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Freedom from Religion Atheists tackle Football Players

In the film A League oif Their Own, manager Tom Hanks advises a tearful player on a women’s baseball team, “There’s no crying in baseball.” According to the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a group of permanently offended atheists that are also in a league of their own, there is no praying in football, not to mention “Hail Mary” passes to win the big game. Tim Tebow call your office.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/09/freedom_from_religion_atheists_tackle_football_players.html#ixzz3kyKOdXQb
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The IRS and the FFRF vs. the Church

The IRS vs. the Church

The IRS targeting of Tea Party and other conservative groups prior to the 2012 election was an unconscionable abuse of power for which accountability and punishment have been noticeably absent. But this was and is not the only use by the Obama administration of the power to tax to attempt to destroy its political opponents.

The IRS is also involved in targeting what President Obama has called “less than loving” Christians through the mandates of ObamaCare and its attack on the free exercise of religion through the attempted coercion of mandated health insurance coverage  This administration’s war on religion is also seen in the monitoring of Christian churches by the IRS in response to a lawsuit filed on December 27, 2012 by the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF)  concerning sermons that are considered by the political left  to be political speech by tax-exempt organization in alleged violation of federal law. These sermons, often criticizing ObamaCare’s encroachment on freedom of religion through its mandates among other issues, are considered electioneering by the atheist left.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/04/the_irs_vs_the_church.html#ixzz3YXk0YmuB
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Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/04/the_irs_vs_the_church.html#ixzz3YXD3OB9x
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