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An Introduction to the Oligarchic Police State

How We Lost Our Freedom

In Marxist philosophy, the term cultural hegemony describes the domination of a culturally diverse society (it's much easier to dominate a diverse or multicultural society than a homogeneous one)  by the ruling class, who manipulate the culture of that society—the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, values, and mores—Thus the ruling-class worldview becomes the “worldview” that is imposed and accepted as the cultural norm by the masses. The totalitarian world view is touted as the universally valid dominant ideology that justifies the social, political, and economic status quo as natural, inevitable, perpetual and beneficial for everyone. The fact that that those  artificial social constructs benefit only the ruling class, is ignored.

In America, the ruling class of over 1100 billionaire-communists (also called Marxist-Capitalists) dominates the culturally diverse US society. To make their control more stable, less detectable and more intimidating, the oligarchy is allied with black racism. Through the main propaganda creators and distributors, the media and so-called educational institutions, the idea of black societal control was modeled repeatedly in movies, television dramas, commercials and other advertising. At all American Universities, pro-black propaganda was manifested and controlled by communist: black supremacists, administrators, professors, segregated black organizations and “cultural centers”, all-black sports teams, student newspapers, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This entire schemata was planned orchestrated and engineered for a decade before Obama became the dictator.

The media, through false and one-sided “news” reporting, (has for decades) suppressed or reinterpreted daily reports of black criminology, hate crimes and special privileges. At the same time, television shows, movies and commercials ensure that black slang, depiction of blacks as sexual athletes with huge genitalia,  and propaganda dramas depicting blacks as paragons of virtue, are continuously broadcast. At the same time, numerous movies and television model blacks as bosses, CEOs, generals, mayors, senators, freedom fighters and presidents who earned those positions on account of fantastic genius and leadership. Black music, dancers, singers and other entertainment dominance is maintained and modulated also by the media. As a result, American culture is now felonious dominated by a ten percent minority. In order to exploit all of the above groundwork, the oligarchy put forth the black minority as the rightful rulers of America, and suppressed all news or potential investigations of selected black candidates with bribes, financial ruin and intimidation.

On the internet hundreds of supposed Republican and conservative forums, blogs and information sites were set up in 2007-2009. These sites,  supposed enemies of the left, were actually controlled and moderated by the left. Pretending to be real Americans, these false forums punished any intelligent person that : (1) complained about the 2007-2008 coup in which the Republican Party headquarters was captured by a group of democrats who immediately put in an unelected black director of the Republican Party; (2) Pointed out that large numbers of Republican senators like John McCain were already leftist, did not represent their patriotic constituency, and yet were re-elected without opposition every time; (3) Criticized black racism or the fact that the Democrat Party promoting a black for president whose questionable background, competence, patriotism, and even nation of birth was suppressed by the media and political/judicial system.

At the same time the false internet blogs, forums and sites:

(1)               Carried out pro communist/pro Moslem and black supremacy propaganda.

(2)             Recruited new renegades to their ranks.

(3)             Made a lot of money by selling junk info on their sites.

(4)             Focused on white women, who are considered very pro-black and too ill-informed to understand who their real enemy is.

(5)             Serve as a distracting holding corral where brave and intelligent potential activists were forced into time-wasting debates, useless petition submissions, and money-wasting calls to elected officials.

(6)             Continued the worn-out loser tactics of conservative Republicans (see 5 above) as well as stressing: “patriotic” unity under the new dictator, hatred of Russia, hatred of any strong leader that might emerge, and suppressing any talk of organization and polarization.

What did the false conservative Republican sites on the internet do? They name- called anybody who criticized any of the above concepts: racist, nazi, troll, ignoramus, white trash, white supremacist and foreign infiltrator. Such tactics were used as many potential resistors were further confused and forced out of those forums. Every one of the false leftist-controlled internet sites disallowed free speech and especially any criticism of the closet communist John McCain.

