economy (112)

The United States needs a leader and not a politician with baggage that preaches the Tea Party message but has done nothing to further Tea Party values other that run their mouths about how much they will get done when they are already in elected offices and have done nothing but run their mouths. We don't need any first term senators that have done nothing but speak the game then avoid staying away from getting rid of all the illegal aliens. Closing the border is one thing but getting rid of the illegal aliens that are here is the first and foremost issue the Tea Party wants "Done" without question. Time for some new blood and Donald Trump fits the Tea Party agenda.


Please take a moment to view this new Donald Trump web site. All Tea Partiers are invited. We support all "Tea Party" true conservative anti illegal alien web sites, persons and candidates.

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Obama’s Syrians – Refugees or Refujihadis?

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

There can now be absolutely no doubt…Barack Hussein Obama is deliberately putting our rj-1.jpg?width=231national security and our lives in the crosshairs. He is decidedly, willfully and abjectly risking the lives and well-being of every single citizen of these United States.

Just a day ago, Barack Hussein Obama, in the wake of the terrorist attacks, the well-orchestrated terrorist attacks in Paris, threatened to veto any legislation passed by congress aimed at providing improved and stricter screening for any Syrian refugees trying to gain entry into our nation.

The threat from Obama is in regard to a bill that would impose FBI background checks and sign-offs by high level officials upon Syrian refugees before they would be able to set foot on American soil. Obama’s statement made his intentions quite clear.

Obama said that the proposed legislation would create… “significant delays and obstacles” for the existing vetting program.

Here’s the rub…


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

JOB-1.jpg?width=266According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the latest unemployment rate is at 5.3%…a figure ballyhooed by Obama, his regime and liberal/socialists from the left to the right coast.

While far too many Conservatives were busy sniping at Megyn Kelly and Fox News over last week’s debate and calling any and all who were not, as they were, blindly adhering themselves to Donald Trump just as the liberal/socialist sheep adhered to Obama in 2008 and again in 2012, a bunch of idiots…something very important took place.

On Friday…late Friday afternoon last, when all things the Obama regime doesn’t want you to know and amid the latest Trumped up distraction…the Bureau of Labor Statistics ALSO released another figure…that being the number of Americans unemployed and/or out of the workforce altogether and that number is…staggering.

Of Americans 16 years old and up…of working age…93,777,000 were unemployed and had made absolutely no verifiable attempt to find employment. Those are Americans…of working age…that have, because of the Obama economy…dropped out of the workforce.

That figure of 5.3%…that is the “official” unemployment rate which does NOT take into account those who have dropped out of the workforce. That 5.3% are those who DID look for work but remain unemployed.

The OUT of the workforce numbers…


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

whn-1.jpg?width=244A most astonishing thing happened at the end of July and while it did get some play in social media, it died out quickly and I believe it needs to be revisited.

It took place on, of all places, MSNBC…the lowest rated cable so-called news network out there and it was an exchange between Chris “Tingles” Matthews and Debbie What’s-Her-Name Schultz. While I’m sure Tingles the clown didn’t mean it to be a gotcha question…that is exactly what it turned out to be.

Tingles asked What’s-Her-Name Shultz…

“What is the difference between a Democrat and a socialist?”

As What’s-Her-Name Shultz began to resemble a deer in the headlights, Tingles tried to stall for enough time for her to gather herself by stating…“I used to think there is a big difference. What do you think it is?”

What’s-Her-Name Schultz was STILL frozen so the Host of Softball tried a different tact by trying to clarify his question…“A Democrat like Hillary and a socialist like Bernie Sanders.”

Obviously, this didn’t help because Hillary, as a democrat, is just as much a socialist as is Bernie Sanders and while ol’ Tingles didn’t recognize that fact…What’s-Her-Name Schultz most certainly DID and it was at that point that she attempted…not to answer the question but to respond by trying to SPIN it in a more favorable direction for the liberals/socialist voters. What’s-Her-Name Schultz, spinning like a lathe said…


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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on

rupt-1.jpg?width=234Hillary Clinton is a lot of things…

She’s a treasonous snake, a liar, an accessory to the murders of four Americans in Benghazi, prone to drinking, unethical, by many accounts a shrew, a carpet-bagger, a socialist, most likely a racketeer, a destroyer of evidence and documents and the list just goes on and on but one thing she is not, is presidential material.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again…the DNC doesn’t want Hillary Clinton to get the nomination nor do we even believe they want her pant-suited ass in the 2016 race.

