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Oh, The Hypocrisy of it All

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

According to Donald Trump, “I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot people ancou-1.jpg?width=180d I wouldn’t lose voters.”

Is he the only one who could do such a thing and not lose any of his support?


Any penny-ante, tin-pot dictator in any 3rd world, one horse rogue nation could do it. Lil Kim in North Korea could do it. There was a time when Saddam and Gaddafi could have done it. Lenin and Stalin and Hitler did do it.

Forget 3rd world, one horse rogue nations…hell, Obama could get away with it just to name another dictator and that is exactly what’s wrong in this country. Electing a president has become a side show rather than a concerted effort to choose who would actually be the best for the job.

After Trump made his latest, ‘out of touch with reality’ statement on Saturday afternoon…his Trump-drunk followers started making excuses…”it was taken out of context,” and “he didn’t mean anything by it.” “Lighten up, he’s joking.”



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Hillary’s House of Cards

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

What does she have to hide? And for that matter, what does the Department of State have hou-1.jpg?width=222to hide? Those are both very good questions and as to the former, Hillary Clinton has plenty to hide and she’s done her level best to hide it all. She kept all of her documents and her email on a private server and used only her private email for every last bit of correspondence throughout her entire reign of terror at the Department of State.

She tried to have her server wiped clean.

She had her minions stall…for years…with regard to turning over ANY of her emails.

She had other minions HIDE her private server…in a BATHROOM…for years.

She hand-picked those who would finally go through her emails and they, and ONLY they, would decide what emails would eventually be turned over to investigators and to the Department of State.

She lied…repeatedly…regarding the nature and sensitivity of what was contained on her private, hidden server.

She lied in sworn testimony…over and over again.

The list just goes on and on but…now facing a deadline, January 29th to be exact, the deadline for the Department of State to have turned over every last shred of emails from Hillary Clinton’s server…at least the ones she GAVE the Department of State…said Department has now filed in a federal court to…


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In His Own Words

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

tt-1.jpg?width=240As Donald Trump continues to lead in the polls and as we are now but two weeks from the Iowa caucus…the first votes to be cast in our nation in 2016…I felt it was high-time we take a look at WHY Trump is so popular in some conservative circles.

What IS it that the Trumpers are so giddy about?

Trumpers, in their more than self-righteous way, will line up to tell you if you just ask and, I have asked.

Here is what I have been told…

Donald Trump will not be beholding to big corporations.

Are they SURE of this? I mean, Trump has a very long history of making deals with big corporations to finance his projects from hotels and casinos to golf courses and shopping centers and let’s face a certain fact that is being completely ignored by the Trumpers…that being that Donald Trump IS a big corporation.

Trump can’t be bought.

Trumpers will tell you at the drop of a hat that Trump can’t be bought like other politicians. That he, because of his wealth, is above all that but, again there is something which Trumpers routinely, religiously ignore. Trump is the guy that BUYS politicians and their political favors.

In fact, during the very first Republican debate, Donald Trump not only admitted to buying politicians and political favors…


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Ending ISIS Starts With REAL Leadership

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

is-1.jpg?width=193“For more than a year, America has led a coalition of more than 60 countries to cut off ISIL’s financing, disrupt their plots, stop the flow of terrorist fighters, and stamp out their vicious ideology. With nearly 10,000 air strikes, we are taking out their leadership, their oil, their training camps, and their weapons. We are training, arming, and supporting forces who are steadily reclaiming territory in Iraq and Syria.”

That is just some of the nonsense Obama spewed forth a week ago in what was his last State of Fabrication address but that’s not all he had to say on the topic of ISIS.

“Masses of fighters on the back of pickup trucks and twisted souls plotting in apartments or garages pose an enormous danger to civilians and must be stopped. But they do not threaten our national existence.”

“We don’t need to build them up to show that we’re serious, nor do we need to push away vital allies in this fight by echoing the lie that ISIL is representative of one of the world’s largest religions. We just need to call them what they are  —  killers and fanatics who have to be rooted out, hunted down, and destroyed.”

Let’s start right there, shall we…with calling them what they are.


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

A few days ago I wrote an article, “Cruz, Rubio, Vattel and the Ineligibility Lies” in nb-1.jpg?width=254which I put forth the reasons that both Cruz and Rubio are, indeed, eligible to run for and hold the office of president. That article garnered a whole bunch of notice…much of it positive and some negative.

