barack (200)

Obama and the 2012 Presidential Race


by little tboca

Here’s a taste of what Americans can expect in the Presidential Race of 2012. Obama has already kicked his class warfare into all of his campaign speeches and will continue this strategy for the next 11 months. He’s pretending that he’s looking out for the “middle class” – what a laugh.

He’s the one who knocked the middle class off their feet in three years; he stopped any and all job growth, he redistributed 787 billion dollars known as the stimulus bill, which should have been called Obama’s “Dissuasion” bill. He backs the Muslim Brotherhood, trashes Israel, supports the Wall Street Protestors and continues hanging out with “America’s Most Wanted,” Marxists, Communists and Socialists.

Our final decision in 2012 will determine the future of our children, grandchildren and future generations. We must be resilient, determined and give them a legacy that they can wrap their arms around with pride.

So the question for 2012 is do we want to vote for the person who can “take our Country back” or will we succumb to the Liberal News Media’s lies and propaganda and give Obama his second term?

There is one man who can restore our Nations weak foundation, give us back our Freedoms, Rights and our voice. We can beat him to death for his mistakes, or we can acknowledge that he is the one person who has learned from his mistakes, asked God’s forgiveness for his indiscretions and give him 100% support.

Newt’s positive positions on economy, taxes, free trade, spending and regulations far outweigh his mistakes. We have the option of going to his website and asking specific questions, if we have any doubts on how he stands on certain issues. or

There wouldn’t be a Republican majority in the house today without the Republican Revolution led by Newt Gingrich in 1994. Newt is the reason and the only reason that the GOP took over the house for the first time in forty years.

Newt Gingrich made mistakes, but the difference between him and so many of the Old Establishment Politicians is this; Newt actually revisited his errors while serving in the House of Representatives analyzing and correcting his mistakes in order to become the committed leader that he is today.

Two Quotes that come to mind about making mistakes:

There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from. -Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.” Winston Churchill

Everyone has the right to decide who the next 2012 Presidential Candidate will be and pick the man or woman of his choice. We must be strong and arm ourselves against the lies, propaganda and political rhetoric and that can only be done by doing our homework.
If we want to sit on our butts and let Obama and the Liberal News Media spoon feed us lies about Obama’s ideology, we’ll face defeat due to our own complacency, negligence and ignorance.

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca

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Liberal News Media the Lost Generation

Part (1) Liberal News Media 4063408360?profile=original
by little tboca

I’ve written many articles about the Liberal News Media their lies, propaganda and vile responses about our Churches, “God,” our Constitution, our rights and freedoms and their relentless attempt to destroy our great Patriots of 2011. Today, I thank God for giving the Tea Party movement the wisdom and strength to restore our Nation’s once strong foundation.

I understand why generations of youth are so confused, disoriented and incapable of being productive young adults with high self- esteem – I realized that they are the product of the Radicals who infiltrated our Government, our schools and our Country.

Now, it’s apparent the OWS protestors are an offspring of the lost generations. They’re unable to function, to think on their own and don’t have a clue about our Nation, our Constitution, our freedoms, our rights – they’re not only lost, they are dangerous to themselves and our Country. They are the sheep controlled, not in control!

The Liberal News media is the result of the New Left of the 60’s and 70’s, which was the time of the Hippie movement and college protests. They are the end product or the result of the Saul Alinsky, Frank Davis, Bill Ayers and wife Bernadine Dohrn (Weatherman Underground terrorists), and many others starting back way before the 40’s.
Now we’re living in the dangerous radical world of Code Pink: Obama, Hamas, Muslim Brotherhood., Obama, George Soros and 100’s of radical Community organizations who are continuing to brainwash our youth. Many of our children have developed a total dependency on these corrupt mentors and leaders.

It’s sad to realize the baby boomers of which I am one, was too busy playing around in our sandbox until the sand was all gone. We allowed the once strong family unit to disintegrate as we developed a politically correct attitude allowing the “norm” to change over the years.
The hi-tech revolution started and we were promised less working hours and more time with our families and children – that didn’t happen; we had longer hours and less family time.

Latch key kids came on the scene; parents helped the Radicals destroy our beautiful educational system via one lawsuit after another until we the people totally derailed our teachers, school superintendents and basically set our kids free and at the mercy of the Radicals. We allowed dangerous people in our Supreme Court who re-write laws, not interpret them.

As years passed we were locked into a fish bowl chasing material possessions, trying to keep up with the Jones’s and the “norm” continued to change. Television revolved from wholesome family entertainment to crime, violence, sex and sleazy shows like Jerry Springer’s.

The Liberal News Media sneaked in our backdoors and took control of our lives.
We become accustom to “shacking up,” because everyone seemed to be doing it. We used TV, Computer and high tech gadgets to help raise our kids and keep them occupied.

We delegated teachers, child care facilities and College Professors to raise and mentor our kids. We let Susie talk us in to high heels, revealing clothes, excessive make up and jewelry because we thought trinkets, toys and gifts would make up for lost time with our kids. Inadvertently we changed roles with our kids – they ran the show, dictated the rules and we became victims.

We contributed to the lost generations that we’re seeing in the OWS Protestors and we helped create the Liberal News Media who are unable of function or think on their own.

The greatest movement that’s happened in many years is the Tea Party movement and they will “take back our Country,” restore our Constitution, protect our borders, restore our rights and freedoms and most of all they will rebuild the family unit for the family unit is the strength and the heart of our Nation.

They will once again become mentors, disciplinarians and offer guidance to their children, their grandchildren and future generations. They will prevail for a small group of people can change the world – look what the Nazarene did 2000 years ago!

May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
Views: 1043

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4063409083?profile=originalA black website published one of my articles. The black publisher asked his readers to forgive me for being a black member of the GOP and review my article with an open mind.

In response, a subscriber wrote, "You can ask us to look past him being a GOP, but you can't ask us to look past his claim to be a tea party Christian."

Grateful for an opportunity to enlighten indoctrinated blacks, I asked the website publisher to publicly post my reply to the ill-informed subscriber's comment.

Please do not think me rude or mean by stating the following truth. The subscriber's comment reflects an ignorance of the facts and history prevalent in the black community.

Many blacks erroneously believe the GOP consists of rich racist white people. In reality, the GOP was founded to free blacks. Only five years after slavery, there were black congressmen, all Republicans. The KKK, Jim Crow laws, segregation, and denying blacks the right to vote where all birthed by Democrats.

Even today, Democrats are still "keeping blacks in their place" -- telling them they need lowered standards, affirmative action, special programs, and freebies to succeed. Democrats constantly send blacks the message they are not as smart was whites. For example, Democrats say having to show ID when voting disenfranchises blacks. This is merely a tactic by which the Democrats implement voter fraud. However, in the process, they are saying blacks are too stupid to find their way to the DMV or other places to acquire proper ID. This is just one example of numerous ways Democrats tell blacks they are inferior and need Democrats' help to succeed.

Republicans deal with blacks respectfully, as equals. Democrats thrive on blacks believing themselves to be victims, despite being blessed to be born in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet. Foreigners are trying to get to America in cardboard boats held together with duct tape. Democrats punish and hate blacks who compete with whites and succeed without Democrat lowered standards and involvement.

While sold as compassion and "fairness," Democrat programs are always about making as many people as possible dependent on government to secure/buy votes. In the long run, all Democrat policies and programs hurt people!

There are black idiot knucklehead racists who want to believe a lie rather than the truth. Yes, I said black racists. I reject and resent the satanic notion that because of slavery, blacks have a right to be racist. Racism is evil, period, whether it comes from blacks or whites. It you disagree, it is fruitless to continue reading this article. I will keep you in my prayers.

In reality, history confirms that the black community has been sleeping with the enemy for years by monolithically voting Democrat. News flash, black voters: the Democrats "ain't" your friends.

Every program which demeans and stifles blacks has come and continues to come from the Democrats. Republicans continue to be the party extremely supportive of black individuality, the party full of nurturers of black entrepreneurial success.

