california (32)

The ever liberal leaning Supreme Court has struck again and California will have to release another 10,000 prisoners. Can not violate the Eighth Amendment for Cruel Punishment, of course the cruelty to the public of sending out thousands of criminals is not a consideration. Never mind that while these prisoners probably have it better than military soldiers have it they are over crowded and must be released. Why not put them in military tents? While this is going on the State is confiscating guns from citizens and is getting tough on the law abiding people every day. Wow, one more reason to go to Texas or somewhere else where you can still defend yourself and where they punish criminals.


These days with activists judges we have animals and criminals feelings or well being considered foremost while law abiding or just plain humans are not, i.e., Snail darter and water in California and now the over crowded prisoner release.

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The married man and woman, committed in covenant to one another, is the basis of society. All other relationships are dependent on the solidity of the marriages society is composed of.

In the marriage relationship, the man tends to be the reasoning, logical and physically strong protector. The woman tends to be spiritual, intuitive, pictorial and nurturing. These are the complementary traits of each. Both can and do exercise the full range of traits. In creating us male and female in His image and likeness, He allowed for a means to be individually fulfilled through the exercise of their diverse gifts and talents (See Proverbs 31:10-31 for a surprising depiction of the ideal marriage).

Love requires an object. The object is the beloved and the beloved's love for her lover. When we marvel at being made in God's image and likeness, it is most profound in the best understanding we have of his Triune Nature. So, too, is the relationship between husband and wife, and how we were made as male and female. The third element is the power of the love between husband and wife. It is awesome as the power of the Holy Spirit. Both create, nurture and guide the fruits of their love for the greater glory of God and the wholeness of the human family. From that basis, all other relationships and adventures have their justification, or their condemnation.

A covenant man will love his wife as Scripture commands. A covenant woman will honor her husband as Scripture commands. With the power of love, they are the full and childlike image and likeness of the Triune God, worthy of honor and praise from those they serve and the children they nurture. (Childlikeness = Key to the Kingdom of Heaven) Many marriages fail today, because one or both partners no longer "feel” anything. A covenant is a lifelong commitment to perform as promised. Love has nothing to do with feeling.

In a non-contraceptive union, the couple share enzymes in the fluids involved in coitus that create a bond of responsibility (covenant) so necessary for the proper raising of children (Perhaps a touch of natural law?). Could the blocking of this “mixing” by contraception reduce this natural bonding be a big reason for divorce and single mothers today? The world always creates a problem – the devil may care contraceptive and abortion society - and then blames the victims while covering society’s sins with blood money.

With so many abandoned children, it is a noble act for people to adopt or foster a child or a house full. Sadly, government interference and the militancy of the so-called “gay” movement has made it difficult for co-habiting folks to take in a child without making demands that destroy the entire child adoption and care structure.  A gay or unmarried pair has a greater responsibility to recognize their role in parenting is to lead a child back to the way he was created for the glory of God – male and female and their covenant with God. They may also learn how to adjust their own obsessions.

The image of God is perfect. The Word is perfect, there is nothing held back. So, the Father, begetter has an unconditional self-donation. The Word therefore receives everything from the Father and is one with the Father, as we would hear Jesus later teaching us, "The Father and I are one."

This is an eternal embrace, an eternal kiss, and an eternal union from which proceed the Lord and giver of life forever. God's unconditional love has, on one side, "eternal transmission of life." God's eternal life has, on the flip side, "unconditional love". Love and Life, the two are totally inseparable.

The only way you can give yourself in this total, radical sense, in this image of God, is to that which is able to actually reproduce yourself. That involves the wonderful mystery of the fountain of life. The mutual reproductive gift of a man to a woman and a woman to a man is the fountain of life, the self-ability to reproduce.

To give self, therefore, means that in unconditional self-donation of the husband and wife in that which is called conjugal relations, means that these powers of self-donation will always be present, even if the couple proves to be barren.

The extension of this divine image of God in marriage; the interrelationship of a man and a woman in marriage has to be unitive and therefore pro-creative. "Unconditional love" translates into unitive and "Lord and giver of life" translates into pro-creative. The two qualities of conjugal relationship therefore are meant to be based on the beginning of God's eternal being.

Marriage is a way to learn how to live in God in such a way that when we end this life, we will be ready to enter into God's eternal love and eternal life, because that which we lived on earth, we are ready now to do forever where “eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things our Heavenly Father has prepared for those who love him.”

We also must face the reality of Satan, who spoils the genetic code. He wants to change the words unconditional love into mutual exploitation, into conditional love. That changes love into increasing degrees of hatred or hostility. He wants to change the word life into contraception. He wants to halt the transmission of life into the blocking of the transmission of life. He doesn’t tell you overpopulation is the result of fear, stress for survival because of despotic government, not love or even lust. Despots and "progressives" then cover their sins with (borrowed) blood money.

God only intended to make the relationship between man and woman to be the way to heaven. We also have the opportunity to make it a path to hell. Such is the way of our free will and the presence of evil to overcome. May we again get back to the beginning as we were made in the image and likeness of God, for his eternal life and eternal love?

Gerald V. Todd is married to the former Joanne Dean since January 30, 1960. They have three adopted children born in 1963, 65 and 69, with 8 grandchildren.


[1] Based largely on a talk by Fr. Philip Pavich, then Associate Pastor of St. James Church, Medugorje, Bosnia – August 1990 This chapter from my MSS “The Reign of Innocence” contains over 5,300 words.. 1,000 words is enough for anybody!

