spanish experience (they went from 3% unemployment to now sitting at 21% unemployment) clearly shows, because viable green technology in large part does NOT actually exist, 90% of the green jobs the Spanish government created were NOT permanent. In the Obama example that translates to five million original green tech jobs becoming 500,000 permanent green tech jobs still at the same initial cost: eleven million real, free market jobs.

G. Since Obama used the stimulus money largely to create not only government jobs, but also government union jobs and also temporary jobs . . . 2.4 actual jobs was the cost for each, often temporary government job created.

H. Ergo, regardless of the amount (100 jobs created or saved???) of jobs created or saved, the only valid statistic is NET JOBS ADDED or LOST in the PRIVATE SECTOR.

I. Addendum, the president’s new financial “reform” package is an even more dangerous initiative. Hidden within its 2,300+ pages are about fifty regulations that favor unions over the rest of us (their benefits and their tariffs upon foreign goods translate to OUR HIGHER PRICES. In seeking with this legislation, members to add to the union rolls and great amounts of money added to the union coffers across the country, Barack Obama has just insured that our recession will now become a full-blown DEPRESSION unless this bill, Obamacare and virtually all else his thrust upon us is repealed.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


$$ Remember today's progressives are actually against "progress." They use environmental extremism to oppose even ordinary human living. In the name of taking control of everything, they seek to "progress" beyond the "out-dated, ill-conceived and flawed" U.S. Constitution toward Utopian Marxism. Since Rajjpuut sees the U.S. Constitution as the single greatest entity encouraging life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and progress, you easily understand why he is "anti-progressive" in every way.

^^ Most people are surprised that union workers’ pay and benefits amount to “so little.” Think of it as a dynamic process. What happens is this: unions gradually drive their own jobs out of existence (consider the once huge American automobile industry) so the “average” of all union jobs at any given moment is 1.62X only because union jobs are being lost so rapidly (again look at the auto industry, robots are much more common in EX-union assembly-line jobs, of course, because they are economically viable there where they might not be in a non-union position). It’s just one more contradiction built into unionization that the union bosses don’t want the “proletariat” to consider.


And just for the heck of it since someone reading this is going to talk about how FDR “saved the country” from similar “dire straits”:

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Paul, “The Psychic” Octopus,

Predicts Obama’s Leanings

It’s been an absolutely exciting thirty-two days for an eight-legged celebrity who’s gone from obscurity, to becoming the toast of the World Cup soccer tournament, to death threats, to recently unveiling the truth about Barack Obama . . . . Unfortunately, because of those death threats, the expected well-deserved rest earned by the jaunty cephalopod “Oracle Paul,” the Octopus, has been put off until such a time as German authorities can guarantee his safety at his home zoo or in some other secure locale. By now the story is well-known but nevertheless astonishing.

Paul, an octopus at a German zoo, had already shown himself a crack prognosticator in the run up to the World Cup soccer tournament, but the eight-legged wonder, it seems, was just warming up. Not wanting to tire him, his German handlers put Paul at first on special duty predicting only the result of games where Germany was involved. They allowed Paul a tasty mollusk after each prediction on the eve of World Cup games. Shown two tanks with the flags of the countries involved in tomorrow’s game . . . Paul unerringly and immediately opened the tank and ate the mollusk of the winning team . . . . really, you can’t make this stuff up! See the links at the top of the page if you’re not already familiar with Paul’s exploits . . . .

In the three-game group phase starting the tournament, Paul immediately predicted a German win over Australia and Germany obliged with a 4-0 shellacking of the Aussies. Then for the second game, Paul showed himself not prone to political correctness by forecasting that lowly Serbia would beat the mighty Germans . . . German fans were outraged and called for sushi!

Serbia indeed, downed the Germans 1-0 in probably the single biggest upset in World Cup history. Paul’s handlers were flooded with octopus recipes from angry Teutonic fans. But those calling for his weird-football-shaped head were soon fascinated by Paul’s incredible accuracy in predicting the German victories over England and Mexico with absolutely no hesitation . . . by this time Paul had become a worldwide celebrity and film clips of him making his deft predictions flooded the internet. And then the unthinkable happened.

In the semi-finals of the knockout phase of the tournament, Paul again abandoned political correctness and chose Spain to end Germany’s hopes of holding the World Cup Trophy. When once again (the sixth straight time) the tentacled theorists was proved correct, bitter German rooters made several plays on Paul’s life and the octopus was forced to do his further predictive work wearing a flak jacket and odd helmet. Tasters were hired to ensure that the Oracle’s food was not poisoned.

It was a tense three days. However, most fans foregave Paul when he predicted German victory in the consolation game after which the German team held the 3rd place trophy aloft. And then, for the first time Paul’s trainers allowed the octopus to venture a guess on a game in which Germany was not involved, the championship game between the Netherlands and Spain. Once again without hesitation, the psychic octopus bravely made his selection within seconds of being offered a Dutch mollusk or a Spanish one . . . once again siding with Spain. When the Spanish won 1-0 with a goal late in the second overtime, Paul was vindicated with eight successful picks in eight opportunities.