The most fanatic oligarch in America, the Hungarian communist George Soros, led the preparation for a communist coup in America. Soros, and other communist billionaires, enjoy access to insider information from traitors within the American governmental bureaucracy. Exploitation of that insider information insured a constantly expanding stream of billions more dollars into communist  coffers. Utilizing their ever-expanding wealth, the oligarchs spent billions of dollars to bribe most of: the Congress, the federal judiciary (to refuse to hear the hundreds of lawsuits that would be filed to challenge Obama’s usurpation of complete power by presidential edict), the electoral college, the electoral process itself and anybody of even minimal influence that might attempt to hamstring the on-going, power-acquiring, communist coup.

The oligarchy realized that  a black promoted as president must be: a black racist like 98% of the black population, in order to be accepted as a leader by the black minority parasites, and a Moslem in order to obtain the backing and support of the main competition for world control. The newly earmarked black dictator-to-be would be a Machiavellian communist who pretended to be a lover of mankind. The black racist candidate would offer nebulous “change” as his platform, which brain-washed minority dunderheads (zombies) could interpret any way they wanted too.

The new black dictator would behave like a saint, only until he could consolidate his totalitarian communist dictatorship. Each year he remained in office, which was predicted to be 8-12 years or more, the dictator would grab greater and greater power. During the dictator’s power-gaining process:  he would be changing America from a Constitutional Republic into a communist, multi-racial, Moslem dominated dictatorship. The oligarchs told each other that a new black dictator would be made immune from any criticism by intensive anti-racist propaganda especially directed towards the Republican Party and conservatives. Anyone who did anything but praise the black candidate would be pummeled with a drum fire barrage of accusations, threats and financial penalties. That propaganda was carried out by the aggressive and intimidating, monolithic-communist US media. At the same time the media monopoly on information would be exploited to suppress all attempts to investigate and report any facts about Obama. Thus Obama was guarded by a “bodyguard” of lies.

Cunningly reading the psychology of the 270 million white majority, the oligarchs realized that the American white masses would have only one hostile political party to present its grievances to. The oligarchs deviously maintained the Republican Party simultaneously as a stooge of the ruling Democrats and as a false legitimate opposition to the Democrats. They infiltrated the Republican Party and conservative groups with a huge number of communist young adults. Fanatically-ignorant, young communist adults,  turned out annually by US universities, joined older communists, pretending to be conservative Republicans.

The oligarchs also realized that they needed the hard work of a gelded white mass which would be herded about by media propaganda. To keep the whites miserably terrorized, black crime would increase as the governing elite, including the bribed and infiltrated Supreme Court, began to lean more and more towards ignoring black racism. Black hate crimes would also be ignored, and black riots would be celebrated since they were to be utilized to place blacks in control of thousands of small cities and towns.

Other control mechanism planned by the oligarchs included:

(1) Making obvious that the US was a minority tyranny

(2) Bringing in millions of illegal immigrant blacks, moslems and international criminals through seventy sanctuary cities that have been  disobeying US laws for over forty years. The purpose of bringing millions of parasitic criminals into the USA, was to further bankrupt Social Security and the federal budget by wasting billions of dollars providing, food, housing, medical care, jobs and education for them. White tax dollars finances the scam.

(3) Attacking the white southern states of the old Confederacy and robbing them of every historical hero, tradition and symbol.

(4) Requiring the republican party to run candidates that could not win against a black candidate (a communist who structured his campaign so that he would lose) .On some occasions the ruling elite will order the republicans to run a black candidate too,  so that the people would still have a black president regardless of what happened.

The collective menace of so many communist engineered fiascoes in America was calculated to remove all stability from white families. Whites would have to learn that as long as they supported the black dictatorship, paid ever increasing taxes, paid ever increasing prices falsely jacked up by price-fixing, served as cannon-fodder in the wars of the dictatorship, and groveled appropriately, they would not be raped, beaten, murdered, or imprisoned.

There is so much more that I have left out of this introduction. It will be in my new book which will describe the crimes of the dictatorship, the names of main actors now unknown to a public kept ignorant by suppressed and twisted news. Finally I will outline how to annihilate these evil communists and race criminals.

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