anti-semitism (3)

With the rise of Islam, there is also a rise in anti-Semitism in the world. I guess its time to look at the better side of the issue and how it affects all of us. Jews with their great contributions to civilization are in many ways a microcosm of humanity in general. They have suffered much for their specific role in what I see as God's salvation plan for all of us, regardless of race, creed or national origin. Others may have differing opinions to spew, but the time has come to again see the Beauty of what God has wrought in the midst of inevitable wars and threats of wars among the sons of man. It goes all the way back to our first common parents – Adam and Eve if you will. When Cain slew his brother Abel out of envy and disobedience, it set the mold for all future conflicts.

God loved both Abraham’s offspring, Isaac and Ishmael equally and honored his covenants with them. Isaac, the forbearer of the Jews had a prophetic messianic mission Christians see fulfilled in Jesus the Christ. Jews aren’t ready for that conclusion, but they are not lost in the eyes of G-d.  They’ve borne their burdens steadfastly. King David was “a man after G-d’s own heart!”

Ishmael, the forbearer of the Arab peoples and Islam, could be the sand grit (pun intended) to irritate a world that has become too comfortable and power lusting at the top while seeing drastic human population reduction as their eugenics ideal of a wonderful, pristine “green” Earth devoid of undesirable people. Ishmael must learn that a hand extended in love is far more powerful than one yielding a sword. Isaac must remain obedient to G-d and love the Goya of all faiths and cultures.

Humans, being what they are have yielded the same misguided envies that drove Cain to slay Abel. It’s that God-given free will we exercise so poorly! We see it played out today in an epic spiritual battle that is getting nastier every day. Treating the situation as politics as usual, we do so at our own peril. It runs much deeper and requires a complete redirection of our collective moral compasses. In the end, it is not the Satan-coveted bloodshed and promiscuity that will prevail, but Love and an appreciation for the true diversity of mankind. Our Creator endowed us with myriad gifts and talents and gave us the right to discover, develop, and exercise them in a responsible way as good stewards of Creation and the souls of those we influence. This true diversity is an all-inclusive offset to the temptations that drive men and women to seek sexual satisfaction outside the marriage covenant between a man and woman through which society thrives and survives.

I’m writing as a Catholic Christian who researched an idea of how the biblical Adam and Eve our first parents were given a promise of redemption as they left the Garden.. How would that promise be passed down from generation to generation over about 55,000-60,000 years of human growth and migration? There were no books, no stone tablets that could be carried as humankind grew and dispersed about the planet. There is DNA however. Science has proven we did indeed come from a common human parentage from East Central Africa, regardless of race, creed or ethnicity.  What are we fighting about? Donate blood – anyone can use it if it’s their type! You may actually save a life.

My premise, like many before me, including the Magi and the Star of Bethlehem, is that the promise of redemption was written in the stars and constellations – easily discerned from their more ancient names. For example, the constellation in Virgo called “Berenice’s wig” was originally Comah, “the Longed For.” It depicts a virgin girl holding a small boy called “Shes-Nu” – the Desired Son. It is the very first of the most common and beautiful subject of painters; Madonna and Child. Aristotle noted in 332 BC that the Greek mythology of his time was “a perversion of ancient wisdom.” How ancient? This is as ancient as human (spiritual) history gets. I don’t know what the beings were who preceded God’s dealings with our first parents any more than I can answer my 4 year old cousin’s question back in 1944 – “Mommy, how high do you go to get to the top of up?” … or what’s beyond the furthest star, or how long ago is eternity past? Humbling mysteries all.

