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An Introduction to Male Infertility

There seems to be a direct relationship between modern lifestyles and declining male fertility and the statistics are alarming.

Records show that the average male sperm count in 1950 was 113 million/ml. By 1998 this had declined to 62 million/ml and the average is believed to be sinking even lower year-by-year.

Sub-fertility is defined as a sperm count of 20 million/ml or less. The main causes are stress and other pressures of modern day life, coupled with the effects of smoking, alcohol and drug consumption, over-eating and lack of exercise.

Many of the solutions therefore rest with the individual but physiological and medical conditions still remain and Bridge has the most advanced treatments for male infertility available in clinical use anywhere in the world.

Male Factor Infertility

Male Factor infertility is one of the most common reasons why couples do not become pregnant.

There are many different causes of male infertility. There may be a shortage of sperm, or a blockage preventing the sperm from being ejaculated, or the sperm may not swim properly, they may stick together, or there may be no sperm produced at all.

If your partner is to become pregnant, several things have to happen. The man must produce millions of healthy, active sperm which pass into the woman's vagina during intercourse. Then the sperm must swim through the womb and into the Fallopian tube to fertilise the egg. The resulting embryo travels on and embeds itself into the womb.

Problems can exist at all stages in this process.

Until fairly recently, there was little that could be done to help - but new advances mean that men who would not have been able to father a child can now do so, and even the most severe types of male infertility can be treated. There are a number of different types of treatment available. The type you are offered will depend on the cause of your infertility.

Remember that male infertility problems are very common, remember also that you are not on your own - we are here to help and you should talk and share how you are feeling with your partner.

We also understand much more today about the impact of lifestyle on male infertility - and smoking, heavy alcohol consumption, overeating, lack of exercise and stress can all contribute to the problem.

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