globalist (1)

Tired of being told one thing and watching a series of what Ted calls actions and the fruit of ones works as another? I sure am. Most people know when they are being gaslighted, yet many don’t. Gaslighting is a term used to manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. Or getting them to believe they didn’t see or hear a thing.

Well, if you are tired of that as much as I am, here are some cold hard facts.

Conservative Senator Ted Cruz never once campaigned for a conservative challenger to an incumbent in the 2014 mid-term campaign races – nor did he ever discuss the absence of a federal budget now the republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate. He did however later snub and make snide remarks about Sarah Palin who campaigned for his election and without her support would never have been elected.

He publically condemns what he calls the DC Cartel, yet he is in bed with the lot of them. More on that later, just keep reading.



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