government spitting on constitution- (1)
Government- and Voter-Caused
Wussification of USA Abetted
by Mainsteam Lamestream Media
            It really sucks to be an American taxpayer these days . . . .
            In the Esquire interview of Clint Eastwood linked above, the no-nonsense Hollywood star talks about the “Wussy Generation” of Americans (Eastwood prefers P’s to W’s, of course).   Like Eastwood tens of millions of Americans have been realizing for about six years now that something is dreadfully wrong with our country.   In fact a “dreadfully, dreadfully, dreadfully” dour future awaits us if we don’t change the nation‘s direction immediately.


Perhaps a recent release of FBI classified documents from the 1930’s point us toward the insidious force encouraging our decay: one of those reports details the ties of the newly-born American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in 1931 to the Communist Party in Stalin’s Soviet Union; another shows that up until 1989, the CPUSA (Communist Party USA) got its marching orders directly from the Soviet Union.   Follow-up documents on the ACLU clearly show that throughout its early history, the ACLU was a communist-front organization.


If one but looks at the headlines generated by the progressive politicians (mostly Democrats, but both major parties are well-represented) and compares them to the stance of this organization day after day . . . a strong correlation will be obvious. Don’t believe me, check it out for yourself for 30 days and tell me if you don’t get 95% or higher congruence of messages between what our Progressive Party (nominally known as the Democrats) is saying and what this group is saying:


If you haven’t got the intelligence and perseverance to do this simple check, by the way, consider yourself a big part of the problem, an enabler, and not one of those seeking to get our country back because 6-8% of the populace calling themselves progressives, liberals and socialists have aligned themselves tightly to the same agenda as the CPUSA . . . .


But all our pains didn’t originate from beyond our borders. In the 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s certainly the lead given by self-ascribed “Neo-Marxist” community organizer Saul Alinsky and his followers Richard Cloward and Frances Piven and the strong “positive” response by thoughtless and often violent young Americans in joining their cause, did us no good. Alinsky (author of Reveille for Radicals in 1946 and Rules for Radicals in 1971); Cloward and Piven; and Alinsky students Hillary Clinton nee Rodham and Barack Obama, however, points at DELIBERATE home-grown American leadership as a major cause in bringing on our own demise. Today, of course, the SDS radicals of the past now own the Obama White House.

While a man like Glenn Beck is drawing an incredible amount of American awakening upon us . . . the truth is that most Americans have shown themselves too complacent and lazy and glued to computer games and sitcoms and their living room couches. These are the members of the Wussy Generation that Eastwood was referring to:



However, while it’s true that in a Republic founded upon democratic principles such as we have, ultimately the people get the government they deserve . . . the greater truth is that because the progressive (Neo-Marxist/Socialist) wing of the Democratic Party has been calling the shots in this country since the days of Lyndon Baines Johnson’s ratcheting up the Welfare State and ratcheting up Viet Nam conflict and giving us the second major debasement of the currency (FDR confiscating all the nation’s gold and then re-pegging the value of the dollar from $21.76 per ounce of gold to $35 an ounce – an overnight theft by the government of 61% of Americans’ savings in 1934 – was the first one) . . . it’s fair and accurate to say that our government has mostly stupidly, but occasionally deliberately “done us in.”

America’s “karma” sucks. You reap what you sow and uninformed and lazy Americans have given us rotten and corrupt politicians pretty much straight through since Calvin Coolidge with the notable exceptions of Ronald Reagan, Harry Truman and JFK.  Kennedy and Reagan were, of course, our great tax-cutting champions (91% tax on the wealthy when JFK took office!); and Truman is the one who defied his own party’s home base in the south to remove all obstacles on the road to full integration. With the exception of those three and to a far, far lesser extent the two President Bushes and Dwight Eisenhower (he was in office when the government was stealing 91% from some of its citizens but otherwise served well), our executive branch and the two houses of congress have clearly “done us in.”  Our federal government has been behind most of the destructive forces at play today . . . .

$14 TRillion national debt: government caused . . .

$112 TRillion UNfunded national liabilities (Social Security; Medicare; the federal side of Medicaid): government caused . . .

The probable bankruptcy of all 50 our states and Puerto Rico not later than 2023 (the state side of Medicaid now mandated by Obamacare created by our federal government will “do the states in”): government caused . . .

