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Time For Truth – Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

time-1.jpg?width=130In my previous article, in great detail, I outlined the reason why democrats and liberals are acting as they are in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory and Hillary Clinton’s loss as well as why they are still in such a state of disbelief over the reality of the 2016 election.

But I also said there were those, on my own side of the aisle, who are having trouble accepting reality.

While I write and broadcast commentary from the right side of politics, I have always based my commentary on facts and the truth. I can see absolutely no reason to alter that approach just because Trump won and Hillary lost. After all, simply winning the White House has never been my end game. Getting our country back to the Constitutional rule of law has…and I don’t give a happy damn who is in the Oval Office…our Founders and Framers entrusted nothing less to We the People than being honest in our political approach.

Here we go…


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Time For Truth – Part 1

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

According to America’s foremost Indian princess, Speaking Bull…aka Elizabeth at-1.jpg?width=167Warren…“We will stand up to bigotry. There is no compromise here. In all its forms, we will fight back against attacks on Latinos, African Americans, women, Muslims, immigrants, disabled Americans—on anyone. Whether Donald Trump sits in a glass tower or sits in the White House, we will not give an inch on this, not now, not ever.”

Pretty strong words from someone who claimed a false Native American heritage to reap liberal diversity rewards.

But there is more to it that Warren’s false claims of being an Indian…her statement, on behalf of all liberals, reeks of hypocrisy.

It was, after all, democrats who fought FOR slavery while Republicans fought to and did end it. Just as it was democrats who instituted and fought for Jim Crow laws that separated the races.

But there’s plenty more…


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Life’s a Bitch, Princess…Deal With It

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

deal-1.jpg?width=216It’s high time I deliver a quaint message to one particular group of individuals, and to be perfectly honest, I don’t give a happy damn whose fragile feelings I hurt in the process.

I’m talking about those quivering, gelatinous puddles of liberal goo in our universities and colleges who despite seeking a higher education, just can’t handle reality.

If, for the last week or so, you’ve been curled up in the fetal position, sobbing and unshowered, wadding and unwadding globs of Play Dough and your soiled panties, blowing bubbles when you aren’t drooling and wondering why your specifically assigned therapy puppy won’t give you the time of day…it’s because your parents failed.

They brought you up to believe that somehow, you were more special than you ever really were. They told you that no matter how bad you were at something…you were great at it. They managed to convince you that you were their little princess whether you peed standing up or sitting down and they told you that you were always going to be able to have whatever you wanted.

Your parents were abject failures, but they aren’t the only abject failures in your young lives because your teachers lied to you.

That’s right…


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By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

The election is

It was a very, very sad day for socialists as they watched their hopes of changing American into a fundamentally transformed nation of drooling hand-out seekers come crashing down.

At Yale University, a professor cancelled an exam for students too distraught over the fall of American socialism to take a test..  In Arizona, high school students walked out of their classes to protest the end of a nation without borders or laws.

Look…we know that you’ve been indoctrinated to pitch a fit every time you don’t get your way, or anytime you’re faced with earning something you feel pre-entitled to, but curling up in a ball, in your safe place with a government granted therapy dog, a box of crayons and a bowl of organic, free-range tofu noodle soup while refusing to go outside for the next four years really isn’t the answer.

In Oakland California…


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Trump Knows Who Paul Manafort Is

By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots

Do you know who Paul Manafort is?mana-1.jpg?width=156

Donald Trump does.

Trump, we are told, always hires the best and the brightest…right? He tells us that he always surrounds himself with the best people.

We also know that Trump has hired illegal aliens to build his empire and that he hires foreign workers over American workers whenever he can. We know that while Trump hollers and screams about businesses that locate in foreign countries and how he’s going to stick them with 45% tariffs, which would start a trade war, if they don’t come back yet his signature line of high-dollar suits and his $25 dollar campaign hats are made in foreign countries.

Now, there’s something else we know.

One of the best and brightest, one of those best people Trump surrounds himself with, is his latest hire…Paul Manafort.