Unable to return home because of the dangers awaiting him, Paul was loaned to a think tank attempting to deduce if the tentacled wonder was really soccer knowledgeable or just lucky. Soon convinced of his skill, the laboratory put Paul to the arduous task of identifying world leaders by the flag of their countries. Paul was in one afternoon able to connect the flags of Russia, England, France, South Africa, Brazil, Germany, Canada, Japan, to pictures of their leaders. Amazingly, he hesitated only three seconds before uniting the newly-chosen Polish leader with that country’s flag. However, given six chances to unite the only flag remaining with the only leader’s picture remaining, Paul refused to do so . . . finally after an hour, Paul entered the tank containing the picture of Barack Obama and formed his legs into a hammer and sickle . . . from the mouths of babes and beaks of octupi . . . and now Paul is headed to a secret location in a Swiss zoo until the heat dies down in Germany. By the way, he’s predicting a DJIA average of 11,300 for New Year’s Day despite 10.1% unemployment.

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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Obama Seeks to End-Run the Constitution,
Gain Alien Votes

Ex-Constitutional Law prof Barack Obama is going to try another end run around the U.S. Constitution. Of course, while teaching that course in Chicago, Obama was simultaneously teaching Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”. . . so who can be surprised. Obama is now campaigning for universal amnesty for all illegal aliens in America and may well end by using an executive order as his “magical hammer and sickle-type wand.” The idea is that by granting American citizenship to parts of or all the illegal aliens, the Democrats would potentially gain about 85% of the thirteen to twenty million new voters created over night.

If done early enough the 2010, election could be salvaged and his own 2012 re-election would also be assured. Howsomever, the only thing that matters is the latter. Once set into motion, Obama’s little ploy could practically assure progressive control of the house, senate and presidency for the foreseeable future . . . . such murky dirty tricks (of the sort communists have made infamous throughout history) are becoming commonplace for Mr. Obama.

Item: Overt bribes of at least half a dozen senators to swing voting for Obamacare (Cornhusker Kickback, Louisiana Purchase, etc.) angered much of the nation. The desired end: a fillibuster-proof senate for the Dems.

Item: naming one Republican senator part of his cabinet and seeking to convince another to also make the same move so that Democratic governors could replace** them with Democratic senators, again in the name of a fillibuster-proof majority in the senate.

Item: Even though it's still very early in the trial of ex-Illinois governor Rod Blogojevich, phone conversations with White House staffers Emanuel and Axelrod (from the FBI recordings) show that Obama himself was involved with scheming to secure Valerie Jarret the ex-Obama senate seat. We already know about the efforts to get Sestak and Romanoff to drop out of primary races to benefit Obama's favored candidates, Chicago-style politics is certainly attractive, eh?

Item: The Obamacare bill was treated as if it were an emergency war measure with its vote scheduled for 1:00 a.m. in the morning. Financial reform recently passed at 3:30 a.m the day before yesterday. Any ridiculous ploy to get the opposition voters to fail to show up.

Item: Obama fooled Michigan Representative Bart Stupak and ten of the eleven other “pro-life Democrats” into delivering the needed votes to make Obamacare a “GO” in the house by giving Stupak a worthless piece of paper on which Obama (the most pro-abortion president in history) pledged that Obamacare would NOT fund any abortions. The paper is less than worthless but Stupak happily accepted it and the measure passed by five or six votes.

Item: Hoping to get two extra Democratic Senators and five extra Democratic Representatives and a million new Democratic voters the Democrats about six or seven weeks ago tried to make Puerto Rico our 51st state (perhaps Mr. Obama hoped to create jobs for flagmakers?) which the Puerto Rican people are themselves against.

Item: When his cap and trade got mired down dead in the Senate, Mr. Obama had the Environmental Protection Agency state by edict that “Carbon Dioxide is a dangerous gas” (in keeping with the myth of global warming). Only trouble? The EPA was violating its own rules by doing this. The agency is required to base any such conclusions and regulations based upon them ONLY ON ITS OWN RESEARCH. So by adopting the shoddy “climate-gate” results they and Mr. Obama proved themselves morally bankrupt again. Several states sued and the edict was dropped.

Item: slow response on the Gulf spill has activated the progressive left and has them calling for Obama’s Cap and Trade bill to be passed and oil drilling to be halted everywhere, but especially at sea. Unmentioned, the reason we’re drilling at these depts now is that the environmentalists have stopped new drilling on land and at much shallower, and safer, depths. Little known fact, the actual start of problems for British Petroleum in the Gulf was NOT the late April explosion, but rather February 3, when a series of leaks began appearing at the macondo wellsite where BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig was operating. Then the whole rig nearly blew up. Salazar and Obama knew about all this no later than Valentine’s Day but did not tell the American people and treated it all as “no big deal” and continued to treat it that way till at least late-middle May. The president would like to get the country feeling in such crisis mode that he can either get the necessary votes to pass Cap and Trade or call it a condition of emergency and declare an executive order with Cap and Trade in effect as part of “necessary emergency response.”

