hillary (129)


Rasmussen:  79% of voters say the nation is “going the wrong way” while only 14% say the nation is “on the right track.”

TEA Party Abandons Core Concerns;
Hillary Clinton Poised to Contend:
2012 Political Waters Roiled, Muddy
            Two related stories springing up in recent weeks have greatly muddied the American political waters as the nation heads toward the 2012 campaign. Both stories owe the vigor of their credibility to recent polls at the eminently respected RasmussenReports.com website. Scott Rasmussen’s polling group, which has outdone all other political surveys in accuracy over the last dozen years, ran the results of two surprising polls in the last week and information from several other polls contributed to the muddying. First the result of some related “normal polling” by Rasmussen:
A)   The generic congressional ballot shows Republicans getting 45% and Democrats 36% in prospective 2012 congressional voting. The highest seen was a 12-point differential favoring the Republicans a few weeks prior to the 2010 landslide midterm election.
B)   After the Obama administration moved to set the nation’s immigration laws aside and via regulatory fiat put Homeland Security in charge of deciding which illegal aliens are deported and who gets to stay (Republicans call the move “Backdoor Amnesty”) a Rasmussen poll showed the move was highly unpopular. 61% of American voters say that border security is vital while 31% say Amnesty is the correct policy, roughly a 2-1 margin opposed to the President’s move.
C)   While only 15% of the nation says that the economy is improving; 63% say it’s getting worse.
D) 79% of voters say the nation is “going the wrong way” while only 14% say the nation is “on the right track.”
E)    In a ranking of the top ten concerns voters worrying them right now, the Economy outranked all other concerns as it has for almost the last 38 months (Mr. Obama has been in office for 33 of those months). The surprise was that 84% of Americans ranked the Economy as “very important” well ahead of Government Ethics and Corruption (67%) and Health Care (65%).
F)   Finally, while only 29% of likely voters believe that President Obama is doing a good or an excellent job on the economy; 51% rank the President’s efforts as poor with 14% more ranking him as doing only a fair job with the economy.
In short, “it’s the economy, stupid!” is the watchword for 2012 politics and most Americans are unimpressed with Barack Obama’s decisions and results. Now let’s have a look at those two new and surprising Rasmussen polls alluded to in this blog’s first paragraph and headlines . . . .
1)      When voters were asked about the label “Tea Party candidate,” 43% regarded the label as “negative” and only 32% regarded it as a “positive” according to Rasmussen in a poll done yesterday.
2)    Besides a recent ABC poll which showed that Obama was in a statistical dead heat with Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann; and besides the oft-quoted Rasmussen polls which now show a generic Republican beating Barack Obama 48% to 40%; and Obama leading Texas Governor Perry 43% to 40% . . . a recent Rasmussen poll showed Hillary Clinton has a higher approval rating by all Americans over Barack Obama by 47% to 43% and Hillary, as we all know has shown as yet, absolutely NO interest or inclination to run.
Looking at item #1, the Democratic leadership’s efforts to paint the TEA Party as extremists, racists, economic terrorists, stupid and just plain nuts is finally paying dividends for them. Of course Rajjpuut’s unwavering stance on the TEA Party’s raison d’etre shows exactly why this cynical ploy is working as the words and actions of TEA Party’s most prominent names are willfully sabotaging the movement   . . . .
I.                  Rajjpuut has long stated that the TEA Party can do far more good for the country as “kingmakers” rather than as a separate political party actually nominating or running candidates. For example, your blogster was highly critical for roughly four months of the senate candidacies of Sharon Angle in Nevada; Ken Buck in Colorado; and Christine (“I’m not a witch”) O’Donnell in Delaware which gave victories to three Democratic senators pinned on the ropes and which prevented the Republicans having a senate plurality (50-48 with two Independents) right now. Just as Ross Perot in 1992 guaranteed the defeat of G.H.W. Bush by Bill Clinton, any third-party pretensions by the TEA Party can only further mire the nation in progressive politicians with their tax-spend and expand government approach.
II.               The original TEA Party script is simple, powerful and vital to America’s interest and yet it’s being ignored totally. In the last six months there has been an explosion of high profile TEA Party people like Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul and Sarah Palin who have ignored Rajjpuut’s well-thought out advice and taken to free-lancing rather than following the TEA Party script that initiated the landslide effects of 2010 . . for example, they’ve . . .
A.    Made absolutely asinine remarks that reflect badly on the movement: Paul has looked like a 12-year-old on foreign affairs. Bachmann made a huge historical gaffe citing New Hampshire as the site of the start of the Revolutionary War; and she’s been getting into conservative social issues (submission to her husband; gay marriage; and several other “focus on family-type” social conservative comments). Palin continues to frequently express social conservativism issues (that do NOT play well in Peoria) like abortion**, school prayer and Creationism on an equal basis with fiscal conservativism and far ahead of Constitutional conservativism. Rick Perry who reaches out to the TEA Party has even made public statements about teaching Creationism in public schools alongside Evolution. In short, the TEA Party seems to have lost its way, forgotten its focus
B.    In an ideal world, the vast majority of Americans would believe (and have evidence backing up their belief) that the TEA Party is this and only this:
1.  Staunchly fiscally-conservative
2.  Staunchly Constitutionally-conservative
3.  Staunchly free-market conservative
4.  Staunchly in favor of smaller, less expensive and far less obstructive and intrusive federal government
5. A grass-roots movement tying together concerns of conservatives  whether Republicans, Independents, Democrats and Libertarians.
6. Has NO leader and no political agenda other than helping save America.
    C.  Meanwhile this important document has been totally ignored:
   Rajjpuut has repeatedly emphasized that next to the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution, no more important political document has ever been written in the English language than the TEA Party Contract from America. You’ll notice that the American people, not Republicans or TEA Partiers, who in early 2010 voted on the 28 issues raised by the TEA Party did not place a single social-conservative issue among the ten items in the contract . . . indeed every single one of the contract items refers only to fiscal responsibility, Constitutional fidelity, shrinking the size and interference and obstructive power of the federal government, and a just plain common-sense businesslike approach to running government. And yet, how often have you heard anyone other than Rajjpuut espousing the continued proclamation of these ideals** as the key to recapturing the three branches of elected federal government and beginning to restore America to her former greatness and character?
The TEA Party needs to get its act together:  that is clear. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton is looking more and more like a threat to Barack Obama’s hoped for hegemony. According to top Democrats who don’t want to be named, Clinton has been upset by the economic approach favored by Obama; and was angry about the country’s credit being downgraded. For her part, Clinton appears happy as Secretary of State (though less happy since Robert Gates retired he was her favorite “pal” at the White House) and seems content to serve out her full-term in that role. Bill Clinton, on the other hand sees Obama as weak and a danger to the Democrats’ goals. Clinton, the ex-President has recently been spending a lot of time in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and in Washington talking to Democratic operatives . . . as much as anything, Bill Clinton’s ambition for his wife and himself may be fueling the intensity and frequency of rumors that Hillary in 2012 is a strong possibility. There are also frequently quoted statements that Hillary and Barack have not had a single conversation outside of “office necessity” in three or four months. The United Kingdom’s well-reputed Telegraph blogsite recently ran a headline: “Democrats Doubt Barack Obama’s Re-election Chances” which emphasized the movement of thinking toward Hillary Clinton. The often spurious but always provocative political blogsite weeklyworldnews.com has in recent weeks cited several surveys of Democratic primary voters. In the most recent their numbers are 52% for Hillary and 45% for Obama with 3% undecided. Weeklyworldnews also claimed that James Carville, Paul Begala and, most intriguingly FOXNews analyst Dick Morris, “have all signed up to join the Hillary for President team.”
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
**The capacity of one single social conservative issue, abortion, to derail voters from voting for candidates interested in fiscal- and Constitutional conservativism canNOT be over-emphasized. Since Roe vs. Wade was passed in the early 70’s American opinion has by a 59-40% margin been opposed to anti-abortionism IF that meant denial of abortion “rights” in case of rape or incest; or for a very young girl; or where the mother’s life is deemed endangered. While the country as a whole identifies itself a “right-center” nation on fiscal and Constitutional issues . . . Americans are liberal or moderate on social issues and especially so on abortion . . . and the staunch anti-abortionists who dominate the extreme rightwing of the G.O.P. (and who have recently sought to usurp the TEA Party as their own as well) will not meet 60% of America halfway.