Our monstrous and crazy tax system and our perverse hatred of success . . . politician and government caused . . .

The debasement of our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights: all government caused by folks who swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States . . .

The loss of our national pride and heritage and belief in the wonderful doctrine of American Exceptionalism that made us a magnet to the world’s freedom-loving peoples – largely lost because of government causation . . .

The destruction of the American Dollar, the present world’s reserve currency, government caused . . .

The loss of tens of millions of manufacturing jobs by the world’s #2 highest corporate income tax; and incessant government interference in business, government caused.

Progressive taxation creating a country in which 47% of the people pay zero taxes and the successful are taxed to support them, government caused . . .

We could go on and on and on and on about problems that are government caused . . .

The end result is that the Marxist/Socialist elements in the present government are now on the verge of replacing the greatest system of government and the greatest way of life ever known with the absolute worst (the word “Democide” describes a Ruling State killing off its own people; in the 20th Century Marxist dictatorships in Red China, the USSR; Viet Nam; Cambodia; East Germany; the Warsaw Pact nations; Cuba; etc. killed off a minimum of 124 million of their own people). When it comes to killing liberty, death is an extreme measure by heavy-handed governments and the worst have historically been communist regimes . . . and yet we admire Mao and Che along with Mother Teresa . . . .

Whether it’s wealth redistribution or killing off citizens . . . for some perverse reason we have made a hero of these people in our American culture and the mainstream media (MSM) has not reported upon this adoration of mass-murderers. And more importantly the American mainstream-lamestream media have been the handmaiden of government corruption . . . for example . . .


Here are the major stories that simple-pimple honest journalism would have uncovered, but which the leftist-leaning liberal media overlooked and thus abated our decay . . . how many of these stories were you aware of?


ITEM: While unabashedly bandying about (with absolutely no evidence) the lie that the TEA Party consists of racist hatemongers for roughly two years now, the MSM has for two and a half years let a story that tells a slightly different story go totally unreported. According to taped interactions and FBI informant Brandon Darby, an undercover member of the leftwing Austin Affinity Group who a couple years earlier had called himself a “revolutionary” and who up till then routinely called for the overthrow of the United States government, AAG and several other progressive groups united under the title “RNC Welcoming Committee” aimed to shutdown the 2008 Republican National Convention in Minneapolis-St. Paul using among other things Molotov Cocktails consisting of bottles filled with gasoline with attached wicks made from tampons. "They mixed gasoline with oil so it would stick to clothing and skin and burn longer," according to Darby. Sounds a bit like napalm, now doesn’t it? Darby, today, is on the lam because his wanted poster is featured in just about every leftist “action” group headquarters one can find. Naturally, if a radical of the right had “betrayed” the attack upon the Democratic National Committee he would have been named a hero and had movies and TV shows about him. Why the difference? Because even the crudest violence from the left is assumed to be “well-intentioned" by those in the know among the MSM.

Item:  Notice how they’ve tried to brand Saturday’s Arizona assassin as a TEA Party “nutcase” when he’s been stalking Representative Giffords for longer than the TEA Party existed and a list of his favorite books include the Communist Manifesto and the young man is also a 9/11 Truther (you know, one of those fanatics like Obama’s ex Green Jobs Czar Van Jones who believes George W. Bush and the American government organized the attacks on 9/11/2001) . . . or did you NOT know about Van Jones? The MSM gave a paragraph here and there saying Van Jones resigned, but not mentioning the fact that he’d been under scrutiny for two months as a 9/11 Truther and a self-acknowledged communist. MSM was reluctant to say much about the Van Jones situation.  As for the "violent rhetoric" of Sarah Palin:  'tis amazing how President Obama's "If they bring a knife to the fight, we'll bring a gun" comment escaped the MSM's attention and the posters calling for the death of GWB and burning him in effigy, those weren't violent either . . . Mr. Obama who so pointedly asked all Americans to avoid jumping to any conclusions after a Muslim connected to Al Qaeda killed 13 fellow American soldiers . . . seems quite content to allow his fellow progressives to blame conservatives for the Arizona tragedy.  You do remember that the report on the Ft. Hood shootings didn't even mention the name of the shooter; nor of his religion; nor once use the words "terrorism"; "Islam" or the phrase "Islamic terrorist" when clearly those words were necessary to describe the simple truth.  Political correctness like that is shocking, but even more so because the MSM honored Obama's wishes like they were sacred text . . . .


