executive orders (2)



'Executive Orders' are made by a president. As a member of the 'Executive Branch', the president can do this. There is no real provision for it in the Constitution but the president is a part of the Executive Branch'. The 'Order' is subject to Judicial review. O keeps saying Bush made more of them. than he did. That fact is actually true.

Has anyone heard of an 'Executive Action'? O has used them often. They are used when the president does not have the approval of congress. O was the first modern day president to use 'Executive Action' instead of 'Executive Orders' or 'Executive Memoranda', which are in most cases less prestigious.  


O has actually ordered more 'Executive Memoranda' than any other president in the United States. In fact, he ordered 33% more in six years than Bush did in eight years. He issued 45% more than Clinton.

O has used diabolical ways to confuse people with actual word usage. He is abusing power to impose his policies rather than letting them be debated in Congress. 

Our new Congress will have a tough job in January but with the proper Congressional actions, this can be rectified.

The Constitution of the United States says we have 'Checks and Balances' to keep one part of government from taking full control. 'Checks and Balances' are laid out in Articles l, ll and lll. They safeguard our freedoms from any branch from becoming too powerful.


We have a long tough road ahead but there is hope. Our Forefathers knew what they were doing and we should be grateful and have our government stay within the limitations of what was set.

Daveda Gruber



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Obama Openly Threatens Dictatorship

(Before It's News)


Perhaps if his most recent statement was a one – off oddity, it could be more easily dismissed, but when Barack Obama threatened to a room full of political donors that he is prepared to simply bypass Congress and pass a whole “drawer full of good ideas”, it should give everyone pause.  Remember, this is the same man who is said to have told staff, “I’m good at killing people” according to a just released book by Time Magazine’s Mark Halperin.

(via Washington Times)

President Obama on Friday night continued throwing his entire second-term agenda against the wall to see what sticks, challenging Republicans to join him and support more federal spending, pass immigration reform and tackle other challenges.

But should the GOP stand in the way, the president indicated he’s willing to use executive orders to accomplish his aims.
“… We have a whole drawer full of good ideas. And some of them I can do on my own, administratively.”  LINK


Now by “good ideas” one must assume Barack Obama is talking about such disastrous policies such as Obamacare, that are now slated to kick tens of millions from their existing health plans and prevent them from seeing the doctor of their choice.  Or perhaps he is indicating his attempt to wage an illegal war against Syria?  Or his lessening of sanctions against nuclear bomb building Iran – something he did in secret.  Or his continued opposition to the Keystone Pipeline – something that would create thousands of high paying jobs and be SAFER for the environment than transporting oil via train or barge.  Then there are his TRILLIONS in deficit spending, the explosion of welfare programs, poverty rates rising, etc.

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