Obviously, neither Trumpers nor birthers liked it and they let me know about it in no uncertain terms but none of them bothered to argue their opinions with facts regardless of how I encouraged them to state their facts. As I said in the article, “Now, if you want me to climb aboard the crazy train of so-called ‘birthers,’ there are only a few things you need to do. Just show me a law, or a definition from our Constitution that makes either Cruz or Rubio Constitutionally ineligible and not only will I ride the crazy train, I’ll sell tickets to it.”

Not a single one took me up on the offer. Not one and why? Because no law, no U.S. Code and not a single definition OF Natural Born Citizen from ANY of our founding documents exists to prove their opinions to be correct.

I even asked them to show me one Supreme Court case that was ON the topic of NBC and they couldn’t do that either because the Supreme Court has never HEARD a case on NBC.

But there was one person who, on the website ‘Patriot Action Network’ posed a very interesting question and one which I feel deserves an in-depth answer.

Here is that question, exactly as it appeared in the comments regarding my article…


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Hillary Clinton – When Scandals Collide

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

hs-1.jpg?width=225Normally, on the morning after a State of the Union speech, I would post an article regarding said speech however, this morning after is different.


Because, while I did watch it…I don’t really give a happy damn what that racist lying, traitorous, liberal/socialist, Muslim, terrorist supporting, anti-American, thug-loving, Marxist ass-kissing, Constitution-shredding pool of baboon vomit had to say.

In my opinion, we have bigger, bottom-dwelling, liberal/socialist, terrorist supporting, anti-American, thug-loving, Marxist ass-kissing, Constitution-shredding pools of baboon vomit to deal with and in that sense, I give you…

Hillary Clinton.

The probe into her law-breaking reign as the secretary of State has, once again, broadened and quite frankly, it doesn’t look good for the pant-suited, private server using tool.


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

As we settle into a new year, 2016, an election year, once again Obamacare rears its ugly soc-1.jpg?width=205and unaffordable head.

With more and more state Obamacare exchanges dropping like flies, those that remain are scrambling to alter their coverage plans and none of that scrambling is either good for the general populous nor is it making coverage any more affordable.

Both Blue Cross and Blue Shield along with Humana and others have removed more than 2 dozen of their previously offered Preferred Provider Organization products off the market and out of Obamacare over the last several months of 2015 as the cost to them of offering such services was unsustainable. And while this initially seems to make healthcare through those providers somewhat more affordable, the reality is that with less options for individuals, there becomes fewer places where the individuals can obtain care…fewer doctors providing care and longer wait times to receive care.

Another move touted by the Obama regime is the higher and stiffer penalties employed in 2016 for not signing up for socialism. This, they say, will force more people into the socialism system and thus lower rates for all however, at $625.00 or 2.5% of their annual income, the increased tax penalty may well not be enough of an incentive, especially for young, healthy Americans, to drag them into the pool. Even if they qualify for subsidies, paid for by other people’s money at rates of only $100.00 per month…it would still cost the young, healthy American $1200.00 per year for socialismcare as opposed to a one-time penalty of just $625.00.

These issues are, of course, just the tip of the iceberg…


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New Year, Same Ol’ Gun Control Crap

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

ty-1.jpg?width=165So…we begin a whole new year with the same old crap.

Barack Hussein Obama is once again, hell bent on gun control and he, once again, intends to act unilaterally with his pen and his phone.

What he’s doing today is meeting with Loretta Lynch, also known as Eric Holder in drag, to discuss his options none of which, one can safely assume, involves a sun-free zone as a repository for said pen and/or phone.

One of the things he wants to do so very badly that he’s willing to forego Constitutionality, is to dictate, as dictators are want to do, that occasional sellers of firearms must get licensed and do background checks…this…as a way to prevent mass shootings of course.

Naturally, Obama admits to having hatched this half-assed, unconstitutional brain-fart after some idiot, Christopher Harper-Mercer, snapped and went off the deep end, murdering nine people at Umpqua College in Roseburg, Oregon last year.

Before I continue, a little background on the murderous idiot…


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

li-1.jpg?width=211As we draw closer and closer to the first primary elections of 2016, now just a month away, there are some things which must be said. Things that will rile some, anger some and distress some who purport to be on our side of this election matter.

I really don’t care if I offend them as being politically correct has never been in my wheelhouse. I don’t pander…not even to those who are either on our side or to those who pretend to be on our side.

I’m talking about low information voters.

There are far, far too many who claim Conservatism as their political ideology who are being duped, led like sheep to a slaughter and it’s high time somebody said something.

