chrystal (1)

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Obama Leadership Lack

Wow, the mainstream media waxed orgasmic. Calling Barack Obama “BRILLIANT” so often today, you'd be forgiven for thinking Obama was Wellington defeating Napoleon. Obama repeatedly received these unrestrained accolades for the firing of top Afghan War General Stanley Mc Chrystal for Stanley Mc’s absured lack of good judgment shown by a) letting a Leftist hatchet** artist journalist embed with the top command in Afghanistan and B) for Mc Chrystal and his top aides flapping their mouths disrespectfully when referring to civilian leadership and c) doing so in front of that Leftist journalist Michael Hastings and d) for blaming the civilian leadership for their own lack of results on the ground.

Let’s be clear here: Mc Chrystal acted like a malcontent recruit not like the genius military leader he was reputed to be. Obama’s move was the only even semi-logical thing he could do . . . the fully logical things would have been to have given the war effort the full 40,000 surge troops request, to give them back in August when requested and to have never been so stupid as to give out a firm “withdrawal date” in advance. That last move is known by those who understand strategic issues as “aiding and comforting the enemy.”

Let us go further, the Obama administration besides second-guessing the surge request and dithering for five months before giving only part of what was asked for . . . besides all that, the Obama administration lacks a real strategy to fight terror either at home or around the globe. In fact, except for extreme good luck so far as seen in the case of the underwear bomber and the boob trying to bomb Times Square . . . there have been virtually NO successes on the terror front since Obama became president. LUCK is definitely NOT a solid strategy for keeping our people safe at home and for winning the War in Afghanistan. WE ARE AT WAR and have been demonstrably so since Osama Bin Laden openly and defiantly and proudly declared war against us in 1992 . . . and officially so since 9/11/2001.

Today, however, we are told we are NOT at war. There is no terror or terrorism, just “man-caused disasters.” NO, Mr. Obama, the Titanic is a man-caused disaster. And, of course, the contortionism required to eliminate accurate and necessary words like Islam, Muslim, radicals, Jihadists, etc. and to avoid the appearance of any GASP, conspiracy with Al Queda in Yemen at its root . . . any old-time vaudevillest would be super proud of the administration's tap dance around the full disclosure of the truth.

House Minority Leader, Boehner’s commented a while back, "The Obama administration has spoon-fed the American people bland reassurances, saying this was a 'one-off' and a 'lone wolf.' This is the rhetoric of an administration that continues to operate without a real, comprehensive plan to confront and defeat the terrorist threat." Of course, the always “out-to-lunch” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected the obvious truth that luck was the reason for the Times Square plot’s failure. "Oh please, please," she said. "The harder we work the luckier we get, and I think that's sort of the point” as she implied vigilant citizens are one part of the administration's “comprehensive strategy” to combat terrorism, which goes hand in hand with law enforcement.

Really? What public-service messages have gone out educating citizens what to do? how to do it? who to contact? what kind of vigil would be most helpful? and most importantly how to get lucky? President Lincoln’s body-guard relied on luck, too, Nancy-dear. John Wilkes Booth drilled a tiny spyhole in the back of the presidential box in Ford's theater so he could reconnoiter the situation accurately and he had an effective plan that worked even though he did his dastardly deed without trying to hide his identity and while using totally unnecessary flair (jumping upon stage and yelling, “Sic semper, tyrannis!”) . . . for the sake of our people's well-being, let’s give our present enemies at least as much credit.

Mr. Obama is instead currently also relying upon luck to hopefully keep a bloodbath from occurring inside Arizona and other border states, not to mention Islamic radical terror plots. Just as the blood on the hands of the Islamic terrorist who perpetrated the Ft. Hood massacre is also on Barack Obama’s hands, so too is the blood that’s sure to flow inside our border states. Yes, we need a brilliant president who is “decisive, firm and bold,” but Barack Obama fails on all four counts . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery, (we wish you exceptionally well General Petraeus!)

** the same fellow once travelled around with Bill O'Reilly for about a week and rather than giving an accurate portrayal, carefully picked his partial-quotes and anecdotes taken out of context to make O'Reilly sound like he was baised and unintelligent.
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