Democrats still want to keep blacks on their plantation of needing government handouts -- thus keeping blacks dependent on government, thus keeping blacks voting for Democrats, who promise to give them stuff via programs. To make their scam work, Democrats also tell blacks that Republicans are burning the midnight oil planning ways to "keep them down." Thus, you blacks need us Democrats to keep evil rich white Republicans off your backs.

In a nutshell, blacks are being played by the Democrats. So you can imagine my frustration and impatience with ignorant knuckleheads who trash me for being a Republican. I am working to liberate my people -- to ensure that they be treated with dignity and respect, and not as needy, inferior supplicants.

When I became supervisor of my mostly white department at a TV station, rather than celebrating me and my achievement, my liberal and Democrat friends demeaned my achievement by saying I got the job due to affirmative action. Wrong. I got the job because I proved myself most qualified. "That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!"

Now, let's talk about the Tea Party.

Again, all you folks who think the Tea Party is racist are ignorant of the facts and just plain wrong! I am sorry, but that is the gospel truth. You are being "played" by the Democrats and their liberal media buddies, who also "secretly" think we blacks are inferior and need their help to succeed.

As a singer and speaker, I have attended over three hundred Tea Parties nationwide, on five Tea Party Express national bus tours. I have been warmly embraced by the mostly white audiences because we share a love for America and are opposed to socialism. These Tea Party folks are not opposing Obama's skin color. They are opposing his agenda.

A Congressional Black Caucus member actually said the white folks at the Tea Parties want to "see blacks hanging from trees." Knowing what I know from my personal experience, the Caucus member's statement is irresponsible, absurd, shameful, and divisively evil -- all about ginning up racial hate and securing votes for Obama. Despicable!

Now, I know some blacks who are stuck on stupid and hate who want to believe otherwise. So be it. All I ask is that before you write me off as an Uncle Tom traitor, check you facts. And quite frankly, I do not care what anyone thinks of me, because I know I am on the Lord's side. God bless.


Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

Chairman of The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Lloyd is singer/songwriter of the
American Tea Party Anthem and author of Confessions of a Black Conservative, foreword by Michele Malkin.
Spokesperson for
Tea Party Express
Please help me spread my message by joining my
Liberty Network.


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4063408360?profile=originalby little tbocaWell the Liberal News Media is at it again dumping their garbage on the citizens of the USA; here’s their spin on the Wall Street protestors in an effort to continue the class warfare that Obama has started on his 2012 campaign gigs.This isn’t “class warfare” the Wall Street Protests are preplanned event similar to the protests in the foreign Countries and the wonderful “Arab Spring” movement that Obama and gang support. The end result as we now was to give the Muslim Brotherhood a hand up, so they could take over these Countries and implement Sharia Law.The protestors are the little robots financed by Soros, the Unions and various community interest groups like or the Soros Tides Foundation. This can’t be called a peaceful protest movement – it’s more like an Obama tantrum. Obama has called in his armies to spank us and put us in our place for not passing his second stimulus.What is occurring is vandalism, disorderly conduct, blocking vehicular and pedestrian traffic, drugs, sex and over all filthy conditions due to protestor’s lack of personal hygiene. This group of people can’t expect good things due to their behavior. They are willfully taking over public areas that belong to all citizens in these communities.They have no self-respect, no respect for others or their property and they certainly aren’t responding as responsible adult citizens. Biden knew this movement was in place when he made the speech saying there would be more rapes, murders etc…Of course there will be more rapes, murders and crimes committed because Obama and his army have taken our police force away from their precincts in order to control a group of unruly people.This is the perfect example of the “Rules for Radicals.” Make the most out of a crisis, distract and divide the troops. It’s a deadly prescription that will result in violence if Obama doesn’t call off the “wolves.”What we’re seeing is nothing but staged events to set our law enforcement officers up in an attempt to prove police brutality. These protestors show blatant disrespect to our law enforcement officers and the laws of our land.ABC not only has been showing support for the protestors they put videos on You Tube that the protestors took during their confrontation with police. ABC conveniently forgets the other side of the story. ABC refuses to tell both sides of the story, but why should this surprise us? ABC is just another “garbage dumpster” with low ratings, so they opt to dump crap on their viewing public in an attempt to improve their poor ratings.Randi Rhodes, Liberal talk radio host says the Oakland Police department is using warfare tactics against peaceful demonstrators?” Now Randi, even a 2nd grader would know it’s wrong to throw rocks, paint, and bottles at our police men and women. Oakland’s Mayor said, "Over the last week it was apparent that neither the demonstrators nor the city could maintain safe or sanitary conditions, or control the ongoing vandalism."Basically, Obama threw another tantrum and his cronies came to his rescue. This is a scare tactic and there is a slight possibility that it could work– it worked in Egypt, Libya, and Yemen.Obama is a disgruntled employee of ours, he’s angry, dangerous and he realizes that a second term isn’t probable so he will continue punishing us via “Executive Orders, protests and redistribution.May God Bless AmericaAs Always,Little Tboca
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Sorry Baaaarack. We’re Not Sheep.

by: Trent Derr - American Exceptionalism


The President quipped last week that part of the reason why his stimulus plan didn’t work was “the shovel ready jobs weren’t as shovel ready as we thought.”    Since Obama has no business experience and hasn’t ever created a free market job, he’s totally befuddled why none of his economic plans are working.   Even the President knows we are slipping into a double dip recession.    He’s doing his best to still blame George Bush but even Debbie Wasserman Schultz admitted that the Democrats now own the economy.


The root causes of the economy continuing to swoon are the Progressive and Keynesian policies that Obama has implemented in the last two and a half years.   Poor Barack.  He doesn’t even realize that he sabotaged his own re-election.   He took all the liberal economic classes in college, and he listened to all of his leftist professors and mentors.   He believes the ruling class in the government should be able to dictate a recovery through amping up government spending and implementing regulations that will force business and consumer behavior into triggering an economic recovery.  Obama believes if the peasants would just do what the ruling class says to do, we’ll be just fine.


Sorry Baaaarack.  We’re not sheep.   That’s why Liberal government policies and Keynesian economics don’t work.  Progressive expect the working class to follow orders from the bureaucrats and to behave the way the Liberal rules and regulations dictate.   In fact, the Progressive policies are dependent upon people not adapting their behavior to work around the rules to pursue their own self-interest in spite of the new government dictates and regulations.  If the working class isn’t willing to be dependent upon the government, Liberalism fails. Continue...
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Lying, bribing, subverting election laws, payoffs, aiding the nation's enemies, seeking the abrogation of the U.S. Constitution – which of these does not fall under the "high crimes and misdemeanors" required in the nation's founding documents for the removal of a sitting president, asks a new special report.

"The Case for Impeachment: Why Barack Hussein Obama Should be Impeached to Save America" by Steven Baldwin covers all of these issues and more in making its arguments.

"This is the beginning of the end for the United States unless the people exercise their precious remaining liberties and stand and demand that their elected representatives impeach this president before further mortal damage is inflicted upon America," the report concludes.

The author explains that the Founding Fathers enshrined the impeachment clause into the United States Constitution because they feared that a president intent on subverting the very principles upon which the American experiment was built would someday rise to power.

Blessings to all,
Judy Miller
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A Republican congressman has told a left-leaning blog that if there is collective support, he would favor the impeachment of Barack Obama over his decision to stop defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act.

Scott Keyes of asked U.S. Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz.: "I know Newt Gingrich has came out (sic) and said if they don't reverse course here, we ought to be talking about possibly impeaching either Attorney General [Eric] Holder or even President Obama to try to get them to reverse course. Do you think that is something you would support?" Keyes asked.

Read all about the grounds for impeachment.

Franks replied: "If it could gain the collective support, absolutely. I called for Eric Holder to repudiate the policy to try terrorists within our civil courts, or resign. So it just seems like that they have an uncanny ability to get it wrong on almost all fronts."