They are being led by trolls…by plants whose goal it is to disrupt and destroy any chance of a Republican victory in 2016 and their intention is clear to see…they are trying to split the vote and in desperation, since their real agenda I suspect, lies with the liberals, they are expediting their wave of nonsense before the first primary votes have been cast.


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Obama’s Deal With the Devil…Part 3 of 3

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori  Right Side Patriots on American Patriots Broadcasting Network

odev-1.jpg?width=297In Part 1of our Investigative Report: ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’, we presented why we believe Obama gave the speech he did and why the San Bernardino police are acting after the fact in a way they should have acted before the fact. In Part 2 of ‘Obama’s Deal With the Devil’, we disclosed who Obama really is and why things are unfolding as they are including outing those who are not what they seem to be. And now Part 3…

On Monday, Barack HUSSEIN Obama spoke at the Pentagon to tout what he wants us to believe are successes in the fight against ISIS in Syria. “As we squeeze its heart, we’ll make it harder for ISIL to pump out its terror and propaganda”…and note his once again shout-out to the Levant.

And while Obama tried to sound reassuring, it was more apparent that he is desperate. He is desperate to regain that which he has lost…his hold over the forces of islam…a hold which existed only in his arrogance as he was never the one calling the shots, but was the one who all along has been bowing to the demands of 7th century barbarians.


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Trump – All Sound Bite and No Substance

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

oht-1.jpg?width=244There can be no two people happier about Donald Trump’s empty rhetoric this week than Obama and Hillary Clinton and while Trump continues to grin like the cat that swallowed the media canary, people who should care about real issues are being bamboozled.

For once, Obama doesn’t even have to concoct a distraction…Trump is handling that for him.

Was Trump right to state that we should put a temporary ban on Muslim immigration and employ profiling to minimize future jihadis entering our nation?

Yes, but he missed the key reason why…that being that we are engaged in a war against an ideology and not a religion as Islam is the former and not the latter but Trump has not explained himself and why should he? His Trumpers are eating it up and the media is talking about nothing else.

There’s a reason for that and I suspect Trump has been paying a staff to do nothing but look at social media to discern what Conservatives are calling for. Notice how Trump has yet to put forth an original idea. He takes whatever is the hot-button topic of the week and puffs himself up over it spewing rhetoric with no substance behind it.

Build a wall…make Mexico pay for it.



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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots

brush-1.jpg?width=254According to Hillary Clinton, whose closest aide…Huma Abedin…is directly linked to the Muslim Sisterhood… “We are at war with violent extremism. I don’t think we’re at war with Islam. I don’t think we’re at war with all Muslims. I think we’re at war with jihadists.”

“I think that you can talk about Islamists, who clearly are also jihadists, but I think it’s not particularly helpful, to make the case that Senator Sanders was just making, that I agree with, that we’ve got to reach out to Muslim countries. we’ve got to have them be part of our coalition. if they hear people running for president who basically shortcut it to say we are somehow against Islam, that was one of the real contributions, despite all the other problems, that George W. Bush made after 9/11, when he basically said, after going to a mosque in Washington, we are not at war with Islam or Muslims. We are at war with violent extremism. We are at war with people who use their religion for purposes of power and oppression. And, yes, we are at war with those people, but I don’t want us to be painting with too broad a brush.”

At no time in her comments during last weekend’s democrat debate, less than 24 hours after the Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris did Hillary Clinton ever utter the phrase “Islamic terrorism.”

According to Obama, last Friday morning just 12 hours before the Islamic terrorist attacks in Paris…who once called ISIS the “junior varsity” and another time stated that, “ISIS is not Islamic,”…


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Global Warming vs The Great Pumpkin

‘By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

You Have GOT to be kiddpum-1.jpg?width=187ing me.

According to the ENERGY.GOV website…”At landfills, MSW (municipal solid waste) decomposes and eventually turns into methane—a harmful greenhouse gas that plays a part in climate change, with more than 20 times the warming effect of carbon dioxide (CO2).”

What the Obama regime’s Department of Energy is talking about here are two things…pumpkins and farts. The MSW to which they refer are this year’s left over Jack-o-lanterns which, when thrown away, decompose and turn into methane…more commonly known as…FARTS and PUMPKIN FARTS, according to Obama’s Department of Crap That Doesn’t Matter…lead to GLOBAL WARMING!!!