Donald Trump knows who Manafort is…

But do you know?


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Conservative Senator Ted Cruz never once campaigned for a conservative challenger to an incumbent in the 2014 mid-term campaign races – nor did he ever discuss the absence of a federal budget now the republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate. He did however later snub and make snide remarks about Sarah Palin who campaigned for his election and without her support would never have been elected.

He publically condemns what he calls the DC Cartel, yet he is in bed with the lot of them. More on that later, just keep reading.

When asked about his wife Heidi’s involvement with the Council On Foreign Relations, Ted tells the same story over and over when questioned, that is, his wife Heidi had nothing to do with the CFR except (for five years) as a member she sought to bring to the table some conservative views. He is always quick to add, ‘Robert Bolton was also a member ‘ of course with conservative views? See video from 2012 it is identical as what he says today:

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Tired of being told one thing and watching a series of what Ted calls actions and the fruit of ones works as another? I sure am. Most people know when they are being gaslighted, yet many don’t. Gaslighting is a term used to manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. Or getting them to believe they didn’t see or hear a thing.

Well, if you are tired of that as much as I am, here are some cold hard facts.

Conservative Senator Ted Cruz never once campaigned for a conservative challenger to an incumbent in the 2014 mid-term campaign races – nor did he ever discuss the absence of a federal budget now the republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate. He did however later snub and make snide remarks about Sarah Palin who campaigned for his election and without her support would never have been elected.

He publically condemns what he calls the DC Cartel, yet he is in bed with the lot of them. More on that later, just keep reading.



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Trump threatens "North American Union" scheme.

As Rush Limbaugh notes, Donald Trump has indeed made illegal immigration into an issue of national debate. The liberal media and now, apparently, the chairman of the Republican Party, have objected to Trump's comments about criminal aliens. In fact, what Trump has done is jeopardize a plan that goes way beyond mere amnesty for illegals, and which has been on the drawing board for more than a decade. Simply put, the plan is to submerge the sovereignty of the United States of America and politically integrate the U.S., Canada, and Mexico into a trilateral entity called the North American Union.

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) calls it a "North American Community," as if the corrupt culture and government of Mexico can be made to mesh with democratic systems in the U.S. and Canada. It means open borders and more criminal aliens in the U.S.

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Welcome to Americanadexico; bye bye sovereignty.

Former General David Petraeus and former World Bank head Robert Zoellick are leading the Council on Foreign Relation’s latest push for an “integrated” North America.

Today, these men are leaders of predatory global finance: Petraeus now heads KKR Global, the leveraged buyout firm, while Zoellick is a senior advisor to Goldman Sachs International. Both men were also in attendance at the secretive 2014 Bilderberg conference.

Petraeus and Zoellick are the co-chairs of the CFR’s North America: Time for a New Focus report, a globalism blueprint they claim carries an “integration and sovereignty” approach that somehow meaningfully differs from the EU’s “shared sovereignty”.

According to Robert Zoellick, North America can become a “new growth market” under integration, rife with exploitable opportunities through a “doubling down” of NAFTA-style policies that they expect 2016 presidential candidates to pursue.

Zoellick explicitly stated, “I hope that this report will provide an agenda for both [U.S. political] parties in the presidential elections in 2016.”

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The wars will destroy America

By: Juan Reynoso, WTP activist  -     STAND FOR AMERICA

"Americas must realize that self-scrutiny is not treason. Self-examination is not disloyalty."


The Elite, Great Game’ and World War III


Fellow Americans, the worse crime committed against the American people and the world community is the demise of our trust in our government institutions.   By deception and under the pretense of Democracy, America has become part of the global domination nations that want to control the world natural resources the financial system, the economic and our freedom.