Blessings to all,
Judy Miller
Jacksonville, FL
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Ba-rack Promisin’ Change
By Rajjpuut
A parody sung to:  Irving Berlin's great classic tune Blue Skies

For tune:   



Ba-rack promisin’ change

Now we know Ba-rack’s all de-ranged

Ba-rack’s bringin’ us ruin

Nothing but PINK notes to his tune


Ba-rack said we’d soon see

Everyone working happily

To him, tax larceny’s

Redistributing proper-ly


Then they took over the economy

Implied Marx-ism would set us all free

Then they claimed ugly debt-limits were good

They said . . . we’d just: mis-understood


Bar-ack he seems to dream

Illogical nonsense constantly

Ba-rack  worked for ACORN

Home-lenders are sheep -- he has shorn


Then we lost more jobs made ev’rything worse

Ba-rack came back, hands in my purse

He said illegals were better than us

Made slav’ry from freedom, now I don’t trust . . .

Ba-Rack . . .
                                                Musical interlude

Ba-rack  said W. Bush

Caused all of our pain

But t'was CRA ’77

That clogged up the drain


Jimmy Carter gave us that law

While Billy Clinton continued to claw

Four CRA expansions** in only eight years

Progressives now cryin’ crocodile tears


Then they took over the economy

Implied Marx-ism would set us all free

Then they claimed ugly debt-limits were good

They said . . . we’d just: mis-understood

Ba-rack promisin’ change

Now we know Ba-rack’s all de-ranged

Ba-rack’s bringin’ our ruin

Lately there's RED notes in his tune


Big dreams, all of them dead

They sold us big dreams

 Now we’re RED


Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,



** Specifically: Bill Clinton paid back ACORN with the Motor Voter Act of 1993 and with four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantee legislation originally passed by Carter as the Community Reinvestment Act in 1977.   By presidential edict in 1993 he expanded CRA ’77 by means of regulatory change; twice legislatively in 1995; and with a poisonous steroid-version expansion of CRA ’77 in 1998. Clinton was our first ACORN president.

The background for understanding Clinton’s and Obama’s part and becoming an informed citizen (right now only 6% of us are) can be found at these two weblinks:


            The short version which covers some different areas from the valuable blog info above is this . . . .

1.       A philosophy called “progressivism” has dominated the country’s top politicians from both major parties for over a century. Progressives believe that we must ‘progress’ beyond the outdated and ill-conceived U.S. Constitution as our only hope to ‘progress’ toward an earthly Utopia (more or less the same goal that Marx delineated and which created “Fabian Socialism” in England is on this continent:  American Progressivism).


2.      Famous American TRUE Progressive Presidents include Republicans: Theodore Roosevelt and Herbert Hoover; Democrats: Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Light progressivism is found in Republicans Eisenhower and both Bushes. All of the true progressive presidents a) ignored the U.S. Constitution in large part b) instituted dramatic increases in taxes, spending and debt and made individual Americans far poorer and c) moved the country much closer to socialism than we were before they took office.


Generally, the background on Clinton, etc. is . . .

Three “NEO-Marxists”:  Community Organizer Saul Alinsky (author of Reveille for Radicals; and Rules for Radicals) and Columbia University professors Richard Cloward and his wife Frances Fox Piven (authors of The Weight of the Poora strategy for ending poverty which has popularly come to be known as “Cloward-Piven Strategy for creating and profiting from chaos”) created the revolutionary structure that today’s progressives have been using for overthrowing the United States as we know it. Cloward-Piven and George Wiley openly used and bragged about using the strategy to bankrupt New York City in 1975 (and nearly bankrupt New York State) and send the whole nation into a huge recession during most of 1973-74 and double the welfare rolls from 8 million to 16 million. The federal government bailed out NYC late in 1975. They told their followers to switch concentration to voter-registration and housing.

In 1977, Jimmy Carter passed a very bad law called the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA ’77) a mortgage-guarantee law FORCING home lenders to knowingly make very bad loans to people who were serious risks for foreclosure. At the same time the bill was being passed, Cloward-Piven (the two most important words for informed Americans to understand) ally and head of the National Welfare Rights Organization, George Wiley, already had one his community organizer lieutenants in place in Arkansas: Wade Rathke. Rathke created ACORN (Arkansas Community Organizations.

ACORN using massive voter fraud (they purported to be gathering new voters, but threw away all the newly registered Republican paperwork) to elect Bill Clinton governor of Arkansas in 1978. They kept him governor through 12 of the next 14 years and got him elected president in 1992. ACORN efforts just in Arkansas doubled the percentage of bad home mortgages from 1 in 404 in 1975; to 1 in 196 by 1985.   ACORN was then expanded nationwide (now it was called Associations of Community Organizations for Reform Now). President Bush #1 who had successfully vetoed 45 of 46 bills that progressive Democrats had pushed upon him, in 1992, failed to veto a bill he largely favored. That bill had a minor provision expanding CRA ’77 to federal programs Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac.

When Bill Clinton became our first ACORN president he immediately paid back Cloward and Piven and ACORN by passing the Motor-Voter Act (“a 12-lane highway to voter fraud”) and expanding CRA ’77. In 1993 Clinton used regulatory fiat to expand the law; then twice in 1995 he got CRA ’77 expansions passed through congress; and in 1998 he passed a poisonous steroid version of CRA ’77 expansion. As a result of Bush #1’s and Clinton’s actions . . . in 1995 14% of all home mortgages were suspect (issued with less than 3% down payment to risky home buyers); by 2005 the number of bad loans had risen to 34%. Worse, thanks to Clinton’s ’98 steroid expansion of CRA ’77, A) many of the loans were being made at not 3% down payment but with Zero-down payment B) ACORN now had less trouble putting an unqualified loan recipient into a $440,000 home than they’d had in putting him into a $110,000 home fifteen years earlier and C) the unqualified loan recipients now included people without jobs at all; people without even rental histories; people with horrendous credit ratings; people without I.D.; people whose only “income” was food stamps; and even illegal aliens. 

All this brought on the prime-lending crisis which was about 94% of the problem underlying our recent financial meltdown. By the way, in 1996 Community Organizer Barack Obama was working as an ACORN attorney shaking-down unwilling lenders to force them into bad loans. Obama was famous for not only getting promises for large numbers of loans but also getting these financial organizations to donate to ACORN.


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Last month 55% of Americans called Obama a “socialist”; 68% last week said the country under Obama is headed in the wrong direction; but 64% of us still today say, we believe he’s a “good guy” . . . . Americans, you‘ve let a grown wolf into your midst yet expect a happy home life . . . .

Feeling Sorry for Barack,

Hating His Message

Life is potentially very hard. The natural state of man or woman and the most desirable state for all of mankind is freedom, but life is hard and men must because of their mammalian nature survive by working together. We are both nurtured and enslaved at our mother’s teat. We do not begin as one of twenty-thousand fish eggs which never know their parents, or whose parents might hungrily gobble us up should we meet again in three days . . . we start as absolutely helpless infants who will soon die of lack of nurturing and require at a minimum the perfunctory care that passes for love among tortured souls. Very rarely does one of us turn out to be a hermit happily or unhappily living apart from mankind.

This dependence upon parents or other caretakers throughout all our early years and the virtual necessity of living among other men makes us vulnerable to immense pressure to “conform” to “fit-in” to be and live much like everybody else and thus “win their approval.” Much of this is good and helpful, but too much is crippling. This excess pressure and a certain self-loathing is what in modern times typically creates the statist, the totalitarian the progressive (we must progress beyond the ‘outdated’ and ‘flawed’ U.S. Constitution) when all around him clearly, freedom is beckoning. The phrase “nanny state” says it all. They must hate freedom for you because your freedom is a threat, how much better to have the state nuturing and burping everyone of us (and making us toe the line) all the long days of our lives . . . but then there are the “red-diaper babies.”