Some Jack-o-Jerk in that department wrote the following: “With the passing of Halloween, millions of pounds of pumpkins have turned from seasonal decorations to trash destined for landfills, adding to more than 254 million tons of municipal solid waste produced in the United States every year. This Halloween, think of turning this seasonal waste into energy as a very important ‘trick’ that can have a positive environmental and energy impact.”

Seriously…they ARE kidding…right?

No, no they are not.

Back to their inane, obtuse cyber-blather…


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By Oscar Y. Harward

Washington’s ‘lawless’ administration, his AG, and Capitol Hill Democrats are leading the USA toward more crimes in (y)our communities.

The Obama administration has rejected, damaged, and/or destroyed respect for our Police officers.  Police Department officers are being murdered.  Homicide records are soaring.

There is evidence the IRS rejected, delayed, and/or denied evidence as Lois Lerner used her office in refusing ‘Constitutional’ 1st Amendment rights to TEA Party members and supporters, Conservatives, Patriots, etc. 

President Obama’s Attorney General is failing to investigate Lois Lerner and prosecute other Democrat Party members’ crimes. 

There is ‘video evidence’ that Sec. of State Hillary Clinton intentionally ‘lied’ ‘under oath’ to Americans.  President Obama’s Attorney General is failing to prosecute Hillary Clinton and other Democrat Party’s leaders’ criminal acts.  

Under this ‘lawless’ administration, Police officers are under attack.  Police officers are forced to allow the criminals to escape capture, or physically fight the criminals.  

 ‘Main-stream’ Medias are ‘forsaking’ Americans as they fail to present the whole ‘truth’.  Police officers use their weapons to stop assaulting criminals; then are prosecuted themselves without the ‘Main-stream’ Medias presenting the whole truth.

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Benghazi's Other Victims

The mainstream media is loath to admit it but Hillary Clinton had a very bad day testifying before the Benghazi committee. When Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) confronted the former Secretary of State with her own emails concerning the 2012 terrorist attack, Mrs. Clinton flailed gracelessly and backpedaled from previous statements.

The emails concern the motive for the attack and its perpetrators. It was never about “The Innocence of Muslims,” a Youtube video that portrayed the historical Mohammad as a truly villainous character. Nearly everyone now admits that the video did not spark the great Benghazi conflagration that left four Americans dead and a consulate in ruins—and by “everyone,” I mean members of the Obama Administration. It was like pulling teeth to get them to concede the point but they apparently have. Their current position is that they made an honest mistake in the Clausewitzian “fog of war.” As difficult as it was to defend the “honest mistake” narrative before Clinton’s emails were uncovered, it is now impossible—or at least it’s impossible for people who care about facts.

Three emails discovered on Mrs. Clinton’s illegal private email server—the one she wiped to stymie investigators—reveal that the secretary never believed the Youtube yarn for a moment. The night of the attack she confided in her daughter Chelsea via email that the compound had been besieged by an “al-Qaeda like group.” She said something similar to the president of Libya, and to Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Qandil she wrote: “We know the attack in Libya had nothing to with the film. It was a planned attack not a protest.” These words were written approximately twenty-four hours after the attack.

Being the skilled liar that she is, Clinton actually tried to deny that she had ever claimed otherwise. Clearly it was a terrorist attack, not a spontaneous protest gone awry, and she had said so all along!

Okay, not really. On the night of the attack, she addressed the nation, saying:

“Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.”

So there are two lies in that brief statement—that our government values religious tolerance (LOL!) and that the attack was spurred by a video. I’m sure her defenders, weasels that they are, will argue that Clinton never definitively blamed the video but only claimed that “some” sought to justify the attack on those grounds. Who those “some” are is unclear, especially when one considers that the rumor was spawned at the highest levels of the US government. In any case, it’s weak sauce. She was clearly blaming “The Innocence of Muslims,” just as the rest of the administration did. They had their talking points coordinated and they spoke with one voice—blame the video!

This new revelation should go a long way toward debunking the results of the sham investigation concluded last November which found the administration blameless. How anyone could have come to that conclusion without examining all the evidence is beyond me. They obviously never subpoenaed the secretary’s emails or they would have discovered, months before anyone else did, that Hillary was using a private, unsecured email server. They didn’t find any fault because they didn’t look very hard.

It would be prudent at this point for Mrs. Clinton and her former boss to apologize to the American public for misleading them. It’ll never happen, I know. But there’s another person, a non-American, who also deserves an apology. His name is Nakoula Bassely Nakoula and he produced the video under the pseudonym “Sam Bacile.” Mr. Nakoula was the administration’s sacrificial lamb led to the slaughter so that the administration could appease the mob, escape blame, and win reelection. Besides the four dead Americans and their families, of course, no one has suffered more than he.

