lakes (1)

“If the folks in the Gulf were angry about the six-month drilling moratorium Obama sent them, this is a permanent moratorium on Gulf oil drilling operations . . . did you even notice? Put down that %&$(*$@%)#$% remote! Our country is being sent down the toilet and you’re watching television?” Rajjpuut

Would you Vote to Give America Away to the U.N.?

For all those of you who just can’t believe that America and the American dream are expendable in progressive-Democratic** eyes, open your eyes NOW. The United States House of Representatives under Democratic control (specifically led by Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer) and only needing a simple majority to pass any bill just voted to put great chunks of our oceans, our coasts and our oil under control of the United Nations. Would you vote to do that? Would you authorize your representative to do that. The Senate will soon take this matter up for vote. Would you authorize your state’s senators to vote for this?

Yesterday in this Rajjpuut’s Folly blog . . . .,_republican_leaders_submit_to_obama_lies.thtml

we showed you a monstrous truth that apparently the Republican leadership hasn’t got the brains, guts or testicles to put out before you. Today’s truth about the so-called “CLEAR ACT” HR 3534 . . . .

shows you just exactly what happens when Americans are too busy watching their sit-coms and Irreality TV shows and too busy to pay attention to what the progressives (“we need to ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and flawed United States Constitution in order to bring about a Utopia here on earth”) in government are doing to us. In a nutshell . . . while most Americans are twiddling their thumbs and dipping their potato chips into unhealthy triple-cheese concoctions the global-thinking progressives in the House have just voted to give away our land, oceans and adjacent land masses and even the Great Lakes to an international body which will make us pay $900 million per year 2040. Would you vote for that? Would you authorize your rep to vote for that; or your senator to make it a law this coming week?

HR 3534 is designed to put America back into the year 1905. But it is far worse than that . . . . It is first of all: UNCONSTITUTIONAL. HR 3534 mandates membership in something called “the Law of the Sea Treaty” without the required two-thirds vote to ratify it in the U.S. Senate as is required of all treaties the country enters into. It creates permanent obstacles to normal American energy operations. It will be a permanent roadblock to American and drive American companies out of the Gulf permanently, delay future drilling, increase dependency on foreign oil, and will implement climate change legislation and youth education programs; but most important, it mandates membership in the Law of the Sea Treaty without the required two-thirds vote to ratify it in the U.S. Senate. If the folks in the Gulf were angry about the six-month drilling moratorium Obama sent us, this is a permanent moratorium on Gulf oil drilling operations . . . did you even notice? Put down that %&$(*$@%)#$% remote! Our country is being sent down the toilet and you’re watching television?”

We won’t dwell on how evil all this is, after all, you deserve it if you’re not paying attention and especially if you voted for progressives in the last three elections (about 85% of the Democrats and 10% of the Republicans in the House and Senate) . . . but, now that your eyes are open, are you going to let them pass this bill in the senate without a whimper from you?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** If you’ve been paying attention, you know that the progressive control of this country is now pushing 100% for Marxist aims . . . two months ago, a liberal think-tank did a poll in which 55% of Americans said the label “socialist” was fitting for Obama . . . well 90% of Americans haven’t paid attention. Obama is a Marxist and Marxists think globally (Workers of the world, UNITE!) and in their thinking, not just rich Americans but all Americans must “suffer a little” to redistribute wealth globally for the benefit of all (From each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.) and if you haven’t the brains or guts to realize what’s happening, it’s called a “Fire Sale” on America.

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