Civilizations rose and fell, with each evidencing conflicting religious and power drives – for good and evil. In that sense, all civilizations are alike, yet they are all different. They seem to carry the same hope for salvation and eternal life and the same vision for ruling the world around them.. Even the Aztecs in their mythology were waiting for a woman to appear on the hill of Tepeyac in today’s Mexico City. The appearance of Jesus’ mother Mary to Juan Diego in 1531 accomplished the conversion to Christianity of 10 million Aztecs in less than 9 years and ultimately the conversion of the entire Western Hemisphere that led to its first Pope in 2013. The maguey cactus tilma with a seam down the middle where she implanted her miraculous portrait is still with us. The portrait has been subject to weather, candle smoke and deep scientific investigation, a bombing, and still retains its amazing color and story. She is known as Our Lady of Guadalupe. Even the stars on her cloak reflect the constellations visible on December 12, 1531. This Jewish mother of ours sure got around – even to inspiring Mohammed to declare her the most important woman in Islam 800 or so years earlier.

What else does this have to do with the Jews? With each Tribe of Israel having a Zodiac sign, they are like actors in a school play where 12 children each carry a sign telling part of a story with its various components. The story was laid out in the stars in 48 constellations for Adam and Eve so all humankind can share in the hope. The story begins at Virgo and ends at Leo - 180 degrees opposite the starting point of the astrologers. It is further verified in an Egyptian temple where a sphinx with the head of a woman and the body of a lion rests between Virgo and Leo - the beginning and the end of the story. According to the Virgo to Leo sequence, a virgin born Desired Son will suffer, overcome and free all mankind and end up as the Lion of Judah who will reign forever –a wonderful prophetic story of hope thousands of generations have shared with their children as they gazed into the heavens. I know, I did it with my kids and they begged for more. That’s why I’m not so quick to buy the detractors’ idea that Christianity drew its religious thought and ritual from pagans. Pagans before Christ had to have a sense of the plan in the stars, but were not n a position to project its fulfillment as were the Jews. The thread running all the way back to our first parents ties God’s covenant with them to our time and beyond.

Jesus observed Torah in his time on earth and never negated it, only to chastise those leaders who put unnecessary burdens on the people, and to fulfill myriad promises and prophecies. Later, in a vision to the Apostle John in the New Testament Revelation, he alluded to "the synagogue of Satan - those who say they are Jews, but are not!" In the Zodiac, the sign of Israel is Pisces - two fish bound by bands to a monster that appears to be the evil one. One fish is striving for its heavenly reward when freed from this earthly trial (God's Chosen People). The route to Ursa Minor in Cancer, the gathered flock of Israel, is through Andromeda in chains to the freed Cassiopeia. There are 4 constellations in each zodiac house that tell the whole story displayed in the stars God named.

The other fish of Pisces is seen swimming upstream in the opposite direction of the flow of the redemption story in the Zodiac stars and constellations. In my opinion, this fish defines "the synagogue of Satan" referred to in Revelation. It has cost millions of Jewish and Gentile lives; for this fish and its Gentile counterparts’ disobedience and idolatry.

I couldn't help seeing the connection between a California Jewish Senator who not only publicly and under the table disdains and fights Constitutional rights, but blazes overseas business trails for her husband. This includes participation in the insanity of the former Vice President rejecting the purchase of his failed “Current TV Network” by the very patriotic Blaze TV in favor of a sale to Al Jazeera. With Sharia favoring, therefore Constitution hating ownership on our own soil, it becomes just another nail in America's coffin. It would have been better to appreciate her beauty and accomplishments in ways that are actually peaceful and productive.

I'm in no position to judge anyone, but discernment is a wonderful gift from God would we choose to apply it. I see the likes of ("Jewish") legislators from the East and West Coasts in particular, many members of the ACLU, Emily’s List, Daily Kos and their America-hating ilk, openly violating G-d's laws and Jewish tradition, colluding with the enemy at the expense of all. One has to wonder what synagogue they "attend" and which god they serve. (We Gentiles have our own “churches, temples and mosques of Satan!” Too many infiltrate Congress, shilling for terrible corrupt handlers in the White House or worse, “killing; thinking they are doing God a service.”)

