bernadine (1)

Liberal News Media the Lost Generation

Part (1) Liberal News Media 4063408360?profile=original
by little tboca

I’ve written many articles about the Liberal News Media their lies, propaganda and vile responses about our Churches, “God,” our Constitution, our rights and freedoms and their relentless attempt to destroy our great Patriots of 2011. Today, I thank God for giving the Tea Party movement the wisdom and strength to restore our Nation’s once strong foundation.

I understand why generations of youth are so confused, disoriented and incapable of being productive young adults with high self- esteem – I realized that they are the product of the Radicals who infiltrated our Government, our schools and our Country.

Now, it’s apparent the OWS protestors are an offspring of the lost generations. They’re unable to function, to think on their own and don’t have a clue about our Nation, our Constitution, our freedoms, our rights – they’re not only lost, they are dangerous to themselves and our Country. They are the sheep controlled, not in control!

The Liberal News media is the result of the New Left of the 60’s and 70’s, which was the time of the Hippie movement and college protests. They are the end product or the result of the Saul Alinsky, Frank Davis, Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn (Weatherman Underground terrorists), and many others starting back way before the 40’s.
Now we’re living in the dangerous radical world of Code Pink: Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood., Obama, George Soros and 100’s of radical Community organizations who are continuing to brainwash our youth. Many of our children have developed a total dependency on these corrupt mentors and leaders.

It’s sad to realize the baby boomers of which I am one, was too busy playing around in our sandbox until the sand was all gone. We allowed the once strong family unit to disintegrate as we developed a politically correct attitude allowing the “norm” to change over the years.
The hi-tech revolution started and we were promised less working hours and more time with our families and children – that didn’t happen; we had longer hours and less family time.

Latch key kids came on the scene; parents helped the Radicals destroy our beautiful educational system via one lawsuit after another until we the people totally derailed our teachers, school superintendents and basically set our kids free and at the mercy of the Radicals. We allowed dangerous people in our Supreme Court who re-write laws, not interpret them.

As years passed we were locked into a fish bowl chasing material possessions, trying to keep up with the Jones’s and the “norm” continued to change. Television revolved from wholesome family entertainment to crime, violence, sex and sleazy shows like Jerry Springer’s.

The Liberal News Media sneaked in our backdoors and took control of our lives.
We become accustom to “shacking up,” because everyone seemed to be doing it. We used TV, Computer and high tech gadgets to help raise our kids and keep them occupied.

We delegated teachers, child care facilities and College Professors to raise and mentor our kids. We let Susie talk us in to high heels, revealing clothes, excessive make up and jewelry because we thought trinkets, toys and gifts would make up for lost time with our kids. Inadvertently we changed roles with our kids – they ran the show, dictated the rules and we became victims.

We contributed to the lost generations that we’re seeing in the OWS Protestors and we helped create the Liberal News Media who are unable of function or think on their own.

The greatest movement that’s happened in many years is the Tea Party movement and they will “take back our Country,” restore our Constitution, protect our borders, restore our rights and freedoms and most of all they will rebuild the family unit for the family unit is the strength and the heart of our Nation.

They will once again become mentors, disciplinarians and offer guidance to their children, their grandchildren and future generations. They will prevail for a small group of people can change the world – look what the Nazarene did 2000 years ago!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
Views: 1043

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