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The married man and woman, committed in covenant to one another, is the basis of society. All other relationships are dependent on the solidity of the marriages society is composed of.

In the marriage relationship, the man tends to be the reasoning, logical and physically strong protector. The woman tends to be spiritual, intuitive, pictorial and nurturing. These are the complementary traits of each. Both can and do exercise the full range of traits. In creating us male and female in His image and likeness, He allowed for a means to be individually fulfilled through the exercise of their diverse gifts and talents (See Proverbs 31:10-31 for a surprising depiction of the ideal marriage).

Love requires an object. The object is the beloved and the beloved's love for her lover. When we marvel at being made in God's image and likeness, it is most profound in the best understanding we have of his Triune Nature. So, too, is the relationship between husband and wife, and how we were made as male and female. The third element is the power of the love between husband and wife. It is awesome as the power of the Holy Spirit. Both create, nurture and guide the fruits of their love for the greater glory of God and the wholeness of the human family. From that basis, all other relationships and adventures have their justification, or their condemnation.

A covenant man will love his wife as Scripture commands. A covenant woman will honor her husband as Scripture commands. With the power of love, they are the full and childlike image and likeness of the Triune God, worthy of honor and praise from those they serve and the children they nurture. (Childlikeness = Key to the Kingdom of Heaven) Many marriages fail today, because one or both partners no longer "feel” anything. A covenant is a lifelong commitment to perform as promised. Love has nothing to do with feeling.

In a non-contraceptive union, the couple share enzymes in the fluids involved in coitus that create a bond of responsibility (covenant) so necessary for the proper raising of children (Perhaps a touch of natural law?). Could the blocking of this “mixing” by contraception reduce this natural bonding be a big reason for divorce and single mothers today? The world always creates a problem – the devil may care contraceptive and abortion society - and then blames the victims while covering society’s sins with blood money.

With so many abandoned children, it is a noble act for people to adopt or foster a child or a house full. Sadly, government interference and the militancy of the so-called “gay” movement has made it difficult for co-habiting folks to take in a child without making demands that destroy the entire child adoption and care structure.  A gay or unmarried pair has a greater responsibility to recognize their role in parenting is to lead a child back to the way he was created for the glory of God – male and female and their covenant with God. They may also learn how to adjust their own obsessions.

The image of God is perfect. The Word is perfect, there is nothing held back. So, the Father, begetter has an unconditional self-donation. The Word therefore receives everything from the Father and is one with the Father, as we would hear Jesus later teaching us, "The Father and I are one."

This is an eternal embrace, an eternal kiss, and an eternal union from which proceed the Lord and giver of life forever. God's unconditional love has, on one side, "eternal transmission of life." God's eternal life has, on the flip side, "unconditional love". Love and Life, the two are totally inseparable.

The only way you can give yourself in this total, radical sense, in this image of God, is to that which is able to actually reproduce yourself. That involves the wonderful mystery of the fountain of life. The mutual reproductive gift of a man to a woman and a woman to a man is the fountain of life, the self-ability to reproduce.

To give self, therefore, means that in unconditional self-donation of the husband and wife in that which is called conjugal relations, means that these powers of self-donation will always be present, even if the couple proves to be barren.

The extension of this divine image of God in marriage; the interrelationship of a man and a woman in marriage has to be unitive and therefore pro-creative. "Unconditional love" translates into unitive and "Lord and giver of life" translates into pro-creative. The two qualities of conjugal relationship therefore are meant to be based on the beginning of God's eternal being.

Marriage is a way to learn how to live in God in such a way that when we end this life, we will be ready to enter into God's eternal love and eternal life, because that which we lived on earth, we are ready now to do forever where “eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man the things our Heavenly Father has prepared for those who love him.”

We also must face the reality of Satan, who spoils the genetic code. He wants to change the words unconditional love into mutual exploitation, into conditional love. That changes love into increasing degrees of hatred or hostility. He wants to change the word life into contraception. He wants to halt the transmission of life into the blocking of the transmission of life. He doesn’t tell you overpopulation is the result of fear, stress for survival because of despotic government, not love or even lust. Despots and "progressives" then cover their sins with (borrowed) blood money.

God only intended to make the relationship between man and woman to be the way to heaven. We also have the opportunity to make it a path to hell. Such is the way of our free will and the presence of evil to overcome. May we again get back to the beginning as we were made in the image and likeness of God, for his eternal life and eternal love?

Gerald V. Todd is married to the former Joanne Dean since January 30, 1960. They have three adopted children born in 1963, 65 and 69, with 8 grandchildren.


[1] Based largely on a talk by Fr. Philip Pavich, then Associate Pastor of St. James Church, Medugorje, Bosnia – August 1990 This chapter from my MSS “The Reign of Innocence” contains over 5,300 words.. 1,000 words is enough for anybody!

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The Left Takeover

Written by Roger Hedgecock - former mayor of San Diego Wednesday, 25 January 2012


I live in California . If you were wondering what living in Obama's second term would be like, wonder no longer. We in California are living there now.


California is a one-party state dominated by a virulent Democrat Left enabled by a complicit media where every agency of local, county, and state government is run by and for the public employee unions. The unemployment rate is 12%.