ITEM: Obama, both Clinton’s, Al Gore, Franklin Raines, Joel Rogers, Maurice Strong, George Soros, many in Goldman-Sachs management, Richard Sandor and roughly 50 other key progressive Democratic politicians stood to make a fortune off of their CCX (the Chicago Climate Exchange) investments if Cap and Trade were passed into law. Only after 18 months of direct Fox News and conservative internet revelations was CCX made defunct by these people. Now many of them are relying on their investments in European carbon-exchanging as a second-chance to pull in the cap and trade wealth. Naturally this is all totally UNcovered in the lamestream MSM.


ITEM: however, in Europe the global warming lie is front and center

so much so that environmentalists are now largely distrusted in Europe. Eco-terrorists burning SUVs and trying to sabotage lumberjacks have been known as “mean-greenies” in England as well as America for some time.  Now the term is branching out to cover hate-spewing environmentalists who appear interested in destroying the industrial revolution’s seeds altogether with ever-expanding government regulation. More shocking is the term “watermelon.” A watermelon is someone supposedly “green on the outside, but pink to deep RED on the inside,” that is a Marxist or ultra-socialist proponent who wants cap and trade because the only way such a burdensome “TAX” on the modern way of life could come about is via creation of the virtual totalitarian state necessary to impose cap and trade on the citizens of the world. None of this is common knowledge on this side of the Atlantic because the MSM doesn’t want to cover it, just as they failed to cover the Climate Gate Scandal now fourteen months old . . .


Item: President Barack Obama has on roughly 1500 occasions (averaging more than twice daily) blamed the Bush administration that preceded him for the present debacle. He has even made a point of telling a little fable about a car driven into the ditch by conservative policies, we’ve all heard it. The truth, however, which takes just a bit of actual journalistic gumption to discover, is quite different and we’ve got the evidence for it which also has not been covered by the MSM:


George W. Bush saw Obama, Bill Clinton, ACORN and progressive politicians DELIBERATELY pushing the car (America’s economy) toward a 500-foot cliff. Jumped in and grabbing the steering wheel and hitting the brakes eased it into the nearest friendly-looking ditch.


            Can that be true? It’s 100% true and Rajjpuut has written several blogs revealing in great detail all the easily discoverable information that the MSM has deliberately chosen not to cover showing that Barack Obama worked first as a Marxist leaning community organizer and then as an ACORN attorney brow-beating and shaking down lenders so they would make knowingly bad home mortgage loans to people (based upon the progressive CRA '77 law and its five expansions)  without a lame race horse’s chance of ever paying off their homes. And, of course that’s the mildest of it all . . . even that mild stuff has never been printed in the MSM.  


The problem is also largely inside the voters as well. The fact that Barack Obama has promised to “bankrupt the coal industry” and that his energy policies “will necessarily make the price of electricity skyrocket”*** has been well known and the citizens still supported this maniac? But again, this is the smallest of small potatoes . . . the government really did us in and Americans should know it. For the full truth go here:



                Only “We the People,” the citizens can save the country, most of the ruling politicians have already made contingency plans based upon complete financial upheaval. This is NOT the time to be apathetic, ignorant and blasé.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



Also well-known is the Obama promise to create five million Green-tech jobs. The well-known Spanish study of the ills brought upon that country (from 4% unemployment in 1997 to 20.8% today) if extrapolated to Obama’s five million subsidized green jobs would be:

a.      11 million jobs in the real (unsubsidized) economy lost since in Spain every subsidized green-tech job cost 2.2 real jobs

b.     Only 10% of the green jobs created proved permanent in Spain which means only 500,000 of the green jobs created by Obama would be permanent or 22 real jobs would be lost for every subsidized green job created.

c.     As in Spain, jobs of three weeks duration would be counted just as much as a permanent job created.

d.    The average green tech job will pay $10-$14 per hour about 2/3 the pay for the average real job lost.

e.     Spain has gone from the second strongest economy in Europe behind only Germany to one of the four or five worst economies in Europe very close to Ireland, Greece, Italy, and Portugal.


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