The DNC turned their collective backs on Hillary in 2008, leaving her campaign’s dried up carcass on the side of the road as they hitched their wagon to Barack Hussein Obama and the only time they looked back was when they gave her the consolation prize of being the Secretary of State, a position she was woefully unprepared for and the results have left egg on all their faces.

It doesn’t matter how deep one digs, there simply aren’t any liberals out there who can dredge up one single accomplishment upon which Hillary can hang her hat during her time leading the Department of State down the road to international disaster. In fact, when asked, not even Hillary herself can come up with anything more astounding than the amount of miles she flew during those years.

When asked directly, what her greatest accomplishment has been, here is Hillary’s response from March 11th, 2014…


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

stat-1.jpg?width=235Yesterday, in The National Patriot, I offered that the root of the problem, deemed today to be a racial divide and currently being blamed on various police departments around the country is, in reality, based in liberalism.

Today…I offer to you the statistics to prove my point.

The top ten poorest cities in the U.S. have all be run by liberals for decades.

The top ten most violent cities in the nation have likewise been run by liberals for decades.

And there’s something else these cities have in common…as the levels of violent crimes grow, the white population decreases as does that of law abiding black and Hispanic nuclear families. The fewer black, Hispanic and white two parent families that live in these cities…the higher and higher the rate of violent crimes rises.

According to recent FBI statistics compiled in 2013…the most recent study available…


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

add-1.jpg?width=253Saturday night, at about 8:30pm, a Hattiesburg police officer made a routine traffic stop…called for another officer to assist and moments after the second officer arrived, both officers, Benjamin Deen, 34, and Liquori Tate, 25…one black, the other white…had been shot and killed.

Three people were arrested early Sunday morning in connection with the murders…brothers Marvin and Curtis Banks and a woman…Joanie Calloway. Marvin Banks and Joanie Calloway have been charged with two counts each of capital murder while Curtis Banks has been charged with two counts of being an accessory, after the fact, to capital murder.

Another man, Cornelius Clark was arrested later on Sunday and he has been charged with obstruction of justice according to the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation.

All four suspects are black and the Banks brothers are your standard issue street thugs…Marvin Banks having been convicted of being in possession of stolen property in 2010, sentenced to one year and one day with four years of probation which was revoked sending him back to prison on a three year stint. Marvin Banks was released in June, 2012, placed in a supervised release program that ended just one year ago in May 2014.

While ON that supervised release, both Marvin and his brother Curtis were charged with selling crack cocaine in 2013.

Both the Banks brothers have been arrested over the years on a variety of charges including multiple weapons charges, drug charges and both have a string of felony convictions.

Every time some street thug…


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Baltimore and Their Crap-Happy Looters

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

str-1.jpg?width=262Well, it’s about damn time.

With irrefutable evidence staring them in the face…maybe black America is starting to wake the hell up.

After all, statistics show that in 2013, there were 2491 black people murdered in the United States and that 2.245 OF those murders were at the hands of other BLACK people and while that stat simply shows murders…here’s something a little more poignant…in 2014…cops killed 414 white people but only 233 BLACK people and yet BLACK people, who comprise just 13% of the U.S. population, are responsible for 42% of all cop killings.

Yesterday, the streets of cities across our nation FILLED with protest marches…BLACK people…PROTESTING black on black violence.

In Atlanta…New York…Detroit…Dallas…Los Angeles…from sea to shining sea…BLACK people took a stand…a long awaited stand…a much NEEDED stand against black perpetrated violence.

Jesse was on the streets of Chicago leading the protests…Al was in Atlanta leading the way and Barack, from a golf course somewhere added HIS voice to the rising chorus of black leaders decrying black violence.



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Freddie Gray is the EXCUSE, Not the REASON

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

gray-2.jpg?width=229Congratulations Baltimore…

Your Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has not only ALLOWED the city to be turned into a war zone…she SANCTIONED it.

