euthanasia (2)



Inelegant END-RUNS Rule the Day
Obama and Obamacare Officials SPIT

Cheerfully on U.S. Constitution AGAIN!



          To progressives, liberals, socialists, Marxists and other Obama fans, this is literally “less than nothing.” To living, breathing, feeling, thinking patriotic Americans the latest two outrages against our constitution and common decency enacted by the Obama administration are the final insults and a declaration of war against America and decent Americans . . . before we get to the latest desecration of the American Way of Life, let’s look at the serious Constitutional principles involved . . . .

            Any intelligent American knows that the system of checks and balances written into the Constitution by the Founding Fathers and the separation of the branches of government by giving us independent judiciary, house, senate and executive branches was done to protect our freedoms and allow the nation’s business to be conducted in a sensible and orderly fashion. Laws are not supposed to be created from the bench; or from the Oval office . . . that is the province of the house and senate. 


ITEM: When any judge can decide to tell the military how to run their business (for example: when a Riverside, California judge can order an injunction on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policies which will take action in 60 days) over-ruling congress without even a high-level appellate court getting involved and, by the way, unenthusiastically opposed in court by the Obama Department of Justice, that is an outrage.


ITEM: When failing to pass Cap and Trade legislation in early 2009; the Obama administration can order its Mean Greenies (willing to sabotage jobs and other human good for their distorted reading of ecological “necessity”) in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to issue a new regulatory standard on emissions declaring “Carbon dioxide is a toxic emission . . .” thus bypassing the congress and defiling the EPA’s own charter that is an outrage. When a legal challenge reminded EPA officials that they were required to do a study on their own and not allowed to rely on outside “research” before making such a move . . . and the EPA backed off and now . . . ten months later, not having done any legitimate study the EPA is once again calling CO2 (which plants need to live and to use to provide us with oxygen) a dangerous emission . . . that is a horrific outrage.


ITEM: When the EPA can make another such edict and stop farmers in Central California from irrigating their vegetable fuels (thus putting lots of people out of work and driving the cost of foodstuffs higher) citing danger to a 2” long fish (the delta smelt) rather than coming up with a cheap and efficient and effective way to stop the danger (EPA could surely come up with a smelt-danger pheromone, for example) to keep the dumb fish from getting near the irrigation intake, no? Why is it the farmer’s problem?) and thus putting much of the area around Fresno, California into 40% unemployment, that is a disgustingly short-sighted outrage.


ITEM: When rather than backing up and taking the time to do right by a major piece of legislation, President Obama can flim-flam an idiot like Bart Stupak to swinging the dozen or so so-called anti-abortion Democrats in the house to back Obamacare by giving him a single sheet of paper with the president’s promise that no federal funding of abortion is authorized under Obamacare and four months later we find out that the very earliest covered Obamacare “medical treatments” include federally-funded abortions . . . that is a monstrous outrage.


ITEM: When Obama promised that control over health issues by you and your doctor was inviolate and would be preserved by Obamacare that was the ultimate lie as you’ll see . . . .


ITEM: When for the first time in a lame-duck session a nuclear arms-reduction treaty is passed based upon President Obama’s promise (oral, this time) that the treaty will not affect U.S. missile defense that is an utterly dangerous outrage.


ITEM: When the Democratic dominated congress does not fulfill its most basic function and pass a budget while driving the country deeply into debt and Unfunded liabilities by passing outrageous spending bills and huge government boondoggles (like Obamacare); and passes several thousand page bills which have not seen the light of day in committees; are not even read or posted; and never offered up for meaningful debate or amendment; and told we can’t find out what’s in them until after they’re passed . . . that is Constitutional outrage of the highest order.

            What do all these outrages have in common? Every one of them is a refutation of Obama’s word on bi-partisanship; openness; transparency; and meaningful change; as well as a deliberate spitting upon the Constitution of the United States. And now we see a couple more acts in the continuing drama Barack Obama Uses the Founding Documents for Toilet Paper . . .  in a series of end runs, Obama shows us once again his total contempt for our Constitution and all great things American . . . .

            Among Obama’s other lies about Obamacare (not one dime added to the debt; no abortion funding; you can keep your present insurance; etc.) was the promise that no “death panels” were created by the bill. “Death Panels” also called “review boards,” mean government-conducted oversight of potential treatment to the elderly; the very young; the very sick; and severely injured people; and government-decision making allowing operations and treatment under these circumstances or denying circumstances . . . thus the name “death panel” is fitting. The death panel’s encouragement and authorization of “end of life consultations” (“Do you want to pull the plug?” “How about now, should we pull the plug?” “Have you thought this over real carefully, shouldn’t we just go ahead and pull that nasty old plug?” “Are you there yet --- ready to pull the plug?” “Are you there yet . . . ?) enraged the public so the provisions for it were removed in the Obamacare law that was passed. 

