dumping (1)

Author: Brian D. Hill

Source: USWGO Alternative News

Could the very reason why the elite have been causing massive rises in disabilities including cancer, diabetes, autism, and otherproblems so that many will be forced to turn to Government assistanceprograms such as medicaid, medicare, Disability insurance, tricare, andothers is to then just decide to end those programs and then kill allof those on the programs and call them bad guys.

I bet your wondering why would I think something so preposterous well it happenedbefore and the last time something like that happened was NAZI Germanywhen at first under the Socialist German Workers Party (Which becamethe NAZI Party after Hitler) they get everyone dependent on thegovernment and then start putting out ads to kill the elderly with theT4 Euthanasia Program.


It translates as:

60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from a hereditarydisease costs the People's community during his lifetime. Comrade,that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazine ofthe Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP

So if Germany's Government pulled this after getting people reliant on Government assistance Programs could the same thing be pulled here?

Well the Georgia Guide stones said that the population shouldn't go beyond 500,000,000 so in order to achieve that goal the elite mustengage in genocide so this means getting rid of over 6 billion peopleworldwide.

So how is people on government assistance programs going to be killed well continue reading and I'llget to that part.

Well as peoples health problems are on the increase including Autism,food is being taintedwith GMO, Vitamins and Herbal supplements havebeen tainted which means they can cause further Health problemsregular Corporate Insurance likely won't cover, water being tainted withFluoride, not to mention there's a constantrise in Social Security Applicants on a yearly basis, politicianshad been attempting to attack people on Government Welfare, Obamaplotted last year to cutveteran care and Obama is looking more and more like Hitlereveryday.

Also more and more pro communist movements and Pro Socialist groups are giving Obama the support heneeds to turn America into a dictatorship just like Nazi Germany. AlsoObamas new Health Czar in charge of Medicare and Medicaid said about RedistributingWealth.

A past Article by Paul J. Watson spoke of the fact that the Bilderberg group which has caused political corruption for theworld is not only wanting us disarmed but want us to be Dependenton the Government.

So what if the plan by the Bilderbergs was to make a majority of Americans have Healthproblems so they can't fight back, are reliant on Prescription drugscontrolled by thew DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) and ICE (ImmigrationEnforcement Agency), and the elite along with Big Pharma get so manyreliant on Government Welfare programs, then put out Ad Campaigns (akaPSAs) against those dependent on Government Programs like the T4Euthanasia Program started by Hitler under his plan for The FinalSolution then start killing all the Veterans, Disabled people thatcan't work that receive disability checks, Military that lost theirlimbs during active duty, and start throwing millions that receive foodstamps in Concentration camps.

In fact that is a great idea for dictators to force people to be reliant on Government financialassistance programs and then punish them. Get or even force people tobeg the government for food is the way to end the Constitution forever.That is why Health Insurance has got worse and why health problemshave been on the rise is to force people on Government Programs thendrop the programs all together forcing people that can't afford HealthInsurance to die while suppressing cures and inexpensive treatmentsunder Corporate patents and Mob gangs (Drug Gangs).

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