Just a couple of days ago, during a press conference regarding the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody…Rawlings’Blake said…

“It was a very delicate balancing act because while we tried to make sure that they were protected from the cars and the other things that were going on – um – we also gave those who wished to destroy, space to do that, as well.”

Of course her office is now trying to backtrack that statement claiming what she MEANT to say was that they INADVERTENTLY gave those wishing to destroy, space to do that as well but that CLEARLY is NOT what she said and the walk back came only AFTER the BLOWBACK came her way regarding the original statement.

Protesters always have the right to protest but…street thugs are always hell bent on destruction of other people’s property and there is no right that covers that. Each and every one of them should have been arrested and held accountable for the damage and loss of property they inflicted but…Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake not only turned a blind eye toward the thugs…


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Obama’s Mocking of Religion is a Trap

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

So why exactly is religion…most specifically the Christian religion, under such blistering sniping from liberals?ixt-1.jpg?width=214

We are seeing this on nearly a daily basis and the new Indiana law is nothing more than the cause du jour for the left. From Al, ‘the reverend’ Sharpton’s buffoonish quote, “This is a key moment for the country. Too often in our history, we’ve seen religion used to justify attacks on other people’s rights, from slavery, to Jim Crow, to women’s right to vote,” likening religious freedom and slavery AND  to Obama’s chastising of Christians on Easter Sunday…“On Easter, I do reflect on the fact that as a Christian, I’m supposed to love, and I have to say that sometimes when I listen to less-than-loving expressions by Christians, I get concerned, but that’s a topic for another day.”

Liberals are quick to condemn religion and to sue over any visage of religion seen in public and they are just as quick to stand up for a freedom FROM religion rather than take up for the Founders and Framers in their vision that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” but to be fair…it is only the second part of THAT statement that lights their delicate, easily offended sensibilities on fire.

So what IS it about religion that liberals find so damn distasteful anyway?


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Race in America – Bold Honesty and Facts

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

dial-1.jpg?width=269There is no black America.

There’s no white America either but as long as there is an NAACP, a New Black Panther Party, a Congressional Black Caucus and a black community there will be a divide between the races.

Don’t think for one minute that the KKK or the Aryan Nation and other such groups aren’t to share in the blame. They are and they need to go away too.

It doesn’t matter what color your skin is…if that color is what you think about when you get up in the morning, what you think about all day long, the basis for your decisions and your behavior and what you think about when you go to bed…

You are the problem and not a part of any viable solution.

If you seek an end to real racism in this country, don’t go around manufacturing fabricated cases of racism because when you dilute it nobody is going to pay any attention to it.

Seek justice where justice is due and not retribution or revenge as the latter two will solve nothing and will create nothing but animosity. Justice is gained through the courts. Revenge and retribution is gained on the streets and only brings more of the same from those who are the victims of it.

Life isn’t fair…


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By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori – RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on     

ranch-1.jpg?width=195We have always said that political correctness will get people killed and that political correctness will obscure the truth…and obscuring the truth is something RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS will NEVER do. And our newest case in point…the ‘ground zero’ known as Ferguson Missouri. Taking the old saying ‘boys will be boys’ to a heightened new level, the bussed-in, bought and paid for agitators prove that while you can take the boy out of the ghetto most times you CANNOT take the ghetto out of the boy.

Ferguson is on fire and that fire is now spreading into major cities from coast to coast. Feeding upon the frenzy of those who will loot, steal, and riot at the drop of a hat, the newest excuse de-jour is that their actions are based upon the fact that they simply did NOT like that a now proven innocent police officer will NOT be charged in the justifiable shooting death of one of their own…a thug solely responsible for his own demise.

Burning to the ground black owned businesses along with businesses that employed blacks is the epitome of stupidity, because they are destroying the economic life-blood of their own community. The profound ingenuity of the ‘marauding morons’ can be seen in their targets during the early hours of the rioting. These ‘geniuses’ burned to the ground Ferguson’s O’Reilly Auto Parts store and the Auto Zone…now one has to wonder wherever will they find parts to repair the ‘rides’ they carjacked after the verdict was announced.