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Wikileaks Info Shows Obama Used CIA as “Watermelons”






    With Hundreds of Millions of His 'Profits' at Stake

President Seeks Extortive Data

Against Countries Doubting Global Warming



Hillary Clinton is not the only high level American politician embarrassed by Wikileaks revelations.  According to documents released by Wikileaks, President Barack Obama employed covert CIA operatives to try to dig up scandalous data on countries opposed to the Copenhagen Climate Treaty which he’d so actively seek to sell to the world in December, 2009. Of course, one month prior to the Copenhagen meetings, the infamous release of tens of thousands of e-mails from the Climate Research Unit (CRU) of East Anglia (England) University which came to be known as “Climategate,” destroyed all of Obama’s dreams of triumphing on the world stage by leading virtually the entire planet into signing a Copenhagen Treaty with far sharper teeth than the nothing paper that the 2009 meeting produced. Shocked by Climategate, Europeans were not enthusiastic about getting involved with more green nonsense (Spain had gone from the #1 European economy in 1997 with 4% unemployment to one of the worst economies in the world with 21% unemployment after their experiment with subsidizing green job creation). Obama, except for a rousing speech against capitalism but praising him by Venezuelan communist leader Hugo Chavez came home from Copenhagen empty-handed.


Just as the Wikileaks data shows Hillary Clinton seeking diplomats to dig up dirt and embarrassing info on foreign leaders and diplomats; Wikileaks now shows that Barack Obama ordered the CIA to find similar information about whole countries and their supposed despoiling of the environment or coolness about global warming at Copenhagen. According to what Senator James Inhofe, an Oklahoma Republican, told the Daily Caller website: Obama was “desperate to enforce its orthodoxy on global warming.”


Obama, Al Gore, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Franklin Raines, Richard Sandor, Valerie Jarret, Joel Rogers, John Ayers, the Shores Bank of Chicago, several Goldman Sachs bigwigs, and about fifty other well-known progressives stood to make vast fortunes if the United States passed Cap and Trade legislation in concert with world leaders united by a strong accord from Copenhagen. Climategate blew their plans out of the water and then the failure to achieve any consensus on strong global response at Copenhagen shot their scheme to hell. The folks in question all were part of a Chicago area initiative called CCX (the Chicago Climate eXchange) which expected to own the lion’s share of American carbon trading under cap and trade which Sandor estimated at a $10 TRillion yearly industry. In good times the U.S. economy amounts to $15 TRillion. Thus CCX would literally sell the country “blue sky” with its fictitious-based global warming driving carbon trading and drive all prices roughly 67% higher and enjoy commissions on a good part of 40% of the economy for scamming the people with a system that would eventually bankrupt the nation. Thanks to Climategate and Copenhagen the CCX enterprise “dissolved just within the last three weeks. A lot of progressive money was lost in the last thirteen months.


Not surprisingly, the same liberal so-called mainstream media (MSM) in America which refused to run the Climategate story linked above thirteen months ago to date has failed to show the Wikileaks revelation of Obama’s scandal (the link at the top of the blog is to the ultra-liberal London Times’ website which reported the Climategate story accurately but did NOT show this information: 




about the biggest fraud in Climategate the deliberate omission of the Medieval Warm Period from CRU calculations). The Wikileaks revelation on Obama ran in England’s The Guardian newspaper which reported that State Department administration officials, acting at the request of the CIA, sent a secret cable asking U.S. diplomats to gather intelligence on other countries’ preparations for the then-pending Copenhagen climate conference. The request also asked diplomats to be on the lookout for indications that countries were not fostering environmental cooperation and for evidence of countries circumventing U.N.-sponsored environmental treaties. In effect, Obama and the diplomats and the CIA were acting as “watermelons.”


A ‘watermelon’ (since the Climategate revelations) is what Europeans call an extreme environmentalist leader. Just as an “Oreo” in the United States is a Black that other Blacks say “is black on the outside but white on the inside” . . . a watermelon is somebody “green on the outside but pink to deep red on the inside.” That is, pretending to be concerned about the environment in order to push an ultra-socialist or Marxist agenda because cap and trade legislation would require an almost totalitarian state to administer. Climategate which was heavily covered in Europe but ignored in America undermined Obama’s Copenhagen hopes and apparently made him desperate. Given all the important data that’s resulted from Wikileaks, Rajjpuut is shocked to find himself saying that Julian Assange has proven himself to be a hero for freedom lovers everywhere . . . this Obama scandal and the similar blackmail-seeking actions of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both revealed by Assange’s Wikileaks, show us an administration that will stop at nothing to advance its progressive/socialist agenda. To them clearly, their foul ends justify whatever super-foul means the opt to employ. Barack Obama is a watermelon. To push his collectivist agenda, he pretends to be environmentally-conscious, but he’s really only interested in the power that accrues to a government that has the power and scope to carry out such a grave assault on freedom as cap and trade would prove to be.