California has more folks on food stamps than any other state, has added so many benefits and higher rates to Medicaid that we call it "Medi-Cal." Our K-12 schools have more administrators than teachers, with smaller classes but lower test scores and higher dropout rates with twice the per-student budget of 15 years ago. Good job, Brownie.


This week, the once and current Gov. Jerry "Moonbeam" Brown had to confess that the "balanced" state budget adopted five months ago was billions in the red because actual tax revenues were billions lower than the airy-fairy revenue estimates on which the balance was predicated.


After trimming legislators' perks and reducing the number of cell phones provided to state civil servants, the governor intoned that drastic budget reductions had already hollowed out state programs for the needy, law enforcement and our schoolchildren. California government needed more money.


Echoing the Occupy movement, the governor proclaimed the rich must pay their fair share. Fair share? The top 1% of California income earners currently pays 50% of the state's income tax.


California has seven income tax brackets. The top income tax rate is 9.3%, which is slapped on the greedy rich earning at least $47,056 a year. Income of more than $1 million pays the "millionaires' and billionaires'" surcharge tax rate of 10.3%. Brown's proposal would add 2% for income over $250,000. A million-dollar income would then be taxed at 12.3%. And that's just for the state.


Brown also proposed a one-half-cent sales tax increase, which would bring sales taxes (which vary by county) up to 7.75% to as much as 10%. Both tax increases would be on the ballot in 2012.


The sales tax increase proposal immediately brought howls of protest from the Left (of Brown!). Charlie Eaton, a sociology grad student at UC Berkeley and leader of the UC Student-Workers Union, said, "We've paid enough. It's time for millionaires to pay."


At least five other ballot measures to raise taxes are circulating for signatures to get on the 2012 ballot in California . The governor's proposals are the most conservative.


The Obama way doesn't end with taxes.


The governor and the state legislature continue to applaud the efforts of the California High Speed Rail Authority to build a train connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco . Even though the budget is three times the voter-approved amount and the first segment will only connect two small towns in the agricultural Central Valley . But hey, if we build it, they will ride. And we don't want to turn down the Obama bullet-train bucks Florida and other states rejected because the operating costs would bankrupt them. Can't happen here because we're already insolvent!


If we get into real trouble with the train, we'll just bring in the Chinese. It worked with the Bay Bridge reconstruction. After the 1989 earthquake, the bridge connecting Oakland and San Francisco was rebuilt with steel made in China . Workers from China too. Paid for with money borrowed from China . Makes perfect sense.


In California , we hate the evil, greedy rich (except the rich in Hollywood , in sports, and in drug dealing). But we love people who have broken into California to eat the bounty created by the productive rich.


Illegals get benefits from various generous welfare programs, free medical care, and free schools for their kids, including meals, and of course, instate tuition rates and scholarships too. Nothing's too good for our guests.


To erase even a hint of criticism of illegal immigration, the California Legislature is considering a unilateral state amnesty. Democrat State Assemblyman Felipe Fuentes has proposed an initiative that would bar deportation of illegals from California .


Interesting dilemma for Obama there. If immigration is exclusively a federal matter, and Obama has sued four states for trying to enforce federal immigration laws he won't enforce, what will the President do to a California law that exempts California from federal immigration law?


California is also near fulfilling the environmentalist dream of deindustrialization.


After driving out the old industrial base (auto and airplane assembly, for example, air and water regulators and tax policies are now driving out the high-tech, biotech and even Internet-based companies that were supposed to be California's future.


The California cap-and-trade tax on business in the name of reducing CO2 makes our state the leader in wacky environmentalism and guarantees a further job exodus from the state. Even green energy companies can't do business in California . Solyndra went under, taking its taxpayer loan guarantee with it.


No job is too small to escape the regulators. The state has even banned weekend amateur gold miners from the historic gold mining streams in the Sierra Nevada Mountains . In fact, more and more of California 's public land is off-limits to recreation by the people who paid for that land. Unless you're illegal.


Then you can clear the land, set up marijuana plantations at will, bring in fertilizers that legal farmers can no longer use, exploit illegal farm workers who live in hovels with no running water or sanitation, and protect your investment with armed illegals carrying guns no California citizen is allowed to own.


The rest of us only found out about these plantations when the workers' open campfire started one of those devastating fires that have killed hundreds of people and burned out thousands of homes in California over the last decade.


It's often said that whatever happens in California will soon happen in your state.


You'd better hope that's wrong.




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The Future of America?

A few years back I heard a discussion on Bill Bennett's Morning in America between the host and a caller.  The topic of conversation combined two trends that the American Left (and frankly, too many on the Right) are allowing to occur, and, in fact encouraging.  The first is an open-borders policy which with every wave of illegals from south-of-the-border makes the United States more latinized everyday. The second is what author Andy McCarthy has described as the Grand Jihad,  the movement by Islamic radicals to spread Islam throughout the world and re-establish the Caliphate.  The theme of the exchange was that the United States would very likely be majority Latino by mid-century, and that Islam, another beneficiary of misguided immigration policies, would be making vast inroads into the American culture.  "I hope they will be able to oppose Islam when it becomes a powerful force." They is the Latinos who will be running the country.  What irony there was in that statement, I mused.  So I took that thought, and expanded it:

Imagine a United States dominated by a Latin-American controlled liberal political party; led by a beautiful and charismatic Latina from Texas whose administration has systematically stripped the rights of its citizens and its states for the purposes of consolidating federal power.  Her policies manage a slow collapse of the American economy, and a steady decline in American power around the world.  Then, toward the end of her second term, a coalition of Islamic nations attacks the United States, destroying several U.S. cities, invading and occupying San Francisco, and assassinating her, the President of the United States.