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Nobody Left to Blame – Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen on October 21, 2014 at 2:41 am

exit-1.jpg?width=269Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at 1600 Pennsylvania yesterday.

It had to be somewhere between pissed and panic mode after what transpired Sunday in Maryland and I’m willing to bet there were people hiding under their collective desks trying to dodge the verbal hand grenades, tirades and mayhem.

On Sunday, Obama forewent the golf course to do something he has, by and large, been begged NOT to do.

He campaigned for a liberal.

Most liberals in this midterm election year have kept the Dictator far, FAR away from their campaigns because, like rats off a sinking ship, they knew him to be a pariah.

Sunday…the ship deserted the rat.

The Lt. Governor of Maryland, one Anthony G. Brown, is running for the lead chair in his state and, in a move he’ll most likely wind up regretting, he asked Obama to speak at a rally.

Obama delivered a 25 minute speech but…just 10 or 11 minutes into his sad and sorry rhetoric…the crowd…started leaving.

They got up…they turned on their heels and…


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Real Conservatives…Real Issues

By Craig Andresen on October 17, 2014 at 3:33 am

A Conversation Between Craig and Diane

REAL-1.jpg?width=215By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori (RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS)

Craig: I think it’s time we have a conversation about the election coming up on November 4th. I’m seeing a lot of stuff in social media that has nothing to do with the election and it’s starting to concern me that people are getting apathetic and won’t go out to vote.

Diane: Yeah Craig, I know what you mean…apathy just like in 2012…and we all know how that turned out now don’t we.

Craig: It seems a lot different now in 2014 than in the last midterm in 2010. In 2010 everybody on our side was on the same page, we showed up at the polls in record  numbers for a midterm, and we voted on the politics and policies of Obamacare.

Diane: ObamaCare…the anything but healthcare we were promised…lie after lie being shoved down our throats by those who didn’t even bother to read it before they voted on it.

Craig: It seems to me that we only have a couple of weeks left to get our side motivated and focused on the real issues. If we can do that we can turn this midterm into the 2010 midterm part 2.


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Weekend Edition: Focus People…FOCUS!!!

By Craig Andresen on October 12, 2014 at 4:19 am

tnp-eagle1-225x300.jpg?width=209Seriously, are we that easily distracted?

We have an election in 3 week’s time. It may well be THE most important midterm election of our lifetimes and rather than paying a lick of attention to the things that really matter…far too many are being distracted by…


A couple of days ago, Lala Land airhead Gwyneth Paltrow makes some oozy, schmoozy comments about the Dictator and yesterday…social media was CHOKED with the crap.


Last Wednesday, an off duty cop shot and killed some upstanding 18 year old in St. Louis and the streets of Ferguson LIT UP with BURNING AMERICAN FLAGS and once again, social media was clogged up tighter than eco-toilet at a democrat national convention.

WHO REALLY GIVES A CRAP? The punk had a rap sheet, an ankle monitor and, according to his cousin, a sandwich.

Cops recovered the 9mm stole sandwich which this piece of garbage was pointing and firing at the off duty cop from the scene.

3 weeks people. That’s all we have left is 3 weeks and if you’re not paying more attention to the midterm election in your state than you are to each and every shiny ball rolled across the floor by liberals than YOU are part of the PROBLEM when you SHOULD be a part of the SOLUTION!!!



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By Oscar Y. Harward


Many important issues facing North Carolinians includes Education, the Economy, and ObamaCare.


Education:  Everyone must support educating our children; public, private, church, etc.  COMPETITION IN EDUCATION generates winning results for our children.  The bigger the scores, the worthier!  The FRUITFUL TRIUMPHS as the FAILURES PERISH.


Speaker Thom Tillis is demonstrating his support to EDUCATION with a 7% pay increase for teachers; not throwing taxpayers’ money without a plan and/or results.


‘Public schools’ are inviting ‘IRRATIONALITY’.  As an example, a ‘public school’ class was given an assignment comparing President GW Bush with Adolf Hitler.


Economy:  New and expanding JOBS in North Carolina and all across the USA are most important for any growing economy.