When the cap and trade bill stalled in the U.S. Senate after squeaking through the House of Representatives in the late spring of 2009, and then failed to advance out of the Senate for several months, Obama tried to circumvent the lawmakers and have the Environmental Protection Agency create law by regulatory edict. Shortly afterward the EPA published a regulatory change saying that henceforth Carbon Dioxide would be regarded by their agency as a toxic emission and levels would be controlled by the EPA. Fortunately, the EPA was violating its own charter. Florida and Virginia immediately sued and the short-lived regulation was rescinded because the EPA is not allowed to take anyone else’s studies (such as those of the East Anglia University CRU involved in Climategate) but must do its own research and congress must be allowed to monitor that research. CCX and Obama’s dreams of making a fortune scamming the American people while unveiling a virtual totalitarian state upon us all went up in smoke at the same moment.


According to Daily Caller website, in a leaked Feb. 17, 2010 cable, Michael Froman, Obama’s deputy national security adviser for international affairs, held a meeting with the European Union’s climate commissioner-designate, Conne Hedegaard, seeking to work around “unhelpful countries such as Venezuela or Bolivia” and get the Copenhagen treaty into force. Froman in the cable said the U.S. and E.U. “need to neutralize, co-opt or marginalize, co-opt or marginalize these and others such as Nicaragua, Cuba and Ecuador.” He also advocated using divide-and- conquer tactics to confront several of the more strident opponents to cap and trade and global warming orthodoxy and other Copenhagen treaty opponents, saying the U.S. and E.U. needed “to better handle third country obstructionism and avoid future train wrecks on climate …”


The Obama administration later cutoff aid to Ecuador and Bolivia last April that would have helped them reach the Copenhagen treaty’s carbon emission targets, citing their opposition to the agreement.


“I think this goes to show that to the left-wing of the Democratic Party, national security means anything you want it to,” former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton said. “I think it is certainly a misallocation of priorities to be using intelligence capabilities on something like climate change.” Rajjpuut would say it shows the progressive Democratic leaders are morally bankrupt.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



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Charlie Rangel, Guilty of Parenticide,

Seeks Mercy as a ‘Poor Orphan’

The times they are a changing for the ridiculous, the shadowy or much worse . . . .

ITEM: It now seems indisputable that Barack Obama’s BOSSMAN (or, just so you can call me a racist, let’s call him: Barack’s “MASSA”) is George Soros, the world’s 37th richest man and the #1 BUSYBODY on the planet. One of the more shocking reads available is this one:


Multi-Billionaire currency-wrecker George Soros heads up or funds a group of American progressive foundations linked together within the Open Societies Initiative. By 2008 they had created a shadow government populated by such leaders as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and well-known names like Al Gore, etc. as well as numerous sixties and seventies radicals such as Bill Ayers, the bomber. Their purposes? Control of the government by progressives; destroying and then rewriting the U.S. Constitution and “revamping” the American lifestyle so that it’s “more coherent” and more “in line with the economic and environmental realities that the planet as a whole now faces.”

Soros made most of his vast fortune by collapsing currencies (his nickname is “The Man Who Broke the Bank of England”) such as the British Pound Sterling and the Hong Kong Dollar; and even (he says) collapsing evil regimes. Without proof, Soros claims that he personally drove the Soviet Union into financial collapse and ruin (his attack on Russian currency occurred well after the Soviet Collapse about a decade later in 1999 and while it earned him some money was inconclusive as far even as “destroying the entire economy” of that post-Soviet nation which Soros claimed he did). While that’s clearly a dubious claim, Soros’ raids on the money of Georgia (the former Soviet Socialist Republic), Slovakia, Thailand, England, Hong Kong, and Malaysia truly upset the apple carts in those countries but we’d like to know which of them he regards as an “evil regime.” Currently Soros is seeking to collapse the dollar and getting a lot of help from Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve’s monetizing of the American Debt and the Obama administration’s reckless spending policies.

They (the progressives who seek to “progress beyond the outdated and severely flawed U.S. Constitution) have via Soros’ network of interlocking (money-laundering) progressive institutes and foundations donated almost $2 Billion to progressives politicians and causes. Beneficiaries of Soros’ largess include Republicans (like John McCain) and a whole slew of Democrats over the last eleven years including over $300 million in an effort to unseat George Bush in 2004. Soros now controls roughly 95% of the Democratic Party’s message and people. Just as Obama and Hillary and McCain all hid their agenda behind a mask of moderatism in 2008, Soros’ people and organizations conceal their radical agenda behind good sounding rhetoric and fine-sounding institutional names such as “Open Societies” and the Tides Foundation, the Chicago Climate Exchange, the Joyce Foundation, The Apollo Alliance, Northeast Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, Enterprise Community Partners, Emerald Cities Collaborative, ACORN, Institute for Policy Studies, Center for American Progress, Green for All Group, Alliance for Climate Protection, Equal Justice Society, Council on Environmental Quality, etc., etc. at least two dozen more shadowy groups. Mr. Soros’ single most recycled quote is this one, “The main obstacle to world STABILITY is the United States.”

One of the most surprising things about Soros is that both his father and he were “fluent in Esperanto,” a fact that George is reportedly highly likely to brag of to this very day. What is Esperanto? An artificial language that folks in the 30’s, 40’s and 50’s tried to force upon the world in order that we might all be united in peace and understanding. In other words, today when the most frequent words exiting George Soros’ mouth are “global,” “globalism,” “global initiatives,” “global governance,” “global banking” and “new global world order”: George wants to create a whole new planetary order of things with him at the center pulling everyone’s strings and piling up more dough-re-mi in the process . . . sweet, sweet fellow, even though that evil Glenn Beck calls Soros, “Spooky Dude.”

ITEM: After 40 year as U.S. Representative from N.Y.C., N.Y. Charlie Rangel stormed out of an ethics hearings on Monday and was later found guilty of 11 ethical violations, he claimed he’d been denied due process because he hadn’t even been present for the procedure. This harkens back to the criminal convicted of killing his parents who sought the court’s mercy “for a poor orphan.”

