hcr (1)

This was sent off Sunday night.  Maybe early Monday morning...sometimes the days run together in the many fights we find ourselves in.  No reply from previous contacts yet...I'm not holding my breath :)  At any rate, here is the latest:

Dear Senator Chamblis;  I am sure you are aware of House Concurrent Resolution 107.  I am also sure that you are more than aware of the testimony and statements given by Leon Panetta in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee, in which he unilaterally declared that the United States Military now serves at the behest of the United Nations, and that any authorization for military action must be decided by them, and in that case, he might just decide to brief the United States Congress about it....or maybe not.  It was all kinda "iffy."
Seeing as how you & I have had discussions concerning your close friend Leon Panetta in the past, particularly when he was up for confirmation...an unusual move for this Administration, as it actually attempted to recognize the Rule of Law at the time...I find your silence rather astonishing regarding these events, which are linked hand-in-hand.
You pointed out, at the time, that you and Mr. Panetta had worked closely together in the past, he was a good friend, and you regarded him in the highest light.  You found my accurate representation of his past to be "unwarranted."  HMMMMM...
So I'm curious...just how does all this sit with you now?  
Will you support House Concurrent Resolution 107, or do you think it "unwarranted" also?  You see, the reason I ask should be rather apparent.  As I rarely-if ever-hear back from you any longer, I'm beginning to wonder if I am talking to a fellow American, or one who has become a big part of the problem we face in this Nation of Liberty.  Our way of life has been under vicious attack...by this very Administration.  The Rule of Law does not matter to this Kenyan or his cronies.  I know...I know...harsh words, you've probably discarded this letter by now.  Sorry to offend your tender sensibilities...but you didn't have to spend $102 to fill your tank up for the week so you could continue looking for work, either.  You don't have to worry about how you're going to cover the skyrocketing price of health insurance.  And you damn sure don't have to worry about looking for work...you've managed to make a grand career out of spending the money of your constituents!  Yippee.  Good work, if you can find it.
So let me get back to House Concurrent Resolution 107, as that was my basic focus anyway.  Will you support this measure?  And if not, just exactly WHY NOT?  After all, this has nothing to do with all that crazy stuff about releasing obviously forged documents, hiding or falsifying all public records of this man's existence...it's a very simple thing called "High Crimes and Misdemeanors."  Bill Clinton was impeached for a hell of a lot less than this.  So where is the standard going to reside now...that he's BLACK?  Are we afraid of "race riots?"  Having lived through a number of them in the '60's, I damn sure am not.  I am seriously more afraid of what another 4 years of what this congenital liar and Islamofacist will do to this country. 
I know...harsh words...and I would apologize but will do so only when you can prove to me that I AM WRONG...that millions of other Americans who are now paying avid attention ARE WRONG.  I won't bore you with the actual technical terminology of "Islamofacist", but it is rather self-explanatory, and for a very very apt description, one has to look no further than the White House right now, and then compare that with the certain lessons of history.  
I look forward as always, to your reply. 
James Seigfreid
Tea Party Radio Network
Tea Party of Gilmer County
Tea Party.org
United States Patriots Union
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Ellijay, Ga  30536-3840
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