This is the opening theme to my book, House of War

House of War is a cautionary tale set in the near-future. A aforementioned political party is in control of the United States government.  Europe’s Muslim population has gained majorities within the European Union.  In response to Chinese wars of expansion, an alliance of Islamic nations has formed.  It strikes out at America in manners unimaginable – by invasion and mass-casualty attack on multiple American cities. Among the powerful members of the president’s cabinet is a fundamentalist Muslim infiltrator who is an enemy of the people. At the upper echelons of American government is ineptitude and lack of resolve. A grossly neglected United States military must cope.  What the attackers haven’t counted on are the tenacity of an accidental president, the courage and resourcefulness of Coast Guard units, and a citizen who has the grit to sow the seeds of revolution.

Please take a look at House of War, now available on Kindle e-books, and may God Save America.


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Tomorrow, Tuesday July 12th, we have a chance to pick up a critical and near impossible congressional seat in the House of Representatives in of all places -- Los Angeles, CA. Mr. Craig Huey is running for Jane Harman’s seat against the reprehensible LA councilwoman Janice Hahn.

Tomorrow, Tues July 12th - SPECIAL ELECTION IN LOS ANGELES 36th - Tea Party-backed CRAIG HUEY

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Obama was Dead Wrong,

Illegals Cost California Solvency



            A recently revealed lowball study of the state’s budget problems shows that withdrawing services from California’s 2.5 million illegal aliens in the state would save the state roughly $4.5 Billion annually.  The breakdown of the savings was:  $2.5 Billion from the cost of education; $1 Billion from prison budgets; almost $780 Million from medical expenses; and other cost savings amounting to roughly $300 Million yearly.  In short, paying for the illegal aliens who have been welcomed into California (the state has more “Sanctuary Cities” than the rest of the country combined) over a typical period of five years would account for the total California shortfall at its 2009 cited $21 Billion maximum.  Later in this blog, you’ll discover why Rajjpuut used the term “lowball” to describe this recent study.

            How surprising can this statistic be?   A mid-2008 study by FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform) showed that 60% of the nation’s illegal aliens were concentrated in six states mostly in the Southwest.  California’s almost 3.5 million illegals in that study easily topped the list.  That figure you’ll notice is a full one million fewer illegals than found in the more recent lowball study mentioned earlier.  Poor methodology?  Deliberate undercounting?  Probably neither.  Every year that the state’s abysmal Sanctuary City situation has existed, it’s become much harder to accurately count the illegals, never an easy proposition in the best of scenarios.  

            Two years later when FAIR updated and expanded its study in 2010 it found that nationally illegals cost America $113 Billion yearly.  The study then was called “extremist” and compared to a study that said that rather than costing us, illegals raise the nation’s GDP by $245 Billion.  Certainly if that were true, the answer to our budget woes would be to throw open the borders to everyone.  This infamous Perryman Report, rumored to have been funded by “Open Society Initiative” founder George Soros, has been cited by all those seeking further amnesty and even citizenship to all illegals.  The Perryman Report is suspected of flawed, perhaps even deliberately flawed, methodology because “it fails to fully account for the cost to individual counties, cities and towns” which absorb a huge percentage of the cost of accommodation for illegal aliens.

Are illegals really such a big problem?  Ex-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger once said that it would be a “big mistake” to blame California’s huge illegal immigration population for the state’s long-enduring budget crisis.  Any sane review of the figures seems to cough up only one conclusion:  the Guv’s been in deep denial.  The average yearly budget deficit in California is slightly less than the average cost of illegal immigration to the state over 365 days according to the recent figures.

            California, with the other five big alien states, together face a cost of $36 Billion annually for K-12 education, criminal incarceration and health care costs.  Some studies show that the cost to California is NOT the $4.5 Billion recently touted, but rather, almost $12 Billion yearly to accommodate illegal aliens, roughly $3,400 per each man, woman or child LEGLLY residing in the state.  Other studies call even this figure into doubt and indicate the cost could be much, much higher.  Besides the monetary price, there is also the matter of sociological cost . . . .

A recent Supreme Court decision is forcing the state to release “up to 46,000 inmates” before their prison terms are concluded.  California is only expected to release roughly 30,000 “low-risk inmates” from prisons, the biggest release of lawbreakers in American history, as a measure to combat the state’s deficit.  Among ALL the California convicts an estimated 20,000 are illegal aliens about one-seventh of the entire prison population.  The state has deliberately given no indication how many of the projected “parolees” will be illegal aliens.  Nor has the state answered questions about how many illegals might be turned over to immigration officials for deportation or if any will just be allowed to walk freely back into California society.

Schwarzenegger, of course, has infamously guaranteed there was NO connection between the state’s large illegal alien population and its budgetary woes.  The ex-governator, it seems, has been in denial for eight long years. 

His predecessor, Pete Wilson commissioned two separate studies which each reached the same conclusions:  illegals were bankrupting California.  The 1994 Philip J. Romero study showed that illegal immigrants and their American-born children received $3.6 Billion more in state services than they paid in state taxes.  The vast majority of those taxes are sales taxes, not income taxes which few illegals pay.  In 1997 the Jordan Commission’s study conducted under the National Research Council put that figure at a $3.463 Billion cost to California.  But Schwarzenegger even willfully ignored far more up-to-date information:  Romero’s 2007 update of his earlier study.   Because of the state’s Sanctuary City situation, Romero found it far more difficult to pin down the full extent of the problem.  His shocking results:  illegal aliens were now costing California between $9.6 and $ $38.2 billion more in state services than they generate in state taxes. 