When Sen. Hagan criticizes Speaker Tillis for his support of tax breaks allowing ENTREPRENEURS TO CREATE NEW JOBS AND EXPAND EXPANDING JOBS; Tillis’ s led legislation is providing more and better jobs for our working North Carolinians.  Results show as NC’s unemployment numbers decline.


OBAMACARE:  Thom Tillis opposes OBAMACARE as a bureaucratic, and costly law, while restricting and/or killing more jobs in  the private sector.


Sen. Hagan joined President Obama in ‘TELLING UNTRUTHS’ as both promised that you and I could keep our Health Care plans and our personal Doctors, etc.


Sen. Hagan voted to remove $700 Billion from Medicare and Medicare Advantage to PAY for OBAMACARE.


Sen. Hagan voted ‘YEA’ with President Obama in support of OBAMACARE.

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By Craig Andresen on August 4, 2014 at 3:27 am

screw-1.jpg?width=285Okay…from the lips of liberals…

Conservatives are obstructionists. WE are the racists…the jobs killers and the reason the economy sucks out loud. Liberals love to claim that Conservatives comprise the “do nothing congress” and Obama stands there last week in Kansas City chiding US to “come on…come on now, let’s get things done.”

Meanwhile, on the back shelves of Harry Reid’s liberal/socialist controlled senate…

Some 356 bills…PASSED by the House…are collecting dust because Reid himself refuses to bring them to a vote.

OF those 356 bills…

98% were passed with bipartisan support…200 of them were passed unanimously by the ENTIRE house without a single objection from the liberals ensconced there…and more than 100 others were passed with 75% of house DEMOCRATS supporting them.

40 of those bills would directly help lower unemployment and many of them offer assistance to the “more than 3.4 million workers between the ages of 20 and 59″ missing from our labor force.”

There they sit…356 bills, including a border bill passed just last Friday…on Harry Reid’s desk because Reid himself refuses to have them brought up for a vote.

And Lois Lerner thinks that CONSERVATIVES are the ASSHOLES???


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4063939387?profile=original      It doesn't matter if your a Man, Women, Adult, Teen, Child, Straight, Gay, Bi, Black, White, Brown, Pink, Yellow, Purple, Spanish, American, Indian, Mexican, European,Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Catholic, Protestant, Mormon, Baptist, Atheist, Republican, Democrat, or Independent. We all have Constitutional Law to Protect our Rights and for the Man or Women to head this Country and break the Laws of our Constitution is a Total reason for Impeachment. How can a President and his Cabinet break the Laws of the United States of America and Americans just standby and watch it happen and feel it's okay ? We the People can make a difference on what Americans died for to keep us Constitutionally Free and put the Law Breakers behind Bars where Law Breakers belong. Impeach Obama and his Cabinet of Law Breakers. Lets take our Country BACK for all the People !

logo-teaparty.png?Tea Party Impeach Obama Petition

Visit Tea Party Command Center
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By Craig Andresen on July 7, 2014 at 4:44 am

real-1.jpg?width=259When it comes to the next two elections, November 2014 and November 2016, we…as Conservatives, MUST get our priorities in line or we will not only lose those elections…we’ll lose this country.

When I say ‘priorities’ I mean our platform.

Simply put, we win on policy and we WILL lose on social issues.

I know there are some Conservatives out there reading this who will say I’m off base and that’s okay…they’re dead wrong.  They are entitled to their opinions but if they want to take this country back…back from liberals and their warped ideology of socialism leading to communism and back from the abyss of big government control of our lives and businesses and back from the brink of global disaster…They need to understand exactly what the real problems this nation faces ARE.

Right now, our southern border is wide open. Illegal aliens are flooding in by the hundreds of thousands and tens of thousands of those illegal aliens are children. Tens of thousands of them are infested with contagious diseases and Obama has our military acting as baby sitters while our agencies, originally put in place to protect our border are being tasked with being the taxi service that disperses these illegal aliens throughout OUR country rather than sending them back to THEIR countries.

It’s illegal. It’s human trafficking being carried out by our own government and it is a gross violation of our Constitution.

This is not a social issue…


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