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Journalistic Conspiracy Documents Emerge,

400+ Individuals Involved

What are the top hundred** stories the mainstream media have failed to include in their newspapers or broadcasts? Why?

Rajjpuut can say it again, “I told you so.” The fact that only certain kinds of news with certain kinds of emphasis seems to ever get into the mainstream media has long been noted by journalistic watchdogs. Now it’s not just an obvious but unprovable fact, now that viewpoint has been documented. Documents, most e-mails and a few “commentaries” have been recently discovered and tied to a group of over 400 mostly journalists and other media people as well as a few academicians who apparently conspired to make Barack Obama president by suppressing stories that could hurt him politically and by substituting stories attacking Karl Rove, Mc Cain and others in the so-called “right wing” as racists, etc. Information from the e-mails themselves indicate the conspiracy to control the news goes back at least thirteen years.

Hundreds of e-mails and other documents captured from the infamous “liberal listserv” calling themselves “the Journolist” (yes, spelled with an ‘o’) made up of prominent mainstream reporters, management, academics, and pundits -- was apparently every evil thing which conservative critics like Rajjpuut said about it. Over 400 individuals are involved.

One wonderful piece of journalistic integrity comes from Spencer Ackerman more famous for his left-wing attack blogs than real journalism who talks about the necessity and the methods for covering up the Wright story:

"Part of me doesn't like this sh*t either. But what I like less is being governed by racists and warmongers and criminals."

Ackerman went on:

I do not endorse a Popular Front^^, nor do I think you need to. It's not necessary to jump to Wright-qua-Wright's defense. What is necessary is to raise the cost on the right of going after the left. In other words, find a rightwinger's [sic] and smash it through a plate-glass window. Take a snapshot of the bleeding mess and send it out in a Christmas card to let the right know that it needs to live in a state of constant fear. Obviously I mean this rhetorically.

Ackerman is infamous for his blog “Attackerman” and his reporting position at the Washington Independent. Ackerman suggested that the group not only avoid running the story of Wright saying, “Not ‘God Bless America,’ God Damn, America” but that all that was necessary was to find some Republican bigwig, “. . . it doesn’t matter who, Karl Rove? . . . and accuse him of racism . . . that gets them tied in knots.”

So we have the so-called “fourth estate” that the original Founding Fathers put so much faith in . . . who they believed would keep the politicians’ feet in the fire and keep the people informed and protect the people from the potential abuses of government . . . we have these ignoble members of a once noble profession conspiring to change living history and pre-arrange the outcome of a presidential election. Makes Rajjpuut far less proud of his Journalism degree . . . Ouch.

This conspiracy can apparently be literally called a “vast left-wing conspiracy” after all. Here’s one of them referring back to the leftist press’ treatment of the Monica Lewinsky scandal:

Katha Pollit of the Nation:

The people who attacked Clinton on Monica were prissy and ridiculous, but let me tell you it was no fun, as a feminist and a woman, waving aside as politically irrelevant and part of the vast rightwing conspiracy Paula, Monica, Kathleen, Juanita

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Popular Front means "communism"

** Rajjpuut’s Top Dozen? These stories would almost certainly have changed history if they’d been properly and fairly reported.

1. Obama was raised communist by a communist mother and grandfather. In fact virtually nothing from Obama’s mysterious past has been properly “vetted” by the mainstream media (MSM).

2. Obama’s first autobiography “Dreams from My Father” was invisible in the two years leading up to the election. What was revealed about him in that book? Where would investigation of the book lead? What was the “dream” from his birth-father? Here’s an old Barak, Sr. (no ‘c’ in his name) essay showing his interest in “100% taxes,” redistribution of wealth, taking wealth from Kenya’s European and Asian population and getting it into the hands of the Black populace, etc.