Everything about the illegal alien question is debatable.  Recent estimates of their population have used the numbers 12-18 million illegals with 13 Million the most commonly cited figures.  President Obama has used the numbers 11 million and even 10 million in describing them and suggested, in line with the Perryman Report that they constitute a huge NET POSITIVE to the nation’s economy.

Regardless of which figures are used, the logical conclusion is obvious.  California, Texas and other border states are being negatively affected by huge illegal alien populations.  California itself has been bankrupted by several huge policy boondoggles.  The Sanctuary City program in that state is definitely the most costly in the nation and the state’s welcoming of illegals has contributed mightily to California’s ongoing financial meltdown.


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,




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MSM Leaves Out Two Little Details

Concerning Bell, California Scandal

When your small-town government officials vote to pay themselves four times the going rate for cities five times your town’s size, that’s a big story. When the town is going bankrupt by leaps and bounds the story is complicated. When unemployment floods the city, that’s more complicated. When the mainstream media chooses to omit two crucial details of the story that makes everything so much more intriguing, no?

The story broke at the start of the summer, no big deal but full of the human interest that drives so many stories during hard economic times. The city of Bell, California, a Los Angeles Country suburb of L.A. was suffering like virtually no small town in southern California had ever suffered . . . whatever the source of the joblessness and poverty growing upon Bell, public activism was NOT the preferred solution. You see, Bell’s problem might have arisen from voter apathy. Only 400 votes were cast in Bell’s 2005 election designating Bell as a charter city. An extra-large number of those 400 votes were suspicious absentee votes. Later in March of 2007, Bell held its first contested elections for city council in over a decade.

As Bell’s problems grew, nearby towns in Southern Cal were also suffering. In July 2010, when two L.A. Times reporters, Jeff Gottlieb and Ruben Vives, began investigating possible malfeasance in a neighboring city but got distracted when they discovered Bell city officials were receiving unusually large salaries, perhaps the highest in the nation. Indeed, the city payroll was swollen with six- to seven-figure salaries. City Manager Robert Rizzo received $787,637 a year (almost double the salary Obama receives. Including benefits, Rizzo received $1.5 million in the last year. His assistant Angela Spaccia, was earning $376,288 a year, more than the top administrator for all of L.A. Country. Police chief, Randy Adams, was paid $457,000, 33% more the Los Angeles Police Chief Charlie Beck. The threesome resigned following initial news reports and a huge public outcry.

And then more facts came to light. All but one member of the Bell city council were receiving $100,000 for their part-time work, and all these salaries were SHOCK!! authorized by that 2005 special election, giving the city Charter status. Council members in cities of Bell’s size typically make less than $5,000 per year.

Ten days ago the California Attorney General's office filed a lawsuit against eight former and current employees, demanding return of "excessive salaries" and a reduction in pension benefits accrued as a result of those higher salaries. Apparently, the problem has only been getting worse since the 2005 Charter City election. Both the FBI and California Secretary of State’s office are investigating allegations about improprieties in the 2009 election and the city's ultra-high property taxes are also being investigated.

Apparently, virtually all of Bell’s residences and buildings were over assessed and overtaxed between 2007 and 2010. This week former city manager Robert Rizzo, Mayor Oscar Hernandez, former assistant city manager Angela Spaccia and council members George Mirabal, Teresa Jacobo, Luis Artiga, George Cole and Victor Bello were arrested and charged with misappropriation of public funds. Police Chief Randy Adams has resigned under pressure and been replaced. Of note, the media have had a field day kicking Bell around but two little details about the town’s plight have been conveniently missing from every MSM (mainstream media) story so far . . . only FOX News noticed that Bell calls itself “a proud sanctuary city” and that all eight of the problem officials were Democrats.

Interesting, just as they’ve left the party tag off Charlie Rangel (D) and Maxine Waters (D) and downplayed or omitted news about their scandals, the MSM seems to only believe (R) –Rated scandals require party mention.

So Bell, California, has been run for at least thirteen years by a Democratic machine; moved itself out of the umbrella of state law with a questionable charter city election; deliberately overburdened its systems by making itself a sanctuary city for illegal aliens and definitely got the progressive government it so-deserved with virtually no one going to the polls to keep their crooks honest. Sounds like Washington, D.C., eh?