ITEM: Perhaps there’s something in a name? Andy Rooney of 60 Minutes fame and infamy appears to have reached his nodding dotage akin to Andy Griffith’s apparent rapidly advancing senility. Mr. Rooney took umbrage with a poll which reported that President Obama’s job performance approval rating was 46%. Rooney claimed to have done a personal poll (nine persons) and found the president’s approval was actually 89%. Rooney opined that Obama was doing the best he could and that was good enough for him. Funny, did Mr. Rooney ever show anything like the same concern or courtesy for Mr. Obama’s predecessor?

ITEM: After once again making an economic-trip to the Orient and returning absolutely empty handed, once again Barack Obama claimed that great advancements had been made in “understanding” with the South Koreans, Chinese and Japanese. Actually what happened is that when Obama asked for consensus against the Chinese for currency manipulations on their Yuan, the other G-20 economic group members pointed out that the United States had twice in the last three months engaged in “Quantitative Easing” which threatened all Dollar-holders with severe decline in our currency’s buying power . . . a huge threat to all those countries that have been funding American’s deficit spending debacle by purchasing American treasury notes. Could this be a case of the Wok calling the Kettle black?

ITEM: Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the rest of the Democratic Party leadership, and even (according to a recent poll) a large amount of Washington’s bureaucratic insiders are in denial about the meaning of the resounding defeat handed the Democrats in the midterm elections on Tuesday, November 2nd. Their interpretation? “UNtargeted voter anger” indiscriminately attacking incumbents. Pelosi, therefore, feels justified in seeking to continue on as her party’s minority leader which must make Conservatives everywhere feel a thrill up their legs.

ITEM: Any truth to the rumor that claims of TEA Party ‘racism’ were actually well-founded? An independent study has sent forth the proposition that complaints against the Democratic Party and Obama, Pelosi etc. attributed to “racism” were actually protests by the Dems against perceived unfair treatment of immoral, unintelligent, incompetent, and craven politicians? A study of sequential posters from TEA Party activities of over 25,000 such placards revealed that less than 1% could be interpreted as racist in any way. Closer examinations showed that calling signs protesting “A black day for the Constitution” and the like really had no racist intent. Could it be that “Functionally-Incompetent” politicians are the newest minority group that the Dems need to protect?

ITEM: Multi-Billionaire currency-collapser George Soros who called 1944 “the best year of my life” repeatedly since then, served as a capo for the Nazis during the epoch when half a million fellow Hungarian Jews were sent to the gas chambers is still not slowing down in his efforts to bring order and sense to today’s world. Here’s part of an interview with Sixty Minutes that Soros took part in as Steve Kroft asked Soros about his “best year”:

KROFT: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

SOROS: Yes. Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.

SOROS: Yes. That’s right. Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult?

SOROS: Not, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.

KROFT: No feeling of guilt?

SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute power.

George took time off from trying to destroy the American Dollar (aren’t our politicians doing a good enough job of it for you, Mr. Soros?) recently to invest $1.8 million in Media Matters (the leftwing group permanently recording Glenn Beck’s every word and permanently researching Beck’s past looking for indiscretions with the largest online data base on all things Glen Beck in the known universe . . . a search on their mediamatters.com website for “Glen Beck” yielded over 5440 articles) and to donate $1 million to National Public Radio (who promptly fired their only Black commentator Juan Williams for saying that when seeing Muslims in traditional garb on an airplane his immediate reaction was fear) to fund hiring 100 new “journalists.” Soros’ Tides Foundation has also funded a boycott effort via several (highly radical) environmental groups of TLC’s new series Sarah Palin’s Alaska which premiered to large viewership Monday night. More and more busy-body activities at every turn by (deep voice here) “Spooky-Dude” George. Rajjpuut himself has researched into the 80-year old Mr. Soros’ birth data and discovered that his name at birth in Hungary on August 12, 1930, was Andrew George Schwartz to a Jewish family with an anti-Semite mother . . . hmmm Andrew Schwartz, Andy Rooney, Andy Griffith, maybe there is something in a name after all? In any case serving as a capo for the Nazis as a 14 year old boy is justification for any weirdness manifested later in life, we love you and forgive you, Andy, ooops, and we mean, Georgie.

ITEM: Ben Bernanke, who on at least three public occasions since May of 2009 has said unequivocally, “We will NOT monetize the debt” meaning we will not usher in a wave of inflation by ‘quantitative easing’ (willy-nilly use of the money printing presses by his Federal Reserve) had by April of 2009 A) already printed bills amounting to nearly fifteen times the amount of circulating currency in the country in October, 2008 meaning the dollar potentially became 1/16 as valuable as it was on that date or potentially equal to 6.25 pennies B) in August bought large amounts of the treasury department’s bond sales with a QE1 printing of more money and C) this month repeated his sinning with QE2 printing of yet more funny-money. Well then again, perhaps it’s not “funny-money” after all; it all sounds very sad and playing right into the hands of Mr. Soros and his currency collapsing crew. By the way, Georgie, how can you create an Open Society Initiative and 33 other progressive funds to launder your money through and then speak extensively about “Shadow Governments” and their use in destroying currencies? Does that give you “a feeling of absolute power?”

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“. . . are we ultimately talking about an impeachable offense that ties Hillary, Bill, Al, and Barack to a scheme that would have defrauded the entire nation of 40% of its economy every year? Research continues . . . .” Rajjpuut