3. Climate Gate: here’s a piece from the ultra-liberal London Times:

Notice the similarity between the corruption of scientists “fixing” the science so that so-called “Global Warming” appears like a straightforward fact instead of a questionable theory and the corruption of the “JOURNOList” reporters in creating the news environment by suppressing anti-liberal stories and making up other pro-liberal accusations, etc. The biggie for Rajjpuut has often been his question “Where is NOW (the National Organization for Women)?” Or “Where are the feminists?” when certain stories such as how Sarah Palin is portrayed in Newsweek pop up . . . now all these double-standards are explained as clear and simple MSM willful bias.

4. Obama uses dirty tricks to steal nomination from Hillary Clinton

5. DOJ scandal ongoing

A) Black Panther voter intimidation case won by Bush Administration is largely set aside by Obama’s Department of Justice Deputy Fernandez.

B) Fernandez tells roomful of DOJ employees there is “no interest” in investigating or prosecuting voting cases with White victims and Black perpetrators.

C) Fernandez tells roomful of DOJ employees that enforcement of the Motor Voter Law is their lowest priority.

6. Obama and Gore and dozens of their cronies will become hundred billionaires if/when cap and trade legislation passes via their connection to CCX (the Chicago Climate Exchange).

7. Full exposure of the Obama-ACORN story (he was an ACORN attorney shaking down lending companies to pressure them to follow the exact shadings of bad mortgage-guarantee laws that forced them to make knowing bad loans to clients who could NOT afford to repay them . . . this is the root of our sub-prime interest scandal that led to the collapse of the economy.

8. The Obama inner-circle. Most of Obama’s czars and most cherished inner-circle folks are avowed communists. Van Jones was just the most visible. The Van Jones scandal story was covered by FOX news for three months and the MSM ran one story only that on-such-and-such-a date Van Jones resigned with no indication that any scandal actually existed.

9. Obamacare is every day being proved to be 100% of everything the Republican opponents said it was, but none of this is being covered in the MSM:

A) Socialistic

B) Cuts deeply into Medicare

C) Dramatically increases deficits

D) Funds elective abortions

E) Does NOT control costs

F) Will require large amounts of rationing

G) Will take power of life and death out of doctors’ hands and put it into the hands of a “committee”

10. ACORN scandals

A) prostitution set-up scandal

B) voter-registration scandals

C) their role in getting housing loans for people without ID; people without jobs; people with bad credit ratings; illegal aliens, etc.

D) ACORN document-shredding scandal in California

11. Ongoing and continuing stories that the TEA Party is racist

A) supposed “N-word” repeatedly yelled at Black Democrats on capitol steps will be rewarded with $100,000 bounty for video-tape showing even one instance. Money has NOT been collected because it never happened.

B) Infiltrator with “N-word” poster at TEA Party rally is pushed out by TEA Partiers and his sign shredded. MSM only ran 5 second story of man with sign at TEA Party meeting, not the swift retribution and policing by TEA Party.

C) TEA Party “spitting incident” widely reported by no documentary footage is shown despite hundreds of cameras in the area

D) NAACP calls TEA Party racists while NOT condemning the Black Panthers in their voter-intimidation incident; and while NAACP members at same podium call a BLACK entrepreneur an “Uncle Tom” for selling “Audacity of Dope” buttons (Obama with a joint in his mouth) while praising the Black preacher and others who beat the man up. The same man made a fortune two years ago selling Obama for President buttons.

12. And the #1 story which the MSM has refused to air: the connection of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven who with George Wiley in 1975 brought about the bankruptcy (which they bragged about) of New York City and almost of New York State by overloading the welfare system by using Cloward-Piven Strategy in hopes of forcing the Democratic Party to create a national guaranteed income in response to the chaos they foresaw. How the pair said the next areas of emphasis were voter-registration and housing. How Wiley helped create ACORN and how ACORN abused the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77); and the four expansions of it (’92 added Freddie Mac and Frannie Mae; it was expanded twice in ’95; and the steroid version came out in ’98) to give us our sub-prime lending scandal and financial apocalypse and what part ACORN and Obama together played.

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