jerry brown (1)

“Projecting his own corruption and inadequacies unto others, Barack Obama claims that unfounded lies have distorted his marvelous accomplishments and inspirational message and made fearful voters unable to think clearly about the issues . . .” Rajjpuut

Q: Why is golf the perfect metaphor for the Obama presidency?
A: He's continually striving for the perfect lie.

TEA Party Women Deplore What Obama

Refuses to See on the Tip of His Nose

Sarah Palin’s nomination as the 2008 Republican Party’s Vice Presidential candidate has been followed by the rise of the TEA (Taken Enough Abuse? Or Taxed Enough Already) Party and a simultaneous upsurge in the involvement and commitment of Conservative women to returning the nation to small and responsive federal government, lower taxes, dramatically lowered spending and alignment with the purposes and practices of Constitutional Republicanism. Despite mountains of evidence that these women and a whole groundswell of the people are in synch with reality and that he is not, Barack Obama and his media sycophants can’t seem to see the forest for the trees surrounding them . . . .

ITEM: While being interviewed by the New York Times President Obama admitted “. . . there’s no such thing as a shovel-ready project,” they do not exist in Washington’s bureaucracy and thus the stimulus didn’t work.

ITEM: In selling that $787 Billion stimulus, the president swore to us that unemployment would NOT rise above 8% if the bill became law. Unemployment, of course, rose to 9.6% and is now reportedly headed to over 9.9% according to the Gallup polling organization.

ITEM: We are coming to realize that according to all the latest administration projections high unemployment is expected to be a fact of life and the only way to sort of deal with it is to allow them to tax us more and spend more of our money.

Item: One more broken promise, the House of Representatives adjourned for last minute campaigning without bothering to vote on extending the Bush Tax Cuts; and one more broken law, they still have not passed a budget. Is that a problem?

ITEM: College age voters (Obama’s most fanatical multi-racial support group) are in growing agreement that despite all the spending, unemployment is rising and their chances of finding jobs under Obama are shrinking by the day.

ITEM: Mr. Obama states that “most of the unemployed had already lost their jobs when I took office,” failing to mention that their numbers have increased by 40% since he came to Washington, D.C.

ITEM: Progressive economists have been uniformly inaccurate and ineffective throughout history. Four of the five economic “architects” of the Obama job approach (just throw money at the problem) have already left the administration for greener pastures.

ITEM: Speaking of progressive economists . . . their version of truth, known as “Keynesian Economics,” is a progressive (“we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and seriously flawed U.S. Constitution”) tool encouraging politicians to tax and spend and throttle the free market. The country as a whole is now, however, coming more and more to realize that government canNOT create jobs or wealth but can only redistribute wealth so ineffectively that all government programs to either create jobs or spread wealth inevitably destroy jobs and mean individual and overall wealth for our citizens.

ITEM: Progressive politicians cannot intelligently answer the question “How do you create a job?” Yes, they can hem and haw and stumble through the idea of how jobs that are already created can sort of create other jobs . . . but they have no idea. And God help us if you, a voter, don’t know either, here’s the answer:

ITEM: Progressives see naturally arising free market forces as exploitation. They don’t understand that when one person willing trades his goods or services or money for someone else’s goods or services or money . . . pay attention, progressives . . . they both feel like they got the better end of the stick, and that this is the very key to capitalism. They believe only government can intelligently create jobs to benefit all. The true model of reality is that government is a hooligan or a thief, explained here:

ITEM: Fifteen million people are still unemployed and Nancy Pelosi’s and Obama’s solution extend unemployment benefits and multiply food stamp eligibility. Pelosi says that these programs are “biggest bang for the buck” as far as getting the economy in motion . . . claiming they return 179% on the dollar. Since government’s can’t create jobs or wealth and government programs are at best highly INefficient at transferring wealth the true number would probably be much closer to 39% which means that they kill 2.5 jobs for every job they help create in the economy. It’s also a proven fact and demonstrable part of reality (with unemployment benefits now extended to 99 weeks) that a surprising upsurge in job “discovery” takes place during the last three weeks of receiving unemployment checks regardless of whether that is the 23rd week or the 80th week . . . indicating that long periods of “covered unemployment” actually retards job-hunting.

ITEM: The majority of the public wants Obamacare repealed. Why? They’ve come to realize it will be the biggest drain on the economy of all time, won’t make us healthier and won’t lower costs, will allow federally-funded abortions, and actually make access to medicine, much less good medicine much more difficult. Now they’re seeing that Obamacare is jerking health insurance costs sky-high for private companies. So far at least 30 major corporations have been granted waivers to implementing Obamacare (so they don’t have to drop coverage of employees) and hundreds more are applying. And by the way, the reality that more and more Americans will lose their present insurance (“If you like your present insurance, then you can keep it.”) is not what even the supporters of Obamacare bargained for.

ITEM: Among Democrats, at last count only Nevada’s Harry Reid is running his re-election campaign with any mention of supporting Obamacare . . . and Harry Reid looks to be losing to one of the most bone-headed persons to ever call herself a “conservative.”

ITEM: The progressives are poised to allow the Bush tax cuts to expire at midnight on New Year’s Eve and that will surely amount to the largest tax increase in history.

ITEM: Obama’s much promised “transparency in government” and “bi-partisan involvement” allowed bribe after bribe after bribe (Cornhusker Kickbacks; Louisiana Purchase; building a new bank here; exempting a hospital there; etc., etc. ad nauseum) to ram the unpalatable Obamacare law and other unwanted bills down our throats and the process was certainly not broadcast openly but largely played out behind closed doors with only key Democrats invited in.

ITEM: Barack Obama said this in summing up his presidency so far for the New York Times . . . “I think they (people) could say, on a bunch of fronts he (the president) still has an incomplete. But I keep a checklist of what we committed to doing, and we’ve probably accomplished 70 percent of the things that we talked about during the campaign. And I hope as long as I’m president, I’ve got a chance to work on the other 30 percent.”

ITEM: Sorry, Mr. President, if your child was assigned to clean up his room and take the garbage out and he instead opts to scatter the garbage around the house and light the house on fire: his grade is not “incomplete,” it’s utter and horrific “FAILURE!”

ITEM: An “F” is NOT nearly low enough and NOT close to what America and history will someday record. Rajjpuut gives the president NOT a FAILING grade but a -400% grade based not only upon his demonstrated ineptness, but also upon this greater truth which no one seems to be noticing . . . .

Projecting his own corruption and inadequacies unto others, Barack Obama claims that unfounded lies have distorted his marvelous accomplishments and inspirational messages and made the fearful electorate unable to think clearly about the issues . . . the truth, of course, is that the President has been casting about for the last two months searching for the “perfect lie”** to muddy the waters and give him and his toadie progressives some hope of retaining their unwarranted power over our lives. Thankfully, in large part due to the rise of a brave and intelligent new Conservative Women’s Movement, especially noticeable among the TEA Party activists, but found all across our resurgent nation.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** Of course Governor Jerry Brown has broken out his own version of the perfect lie; and other versions of it are springing up all over the place, most noticeably in the campaigning of Dem Representative Grayson in Florida. Obama’s latest effort, saying that the Chamber of Commerce is receiving and using huge amounts of foreign donations to support Conservative candidates totally ignores the facts that A. That’s a 100% lie B. Obama’s campaign still hasn’t revealed the origin of about $320 million of us campaign donations with at least $105 million of that coming from foreign sources.

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