Being a microcosm of the human dimension, Jews with their two fish of Pisces, the same heaven-bound hope versus stubbornness and idolatry is being played out all over the world. It can and will be better. G-d honors his covenants even if we fight him all the way.


I wrote a 335 page book on the subject of God's plan of salvation for all humankind. “God’s Prophetic Zodiac plus BELs and Whistles on Human Behavior” ©2007 Gerald V. todd in print or download.

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Wright’s Racism and Hate Speech History

Not Just Some Recent Aberration

For the naïve among you who somehow believe that Barack Obama is an honorable man and a statesman . . . and who still believe that Barack Obama is NOT a racist . . .

Obama, in his speech in mid 2008, disavowing Wright in Philadelphia, said you'll remember, “Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms, or treat whites with whom he interacted with anything but courtesy and respect.” Yes, and Adolf Hitler wasn't a national socialist and never said anything against Jews, Gypsies and so-called "November Criminals, either . . . But Wright did give Louis Farrakhan an award which seemed bothersome, since Farrakhan is a much-discussed antisemite. Obama, defending Wright, claimed Farrakhan’s work with ex-prisoners had been the inspiration for the award. But neither the award citation nor Wright’s own description made any mention of ex-prisoners. Instead the award citation explicitly was given for Farrakhan’s “lifetime achievements” whatever they might have been . . . .

Wright and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, you see, have a long history of being "great minds running in similar racist ruts." Farrakhan can't seem to avoid making anti-Semitic and anti-white comments, regularly documented by the (Jewish) Anti-Defamation League’s website; and Wright himself is one of the Anti-Defamation League's favorite love-to-hate-him personalities. Wright has often dissed black leaders for avoiding mention of Farrakhan’s name.

During the 20+ years Obama listened to Wright's sermons, hate speech was Wright’s main stock in trade. America, he said, created the AIDS virus to kill off blacks. His church’s website and newsletters throughout the period of Obama's membership have featured numerous anti-semitic rants. After the "God damn America!" sermon, Wright eventually was disavowed by Obama. But speakin of Wright in Philadelphia, Obama lied about his self-described longtime friend and adviser, to deflect attacks on his own judgment and patriotism, “Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms . . . " etc., etc. ad nauseum and the mainstream media declined to chase down the story and the truth. Obama also claimed that Wright had grown up "in the ghettoes in the 60's with memories of doubt, fear and humiliation," but actually Wright had lived a privileged youth, another Obama lie which again the media didn't choose to track down.

Obama often uses Adolf Hitler's famous propaganda technique "the big lie" and surely everything Obama's said about Jeremiah Wright qualifies as a monster lie so outrageous that no one would think anyone would have the temerity to speak it, were it not true. From his first autobiography, "Dreams From My Father" (the title of his second autobiography "The Audacity of Hope" came from the title of a Jeremiah Wright sermon; the fatherlike role of Wright is amazing in Obama's life even though the reality of Rev. Wright is clearly 100% the opposite of every myth Barak, Jr. has built up and the mythical persona he's made himself appear to be) to virtually every statement about his past to all his public statements, Obama has carried on a string of fantastic lies unchallenged by the mainstream media . . . only one thing is obvious the "Devil we know," Jeremiah Wright, is not one-hundredth as dangerous as the man who lies about him and for him . . . Barack Obama . . . indeed, Rajjpuut has found only one "important" statement that Obama's ever made that was not a lie: "I am NOT a socialist, I'm not." No he isn't a socialist, Barack Obama is a dyed-in-the-wool communist** and listening to Jeremiah Wright's "Black-Liberation Theology" (which is based entirely upon the teachings of Karl Marx) must have been a great comfort to him.