Red-diaper babies^^ like Barack Obama are a special breed. While the masses are stunting their own growth and embracing sheepdom, some have deliberately raised their children from the womb to be wolves. The tenets of Das Kapital is preached to red-diaper babies the way some fanatic and corrupt religious fundamentalists teach the tenets of Shariah Law and Jihad or the verses of the Bible to impressionable youngsters hatefully and ceaselessly. Red-diaper babies are raised as sociopathic wolves to prosper among the sheep. Every potential encounter they witness is preached over so that the creators and the givers in society, the capitalists and entrepreneurs, for example, who from nothing create a business and nurture it and some day provide jobs for 80 or 100 people, are portrayed at every juncture as the natural and mortal enemy of the wolf-cub/red-diaper baby.

“Look at that fat cat, lounging around thanks to the sweat of his workers. He gets to play while they’re dying under his oppression . . . etc., etc, ad nauseum every day of his life throughout the formative years and well-beyond (because naturally enough, he only feels semi-comfortable among the sheep and truly comfortable among his “own kind” where there is NO OTHER CONVERSATION because for them, the STATE has replaced religion, love and angst as the topic of their lives. So, Barack Obama is to be pitied, unlike perhaps 60% of the red-diaper babies he has never doubted, never wavered and thus never felt the need to break away. Those who do, tell us interesting stories of growing up wolf cubs** . . . those who don’t must continue to live the lie that they love the sheep and have only the sheep’s best interests at heart always.

Warning, loyal readers will find the following material repetitive of a couple of recent blogs . . . newcomers, sheep and otherwise, this is for you:

Enough of background philosophy, it has come to this . . . . Friends, Couch Potatoes, Babes in the Woods and other Trusting Souls . . . and yes, you SHEEP prefering to be men, these are the facts of life . . . this is where the message of progressivism from the wolf’s mouth has led us . . . .

11 Truths Voters Need to Know

In reverse order here’s what our gullible people should know but don’t. Our mainstream media needs to get real and do its job. I invite all readers to check my facts for 100% accuracy . . . .

11. Our government has been systematically lying to us or covering up for almost eight decades for example, . . . .

10. Obamacare, one law, a) creates 388 brand new government agencies b) funds abortions with federal money c) increases the deficit d) drives up the cost of health care and health insurance. All of this was easily foreseen but most chose to believe Obama’s promises that the opposite was true.

9. In 1975 one in 404 home loans was granted with 3% or less down payment. Five mortgage-guarantee laws later, it became in 2005, 34 out of 100 loans at less than 3% down. That's an amazing 13,600% more presumably bad loans today. The progressive left have pushed our lenders into bad loans by sponsoring these ill-conceived laws. This was easily foreseeable, but we were too busy with sitcoms and, of late, reality shows.

8. The United States used to have the world’s highest private home ownership, now Canada does. Our system was not broken, but the progressives fixed us with the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter and four expansions of CRA ’77 mortgage-guarantees in ’92, twice in ’95 and the steroid version in ’98 (the last three under Clinton). We all know better than to “fix what ain’t broke,” yet we allow the politicians we elect to do it every day.

7. Barack Obama was an ACORN lawyer shaking-down lenders to make unwise loans for parts of three years 1994-1996. Once Clinton’s steroid version of the law was passed in ’98, ACORN forced banks and other lenders to make home loans to people without ID; without jobs; with only food stamps to declare as income; without even rental history; with abysmal credit ratings; on welfare; illegal aliens; and other miserable loan prospects. Anyone listening with half an ear could see that all his promises could NOT be kept; anyone inspecting his past could see he was always way to good to be true. His communism was only slightly better hid.

6. ACORN discovered by early 2003 that they could get a $400,000 loan almost as easily as they could get a $120,000 loan for an indigent client and went about it with gusto. Why?

5. Alas, it gets even more sinister. In ’66 Richard Cloward and Frances Piven published their Cloward-Piven Strategy to end poverty by creating GNI, (guaranteed national income). In ’67 these two and George Wiley created the National Welfare Relief Organization (NWRO) put their strategy into action. In eight years they added over six million people to the welfare rolls in New York. By 1975, New York City was bankrupt and needed a federal bailout. New York state just missed bankruptcy. The threesome bragged about their accomplishment even though they made poverty worse and didn’t get GNI. C &P said the next two areas to work their “orchestrated crisis” magic upon were voter registration and housing. The sub-prime lending crisis and the ensuing financial meltdown were Cloward-Pivven at work once again as you'll soon see.

4. When CRA ’77 was passed, ACORN was immediately created in Arkansas (only later would the “A” stand for Association instead of Arkansas) to work C-P Strategy on housing and voter registration. They weren’t hugely successful at first, but they did put Bill Clinton into the governor’s mansion in Little Rock for 12 years; and he became the first ACORN president in ’92. One of his first official signings was the Motor Voter Act (“a license for voter fraud according to conservatives) with Cloward and Piven standing directly behind him in the official pictures. Three Clinton mortgage-guarantees followed in the next five years and ACORN went nuts making lenders meet their silly requirements. In effect Cloward-Piven Strategy was unleashed not on NYC this time but upon the entire USA.

3. Republicans in January, 2005, saw the handwriting on the wall and tried to repeal much of the mortgage-guarantee nonsense but were stopped cold by the Democrats. In July, 2007, enough Dems came to see the truth that a watered-down version of the earlier bill was passed. It was, of course, way too little – way too late. Nevertheless . . . .

2. Last week Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner praised George W. Bush for that 2007 law which he said prevented the recession from becoming much, much deeper and the drop in housing prices from tumbling to dangerous levels. In effect, Geithner altered Barack Obama’s car in the ditch story. You and I now know the bigger story: Obama, ACORN, and progressive Dems and Republicans pushed the car toward a 500-ft. CLIFF. G.W. Bush braked and steered the car into a controlled skid into a friendly-looking ditch.

1. The first ten problems are gnats compared to the herd of elephants in the room right next to us, because with all the unfunded liabilities we face (on top of the National debt and our present economic woes) including unbelievable Social Security, Medicare and the Federal Side of Medicaid obligations that amount to $112 Trillion in services the government owes its citizens but has refused to fund (which has been required by law lo’ these last 76 years). Throw-in the always unfunded welfare state and these unfunded obligations likely will hit $200 Trillion.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^ Evidence is proved in a hundred places in my blogwork, but for now consider the man whose dreams Barack, Jr. referred to in his book "Dreams from My Father. Most of our fathers don't openly advocate 100% taxes; or redistribution of wealth from Kenya's Asian and European populace to its Blacks; or communal ownership of property