Item: Of course Obama has no right or power to use an executive order to do this or to grant amnesty and citizenship to illegal aliens (the “Nirvana, he’s seeking to allow him to control the country, more or less as a dictator), but certainly he has not so far allowed such considerations to get in the way of “fundamentally transforming America” into an echo of Communist Cuba. No president has ever had these powers, but by the time the courts get it all unwound, a lot of damage could be done, it could already (he hopes) be too late for America.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

** or, if necessary, with progressive-Republicans but that deal fell through
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Dear Barack Obama,

You once held a job as a senior lecturer in Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School. Rajjpuut takes that to mean that the University of Chicago Law School must have the least competent staff in the world because you, Mr. Obama are clearly the greatest Constitution-Trasher and Constitution-Basher in American presidential history. Everything the Constitution is and desires, you are clearly against. You, in fact, clearly despise the very spirit of that document.

Now some of this can be foregiven (the leftists running much of the media would say “can be understood”) merely by calling you a “progressive” which means among other things that you are “someone who believes the Constitution is a very flawed document which you in your far greater wisdom than the founding fathers realize America must clearly ‘progress beyond’ if the country is to be properly served.” You’re the man, Barack! And since “the man” is actually so much wiser than the founding fathers or so much more in tune with the ”Twenty-first Century needs” of the American Republic . . . then, by all means DO transform us. However, do it up front -- like a man -- don’t continually seek to sneak by every contrived change as something done for our own good engineered for our own good by the shadiest of processes. For example, tell us that you, in your greater wisdom, regard a “Republic” as far inferior to a Marxist state. Tell us that you in your greater compassion, realize that the Bill of Rights is totally outdated and you’ve got better stuff to eventually replace it, oh and by the way, you might even tell us what that replacement would be and what pages of “Das Kapital”** it comes from. Tell us, up front, that you regard capitalism as an abomination that enslaves people and exploits them and then describe the full nature of the communistic state you’re planning for us. It’s really the proper and honest thing to do.

You see, Barak, one reason we Americans, silly of us I know, respect the U.S. Constitution, is that the framers of it and the Declaration of Independence were so open in all their actions and all their words . . . so forgive us if, silly us, we’d like you to be 100% open and above board and admit exactly who and what you are and where you plan on dragging us? Your birth-father whatever his other faults might have been, was an open and honest communist. While deploring his beliefs, Rajjpuut admires his integrity. The same canNOT be said for you, Barack.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** In “Dreams From My Father” our president showed clear reverence for the man (Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.^^) who wrote the 1965 article linked below, “Problems Facing Our Socialism.” The paper extolls, among other communistic virtues, the proper role of “100% taxation.” On the very first page of the essay, Barak, Sr. even lists his own favorite ideology, “scientific socialism” and immediately makes it precisely clear that to him the term scientific socialism means “communism” and nothing else. In the essay, over and over again he makes obvious his preference for 100% public, rather than private, ownership of land, produce and other property saying “We have to look at priorities in terms of what is good for society and on this basis we may find it necessary to force people to do things they would not do otherwise.” Here is the paper in its entirety:

Notice how often Barak, Sr. openly uses the name “Marx” and the words “tax” and “nationalization” (confiscation of the businesses of foreigners as well as those of non-African Kenyan citizens) in this brief paper. This is the man, his father, whom Barak admired above all others. His hero, instead of George Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, Truman or Kennedy, is this man. And the dreams expressed in this paper and other published works are his dreams . . . dreams from the man (who proved too radical even for a socialist Kenya and was kicked out of his job in the office of Economic Development for “not being able to keep his mouth shut” according to Barak’s half sister in “Dreams From My Father”) he admired most in all the world. For God’s sake, if you wanted to know who Hitler was, read “Mein Kampf,” If you want to know who Barak Obama is, read “Dreams From My Father” (where he deliberately omits the words communist and communism and never tells you about the communist environment he was raised in) and then read Barak H. Obama, Sr.’s dreams in this tiny essay. What he says on page 31 (page 8 of 10 in the article) in particular delineates his dream for Kenya, which is his son’s dream for us. The fact that this dream has not changed, and is NOT likely to change, can be surmised from our president’s twice interrupting his own presidential campaigning to visit Kenya and campaign for the communist candidate for Kenya’s president, his cousin Raila Odinga, and even to twice wearing Muslim attire during that Kenyan campaign as well as ordinary suit and tie at other times.

^^ notice Barak, Sr. spelled his first name without a ‘c’ and apparently never changed his name in any fashion during his life. This Barak without a ‘c’ is how his son’s name was spelled at birth. Barak, Jr., unlike his father, has gone under Barak Obama as well as Barak Sotero (taking on the surname of his mother’s second husband) Barry Sotero, Barry Obama, “Barry Soweto,@” and now Barack with a “c” Obama rather than again being open and honest about who he actually is and what he actually believes in and what he plans for America. Just as Barak, Sr.’s name has now been officially westernized (over about 85% of the internet including Wikipedia) to be the same as his son’s with the “c” changing history . . . Barack Obama believes it is by such little and big changes to transform America into communism: the longheld dream of his father for Kenya.

@ there seems to be nothing beyond sheer whim explaining where the name Barry Soweto came from, but Obama used it exclusively during his undergraduate college years

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