Ya'll live long, strong and ornery,

** in "Dreams From My Father" Obama never mentioned that his grandfather Stanley Armour Dunham and his mother Stanley Ann Dunham were communists and his birth father Barak (no 'c') Hussein Obama, Sr. was also a communist as shown here:
You'll remember from reading "Dreams From My Father" that Obama Senior's dream or lifetime love for Kenya was socialism and "fairness" but here we find out that it wasactually "scientific socialism inter alia communism." And we learn more about what's really going on when we see him in this essay discussing the advisability of 100% taxes upon the rich; takeover via nationalization of foreign businesses; and out and out transfer of wealth from Kenya's European and Asian citizens to its black ones.

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Slick Obama Sells Israel Down the River
This article will sound highly critical of Barack Obama and highly supportive of the Israeli naval blockade. And so, it clearly is and should be. However, Rajjpuut is NO friend of Israel. That revelation is important to his search for truth and to the readers'. Rajjpuut has written several blogs clearly outlining the outrageous history of how the United Nations gave away Muslim Arab land owned by those Arabs for almost nineteen hundred consecutive years to the Jews in 1948 in atonement for European and American guilt over the Holocaust. Rajjpuut has repeatedly agreed with Muslim viewpoints that World War II was NOT a Muslim-caused war and that the Arabs and Muslims played NO role in the Holocaust and owed the Jews NOTHING. Similarly, Rajjpuut holds no animosity nor does he find anything to criticize about the Israeli Jews, in their place he'd have done exactly what they did: that is, carve a Jewish state out of the only land they could find. In fact given the Democratic leanings and capitalist expression found in Israel, Rajjpuut finds much to praise. (Almost everything but their highly socialistic economic system, as a matter of fact.)
All that being said, facts are facts are facts and since the Jewish nation^^ was NOT carved out of Nazi Germany and Nazi Austria (where by all rights it clearly SHOULD have been) . . . it, Israel (like the abortion laws in the United States) is a fact of life and like all facts of life must be dealt with honestly, intelligently, courageously and justly . . . hence this blog . . . .
Barack Obama might not have any guts or integrity, but once again, Israel showed it has plenty of each when it continued to honor its blockade of military shipping to Gaza. The administration of “Nobel-Peace-Prize” recipient Obama has joined “the world” in condemning Israel for its “aggression” in enforcing that nation’s naval blockade of Hamas, conveniently overlooking six key facts . . . .
1. Not only Israel but also Egypt is currently enforcing a naval blockade against arms and support for Hamas, the present governing body of the Palestinians in the Gaza strip. Egypt is a Muslim country and if they wished the violent Hamas regime to have weapons it would be a simple matter for Egypt to allow transport overland into Gaza. Naval blockades are a completely legal way (under U.N. rules) for a country to deal with a belligerent neighbor such as Gaza has proven itself since Hamas came to power there.
2. The three-year old blockade was originally brought about because of thousands of small arms, mortar, rocket and artillery attacks from Gaza into Israel since Hamas came into power. Those attacks have shockingly virtually ceased since the blockade went into effect.
3. The Hamas charter states that elimination of Israel from the face of the earth is their goal. Their earlier attacks underlined their commitment to that end. Every nation has a right to defend itself or to prevent enemy nations from obtaining armament, hence Israel's naval blockade of Gaza.
4. The recent attempt by a “humanitarian peace coalition” to run the Israeli blockade which resulted in nine blockade-runners being killed was created by the Turkish ship
A. Attempting to run the legal blockade and
B. When the Israelis boarded the ship, by a stunning display of violence from those on board the Turkish ship. The media worldwide (other than in Israel and on Fox News) has condemned the deaths but not shown the video footage which shows that passengers on the Turk ship instigated ALL the violence and that two Israelis were badly injured before the Israelis decided to return violence with more principled and lethal violence. Calling yourself a “peace mission” means nothing when you attack a legitimate boarding party with metal pipes conveniently cut to the length of a baseball bat.