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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Fiscal survival of Individual States
in Jeopardy
Many Americans assumed that the country contained its own Greece already. The fate of profligate California has been a topic for discussion for at least the last thirty months. Well, it turns out we have at least three Greeces among us: Michigan and New York join California in their history of unionization and now like Greece and California, in their history of financial collapse. The matter is coming to a head . . . . You may have heard that Nancy Pelosi has just reconvened the House of Representatives (called them back from their vacations) to vote on a bailout package that narrowly passed the senate thanks to both Republican senators from Maine allowing the cloture vote to succeed 61-39 joining with Harry Reid’s Democrats for another rubberstamp bailout in accord with the desires of Dictator Barak. It appears there is nothing Obama, Pelosi and Reid will NOT do in their pursuit of union votes. Here’s what’s going on . . . .
After pretending to be conservatives for a few days, Olympia Snow and fellow Maine senator Susan Collins collapsed the Republican filibuster and both voted with the Democrats on cloture and passed the motion 61-39 . . . in due course the Dems bailout bill then passed on simple majority lines. Snow said she supported the Democrats’ bill with the understanding that the states would “have to act more responsibly in the future.” That is – like Michigan’s Bart Stupak when he allowed Barack Obama to pass Obamacare with federally-funded abortions mandated --she sold her senatorial birthright for a bowl of soup. Snow and Collins and Massachusetts’ Scott Brown are setting records for killing Republican filibusters against the Obama agenda. One, two or three of them are often required to side with the Democrats, depending upon how many Democrats find a particular bill in question repugnant, and this threesome have been very willing to advance the Obama progressive agenda without receiving any important concessions time after time after time.
For those readers unfamiliar with Senate procedure, large majority parties like today’s Democrats love to ram across their programs and would do so and then easily win every vote with at least 51 votes. We are protected against such tyrrany of the masses by the need of a party to gain at least a 3/5 majority (for example 60-for and 40 against) to then allow them to actually take the senate into the voting phase for or against passage of a particular bill – the idea is that unpopular bills will at least have to be amended significantly or the minority party can filisbuster (bring up arguments, amendments, discussion, witnesses, etc.) endlessly until some significant compromise occurs to change the balance of voting power. Of course, in the case of particularly loathsome attempts at law, the filibuster option can definitely save the nation if the minority party stands tough, which the Republicans have NOT done.
Snow is, along with Brown and Collins clearly aligned with progressive (we need to “progress” well beyond the out-of-date and flawed U.S. Constitution) interests in the left-wing of the Democrats . . . despite all the bright promise shown when Brown was elected in November, the progressives have passed virtually all their hearts’ desires except for Cap and Trade and Amnesty for Illegals (a.k.a. “Comprehensive Immigration Reform”) thanks to these progressive Republican senators acting alone or in concert with each other to harmonize with the progressive Democrats.
What this means is that now 47 other states will be required to bail out Michigan, California and New York from their unionization and other spending excesses. California and New York have the largest contingent of state employees unions and Michigan of course still is dominated by the United Auto Workers’ Union as well as its own state employees unions. That is, 47 other states thanks to their own senators will be required to jeopardize their own fiscal solvency to buck up California, New York and Michigan. Doesn’t that remind you of the European Union stepping into save Greece? Why should taxpayers from states that have cut their budgets and observed spending restraint, pay for the extravagances of other less responsible states? That’s the issue with the $26 Billion bailout Pelosi has reconvened the House to vote on.
According to, “State government employment has risen by 16 percent since 1995 and overly generous Medicaid and other spending has climbed alongside it. Pension obligations, initially incurred as a cheap alternative to pay raises for public workers, are increasingly driving state budgets over the brink.
“State and local governments and school boards are hostages to the public employee labor unions that control their finances through their contracts and their politics with their donations and votes. These nominally democratic government bodies are as much under the sway of their union captors as the auto companies are of the UAW.”
If a Republican Congress turns off the spigot of federal bailouts, Morris adds, “the municipal and state bond markets are going to take the hint and stop buying state paper at any interest rate. California will find its debt has become unmarketable and will comeback again begging Congress for relief. First it will seek federal money and then its demands will escalate into a federal guarantee of its state debt. The Greek financial crisis will come to our shores in the form of state bankruptcies.”
States should be allowed to go bankrupt without federal interference this would require a new bankruptcy law. Minimal and reasonable federal help should then be allowed if the state involved dissolves all its union contracts, pension requirement and starts over negotiating with the unions for a fiscally-sound state budget. Morris put it this way, “By freeing states and local governments (including school boards) of their union obligations on wages, work rules, staffing, and pensions, they have a chance to survive and, indeed, to prosper. But merely subsidizing these massive expenditures just prolongs the misery of the states in question. The collapse of overspending state governments must trigger the diminution of the power unions hold over their budgets and their politics. Their coming bankruptcies offer an opportunity for reform and the Republican Congress - backed by newly elected Republican state governments - give us precisely the opportunity we need to effectuate it.”
Rajjpuut can only add, AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

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Here is the story of two families: “Joe Legal” and “Jose Illegal”. Both families have two parents, two children, and live in California.

Joe Legal works in construction has a Social Security Number and makes $25.00 per hour with taxes deducted.... Keep Reading.....

Jose Illegal also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number, and gets paid $15.00 cash “under the table”.

Ready? Now pay attention....

Joe Legal: $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week, or $52,000.00 per year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax; Joe Legal now has $31,231.00.

Jose Illegal: $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week, or $31,200.00 per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays medical and dental insurance with limited coverage for his family at $600.00 per month, or $7,200.00 per year. Joe Legal now Has $24,031.00.

Jose Illegal has full medical and dental coverage through the state and local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal makes too much money and is not eligible for food stamps or Welfare. Joe Legal pays $500.00 per month for food, or $6,000.00 per Year. Joe Legal now has $18,031.00.

Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for food stamps and welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays rent of $1,200.00 per month, or $14,400.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $9,631.00.

Jose Illegal receives a $500.00 per month federal rent subsidy. Jose Illegal pays out that $500.00 per month, or $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has $ 31,200.00.

Joe Legal pays $200.00 per month, or $2,400.00 for insurance. Joe Legal now has $7,231.00.

