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Obama Home from G-20, with Tail Between Legs

At the July 2010, the G-20 summit members actually told BO that stimulus was not working. BO says, "Keep Spending", click to read 
Obama ignored the G-20 members. The narcissist that he is, has been brought down, BIG Time, on the world stage. 

Obama was at the G-20 summit in France last week. (G-20-Group of  Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, from 20 major economies.)  He didn't talk about the Greece/Euro situation. Basically Greece borrowed Euros to finance Greeks retiring with benefits and pensions...at age 50. If Greece defaulted it could lead to an European depression. (In a global market we would go down too.) By borrowing more they are able to pay back only delays the inevitable.  Sound familiar?

Obama used the the G-20 "stage" to play to us, taking only 4 questions, all from American reporters. He said,  “My hope is that the folks back home, including those in the United States Senate and House of Representatives,   think twice before they vote no again on a proposal that economists say would actually make a dent in unemployment”  A Dent? Read on and you'll see why he didn't take any questions from foreign reporters.

 First the members implemented the "Canada Action Plan for Jobs Growth", co-sponsored by India. It is "a wide range blueprint for building foundation of renewed world wide growth". Wow! As leaders of the free world, weren't we suppose to do that?

Second, To add insult to injury, they selected Mark Carney as the Chairman of the Swiss "Financial Stability Board".  His actions as the Bank of Canada's governor are said to account for Canada having
avoided the worst of the recent global financial crisis. The Canadian economy outperformed those of its G7,  (The top 7 nations of the G-20.),   peers during the crisis, and Canada was the first G7 nation to have both its GDP and employment recover to pre-crisis levels.   Canada has recovered that means our unemployment should be at 7.8 or lower.  Blaming Bush just isn't working anymore.

Before he left  Pinocchio said, "We can't wait for Congress to do its job,” he said. “The middle-class families who’ve been struggling for years are tired of waiting.  So where Congress won’t act, I will." BO  thinks he's king and is forgetting the Constitution....again! Maybe he learned something at the G-20.

11/4/11-Unemployment rate fell to 9.0 percent in October. A Demoncratic Congress and Senate gave BO $787 billion of our money in Feb. 09.  (He said that unless he got it, unemployment COULD go as high as 8%. It hasn't been anywhere close to that since Bush was President.) Now, less then 3 years later, he wants another $447 billion.   
House Speaker John Boehner: "Today's report underscores the need for immediate action on the more than 15 bipartisan, common-sense House-passed jobs bills (called the forgotten 15) that are piled up at Senate Democrats' door. Senate Democrats are out of excuses and the president must call on them to act. The House has voted to remove government obstacles to desperately needed jobs -- and we've done it in a bipartisan way. At a time when these bipartisan jobs bills are stalled in the Senate, it is unacceptable for the White House to be anything less than 100 percent engaged in the legislative process."

I love this: The House of Representatives passed a bi-partisan resolution Nov.1 reaffirming “In God We Trust” as the official motto of the United States. The 396-9 vote came at the request of Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) , "Obama’s refusal to correct remarks he made that misstated the motto as “E pluribus unum” instead of “In God We Trust.”
"I trust God, but God wants to see us help ourselves and put people back to work." BO-11/03/11(What an ass!)

Thank you for being CarolynsVoice, because I don't have one. 

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