European “Mean Greenies” Become

“Watermelons” for Cap and Trade

The United States as a whole unfortunately missed out on the strange evolution of the radical global warming alarmist that Europe enjoyed over the last 363 days. Here’s what Europe went through that about 85% of Americans are completely in the dark about . . . .
One year ago, Europe and the United States were pretty much in the same place as far as “Global Warming” was concerned. About 60% of people were concerned and very open to further study; a large vocal minority was parading about chanting about the “end of the world as we know it” and a far larger minority was proclaiming the whole thing a hoax, for example:
includes signatures from some 31,000+ American scientists (9,000+ among them holding Ph.D.s) saying that “if there is a consensus among American scientists, it is in opposition to the hypothesis of human-caused global warming rather than in favor of it.” Europe being more socialistic than America was decidedly more in the Global Warming camp. Spain, for example, had ruined Europe’s biggest job-producing economy (1997) by instituting a green-jobs subsidizing movement. Today Spain’s unemployment is the second highest in Europe, roughly 21%. Like the United States, the environmentalists and the left side of the political spectrum in Europe were pushing hard for “Cap and Trade” laws. Then came Climategate . . . .
It started with some e-mails hacked into at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at East Anglia University in England. Soon there was a counter measure to take the e-mails offline and then an even larger set of CRU e-mails was permanently placed online via a Russian website. CRU was the premier global warming study site on the planet and both of the Nobel Co-Peace Prize Winners (Al Gore and the United Nations International Panel of Climate Change or UNIPCC) had relied primarily on the data from CRU and from a research center in Pennsylvania, USA, for concocting the graphs and hockey-stick projections so crucial for Global Warming alarmists’ use in presenting their case. Well before the middle of November, 2009, all of Europe knew about the e-mail leaks and about the apparent fraudulent science that was being exposed. About eight days later on November 19, 2009 after a very detailed study of the evidence, the ultra-liberal London Times released this:
The Times on that date saw global warming was a hoax perpetrated by some top scientists to gain grant money; trade magazine access and political power; and by some politicians as a method of expanding their name-recognition and personal power. One of the biggest surprises was that all along this information:
had NOT been emphasized at all. Basically, the warmest epoch in the last 1200 years (The Medieval Warm Period) had been deliberately left out of the Global Warming Alarmists’ projections . . . a time when Greenland was so green that the Vikings set up a settlement there and went on to discover Vinland (Newfoundland), becoming the first Europeans to visit North America. Instead, it seemed as if the CRU folks and other GW study groups had put double emphasis on the “Little Ice Age” that wiped out the Vikings in Greenland for good. As we’ve said, Europe knew all about this, but what about the United States?
When Climategate happened, only one major media outlet covered the story, Time magazine. It hit the web and in five hours was the #1 story on the web . . . and then it mysteriously disappeared. Rajjpuut suspects (he has only one source telling him so and has not been able to find another to verify it) that Time editor Joe Klein, a notorious left-leaning censor, had the story pulled and completely wiped off the Time archives . . . it no longer existed as news except among GW Deniers websites and from bloggers like Rajjpuut. So with two different continents getting two different versions of the GW news, what happened in Europe, where all the people were informed about Climategate by the mass media that did NOT happen here in America?
The European left was none too happy with the overnight revelation. Cap and Trade as a viable idea all but disappeared from political discussion. And a huge and angry backlash from some European environmentalists and some leftist politician raged for about two months . . . it was found mostly in the letters to editors and on left-leaning websites . . . some in the mainstream media there labeled these angry folks, “Mean Greenies” and the name was appropriate; the same name that eco-terrorists and vengeful groups like PETA (who splashed paint upon celebrities wearing furs) got in this country.
But as some of those most tied in with cap and trade kept harping away, some people noticed exactly what the agenda of these mostly ultra-socialistic and even communistic groups actually was . . . and started calling them “watermelons.” Like the terms “Uncle Tom” and “Oreo” used by Blacks, being a watermelon is being someone not worthy of respect. Specifically, where among minorities an “Oreo” is a person “Black on the outside” and supposedly “White on the inside,” as you can imagine a “watermelon” refers to folks pushing their environmentalism so hard that they still insist that Global Warming is a proven fact and therefore Cap and Trade laws are needed to save the planet. Watermelons are “green on the outside but pink to deep red on the inside,” that is, they are communist-leaning or communist to the core.
Why “green outside and red inside?” Because the nature of Cap and Trade laws is that a government basically must virtually control every single part of a nation’s economy or Cap and Trade laws can’t be meaningfully enforced so in the wake of Climategate, people inclined toward totalitarian states like ultra-socialists and communists (or old fashioned Fascists) are the only ones still enthusiastic about Cap and Trade because they have a vested interest in government controlling the means of production.
All things considered then, President Obama, one of the founders of the CCX (Chicago Climate eXchange which hoped to earn its members TRillions of dollars if Cap and Trade was passed in the United States) is definitely “a watermelon” . . . which should excite someone out there in left-leftland to call Ol’ Rajjpuut a “racist” within the next 7.67 seconds . . . but we’ve got bigger fish to fry:
Some of the other infamous watermelons tied up with this scheme to bankrupt** America via Cap and Trade are: Paula DiPerna, Richard Sandor**, Al Gore, Maurice Strong, George Soros, John Ayers (brother of bomber Bill Ayers), Joel Rogers, Valerie Jarret, Van Jones, Franklin Raines, Andy Stern, Former CEO of Fannie Mae Jim Johnson, the Goldman Sachs trio of David Blood, Mark Ferguson and Peter Harris, the ShoreBank (Chicago) that loaned Rev. Jeremiah Wright money for his multi-million dollar home, and potentially folks like Democratic Representative Jan Schakowsky, and ShoreBank supporters Bill and Hillary Clinton, etc., etc. as they seek to create an Obama-utopia similar to Greece right here in America where everyone should be a watermelon. The real tragedy, of course, is that folks like Joe Klein and those running the New York Times, Washington Post and mainstream broadcast outlets have prevented this scandal from being known by the American voter. As far as the American muckety-mucks: are we ultimately talking about an impeachable offense that ties Hillary, Bill, Al and Barack to a scheme that would have defrauded the entire nation of 40% of its economy every year? Research continues . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Here’s info on the Shorebank-Clinton connection:
**CCX Founder and president Richard Sandor in an infamous interview said he expect Cap and Trade to be a $10 TRillion industry. That is, the largest industry in America will literally be selling “blue sky” nothingness. If you take a healthy America with a $15 TRillion economy (rather than today’s $13 TRillion net economy) and then produce absolutely nothing but make it into a bogus $25 TRillion economy, that means that prices on all the real goods and service produced must rise by 67% that's = to a fictitious $10 TRillion divided by a real $15 TRillion and that means 40% of the economy would be going into the pockets of the crooks involved with Carbon Trading every year thus bankrupting the nation. REMEMBER, in an unguarded interview with the San Francisco Chronicle Barack Obama said his energy policies “under my plan of a cap and trade system would bankrupt the coal industry” and “necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket.” The Chronicle recently claimed “copyright violations” as it’s forced the websites around the nation to take down the video, but some are holding firm based upon the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and putting out the info in written form anyway. Others like Andrew Breitbart have defied the Chronicle directly.
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Black Panther’s Atrocious Behavior Condoned
by Mainstream Media
and Obama’s Department of Justice
The president who refuses to put his hand over his heart when the Pledge of Allegiance is sworn seems to have forgotten the words and the meaning of the words “. . . with Liberty and Justice for ALL.” “Racism” in the Barack Obama lexicon is something natural that Whites (good Whites as well as bad Whites) do to Blacks and other minorities and nothing more. In other words “racism” is a political tool Obama can use and it clearly has absolutley no connection to ethical or unethical conduct. Only non-Democrats and non-liberals, non-progressives and non-Obama supporters can be guilty of racism. There’s Barack Obama’s highly-balleyhooed notion of “social justice” for you. Like Obama himself, the Left’s concept of social justice and civil rights is a one-way street that can only benefit Obama sycophants and not all Americans.
That is why Obama’s lead political appointee to the Department of Justice (DOJ), Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandez, an Obama heading up the DOJ for Mr. Obama has declared in front of fifty employees that . . . .
A) The DOJ is NOT interested in prosecuting cases of White victims’ civil rights being violated by Black perpetrators.
B) The DOJ is NOT interested in investigating violations of the Motor Voter Law (and thus clearing election rolls of dead, moved, duplicate, felon, illegal, out-of-area, and other irregular voters) saying that would only “dampen voter turnout.”
C) Why Ms. Fernandez dropped the voter intimidation case against the four New Black Panthers parading around in para-military uniforms with nightsticks and verbally abusing White and Black Voters and threatening a beating for a Black poll watcher. The Bush administration had the case won and then suddenly it was dropped. One of the intimidators with a nightstick was also caught on a separate video saying “. . . Black’s can never be free until we start killing some crackers . . . killing some of their cracker babies.” Ms. Fernandez doesn’t seem to want to enforce the hate crimes laws that Democrats were so keen to pass, when the hate is directed against Whites?
The liberal-news-only Washington Post reported that the case “riles the right.” Rajjpuut supposes the Post means it doesn’t rile them? It’s OK for civil rights violations to run against Whites? So civil rights is a Black’s only? Martin Luther King, Jr. would be very sad to hear that. Several times in their article on the subject, the Post pointedly used the words “White” and “Whites” which was a lie. In the Philadelphia voter intimidation case, Whites were intimidated. At least two old Black ladies were intimidated and the aforementioned Black poll watcher was intimidated. More importantly, aside from color . . . VOTERS were intimidated. Shame on the Obama-sycophant Washington Post, shame on them. And the fact that the DOJ only wants to protect rights of minorities is a huge story that all the media should be all over, shame on the liberal media for forgetting to put this one on page one – the Washington Post could at least hold its head up somewhat for putting that real news in their paper.
Let Rajjpuut add the obvious, the decision to drop a case that was already won when the facts (on video) of the case point out clearly that the case is truly just is absolutely UNPRECEDENTED, dare we say the decision was as corrupt as anything since Jim Crow laws in the segregated South. This week a Democratic video on the subject of similar shenanigans by Obama supporters that resulted in his stealing the nomination from Hillary Clinton has surfaced. Thus far a mere 32 ACORN employees have been convicted of voter registration fraud, but the pattern is clear, Mr. Obama only wants to win, he does not respect the American Traditions nor the rights of his opposition to their full rights and their due process. This is our Fearless Leader’s “hope and change?”
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Voter-Fraud vs. Hillary Heaped on Obama and