Jose Illegal says, “We don’t need no stinkin’ insurance!” and still has $31,200.00.

Joe Legal has to make his $7,231.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, Etc.

Jose Illegal has to make his $31,200.00 stretch to pay utilities, gasoline, and what he sends back home, ‘out of the country’ every month.

Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays or gets a part time job after work.

Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.

Joe Legal’s and Jose Illegal’s children both attend the same school.

Joe Legal pays for his children’s lunches while Jose Illegal’s children get a government sponsored lunch. Jose Illegal’s children have an after School ESL program. Joe Legal’s children go home.

Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same police and fire services, but Joe paid for them and Jose did not pay.

Jose with his free tax payer entitlements makes $65,000.00 a year by gaming the system! Do you get it, now?

If you vote for or endorse any politician that supports illegal aliens, then YOU are part of the problem!

It’s time to take a stand for America and Americans! What are you waiting for?

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But CALIFORNIA seems to have this TeaParty stuff figured out!!Not saying other states don't, but if they do they need to tell theirstory like California is doing here:_____________________________________________________Over 90 unique, local groups (and growing daily!) here in the Golden Staterepresent one of the largest cohesive coalitions of state/local tea partyorganizations nationwide. The Tea Party Movement in California is a dynamicforce in this grassroots revolution. With weekly conference calls for organizersand coordinated efforts on issues and initiatives, the taxpayers of Californiahave found a platform to battle the issues on our own terms.This video represents a short history of how we got to this place,how much we've accomplished, and how we have nothing but momentumat our backs heading into the 2010 election.

California Tax Day Tea Party from Lipstick Underground on Vimeo.

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Item: Most Americans don't realize that late last year Mr. Obama authorized an immense compromise of U.S. sovereignty by authorizing the International Police Organization to enter the United States at will and for them, InterPol that is, to actually have greater powers within our borders than the FBI. Recently Iran has taken to using Interpol to chased down its "criminals" actually political exiles. In the wake of conservative outcry in this country, the list of Iranian fugitives has been removed from the Interpol "fugitives" list. Purportedly some Interpol officials have said -- off the record -- that they personally would never violate U.S. sovereignty to arrest Iranian political prisoners and they don't know anyone in their organization that would either. That's all very nice, but Mr. Obama had no way of knowing that . . . In any case Iran last week began putting pressure on Interpol to live up to its duty to the individual countries (in this case, to Iran) and start making some arrests in cases of well-known "criminals" with well known addresses. So push has come to shove . . . the Interpol charter forbids tracking of political fugitives but, of course, one man's political fugitive is another's abject criminal. We'll see
. . . .
Item: A few months ago, a bi-partisan vote established Pay-Go which sounded like an actual piece of fiscal intellect by the congress. The idea was simple, any vote requiring expenditures must also include a way to pay for the new law: either a tax increase or elimination of another program. To date at every chance to use Pay-Go, the Dems have either by-passed it by declaring the new bill an "emergency" or just outright ignored it while at every instance the minority G.O.P. has sought to enforce it.

Item: WOW! Today, the cap and trade bill was introduced into the senate after a huge hiatus since it barely passed in the house about eleven months ago. Except, oooops, it’s now wearing a different name. It’s called “America’s Power* Act,” these days. The hoopla is incredible. This bill is really great . . . purportedly cures cancer (actually make our environment far healthier they say), saves the planet, cures the economy by creating jobs (actually green policies in Spain took them from 3% unemployment to its present 21% unemployment disaster now) and gives Obama a hell of a lot more control over the United States’ free markets. Rajjpuut believes only the last claim is accurate, not to mention the huge conflict of interest scandals involving Obama and Gore and about thirty cronies and six or seven major leftwing foundations. See the story and links at the bottom of the page. U.N. bigwig Maurice Strong of Canada called the “Godfather of Global Climate Change” (who has personally benefitted to the tune of several millions of dollars from Al Gore speaking to congress on behalf of Strong’s “Molten Metal Co." and who is a participant of Gore-Obama-Joel Rogers’ Chicago Climate eXchange <CCX>) is the major driver of this bill -- yep, a foreigner in league with our Joel Rogers and others. A conservative blog listed below gives us a picture of the colorful Mr. Strong.

Item: German citizens are up in arms about bailing out Greece and the European Union as reflected in newspapers there running headlines loosely translated as “We are now the schmucks of Europe yet again^^,” “German taxpayers bailing out the Euro, again” and “European hands reach deep into our pockets.” Germans believe that Greece and the EU will drag them down the drain with them. For us here in this country think of “Greece R Us” as the blueprint for the USA’s future financial calamaties thanks to outlandish irresponsibility in Congress and the Oval Office.

Item: It’s illegal to break into my house and to break into my country also. However, California communities and the state of California itself are boycotting or considering boycotting Arizona based upon that state’s immigration law trying to enforce that state’s and the nation’s borders. Not mentioned in all this, the policies and laws of numerous cities and counties in California, particularly in Southern California that amount to little more than “sanctuary policies” for those who traffic in illegal aliens and rent shoddy “safehouses” as stopovers. Since California is finding schools, hospitals and the entire state overloaded with welfare problems, crime problems, and totally bankrupt . . . hmmmm, whose ideas are bankrupt anyway?