** or in novel format . . . .

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“Jan Brewer of Arizona has shown the ‘cajones’ the president lacks in dealing with the border problems.” Sarah Palin
Obama Endangers the Country By Obstructing
Border Control and the War on Terror
About two weeks ago, a poll conducted by a liberal think tank showed that 55% of the voters agreed that “socialist” was an accurate description of Barak Obama. Unfortunately this “semi-awakening” of American couch potatoes torn from their sit-coms and reality shows by the various crises engulfing the nation . . . this rude semi-awakening is coming way too little, way too late. Let’s look at some obvious truth, shall we?
There are 17 precise federal powers enumerated in the United States Constitution. Many of them are specifically targeted for the Supreme Court which ajudicates the law or the Congress which make the laws and decides how the country’s money is spent. Let’s specifically talk about the office that Barack Obama holds . . . .
The president as the head of the executive branch is NOT empowered to . . . . conduct and orchestrate bankruptcies; NOT empowered to deny creditors in bankruptcies their money; NOT empowered to use creditors’ money to make labor unions owners of auto companies; NOT empowered to (with congress) bailout auto companies, banks and the like; NOT empowered to (with congress) force people to buy health insurance;
NOT empowered to (with congress) take over the student loan industry; NOT empowered to (with congress) take over the health insurance industry; NOT empowered to (with congress) take over the banks and financial industry; NOT empowered to force companies to buy “carbon credits”; NOT empowered to stop farmers from irrigating fields to save a 2” long fish;
NOT empowered to appoint 38 “Czars” without the senate being able to vett them; NOT empowered to destroy the capitalist system that has made us the most blessed nation on earth; NOT empowered to destroy working automobiles while paying people to buy other new automobiles with slightly better gas mileage; NOT empowered to sidestep congress’s powers and create amnesty for illegal aliens by presidential directive;
NOT empowered to pick a CEO for GM who would force the company to created the VOLT, a car no one wants at a price few can afford; NOT empowered to sidestep congress’s powers and force cap and trade upon businesses by EPA directive; NOT empowered to fill the White House and the halls of government with avowed communists and radicals who have all called for revolution and in some cases violent overthrow of our government; etc., etc. ad nauseum.
The president of the United States, in other words is NOT empowered to act like a dictator, now is he? He’s not supposed to control every aspect of our lives, our finances, our health, etc. and he's certainly NOT empowered to set up over 500 new government agencies to make sure we toe the line . . . but Barack Obama has already done that and most fat and happy Americans don't seem to notice . . . .
Hopefully, the aware reader has by now picked up on the fact that Barack Obama is doing everything BUT what a president’s supposed to do. In particular, while he’s got his fingers in everybody else’s pies, Obama’s deliberately convoluted the war on terror and become an actual obstacle to protecting the nation’s borders. Instead of long ago facing a firing squad the Ft. Hood Shooter (never once named in the government’s 86-page report about the event which also didn’t use the words Islam, Muslim, terrorism, terrorist, or Jihad) is still getting checks from the U.S. Army. The War on Terror no longer exists and we’ve supposedly talked intelligently about “man-caused disasters” while never admitting that the people causing these disasters all have one thing in common: a radical Islamist ideology; and many of them are recruited and trained by Al Queda.
While licking his fingers now from everybody else’s pie, the President of the United States is deliberately making himself and his administration a major obstacle to gaining controlling over the borders of the United States from illegal aliens; human traffickers; drug and arms traffickers and common criminals. He’s more interested in suing Arizona for seeking to control its state borders than in closing down so-called “sanctuary-cities” which have long thumbed their noses at immigration laws and border control.
While smacking his lips and belching after eating from everybody else’s pie, Barack Obama has deliberately closed down individual and market freedoms at every possible turn. His signature “Obamacare” does nothing to improve health or control health care prices but it did create 390 brand new agencies (that is, in one law it created almost ten times as many government agencies as Franklin Roosevelt created in his four terms in office (accuracy demands we clarify that Roosevelt died after serving a mere twelve years and one month in office). What’s going on here? It’s called “fundamental transformation” and nothing else matters but fundamental transformation . . . moving the country toward an ultra-socialist “utopia” with Barack Obama gaining dictatorial powers in the process. Mr. Obama’s surrounded himself with a cadre of like-minded radicals** and the mainstream media (MSM) has aided and abetted him every step of the way and virtually every day since he started running for president in January, 2006.
So what happens with each new terrorist attempt or success? Somehow ordinary Americans lose a bit of freedom and the media is somehow made less free . . . nothing, heaven forbid, that would slow down any self-respecting radical Jihadist . . . just loss of freedom for Americans. And in the Obama lexicon, that is all "Radical, Man, radical!"
So what happens if a large portion of the 25 million illegal aliens inhabiting this country get amnesty and the right to vote? Can you see 85% of them voting for Obama? Can you see him dominating the elections for years to come? This is the brave new world springing up all around us while Americans ate potato chips and searched for the remote . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
** Heaven forbid that Rajjpuut shock readers (who took 42 months to equate Obama with socialism) who’ll end up taking 84 months to consider Obama a full-fledged communist . . . of course, to mis-quote that wise philosopher, Forrest Gump, “Communist is as communist does” not to mention a history that proves the point to any intelligent person’s satisfaction which the MSM has conveniently refused to vett for almost four years now. That evil Rajjpuut must be a racist because he’s calling Barack Obama “a communist.”
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Black Panther’s Atrocious Behavior Condoned
by Mainstream Media
and Obama’s Department of Justice
The president who refuses to put his hand over his heart when the Pledge of Allegiance is sworn seems to have forgotten the words and the meaning of the words “. . . with Liberty and Justice for ALL.” “Racism” in the Barack Obama lexicon is something natural that Whites (good Whites as well as bad Whites) do to Blacks and other minorities and nothing more. In other words “racism” is a political tool Obama can use and it clearly has absolutley no connection to ethical or unethical conduct. Only non-Democrats and non-liberals, non-progressives and non-Obama supporters can be guilty of racism. There’s Barack Obama’s highly-balleyhooed notion of “social justice” for you. Like Obama himself, the Left’s concept of social justice and civil rights is a one-way street that can only benefit Obama sycophants and not all Americans.
That is why Obama’s lead political appointee to the Department of Justice (DOJ), Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandez, an Obama heading up the DOJ for Mr. Obama has declared in front of fifty employees that . . . .
A) The DOJ is NOT interested in prosecuting cases of White victims’ civil rights being violated by Black perpetrators.
B) The DOJ is NOT interested in investigating violations of the Motor Voter Law (and thus clearing election rolls of dead, moved, duplicate, felon, illegal, out-of-area, and other irregular voters) saying that would only “dampen voter turnout.”
C) Why Ms. Fernandez dropped the voter intimidation case against the four New Black Panthers parading around in para-military uniforms with nightsticks and verbally abusing White and Black Voters and threatening a beating for a Black poll watcher. The Bush administration had the case won and then suddenly it was dropped. One of the intimidators with a nightstick was also caught on a separate video saying “. . . Black’s can never be free until we start killing some crackers . . . killing some of their cracker babies.” Ms. Fernandez doesn’t seem to want to enforce the hate crimes laws that Democrats were so keen to pass, when the hate is directed against Whites?
The liberal-news-only Washington Post reported that the case “riles the right.” Rajjpuut supposes the Post means it doesn’t rile them? It’s OK for civil rights violations to run against Whites? So civil rights is a Black’s only? Martin Luther King, Jr. would be very sad to hear that. Several times in their article on the subject, the Post pointedly used the words “White” and “Whites” which was a lie. In the Philadelphia voter intimidation case, Whites were intimidated. At least two old Black ladies were intimidated and the aforementioned Black poll watcher was intimidated. More importantly, aside from color . . . VOTERS were intimidated. Shame on the Obama-sycophant Washington Post, shame on them. And the fact that the DOJ only wants to protect rights of minorities is a huge story that all the media should be all over, shame on the liberal media for forgetting to put this one on page one – the Washington Post could at least hold its head up somewhat for putting that real news in their paper.
Let Rajjpuut add the obvious, the decision to drop a case that was already won when the facts (on video) of the case point out clearly that the case is truly just is absolutely UNPRECEDENTED, dare we say the decision was as corrupt as anything since Jim Crow laws in the segregated South. This week a Democratic video on the subject of similar shenanigans by Obama supporters that resulted in his stealing the nomination from Hillary Clinton has surfaced. Thus far a mere 32 ACORN employees have been convicted of voter registration fraud, but the pattern is clear, Mr. Obama only wants to win, he does not respect the American Traditions nor the rights of his opposition to their full rights and their due process. This is our Fearless Leader’s “hope and change?”