upon His DOJ’s Recent Black Panther Inaction

by New Democrat Documentary

Regular readers of the Folly know the antipathy Rajjpuut holds for our communist president Barack Obama. From the earliest moments Rajjpuut stated flat out that Obama had used corrupt methods to steal the Democratic nomination from Hillary Clinton. Later when New Black Panthers intimidated voters and a Black poll watcher in Philadelphia and then the Obama Department of Justice dropped the case which the Bush administration had already won, Rajjpuut again called “FOUL!” Lately that Panther scandal added to two other DOJ scandals have dominated the free air waves in England and at FOX News here in America, while naturally being ignored by the progressive mainstream media. Today, comes word of a new documentary that whose producer swears “proves” that Obama used illegal bussing, voter-suppression, voter intimidation and other dirty tricks to win thirteen of the fourteen caucus states and the nomination.



Since one Ms. Fernandez, an Obama political appointee to the Department of Justice, has been said to have told a roomful of DOJ employees that A) cases featuring White victims and Black defendants would NOT be of interest to the DOJ and B) the DOJ was no longer interested in investigating Motor Voter Law registration irregularities (for duplicate entries; the dead, those who have moved, convicted felons, non-residents; illegal aliens and other anomalies “because that will just decrease voter turnout.” The Motor Voter Law when created in 1992 by President Clinton and his Democrats was according to the pundits “a license for unending voter fraud – and now Ms. Fernandez was saying even that weakened law would now NOT be enforced by the DOJ.