5. Before setting sail, several of the passengers aboard the Turkish vessel had written wills and letters to their next of kin indicating that they expected to become martyrs and thus it’s obvious they had staged the whole incident in hopes of breaking the blockade either at that moment or helping end it in the future. Several of the passengers were already on the international warning list as violent jihadists.
6. Unlike Mr. Obama who is parading around the world humbling himself and our nation to every third-rate dictator he can find, Israel recognizes clearly the need for strength to ensure peace. Amazingly “Peace Prize” recipient Obama is as ignorant of that fact as he is of economics, business, and our own nation’s traditions and Constitution (although purportedly he taught Constitutional Law while simultaneously teaching Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” in Chicago).
Naturally, the gutless Barack Obama, who spent parts of five years as a “prize student” at a Muslim private school in Jakarta, Indonesia (where they now have a statue of him as a ten-year old with a butterfly** balanced upon his thumb) aligned himself with asinine (given the obvious five facts listed above) public opinion in condemning the Israeli action. When Israel attacks Iran, as they soon must to eliminate that belligerent country’s nuclear capability, Obama will likewise condemn that action . . . when that happens, Rajjpuut will applaud mightily. Every nation has the right and duty to protect itself. Israel represents everything Obama hates: Jews, a Republic, a democracy, and successful capitalist nation. And let’s go further and make things clearer . . . .
Isn’t it amazing that all the while Obama's Left is accusing peaceful Conservatives in our country of racism, anti-semitism and Nazism . . . they’ve apparently forgotten that the term “Nazi” is short for “National-Socialist.” Socialism@@ routinely and consistently across history has attacked the Jewish people because of their renowned tendency (being denied the right to own land in many countries) to operate profitable businesses – to succeed as captalists. Like all socialists and communists throughout history Obama is an anti-semite (Karl Marx was a self-hating Lutheran-born child whose parents converted him and themselves to Judaism, who later became an atheist who repeatedly disparaged Jews and called them all, “puppets and puppeteers of capitalism” and quoted Feuerbach, calling the Jewish god Yaweh "nothing but the personified selfishness of the Israelitish (sic) people” but then expanded his own diatribe to outshine his hallowed mentor in vitriol: “Money,” he wrote, "is the jealous god of Israel, beside which no other god may exist . . . . What is the real Jew? What is the profane basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Hucksterism. What is his worldly god? Money."
And Barack (whose birth-father Barak, with no ‘c’ Obama, wrote a scathing editorial commentary calling for “scientific socialism, i.e. communism$$” for Kenya while discussing the merits of 100% taxes on the rich and takeover of foreign business and spreading the wealth of Kenyans into Black Kenyan hands and out of Asian- and White-Kenyan control) Obama? He is the real Nazi, the real National-Socialist who’d love nothing better than to see Israel and its troublesome Jews wiped off the face of the earth. Heil Slick Barack, Heil!
Ya’all live long, strong and ornery,
Like Rajjpuut said, the anti-Nazi nation in question should have been carved out of the Nazi homeland in Germany and Austria. And why not make it a homeland for all the people the Nazis persecuted and attempted genocide upon? That is Jehovah's Witnesses, Gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally-retarded, nobility, the intelligentsia, political dissidents, and those suffering from physical birth-defects, for example, all deserved a homeland every bit as much as the Jews did. Hitler saw to the killing of 13 million people and less than half of them were Jews.
By the way, socialism in the forms found in the USSR-Russia; Red China and Nazi Germanyeasily deliberately and directly killed at least 91 million (presumably more) civilian people during the 20th Century. Even, the one socialist hero found on so many ignorant people's t-shirts, Che Guevara, reputedly bragged he personally killed almost 200 people and clearly oversaw the deaths and imprisonment of many, many more . . . exactly what is it about socialism that is so attractive? And why is it that the mainstream media wish to protect Barack Obama from all criticism?

@@ and if you in ignorance say, "Come now, the Nazis weren't real socialists," then you in your inexperience haven't examined the platforms of those National Socialists Nazis. They wanted pretty much what Barack Obama wants, including hurting their political enemies.

$$ Here's Barak Hussein Obama, Sr.'s essay:

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