Ya’ll live long, strong and ornery,
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Would Hillary Clinton Make a Better President
than Barack Obama?
The recent huge drop in favorable job ratings for President Barack Obama coupled with the resurgence in campaign-helper activity by ex-President Bill Clinton, and Hillary Clinton’s present status as a well-respected Secretary of State and the most-favored of notable Democrats for 2012 . . . begs four questions . . .
A. Does Hillary Clinton actually want to be President?
B. Could Hillary Clinton oust Barack Obama and become the Democratic standard-bearer in 2012?
C. Could Nominee Hillary Clinton win the presidency in 2012?
D. Would Hillary Clinton make a better president than Barack Obama?
The answer to question A is a clear not only “Yes, but hell Yes!” HRC craves power the way nymphomaniacs and Rajjpuut’s crave sex. She got within a heartbeat of being the Dems nominee in 2008, and she actually lost because she was cheated by Obama and again cheated when the Democratic national organization refused to honor her just grievances. Barack Obama won the nomination only because he was able to win thirteen of the fourteen caucus states by nefarious means like voter intimidation, dirty tricks (Black Obama supporters coming early and locking out Clinton supporters with chained doors, for example) and most infamously egregious bussing in of out-of-state supporters to yell at the top of their lungs during the proceedings.
Some of these states had dual primary voting and evening caucuses and Clinton actually won the voting in eight of them but was “swamped in the caucuses for eleven of the states. One wonders if the Democrats are going to continue such an antiquated and easily corrupted system in the future? In any case, she was cheated and knows she was cheated and it must rankle immensely.
Question B is far more problematical, could she oust Obama? Short of a complete collapse by Barack Obama, say to 25% overall favorability on job performance . . . it’s just NOT likely. She would likely be seen as a traitor to her party. Of course, Obama’s dirty tricks and overall lack of integrity could get him impeached IF the Republicans win the house and senate (technically, only the senate is necessary, but the chances for success clearly rely on huge popular outcry against him) and, of course, a reasonable impeachable offense.
Obama seemingly is going out of his way to rack up this opportunity for Republican opposition. Just plain old “incompetence” surely is an issue . . . his administration is amateur hour at best. The creation of a group of czars with clearly communist leanings who have shown themselves interested (in word and deed) in bringing down the government is virtual treason to many such as one Rajjpuut. Much of the Blagojevich and Sestak and Romanoff situations is very distasteful.
The corruption in handing out stimulus funds is enormous. The CCX conflict of interest scandal while pushing for cap and trade is an enormous evil. If it can be proved, and it well may be proved, that Obama gave the word to Ms. Fernandez and others in the DOJ to drop the voter intimidation case against the New Black panthers, and to refuse prosecuting cases against Black perpetrators when victims were White, and to refuse to investigate violations of the Motor Voter Act . . . that would do it also. Certainly, he’s not winning friends and influencing people with his despotic treatment of Arizona and outright refusal to protect our borders.
If an investigation into Obama’s background including that of his birthfather and his mother and grandfather and his mentor Frank Marshall Davis proves they are indeed, as Rajjpuut has long maintained, communists and it’s shown that he has made innumerable public falsehoods, that could do it also as far as impeachment. But the whole process would be tatamount to open revolution against the revolutionary Obama administration. Best would be if he’s found to be openly corrupt as Richard Nixon was . . . and he’s surely at least that bad . . . communists are lowlife scum believing that the ends always justify their notorious means, period.
So the best inroad for the 2012 nomination going to Hillary Clinton would seem to be ongoing, continued and even grosser incompetence by Obama resulting in the bottom dropping out of his favorability ratings . . . or . . . discovery of a clearly ugly and impeachable offense (not that UNlikely in Rajjpuut’s not-so-humble opinion). Obama, despite his three-pack a day cigarette habit, seems very healthy so death in office is not likely, and even then she’d have to overcome Joe Biden and would again be regarded as a great traitor unless Shoe-in-Mouth Joe self-destructs or chooses not to run. One thing’s for sure, if he’s breathing, Obama, the power-crazed incumbent, is definitely running in 2012 .
Question C Could she win the 2012 election? Based upon current events, NO, the progressives have tarnished the name of the Democrats so badly, drumming up enthusiasm for admittedly progressive HRC seems impossible! Could she win under other circumstances? Probably NOT. The Republican Party and the TEA Party would both have to completely lose their anchors for such an event to occur allowing the Democrats to grab virtually every Independent vote available. HRC most probably has missed her one opportunity, cheated out of her destiny (she had much higher ratings against McCain then Obama). However, she might have a chance as a vice-presidential nominee on the one hand . . . . and Ol’ Rajjpuut not actually being clairvoyant the last time we checked, she might overcome the many obstacles against her in a fashion not forseen by your favorite blogger and get the nomination and win . . . .
Question D is the rub? If she were nominated and elected would Hillary Clinton make a better president than Barack Obama? Clearly so, it’s hard to imagine anyone doing a worse job. Barack Obama has been called “the Anti-Christ” by some right-wing fundamentalists, but in Rajjpuut’s understanding, it’s hard to see, forget the Anti-Christ, how Satan himself could have done more to threaten the dissolution and collapse of the American Republic than Barack Obama has. Barack Obama, though no one seems to want to admit it is an utterly committed Marxist and he wants to create a totalitarian communist state to replace our Republic, period.
But the question becomes then, would she do a good job as president? And the answer is probably yes and probably no. On the one hand Clinton, whatever else she is, is a loyal American patriot. Barack Obama was NOT raised to be a loyal American patriot. On the same hand, Clinton and her husband Bill are immensely practical. When the Republicans stormed back in response to Hillary’s health care antics and Bill’s left-wing agenda in ’93 and ‘94, Bill Clinton retreated to the middle and did a largely yeoman like job. But Hillary is not Bill, in some ways she is very much like Barack Obama.
While Barack Obama was teaching a Constitutional law course in Chicago he was simultaneously teaching a course on Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals.” He became an Alinsky-styled community organizer, an ACORN attorney shaking down mortgage lenders to force them to make bad home loans to unqualified applicants. HRC grew up years earlier in Chicago’s suburbs and while in college was offered a job by Alinsky, which she turned down, but she wrote her honors thesis “There is Only the Fight . . .” subtitled “An Analysis of the Alinsky Model” and provided a glowing review of the man and his methods and goals . . .
so while Obama is a communist, progressive at best for you who refuse to believe the obvous, Hillary Clinton is a socialist and a self-admitted progressive (progressives see the Constitution as outdated and flawed and even ill-conceived in many cases and therefore in their greater wisdom, see a strong need to “progress” beyond the Founding Fathers’ vision.
So her vision of things is not different enough from Barack Obama’s that the country could count on her to restore us to solvency, let alone greatness. Like all progressives she sees “human equality” and wealth redistribution by government as the be-all-end-all . . . not understanding that the only equality that doesn’t threaten liberty is equality of opportunity. HRC, was after all, pushing for “Obamacare” before anyone knew who Obama was . . . and, like Obama, she was looking for far more government control of 16% of the nation’s economy and using it as a tool for wealth redistribution.
In sum, given that the touchstone for Obama and Hillary Clinton is Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” the most likely BEST and BRIGHTEST possible Democratic candidate for 2012, clearly has her own shortcomings. The best hope for the country in 2010 and 2012 seems to be an enlightened Republican Party held in check by the TEA Party and other independents holding their feet and the Democrats’ feet to the fire based upon their “Contract FROM America.”
‘Tis a sad state of affairs when the former greatest and most powerful country on earth finds its hopes come down to one viable political party . . . .
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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$7 out of Every $12
Now Begins in Government Hands
Are you still denying reality? For those of you who doubt the word “socialism” has any meaning in America today, consider these four no-longer surprising facts:
  1. Slightly over 58% of all income in the country now comes from government sources at either the local, state or federal level.
  2. When the financial bill now in congress gets reconciled into law, almost 60% of the U.S. economy will be controlled by the federal government.
  3. Barack Obama and progressive Democrats are still pushing for Cap and Trade legislation (now called “America’s Power Act”) which would put us very close to a communistic-style near-total domination of the economy by the federal government.
  4. Obama and his Progressive Democrats are also seeking “Comprehensive Immigration Reform” which means that 13-20 million now illegal immigrants would become eligible for citizenship. Expecting that 75-80% of the newcomers would vote Democratic, the present government-domination of the economy would become locked-in, perhaps for all time.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,