These charges were repeatedly brought by the Hillary campaign and ignored by the Democratic National Committee as well as all the mainstream media and even FOX News only gave it minimal coverage. Rajjpuut can once again tell those Obama supporters out there, you heard it hear first and often . . . Rajjpuut has repeatedly said the “Caucus System” is absolutely absurd: Caucus States in 2008 made up just over 3% of the Democratic voters (1.1 million voters) but accounted for 626 delegates or 15% of the all delegates. Obama’s gaming the system and use of corrupt methods leveraged the Obama campaign to victory. The problems ranged from cheating, fraud, obstruction, bussing and even death threats according to the documentary.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Would Hillary Clinton Make a Better President
than Barack Obama?
The recent huge drop in favorable job ratings for President Barack Obama coupled with the resurgence in campaign-helper activity by ex-President Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton’s present status as a well-respected Secretary of State and the most-favored of notable Democrats for 2012 . . . begs four questions . . .
A. Does Hillary Clinton actually want to be President?
B. Could Hillary Clinton oust Barack Obama and become the Democratic standard-bearer in 2012?
C. Could Nominee Hillary Clinton win the presidency in 2012?
D. Would Hillary Clinton make a better president than Barack Obama?
The answer to question A is a clear not only “Yes, but hell Yes!” HRC craves power the way nymphomaniacs and Rajjpuut’s crave sex. She got within a heartbeat of being the Dems nominee in 2008, and she actually lost because she was cheated by Obama and again cheated when the Democratic national organization refused to honor her just grievances. Barack Obama won the nomination only because he was able to win thirteen of the fourteen caucus states by nefarious means like voter intimidation, dirty tricks (Black Obama supporters coming early and locking out Clinton supporters with chained doors, for example) and most infamously egregious bussing in of out-of-state supporters to yell at the top of their lungs during the proceedings.
Some of these states had dual primary voting and evening caucuses and Clinton actually won the voting in eight of them but was “swamped in the caucuses for eleven of the states. One wonders if the Democrats are going to continue such an antiquated and easily corrupted system in the future? In any case, she was cheated and knows she was cheated and it must rankle immensely.
Question B is far more problematical, could she oust Obama? Short of a complete collapse by Barack Obama, say to 25% overall favorability on job performance . . . it’s just NOT likely. She would likely be seen as a traitor to her party. Of course, Obama’s dirty tricks and overall lack of integrity could get him impeached IF the Republicans win the house and senate (technically, only the senate is necessary, but the chances for success clearly rely on huge popular outcry against him) and, of course, a reasonable impeachable offense.
Obama seemingly is going out of his way to rack up this opportunity for Republican opposition. Just plain old “incompetence” surely is an issue . . . his administration is amateur hour at best. The creation of a group of czars with clearly communist leanings who have shown themselves interested (in word and deed) in bringing down the government is virtual treason to many such as one Rajjpuut. Much of the Blagojevich and Sestak and Romanoff situations is very distasteful.
The corruption in handing out stimulus funds is enormous. The CCX conflict of interest scandal while pushing for cap and trade is an enormous evil. If it can be proved, and it well may be proved, that Obama gave the word to Ms. Fernandez and others in the DOJ to drop the voter intimidation case against the New Black panthers, and to refuse prosecuting cases against Black perpetrators when victims were White, and to refuse to investigate violations of the Motor Voter Act . . . that would do it also. Certainly, he’s not winning friends and influencing people with his despotic treatment of Arizona and outright refusal to protect our borders.
If an investigation into Obama’s background including that of his birthfather and his mother and grandfather and his mentor Frank Marshall Davis proves they are indeed, as Rajjpuut has long maintained, communists and it’s shown that he has made innumerable public falsehoods, that could do it also as far as impeachment. But the whole process would be tatamount to open revolution against the revolutionary Obama administration. Best would be if he’s found to be openly corrupt as Richard Nixon was . . . and he’s surely at least that bad . . . communists are lowlife scum believing that the ends always justify their notorious means, period.
So the best inroad for the 2012 nomination going to Hillary Clinton would seem to be ongoing, continued and even grosser incompetence by Obama resulting in the bottom dropping out of his favorability ratings . . . or . . . discovery of a clearly ugly and impeachable offense (not that UNlikely in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion). Obama, despite his three-pack a day cigarette habit, seems very healthy so death in office is not likely, and even then she’d have to overcome Joe Biden and would again be regarded as a great traitor unless Shoe-in-Mouth Joe self-destructs or chooses not to run. One thing’s for sure, if he’s breathing, Obama, the power-crazed incumbent, is definitely running in 2012 .
Question C Could she win the 2012 election? Based upon current events, NO, the progressives have tarnished the name of the Democrats so badly, drumming up enthusiasm for admittedly progressive HRC seems impossible! Could she win under other circumstances? Probably NOT. The Republican Party and the TEA Party would both have to completely lose their anchors for such an event to occur allowing the Democrats to grab virtually every Independent vote available. HRC most probably has missed her one opportunity, cheated out of her destiny (she had much higher ratings against McCain then Obama). However, she might have a chance as a vice-presidential nominee on the one hand . . . . and Ol’ Rajjpuut not actually being clairvoyant the last time we checked, she might overcome the many obstacles against her in a fashion not forseen by your favorite blogger and get the nomination and win . . . .
Question D is the rub? If she were nominated and elected would Hillary Clinton make a better president than Barack Obama? Clearly so, it’s hard to imagine anyone doing a worse job. Barack Obama has been called “the Anti-Christ” by some right-wing fundamentalists, but in Rajjpuut’s understanding, it’s hard to see, forget the Anti-Christ, how Satan himself could have done more to threaten the dissolution and collapse of the American Republic than Barack Obama has. Barack Obama, though no one seems to want to admit it is an utterly committed Marxist and he wants to create a totalitarian communist state to replace our Republic, period.
But the question becomes then, would she do a good job as president? And the answer is probably yes and probably no. On the one hand Clinton, whatever else she is, is a loyal American patriot. Barack Obama was NOT raised to be a loyal American patriot. On the same hand, Clinton and her husband Bill are immensely practical. When the Republicans stormed back in response to Hillary’s health care antics and Bill’s left-wing agenda in ’93 and ‘94, Bill Clinton retreated to the middle and did a largely yeoman like job. But Hillary is not Bill, in some ways she is very much like Barack Obama.
While Barack Obama was teaching a Constitutional law course in Chicago he was simultaneously teaching a course on Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals.” He became an Alinsky-styled community organizer, an ACORN attorney shaking down mortgage lenders to force them to make bad home loans to unqualified applicants. HRC grew up years earlier in Chicago’s suburbs and while in college was offered a job by Alinsky, which she turned down, but she wrote her honors thesis “There is Only the Fight . . .” subtitled “An Analysis of the Alinsky Model” and provided a glowing review of the man and his methods and goals . . .
so while Obama is a communist, progressive at best for you who refuse to believe the obvous, Hillary Clinton is a socialist and a self-admitted progressive (progressives see the Constitution as outdated and flawed and even ill-conceived in many cases and therefore in their greater wisdom, see a strong need to “progress” beyond the Founding Fathers’ vision.
So her vision of things is not different enough from Barack Obama’s that the country could count on her to restore us to solvency, let alone greatness. Like all progressives she sees “human equality” and wealth redistribution by government as the be-all-end-all . . . not understanding that the only equality that doesn’t threaten liberty is equality of opportunity. HRC, was after all, pushing for “Obamacare” before anyone knew who Obama was . . . and, like Obama, she was looking for far more government control of 16% of the nation’s economy and using it as a tool for wealth redistribution.
