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When fat traitorous conservative republicans hear the lies of commie peace/love rhetoric, they feel gushes of effeminate reassurance vibes. "Yes, yes," they think. "All we have to do is bend over, turn the other butt cheek and be willing to grovel." "Surely the sinister, killer blacks, told to murder whites by a black president (even while the republicans are licking the feet of the black, Carson, demigod as the next in a never-ending stream of black presidents in a white majority nations)  " and the kindly muslims too,  will be impressed by our christian love. " All we have to do is be sodomized along with our wives and children , while we chant "God is love"...and our deaths will be quick." "If only our ancestors had made blacks kings, like we do now, our unifying love would work even better."

If you believe that crap, then I want to help you go straight to hell. But if you are not a conservative-republican , shemale fool, then join the right wing and fight with us against the consortium of evil.

The best thing that could happen is that conservative-republican she males get rounded up by the moslems and after facing reality, meet their karma, sobbing as usual. Those band-wagon, loser morons, have cost us our freedom and constitution, after pretending to be patriots for five decades, They inevitably made the same stupid set of mistakes, over and over. They deserve the ultimate punishment because their behavior and limited thought processes mark them as sub human (eg bereft of real human love, compassion and revenge). They became that way after years of associating , as  tolerant and forgiving peace lovers, with sub-human totalitarian commies, blacks and moslems, who pushed the brown nosed conservative republicans into the dirt.

We of the right wing see ourselves as simply sane, white men and women. We will not allow the black supremacists, the moslem supremacists and the communist "elite" to lord over us, or turn our homes into charnel houses of rape, torture and murder. Love and Peace, eh? We got it for you right here. We group the criminal conservative republicans with the communists, blacks and moslems.

The only anger and rage that I see among so many phonies on this site, is directed against the right wing. They hate us because they know that we will tolerate them no longer.

This site is NOT a Tea Party site. Obama's police  state operatives killed the original Tea Party. What we have here is a group of commies and conservative republicans working together to subvert any attempted organization of freedom fighters. They are also insane black racist and insist that Ben Carson, another obama clone in sheep's clothing, must ascend to the presidency. The conservative republicans are as insane as the black supremacist and moslem killers.

A new real Tea Party will be formed to stand up for the white majority, Christianity and our European roots.Hooray for Trump. Hooray for the Confederate Flag.

It is despicable that you sit on your flabby butts, screaming for carson as another black racist president, while blacks, licensed to kill, are mowing down our best men, southern sheriffs. I am going to Texas to help the brave sheriff departments to  survive. There will be no worry about collateral damage, or ROEs, or federal sabotage of the war.

If you don't simmer with contempt and righteous anger towards the racist communist moslem mass murderers, and their conservative republican allies,  you deserve what they have in store for you. You will get no help from us.

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