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April, 2010 Platinum Fleecer Award

To honor the memory of the Last Great American Statesman, William Proxmire (Wisconsin Senator for 32 years) whose “Golden Fleece Awards” uncovered shameless pork barrel projects and focused media attention on all manner of self-serving, waste, and corruption in the United States government: Rajjpuut has since June, 2009, been awarding the “Platinum Fleecer” to the elected or appointed official or private citizen most deserving of the illustrious title.

The April 2010 Platinum Fleecer WINNER is:

California Representative Henry Waxman

Waxman hasn’t been as visible as he might have been, but whenever socialistic boondoggles are being contemplated, Waxman has been one of the main “enablers” for House Speaker Pelosi. Waxman, who has been feeding at the public trough in Washington D.C. for over thirty-five years, has since 2006, been Chairman of the House Oversight and Government "Reform" Committee which is supposed to be the principle agency looking out for the citizens’ well-being vis a vis government abuses . . . our single most helpful friend in D.C. Under Waxman’s “leadership,” however, the Reform Committee is just another boot on the public’s neck.

A few weeks ago, all the liberal media made a huge deal out of Henry Waxman saying he would force the CEOs of several large corporations to “come clean” about their recent financial reports (required by law) about how that fiscal disaster known as Obamacare would rape their companies’ solvency. Waxman, the media let us know, planned to punish the corporate leaders for their “irresponsible, politically-motivated statements saying that Obamacare was putting their businesses in financial jeopardy by dragging these CEOs into a hearing “where the truth will come out.” The CEO’s, of course, let it be known that their “revelations” were required by law. Yesterday, Waxman, weaseled out of the confrontation by cancelling the hearings which would have been, by his own design, extremely high profile. The CEOs are disappointed and the liberal leaning mainstream media is either choosing NOT to run the story of Waxman's cancellation, or burying it in a tiny paragraph on page 23.

Waxman is a weasel. He paraded before the photographers and TV cameramen implying he was going to expose these CEOs for their conspiracy to play politics on the American people by making it seem like his beloved Obamacare would set many of them on the road to bankruptcy . . . he would compel them to testify before the American people and bring the fat cats down in shame and defend Obamacare. Waxman, of course, never mentioned that these CEOs were required by laws created by the U.S. Congress to reveal this information on legal forms created by the congressional laws and that this information was uniformly bleak: Obamacare would devastate their companies. Now, not with such a grandiloquent bang, but rather a whisper, he announces the hearings will not take place. His motive, not to be embarrassed in public when his hearings could have been publicized to all Americans . . . and reveal the truth . . . which is exactly opposite to thestated purpose of the Committee that Waxman chairs, a committee designed about the new Obamacare law and to expose the fraud, waste, incompetence and self-serving nature of government programs.

The mainstream media, naturally, did NOT deem the follow-up story worthy of their time or newsprint (you know them, the same group that never fails to run unfounded allegations by Democrats of the TEA Party’s racism, hate-mongering and stupidity). If Waxman was a huge enabler of Obamacare, the mainstream media is a huge enabler of the Henry Waxmans running this country.

Throwing dirt onto corporate America and others who create the jobs and opportunity responsible for greatness is a common Waxman ploy. Apparently the fellow has never seen honest work he doesn’t despise. This compulsory hearing (lots of talk about subpoenas being served in the original story) was to be just another of Waxman’s crusades against evil capitalists . . . but it bit him in the butt and the weasel didn’t have the grace to announce that he was wrong, the CEOs were right and Obamacare would bankrupt the nation as well as its companies – that would have been way too forthright for our public servant Henry Waxman.

Congratulations, April, 2010 Platinum-Fleecer Award winner, California Democratic Representative Henry Waxman , you've certainly weaseled your way into this award!

Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,


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