When Mrs. Clinton attended the funeral of Tyrone Woods, a security contractor and former Navy SEAL who gave his life trying to hold back the angry hordes, she approached Charles Woods, the victim’s father, and told him that she would seek retribution—not against the barbarians who killed his son, of course, but against Nakoula Bassely Nakoula. According to Mr. Woods, Clinton said “We’re going to make sure that the person who made that film is arrested and prosecuted.” Yikes!

Nakoula was of course arrested and imprisoned just as Clinton promised he would be. I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw the picture of a man being hauled off by Los Angeles County sheriffs, his identity obscured behind a hat, a heavy buttoned-up coat, and what appears to be gauze across his face. It was another one of the many “They can’t do that in America!” moments that I’ve witnessed in recent years. Our government doesn’t jail people for making movies; or at least it’s not supposed to. That’s the kind of stuff you think happens only in places like China and Venezuela. It can’t happen here.

Oh, but it can and did. Granted, the man wasn’t charged with making an inflammatory film. He was charged with violating the terms of his probation, which forbad him, among other things, from using aliases. He also lied to the police about his involvement in the film. Both of his minor crimes can be understood as the actions of a man in fear for his life and those of his family.

I’m not so naïve as to believe that the charge was really the charge. It’s no coincidence that he was arrested just four days after the Benghazi attack though his video had been on Youtube for three months. His arrest and prosecution fulfilled Hillary Clinton’s promise to Charles Woods and appeased the Muslim world—at the expense of the first amendment, of course. Authorities had to find something to charge Nakoula with and minor probation violations were a good fit. Nakoula was sentenced to a year in prison.

What a disgraceful episode in American history. While no one in the government was obliged to defend the content of the video, someone should have stood up for our sacred freedoms. The current administration instead caved to the mob’s cries for vengeance. Barack Obama even appealed directly to Youtube, asking it to review the video to determine if it violated its terms of service, a clear suggestion that it should be removed. That’s too close to government censorship for my liking. To its credit, Youtube did not comply.

I was reminded of Nakoula again when I recently learned of Clinton’s 2010 meeting with the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul, where she promised to curb “Islamophobia” through the employment of “some old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor.” The OIC advocates for laws that would criminalize criticism of Islam as illegal “defamation.” Clinton was essentially meeting them halfway, trying to demonstrate that the “defamation” they feared could be rooted out by softer forms of censorship.

If this doesn’t frighten you, it should. Government officials should never talk this way. While peer pressure and shaming may sound like constitutional methods for making people shut their pie holes, they can quickly devolve into first amendment violations when practiced by the government. The dustup over “The Innocence of Muslims” offers an excellent case in point. No, the government won’t jail a man for making a video—it will find a pretext and jail him for that instead. No, the government won’t order Youtube to censor the film—it will ask Youtube to review its terms of service in hopes of persuading someone else to censor it instead.

See? It’s all perfectly legal!

Nakoula Bassely Nakoula paid a price that no one in a free society should ever have to pay for making a film. The administration should have had some testicular fortitude and told the Muslim world where to stick it. But it did the cowardly thing instead, as you knew it would, and fed the ravenous alligators in hopes of being eaten last. The Benghazi attack’s death toll ought to include the names of four dead Americans, of course, but also the first amendment, which died a little that day in September 2012.

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By Oscar Y. Harward

On August 15, Bill Clinton Obama plays a round of golf with President Obama.  Was it social, or was it for safeguarding Hillary Clinton from life behind bars; if convicted of 1 or more felonies?

Since that time, Hillary Clinton seems to be developing stronger exchanges in her political dialogues.

On October 11, 2015: “President Barack Obama called Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server a "mistake," but said national security was not compromised and suggested the issue has been politicized to damage her image.”

Is President Obama ‘setting the table’ in preparation of granting Hillary Clinton a ‘Presidential Pardon’?

In the October 13 Democrat Party Presidential ‘debate’ in Las Vegas, Nevada, it is clear Hillary Clinton expressed her full strength of intensity and dominating as the Democrat Party’s candidate.

“Hillary Clinton was seen to help stabilize her faltering campaign Tuesday night with a debate performance that left little doubt she has a solid grip on the Democratic presidential race -- and may have sent a strong message to Joe Biden that time is running out if he envisions jumping in.”