ps: Greece just got its socialist union-controlled society bailed out; Spain's had its bond-strength levels dropped twice just this month. Belgium, Ireland, Italy and Portugal are in big trouble. U.S. Taxpayers helped temporarily bail out Greece with $78 Billion and will soon be helping pull Spain out of the abyss (temporarily) via the International Monetary Fund (IMF) . . . all the while Obama is not only socializing the country more and more but accentuating globalization of all aspects of the United States with every breath he takes . . . enough to take the country's breath away, permanently.

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In light of the 16-month Barack Obama “American Apology Tour;” and his continuous slighting of America’s unique place on this planet; and his present efforts to eliminate internet blogger’s freedom of political speech, here’s a word spoken for the other side . . . . Self-appreciation and the ability to laugh at oneself are surely the two greatest survival- and success-secrets of life. Barack Obama does not appreciate this country even one-twentieth as much as any mildly sane man should. That doesn’t bode well for his success as our president . . . but the real kicker is that the man has absolutely no sense of humor about himself. He takes himself 300% seriously . . . in fact, on the subject of BHO, Obama is truly an absolute stuffed shirt.

That is his greatest of numerous egregious weakness and is proving to be his Achilles Heel. Americans can take an awful lot, but once they discover it, they will never trust a man as vainglorious as Barack Obama. And if one of the gifts mentioned above were to be ranked above the other . . . humor would be it . . . and Barack Obama cannot stomach being made a laughingstock.

America will probably survive the presidency of Barack Obama and one reason is that finally the man is being made fun of on late-night TV. While the two links below (and above) have nothing in common with Barack Obama and nothing to do with politics, Rajjpuut offers them to the reader . . . in hopes of making an “Obama-filled world” bearable. Without further ado a “movie” called “Bambi Meets Godzilla” and a comedy skit called “The Great Flydini” are linked for your enjoyment and ultimate sanity.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


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“Say it ain’t so, Joe!” That’s what the disconsolate shoeshine boy is supposed to have said to Shoeless Joe Jackson before the popular Chicago Blacksoxer faced the grand jury in 1919 on charges of rigging the World Series. Based upon the old adage, where there’s smoke there’s fire . . . it appears that the 2010 equivalent might well be, “Tell me it's a lie, Lindsey!” In a castastrophic surrender, it now DOES appear that South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham has moved to the dark side and now supports Obama’s three largest and most abysmal initiatives: the Cap and Trade, Immigration “reform,” and financial reform bill a.k.a. Barack Banking. IF this is so, the TRillions of Dollars put at risk by Obamacare will now likely be joined by Tens of TRillions more and . . . most importantly and dangerously potentially fourteen million undocumented alien new Democrats will be created overnight creating an unemployment and entitlement crisis of grotesque proportions and ensuring domination by the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party in all aspects of American politics for the long foreseeable future.
IF, and Rajjpuut again emphasizes IF, Graham’s conversion is a fact, then it’s a whole new game in Washington, D.C. as if the election of Senator Scott Brown in Massachusetts never happened and we have in effect returned “back to the future” with Obama and the Democrats holding 60-40 command of the U.S. Senate. If this is true it’s a monstrous betrayal and America is gravely at risk. If Obama is allowed to give amnesty and immediate voting citizenship to the millions of illegal immigrants he will potentially find no obstructions to full-out socialism and could even become dictator for life in the most horrifying possible scenario. Of course the key word is still "IF," but Graham of late has been quacking and waddling and now dipping his head into the lake in an awful amphibious manner, perhaps he has become a Barak-duck, cluck-cluck.
For weeks internet rumors of Democrats discovering and compromising Graham’s supposedly secret homosexual lifestyle have dominated a few progressive blogsites. In the last ten days, usually unreliable and idiotic rightwing blogsites have joined the chorus. According to them, Graham is a self-loathing homosexual whose secret is now compromised. Well, if that’s so or not, Graham has certainly NOT come out of the closet and apparently may be getting “blackmailed” to keep his “secret.” IF that’s so, Graham needs to grow a pair and admit his, little secret, and get on with his life and his political career WITHOUT COMPROMISING the future of the United States. Far too much is at risk for one man’s sexual preference to matter.
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
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Obama Credibility Gap Widens on Eight Issues

According to today’s Rasmussen Reports, skepticism is the word of the day. Most Americans, it seems, lack confidence in the stability of the banking system (54%), most doubt that they will receive their promised Social Security benefits (58%), and most (59%) believe there is significant disagreement within the scientific community about Global Warming. In another problematical area, President Obama indicated immigration reform bills will be brought to Congress soon. In Arizona, 70% favor new legislation there giving police the legal authority to stop and check the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. This too fits into the theme of skepticism because polls have repeatedly shown that voters do not think the federal government is serious about reducing illegal^^^ immigration. Of course 55% of the people want the Obamacare law repealed. Dare Rajjpuut mention that in a poll Katie Couric revealed on CBS news*** showed a few months back, only one in every 14 or 15 Americans believed that Obama’s (2nd) $787 Billion Stimulus had created or saved ANY jobs at all.

It seems that the cynics out there have good, make that GREAT reason, for their doubts. Recent figures show that over eight million jobs have been lost since the start of the recession in October, 2007, thirty months ago. and over four million of those jobs have been lost during Obama’s fifteen months in office. In short, his promise that we will never see 8% unemployment if his stimulus bill was passed not only was just another case of Obama’s mouth writing another check his performance couldn’t cash . . . but his actions including the stimulus hurt the economy and cost us over four million more jobs. Add in one more tricky fact and, if it’s true as it appears to be . . . the Obama Administration fudged the stats to make the jobs situation appear much better than it was . . . it's the unusual question of what exactly DID he inherit, 130 million jobs or 134 million jobs? We know that at the peak of the Bush administration 138 million non-farm jobs existed.

Recently the administration while discussing all the jobs they have been busy “saving or creating,” has been using the number 130 million non-farm jobs as they discuss the economy, but back in January or February, 2009, the baseline for the economy was 134 million non-farm jobs. Why did those four million jobs get dropped from their jobs discussions? And why is Obama acting like 130 million non-farm jobs is what he inherited? Right now an investigation is looking into that question, but Rajjpuut knows where they went, everyone of the four million. In exchange for the government jobs created by the Obama government expansion, the rest were destroyed . . . that is they, like the Confederacy, are gone with the wind. Guv-jobs for radicals in exchange for destroying the economy, lovely, just lovely.

Barack Obama says, “Trust me,” or something similar, quite often, but . . . when it comes to Obamacare’s cost; unemployment; stimulus effectiveness or lack of it; illegal immigration; Social Security; the banking system; global warming; and the process to pass it, constitutionality and benefits of Obamacare . . . on every one of these eight issues Americans are telling him in no uncertain terms, “No, Mr. President, we don’t.” And the incredible trust Barack Obama enjoyed on January 20, 2009? It too has gone with the wind.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


^^^ Some think of them as “undocumented Democrats” whose upcoming citizenship (should Obama's "reforms" pass) will create a jobs-cataclysm no one would have believed just fifteen months ago when the audacity of hope made its premier . . .

*** It was November 29, 2009 to be exact. Back then Couric said, “Although President Obama has been in office less than a year, many Americans are growing disenchanted with his handling of the enormous problems he and the country are facing, from healthcare to unemployment to Afghanistan. His poll numbers are sliding, and at least one poll shows his job approval rating has fallen, for the first time, below 50 percent."

Correspondent Chris Reid chimed in: “The president is getting battered on everything from the economy to foreign policy, some polls show Americans are increasingly questioning his credibility.”

The report asserted that while Obama talks about dealing with unemployment, which is near 10 percent and was at 10 per cent then and expected to rise, he has developed “no new ideas” for dealing with the problem. CBS also cited a poll showing that only 14 percent of Americans believe Obama’s claim that healthcare reform won’t add to the budget deficit, and less than 7 percent believed that the stimulus had created any jobs at all. The late November report also criticized the president for being “indecisive” on Afghanistan, and for returning from his recent Asian trip “with little to show for it.” An expert was quoted as describing his trip to China and the Far East as an “amateur hour,” because he did not line up agreements with foreign countries before venturing abroad. Couric labeled these problems a growing “Obama credibility gap.”

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Dear Barack Obama,

You once held a job as a senior lecturer in Constitutional Law at the University of Chicago Law School. Rajjpuut takes that to mean that the University of Chicago Law School must have the least competent staff in the world because you, Mr. Obama are clearly the greatest Constitution-Trasher and Constitution-Basher in American presidential history. Everything the Constitution is and desires, you are clearly against. You, in fact, clearly despise the very spirit of that document.