            Now, however, these hideous laws are back with a vengeance courtesy of the Obama administration and its bureaucratic fiats from Medicare officials. Representative Earl Blumenauer and Senator Jay Rockefeller who led the Democrats’ effort in Congress to pass Section 1233 of pending Medicare legislation, which would have paid doctors to include "end of life" counseling in their patients' physical checkups, the Congress as a whole voted to delete that provision from the original bill so Obamacare would have some hope of passing. Now that an even worse regulation has been created and added to the health care processes of the nation . . . Blumenauer has sent out an e-mail asking his supporters “not to say anything, as his office on the one hand praised the Medicare bureaucratic action but warned: "While we are very happy with the result, we won't be shouting it from the rooftops because we are not out of the woods yet." If this new regulation is so wonderful, why NOT shout it from the rooftops and alert the citizenry? Here’s why . . . .
            Speaker of the House designate, John Boehner, objected mightily to this provision in 2009, saying: "This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia."  Now as Boehner feared we have not only “gone down the treacherous path toward government-sponsored and government-rewarded euthanasia” . . . we have done so by virtue of the actions of a lowly bureaucrat, someone we’ve never elected!!!

The great columnist Thomas Sowell put it this way, “Whatever the merits or demerits of the proposed provision in Medicare legislation, the Constitution of the United States makes the elected representatives of "we the people" the ones authorized to make such decisions. But when proposals explicitly rejected by a vote in Congress are resurrected and stealthily made the law of the land by bureaucratic fiat, there has been an end run around both the people and the Constitution.”

While the START Treaty vote can potentially get us blown to heaven or hell; there is no doubt that the Death Panels and the Death-Encouragement Education are the first step in Obama and Science Czar John Holdren’s master plan to kill off citizens whose lives prove to be too inconvenient to be continued . . . and clearly the chances for opponents of the administration to fit into that undesirable category are multiplied a hundredfold. Brave New World of HOPE AND CHANGE.
Can you remember Obama insulting conservative America as if he'd won 95% of the popular and electoral vote in 2008 . . . he said, "Elections have consequences" and went on to totally ignore all conservative voice and to ram his socialist agenda down our craws.   And once again he was lying, elections only have consequences when they go Obama's way.  He has zero intention of getting the message the 2010 election sent his way, ZERO!  "What's the big commotion?"  Can't you just hear the progressive Obama fans, to them this is literally “no big deal" moving toward adding "euthanasia by omission of treatment" as a prerogative of BIG GOVERNMENT.  This  continuous desecration, these outrages, these deliberate affronts to living, breathing, feeling, thinking patriotic Americans and common decency enacted by the Obama administration are the final insults and a declaration of war against America and decent Americans . . . 


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,





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Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Could the very reason why the elite have been causing massive rises in disabilities including cancer, diabetes, autism, and otherproblems so that many will be forced to turn to Government assistanceprograms such as medicaid, medicare, Disability insurance, tricare, andothers is to then just decide to end those programs and then kill allof those on the programs and call them bad guys.

I bet your wondering why would I think something so preposterous well it happenedbefore and the last time something like that happened was NAZI Germanywhen at first under the Socialist German Workers Party (Which becamethe NAZI Party after Hitler) they get everyone dependent on thegovernment and then start putting out ads to kill the elderly with theT4 Euthanasia Program.

It translates as:

60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from a hereditarydisease costs the People's community during his lifetime. Comrade,that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazine ofthe Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP

So if Germany's Government pulled this after getting people reliant on Government assistance Programs could the same thing be pulled here?

Well the Georgia Guide stones said that the population shouldn't go beyond 500,000,000 so in order to achieve that goal the elite mustengage in genocide so this means getting rid of over 6 billion peopleworldwide.

So how is people on government assistance programs going to be killed well continue reading and I'llget to that part.

Well as peoples health problems are on the increase including Autism,food is being taintedwith GMO, Vitamins and Herbal supplements havebeen tainted which means they can cause further Health problemsregular Corporate Insurance likely won't cover, water being tainted withFluoride, not to mention there's a constantrise in Social Security Applicants on a yearly basis, politicianshad been attempting to attack people on Government Welfare, Obamaplotted last year to cutveteran care and Obama is looking more and more like Hitlereveryday.

Also more and more pro communist movements and Pro Socialist groups are giving Obama the support heneeds to turn America into a dictatorship just like Nazi Germany. AlsoObamas new Health Czar in charge of Medicare and Medicaid said about RedistributingWealth.

A past Article by Paul J. Watson spoke of the fact that the Bilderberg group which has caused political corruption for theworld is not only wanting us disarmed but want us to be Dependenton the Government.

So what if the plan by the Bilderbergs was to make a majority of Americans have Healthproblems so they can't fight back, are reliant on Prescription drugscontrolled by thew DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and ICE (ImmigrationEnforcement Agency), and the elite along with Big Pharma get so manyreliant on Government Welfare programs, then put out Ad Campaigns (akaPSAs) against those dependent on Government Programs like the T4Euthanasia Program started by Hitler under his plan for The FinalSolution then start killing all the Veterans, Disabled people thatcan't work that receive disability checks, Military that lost theirlimbs during active duty, and start throwing millions that receive foodstamps in Concentration camps.

In fact that is a great idea for dictators to force people to be reliant on Government financialassistance programs and then punish them. Get or even force people tobeg the government for food is the way to end the Constitution forever.That is why Health Insurance has got worse and why health problemshave been on the rise is to force people on Government Programs thendrop the programs all together forcing people that can't afford HealthInsurance to die while suppressing cures and inexpensive treatmentsunder Corporate patents and Mob gangs (Drug Gangs).

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