“With a polished and clearly well-prepared debate performance on Tuesday night, Clinton may not have shed that perception, but she did manage to make the case that she is the best prepared of all the Democratic candidates to take the progressive fight to Republicans.”

We will likely learn soon!

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Iran Says NO DEAL to Obama Real “Deal”

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

Okay…let me just see if I have this right.derp-2.jpg?width=226

Obama lied.

I don’t know about you but that’s just…shocking.

Obama lied regarding Iran and the “deal” that allows the nation of barbarians to stockpile a nuclear arsenal…THEY never SIGNED it. Oh, I know they said they would never sign the “deal,” hell, I even WROTE that they would never sign the “deal” but of course, that was a MONTH ago and what did I know?

NOTHING…according to assorted liberal knotheads…I didn’t know what I was talking about. I was WRONG they all told me but…I was only quoting the Ayatollah Ass-a-Hola when HE said Iran wouldn’t sign onto the deal.

What Iran did, according to the scant media coverage afforded it, was sign a deal they drew up THEMSELVES…THAT’S the “deal” they signed but the “deal” Obama had Kerry capitulate on? THAT “deal” was roundly REJECTED by Iran.

Oh…yeah, we still have to abide by the Obama terms of surrender…that we don’t get out of but…IRAN…they DON’T have to abide by it and guess what? THEY AREN’T!!!


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

debat-1.jpg?width=232Did you watch Tuesday night’s democrat debate on CNN?

Many on the right couldn’t stomach the display and didn’t tune in and I can understand that, but two particular factions of Conservatives SHOULD have been tuned in and watching with riveted attention…those on the far, FAR religious right…those I have called the holier-than-thou Conservatives and the Trumpers should have been GLUED to that debate and here’s why…

If they, the holier-than-thous do what they did in 2008 and again in 2012…if they split the vote as they are threatening to do, again in 2016 and the Trumpers, as they too are threatening to split the vote, should have been watching Tuesday’s debate because one of those people, on that CNN stage, or someone equally as bad (Joe Biden) or WORSE (Julian Castro) WILL become the president via THEIR proxy votes.

Who I’m talking about here are those who claim to be on our side who will either not vote at all should their one and only candidate not get the nomination or who will vote for either a 3rd party or write-in candidate thus splitting the Republican vote, assuring that either Jim Webb, Martin O’Malley, Lincoln Chaffe, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden or the Julian Castor wins.

On that stage Tuesday night was a display of socialism at its very worst. Chaffee started his career as a Republican who became an independent who then, just a couple of years ago, became a democrat who now claims he has never shifted his position on the topics. Sounds a lot like Trump’s political affiliation history to me.


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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

gow-1.jpg?width=225Don’t you just LOVE the way that every news report regarding the Benghazi Committee these days begins with…”The REPUBLICAN led Benghazi Committee?”

There are, of course, two reasons for that approach but only one of which the mainstream media wants to mention…that being the fact that the committee IS led by REPUBLICANS. What the mainstream media does NOT want to admit is that the REASON the committee is Republican led…in fact, the reason ALL the committees are now led by Republicans is, due to Shellacking II, the sequel to the midterm 2010 shellacking…REPUBLICANS are now the majority in both the House AND the Senate.

Just a couple of days ago, the mainstream media tried to make a load of hay from a load of crap when their headlines read that somebody, a REPUBLICAN, who had been fired from the committee was claiming that the entire committee was POLITICAL and PARTISAN in nature.

This of course, played well amongst the liberal media as it is liberals, running terrified, who want to try and shut down the Benghazi Committee before October 22nd, that being the day when Hillary is scheduled to appear unless of course, she falls down and goes boom…again.



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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

lgc-1.jpg?width=238One thing is clear…liberals and socialists running for the 2016 nomination want to extend Obama style, pen and phone executive orders and our 2nd Amendment is on their chopping block.

According to Bernie Sanders, a confirmed, self-avowed socialist, “The president is right. Condolences are not enough. We’ve got to do something … We need sensible gun control legislation. What we need, as a nation, is to get beyond the shouting, Some people want to ban every gun in America and some people believe in nothing at all. I think the vast majority of the American people, as the president indicated, including gun owners — and I know that’s true here in Vermont — want sensible gun control legislation and they also believe that we should have more access to mental health facilities and counselors than we presently do.”

In the words of one Hillary Clinton, whose campaign is floundering…


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