Now some of this can be foregiven (the leftists running much of the media would say “can be understood”) merely by calling you a “progressive” which means among other things that you are “someone who believes the Constitution is a very flawed document which you in your far greater wisdom than the founding fathers realize America must clearly ‘progress beyond’ if the country is to be properly served.” You’re the man, Barack! And since “the man” is actually so much wiser than the founding fathers or so much more in tune with the ”Twenty-first Century needs” of the American Republic . . . then, by all means DO transform us. However, do it up front -- like a man -- don’t continually seek to sneak by every contrived change as something done for our own good engineered for our own good by the shadiest of processes. For example, tell us that you, in your greater wisdom, regard a “Republic” as far inferior to a Marxist state. Tell us that you in your greater compassion, realize that the Bill of Rights is totally outdated and you’ve got better stuff to eventually replace it, oh and by the way, you might even tell us what that replacement would be and what pages of “Das Kapital”** it comes from. Tell us, up front, that you regard capitalism as an abomination that enslaves people and exploits them and then describe the full nature of the communistic state you’re planning for us. It’s really the proper and honest thing to do.

You see, Barak, one reason we Americans, silly of us I know, respect the U.S. Constitution, is that the framers of it and the Declaration of Independence were so open in all their actions and all their words . . . so forgive us if, silly us, we’d like you to be 100% open and above board and admit exactly who and what you are and where you plan on dragging us? Your birth-father whatever his other faults might have been, was an open and honest communist. While deploring his beliefs, Rajjpuut admires his integrity. The same canNOT be said for you, Barack.

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** In “Dreams From My Father” our president showed clear reverence for the man (Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.^^) who wrote the 1965 article linked below, “Problems Facing Our Socialism.” The paper extolls, among other communistic virtues, the proper role of “100% taxation.” On the very first page of the essay, Barak, Sr. even lists his own favorite ideology, “scientific socialism” and immediately makes it precisely clear that to him the term scientific socialism means “communism” and nothing else. In the essay, over and over again he makes obvious his preference for 100% public, rather than private, ownership of land, produce and other property saying “We have to look at priorities in terms of what is good for society and on this basis we may find it necessary to force people to do things they would not do otherwise.” Here is the paper in its entirety:

Notice how often Barak, Sr. openly uses the name “Marx” and the words “tax” and “nationalization” (confiscation of the businesses of foreigners as well as those of non-African Kenyan citizens) in this brief paper. This is the man, his father, whom Barak admired above all others. His hero, instead of George Washington, Lincoln, Reagan, Truman or Kennedy, is this man. And the dreams expressed in this paper and other published works are his dreams . . . dreams from the man (who proved too radical even for a socialist Kenya and was kicked out of his job in the office of Economic Development for “not being able to keep his mouth shut” according to Barak’s half sister in “Dreams From My Father”) he admired most in all the world. For God’s sake, if you wanted to know who Hitler was, read “Mein Kampf,” If you want to know who Barak Obama is, read “Dreams From My Father” (where he deliberately omits the words communist and communism and never tells you about the communist environment he was raised in) and then read Barak H. Obama, Sr.’s dreams in this tiny essay. What he says on page 31 (page 8 of 10 in the article) in particular delineates his dream for Kenya, which is his son’s dream for us. The fact that this dream has not changed, and is NOT likely to change, can be surmised from our president’s twice interrupting his own presidential campaigning to visit Kenya and campaign for the communist candidate for Kenya’s president, his cousin Raila Odinga, and even to twice wearing Muslim attire during that Kenyan campaign as well as ordinary suit and tie at other times.

^^ notice Barak, Sr. spelled his first name without a ‘c’ and apparently never changed his name in any fashion during his life. This Barak without a ‘c’ is how his son’s name was spelled at birth. Barak, Jr., unlike his father, has gone under Barak Obama as well as Barak Sotero (taking on the surname of his mother’s second husband) Barry Sotero, Barry Obama, “Barry Soweto,@” and now Barack with a “c” Obama rather than again being open and honest about who he actually is and what he actually believes in and what he plans for America. Just as Barak, Sr.’s name has now been officially westernized (over about 85% of the internet including Wikipedia) to be the same as his son’s with the “c” changing history . . . Barack Obama believes it is by such little and big changes to transform America into communism: the longheld dream of his father for Kenya.

@ there seems to be nothing beyond sheer whim explaining where the name Barry Soweto came from, but Obama used it exclusively during his undergraduate college years

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Is B.H. Obama, Jr. a socialist?

The answer is yes and no. As the great sage Forest Gump remarked frequently, “stupid is as stupid does.” And socialism is clearly what a socialist does. Rajjpuut has set out numerous times plentiful proof positive of Obama’s not mere socialism but rather his being raised as an abject communist. The material from his autobiography #1 “Dreams from My Father” although he goes well out of his way to omit the words “communism” and “socialism” and the writings and life of his father Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.** (and that is the correct spelling of the older man’s first name and the son’s birth-name spelling: a common Muslim name; the "c" in our Barack's name was added much later during his higher education) clearly reveal strong communistic leanings and influence but then again the worshipful mainstream media forget to tell people about that book while getting all hot and bothered by his second and more circumspect autobiography “The Audacity of Hope.” The citizen voter should make no mistake, however, socialism on the road to an eventually desired communism is right up Barak's alley.

Here, below this paragraph, is a remarkable link to a Glen Beck answer to the question that led off this blog, “Is B.H. Obama a socialist?” First Beck shows video of a softball journalistic inquiry yesterday, by the lamestream media with Obama’s expected response . . . then Beck's listing of the strongest influences in his life in broad general terms with 12 telling links many of them in the words of the “guilty” give one a great smoking gun answer to the question . . . . However, the most damning evidence of all is found in the footnotes to this blog provided by everybody's hero: Ol' Rajjpuut. In any case Obama's every action, aim, and process and every personal connection since Election Day, 2008 for anyone with eyes yields up the Forest Gump proof positive, "stupid is as stupid does" ^^ . . . .

Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,


** When, by the way, did Harvard stop teaching classical economics and slip into the Keynesian glorification of big-spending inflationary policies that mark all communistic states? Was it in the late 40’s? Even the small bit of the old man’s education that took place right here in America played right into his communist sentiments.


Unfortunately Beck leaves some of the most interesting and “rather inflammatory” material, that is, Obama first campaigning for Raila Odinga (purportedly a cousin) in 2006 and then Obama’s interrupting his own campaigning in 2007 to again visit his father’s homeland and campaign for Odinga, the communist (university educated in East Berlin before the fall of the Berlin Wall) candidate, for President of his father’s native land Kenya. Obama on two occasions put on Muslim garb to talk to the crowds. Odinga meanwhile had signed a “document of understanding” with Muslim leaders. The content of that document (a memorandum of understanding with the Muslims to expand a policy known as “sharia” in Kenya) when it came out ruined Odinga’s chances. To wit: Islam would have become the official religion of Kenya. No other religion could broadcast by radio or TV and no missionary activity would be allowed. A few days after the discover, Odinga revised the paper to eliminate all those objectionable features. He did nothing and said nothing, however, to stop the Muslim attacks, and tribal violence, rapes and arsons on opposing tribes as well as Christian settlements and churches that followed. Ob ama, of course, has not publicized his activities on Odinga’s behalf. To make this clear: some of the Christian attacks occurred earlier and the tribal violence in general occurred after Odinga lost the election. A few months later to pacify the Muslims, Odinga was named Prime Minister by the newly-elected President.

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From ‘c’ to shining ‘c’, who is our Commander in C?

To many Americans, it now seems the president of the United States has become the enemy. To our more established enemies in Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran, however, it must surely seem that he has become a willing ally. Typing in “Barack Obama” on, Rajjpuut received 418 million hits. Typing in “Barak Obama” without the ‘c’, after eliminating the Yahoo suggestion (“Did you mean 'Barack Obama'?”) only 13 million 700 thousand hits occurred.

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