Item: For some reason, the total lack of response by Barack Obama and his administration to the horrific flooding in Tennesse, Kentucky and the Cumberland River area for about ten days now; and to yesterday’s Oklahoma tornadoes . . . no response at all, so far as Rajjpuut can tell . . . this problem has not been reported on by the mainstream media. If this was George W. Bush we’d have the progressive press and broadcast media in fits . . . but Mr. Obama rates an unending pass on their criticism, of course. The oil spill in the gulf is news of a future great tragedy but these are monstrous disasters NOW which the president is ignoring.

Item: Several economists are suggesting that the bailout of Greece (some of the money comes from U.S. taxpayers) is a band-aid stuck on the carotid artery. Their projections for Greece’s total collapse vary from one to two years down the road.

Item: Two more long-time incumbents have been ousted in primary voting. Utah Republican Senator Bennett and a less high profile West Virginia Democratic Senator Allan Mollohan with 55 years of experience between them are both now out of the picture. Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania is now at risk in his upcoming primary. Besides their long-time incumbent status, all three men have the label “big spender” attached to them and favored the stimuli and bailouts. Specter and Mollohan voted for Obamacare. Fiscal conservatives are making their preferences known; is all this a “referendum” on Obama policies? Well yes and no. Bennett is a Republican, remember. More on Mollohan in a few sentences . . . . Minimal government is the hope of fiscal conservatives and little-known ideas for Washington, D. C. like fiscal responsibility, balanced budgets, and eliminating debt are very popular on Main Street. The U.S. government normally runs a surplus in the month of April. Last year the deficit in April was $20 Billion about 25% of that deficit belonged to Barack Obama. This year, the first entirely under Obama’s administration the budget deficit was $82.7 Billion. Oh speaking of deficits, W. Va.’s Mollohan not only had been running as a fiscal-conservative and against Obamacare, but he was also one of the twelve House Democratic “pro-life” group opposing Obamacare who flip-flopped at the very last moment with Bart Stupak and the other ten to allow the bill to become law by three votes. Stupak, of course, refused to run. Obamacare, now according to the Congressional Budget Office’s latest figures will not cut deficits as promised but actually increases the deficits. The FBI has recently been investigating Mollohan’s ethics recently. Rajjpuut is SO surprised.

Item: Oh, oh the worm has turned . . . Widely reviled by the left, Bush’s faith-based initiatives were considered evidence that Bush was a “religious zealot” aiming to destroy America with evil Christianity. Now, sixteen months into the Obama administration, we are seeing what Obama intends to do with his continuation of Bush’s faith-based offices: he wants to use them to push the religion of Green-faith on America’s churches. You may have heard news reports of “faith-based” groups aligned under the banners of "climate change leadership" and 'eco-justice" now are getting behind Obama’s Cap and Trade legislation a.k.a. the “American Power Act.” Except, guess what, the majority of the groups involved are the religious sect for which Jeremiah Wright preaches and roughly 90% of their membership is Black (Blacks voted 95.8% for Obama in 2008) no surprise these two groups are Obama supporters. At the bottom of their website they show a link to “” which it turns out is a Marxist group who’s main concern is wealth redistribution.

Item: Here is a factoid that the mainstream news media has still not reported upon: it seems that Obama’s claims that the “New Party” and the “Democratic Socialists of America Party” that supported Barack Obama’s campaign efforts in 1995 not only were both socialist organizations But the claims of both groups that Obama was never a member of them . . . were both lies. Hmmm, that makes 18 months without the mainstreamers letting America know Obama’s true colors . . . then five months without letting Americans know the facts about Climate Gate: . . .

and roughly a month now has gone by without the U.S. mainstream media investigating or even mentioning the connections between Obama, Al Gore, Joel Rogers, Goldman Sachs et. al and several progressive foundations in a scheme to defraud the United States economy of “Ten Trillion dollars” the estimate according to CCX participant Richard Sandor. The Chicago Climate Exchange would enrich this group greatly (from carbon exchange commissions) and raise virtually all prices in the country by roughly 67%.@@@’s_strings_says_“capitalism_is_monstrous”.thtml$10_trillion_obama_betrayal.thtml

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery


** America's POWER Act? Think of it as a monstrous TRANSFER of America’s money and power to Zimbabwe, etc. and other poorer countries around the globe via U.N. programs created and advanced by Maurice Strong’s efforts.

^^ Schmucks Again??? What does that mean? After World War I, the U.S. allowed England and especially France to RAPE the German economy with the evil Treaty of Versailles. Without Versailles' corruption, Nazis don’t exist, Hitler doesn’t exist and World War II never happens. Rajjpuut who lived in Germany as a boy, collected German stamps from the post World War I era with one or two horizontal lines running across them. For example the number 500 DM on an early 1922 stamp might be lined out and the number 2,500 DM might be printed over the stamp’s original coloring. Or later at the height of the runaway inflation the two-lined out stamps might show 80,000 DM is lined out and replaced with 300,000 DM which is itself lined out and 1, 000,000 DM printed over both of them. All this is more dramatic if the reader realizes that four Deutsch Marks exchanged for an American Dollar about 1916. Germany was ruined by runaway inflation (see the Erich Maria Remarque book “The Black Obelisk” for a graphic portrayal of the events leading up to Adolf Hitler) and the World was later ruined by Germany.
@@ In a $15 TRillion economy $25 TRillion worth of expensese for the same number of goods and services means $10 TRillion/$15 TRillion or 67%. CCX, should it come to exist, would be selling "blue sky" literally.
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