In sum, given that the touchstone for Obama and Hillary Clinton is Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” the most likely BEST and BRIGHTEST possible Democratic candidate for 2012, clearly has her own shortcomings. The best hope for the country in 2010 and 2012 seems to be an enlightened Republican Party held in check by the TEA Party and other independents holding their feet and the Democrats’ feet to the fire based upon their “Contract FROM America.”
‘Tis a sad state of affairs when the former greatest and most powerful country on earth finds its hopes come down to one viable political party . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Obama Administration Denies Blacks Can be Racists
Over nineteen months after it occurred, the Black Panther voter intimidation case is in the news again courtesy of FOX News. It was a big deal back when it happened and it’s now become a very big deal. Of course like Climate Gate, the story never got covered originally by the mainstream media and now when it amounts to a monstrous cover-up it’s still not being covered. Yesterday, abetted by the media’s insouciance the road not travelled, known as “Black Racism” actually went on to fork onto four separate paths.
Item: The case of the Nation of Islam’s New Black Panthers’ voter intimidation at a Philadelphia voting site has been dropped after the case was actually won by the Department of Justice under the Bush administration. One Obama political appointee to the DOJ, a Ms. Fernandez is on record for telling a room full of DOJ employees not to pursue cases where the perpetrators are Black and the victims are White. Only one of the Black Panther defendants received any “punishment” and that was less than a slap on the hand. That defendant has been shown on video telling Black crowds to kill “crackers” and to kill their “cracker babies.” The Panthers are claiming that one Glen Beck and one Sean Hannity from Fox News are racists for pursuing the story . . . .
Item: The NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) went on record as saying that the TEA Party must be denounced as racists. The NAACP claimed that signs with the word “nigg_r” had been found at TEA Party rallies; and that Black congressmen were called “nig_ers” repeatedly on the day that Obamacare passed. Actually, A) one such sign was brought into one TEA Party rally by an infiltrator and that man was accosted by six or seven TEA Party males and his nasty sign was torn up immediately; and B) One Andrew Breitbart of blog and column fame was covering the Obamacare event and he denies that any of the so-called racial taunting ever occurred and has offered a $100,000 reward for any video evidence that even one time the word “ni-ger” was used. So far his money is safe.
Item: The same NAACP has entered into the case of a Black vendor beaten up by a preacher and other members of a Black church. The victim was a capitalistic Black man who made a killing in 2008 selling Obama buttons who was now selling, among other merchandise, a large button showing Obama smoking a joint (marijuana cigarette for the innocent among you) above the slogan “The Audacity of Dope!” At an NAACP meeting the thugs arrested by the police were praised and the victim was dissed repeatedly with the words “Uncle Tom” bandied about constantly.
Item: The aforementioned Ms. Fernandez, Obama political appointee to the DOJ, also decreed in more than one meeting of the DOJ people that there was “no interest” in investigating “Motor Voter Law” violations because it would “just cut down on voter turnout.” Wow! NOT removing duplicate voter names, NOT removing deceased voter names, NOT removing invalid voter names and instead allowing roughly 55% of America’s precincts to receive more votes than they have registered voters is A-OK according to Ms. Fernandez.
You may recall that Richard Cloward and Frances Piven of Cloward-Piven Strategy infamy and an associate of theirs, a Black radical named Wiley, created the NWRO (National Welfare Rights Organization) to test out C-P Strategy’s premise of “overworking and destroying the system” as a radical tactic they hoped would lead to a national guaranteed income law. The threesome bragged later how it took them less than eight years to bankrupt New York City (1975) and just missed bankrupting New York State as well. Cloward and Piven then advised their followers to work on housing and voter registration. Wiley was key in creating ACORN to do just that by taking advantage of ill-conceived mortgage-guarantee laws: Carter’s 77 CRA (Community Reinvestment Act) plus four expansions: in ’92 adding Franny Mae and Freddie Mac, two more in ’95 under Clinton and the steroid expansion also under Clinton in ’98 which allowed ACORN to single-handedly create the sub-prime mortgage crisis. That same Cloward and Piven were standing directly behind Bill Clinton at the signing ceremony for the Motor Voter Act which wise observers called “a license to unending voter fraud.” And now Ms. Fernandez is refusing to enforce even that drastically weakened law . . . and, of course, ACORN had its day in voter registration also . . . .
What do all these items above have in common? Two things: ignorant progressivism^^ and Black RACISM. Rajjpuut suggests that Obama totally refuses to acknowledge even the slightest possibility that Black Racism could exist, while repeatedly returning to accusing all his political enemies of racism for opposing Obama agenda programs. Less than 5% of the Black vote went for McCain while Obama received almost 48% of the White vote (more and a higher percentage than either Gore or Kerry got) . . . so who are the real racists when it comes to voting?
By the way, one Hillary Clinton was robbed of her party’s nomination in 2008 by the surprising fact of Barack Obama’s winning 13 of the 14 caucus states** using illegal bussing and voter intimidation. At the time it was big all over the internet but the mainstream media refused to cover it . . . and today Barack Obama is still their “anointed one.”
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
^^ Progressives since about 1901 have been showing by their actions that they regard the U.S. Constitution as something that needs to be "progressed beyond." At their own meetings they refer to the Constitution as "outdated" and even "ill-conceived and inadequate." Mr. Obama, who was simultaneously teaching in Chicago a course in Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" and a Constitutional Law course, has been quoted as calling the Constitution "a document guaranteeing 'negative rights' only" while pushing an agenda in line with FDR's "Second Bill of Rights."
** Several of these states featured primary voting combined with caucuses and HRC had won the voting segment in most of them but her supporters were overwhelmed at the caucuses by various dirty tricks like chains and locks on doors; being out-shouted; and, yes, multiple instances of voter intimidation by the Black Panthers. The Democratic Party and the media pretended these instances didn’t occur.
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Hillary Clinton back in Newsweek in 1994 or 1995 said “Abortion is wrong.” Now she’s not only shifted her stance, but she’s gotten downright impolite about it . . . going to one of our biggest allies and taken to telling them how to run their country, ugh! Understanding that the Canucks were aiming to make maternal health the showpiece of Canada’s initiative at the next G-8 summit, Hillary, attacking that plan by Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, said “You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health and reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.” Talk about bad manners!

So now Hillary is telling the Canadians they must have abortion-on-demand and is willing to scold Canadians in Canada about that, but also she is indicating just how invalid the little Obama piece of paper promising Bart Stupak his anti-federally funded abortion dreams is going to work out to be. Dumb, Bart, really, really stupid! Now the normal province of the Secretary of State is clearly NOT publically pushing abortion for other nations . . . so where did this come from? Answer: Obama is trying to connect to his abortion-loving progressive-wing and remind them, “When I said that to Bart Stupak, I was only funnin’, only funnin’" . . . So Obamacare is NOT funding abortions, has been proven to be just another lie. Ah well, it was just a matter of time till the matter was taken to the Supreme Court and Stupak’s idiocy was ascertained for good. Now you know . . . your taxes will fund elective abortions. Just another Obama lie.

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