Since Ronald Reagan, the elite of this country has place in our government an army of puppets to be under their control. George W. Bush and Barack Obama were selected and place in the white house by the elite that control our country, the wars were planned before 9/11 and the execution was done by the Bush administration.  The war on terrorism is part of their agenda to control the Middle East, the 9/11 lie and deception was the work of our government to get our support for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan.  The U.S. government engaged in an elaborate propaganda campaign to market the war to the American people and Americans overwhelmingly support the Bush war, believing that Hussein did have weapons of mass destruction: 85% said so, even though the inspectors had not uncovered those weapons. Of those who thought Iraq had weapons sequestered somewhere, about half responded that said weapons would not be found in combat. By February 2003, 64% of Americans supported taking military action to remove Hussein from power.

This ill war promoted by George W. Bush and Obama is the longest war in our history, 13 years of wars that cost thousands of American’s lives and the worst world’s genocide done by Americas and NATO forces. The war also cost over 7 trillion Dollars, the demise of the US economic and most important the loss of trust of we the people on our government.

Fellow Americans, 2016 must be the year of reform and reconstruction of our American moral values, integrity and trust. We must exposed and demand prosecution of politicians that betray our trust, by lying and deception, our trust in our government must be restore by the rule of law or by us the people of this country. Government corruption and deception must end, so we can survive as a country of law and order.

Fellow American, nothing matters but our US Constitution, our freedom and the protection of our God given rights, we have a government to defend our Constitution and insure our freedom and our constitutional rights, and we cannot continue having in our government war monger politicians that trash our Constitution, demise our freedom and our God given natural rights.    



Six Decades of Covert U.S. Activities, Middle East Destabilization

The wars were planned before 9/11

Biden admits ISIS is a creation of the U.S. to destabilize Middle East

US Destabilization Policy toward the Middle East

The Global Elite Rules the World

World domination the agenda of the world elite.

War on Terror.

U.S. Officials Guilty of War Crimes for Using 9/11 As a False Justification for the Iraq War

9/11 Denial Despite Hard Scientific Evidence

The Bankers control our country.


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The recognition of and opposition to the Globalist agenda worldwide has some noteworthy champions.  For those Alex Jones subscribers, all of what he says is clearly documented through the past 60+ years of history by the globalists.  Nigel Farage is one of those rare people who continue to fight, get knocked down, bounce back up, fight again and again--for over 20 years he's been at this.  Your subscribers may want to subscribe to Farage's Youtube channel, as I have, just to listen to his latest expose of his bully opponents.  It is a dose of adrenaline and peace at the same time to know a man like this exists who is fighting against one of the major Globalist components:  the European Union.  We truly ARE NOT ALONE and we're getting stronger every day we spread the word to our friends and neighbors across the street and across the planet.The arrogance of these "elites" knows no bounds; the anger and love of our supporters is one of a thousand ripples of resistence and outrage.
Please pass to our mailing list if you think it will inspire us in the U.S.  God knows, we need a man like this:      (pull scroll bar to the 17:00 minute to hear Farage speak)

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Rebel Flag Flap…Let it Fly

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

rf-1.jpg?width=254Did Nikki Haley really cave to political correctness in now agreeing that the Confederate flag be taken down from the North Carolina statehouse?

And why are Conservatives all bent over that flag being taken down?

There are plenty of people out there turning themselves inside out trying to make a case for leaving that flag flying and they’re using the flag’s design to justify it.

I have seen thousands of comments and posts regarding the Confederate flag over the last week or so and many of them are along these lines…“Neither the design nor the content of the flag has anything to do with racism, slavery, hatred or white supremacy. Nothing.”

That of course, is correct…there IS nothing in the DESIGN of the Confederate flag that denotes racism. But…is the design of the rebel flag all there is to it?

Look…I know about the Confederate flag design…


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This was about 7 years ago and reading this again (nothing new) I am still amazed HOW "O" was elected President the first time, let alone a second time... tells you a lot about what many people (some of your neighbors) believe and actually support... WHY???
I know you have seen it, but read it again and reflect on America today... 
The following is a narrative taken from a 2008 Sunday morning televised "Meet The Press”. From Sunday's 07 Sept. 2008 11:48:04 EST, Televised "Meet the Press" THE THEN Senator Obama was asked about his stance on the American Flag. 
General Bill Gann, USAF, (Ret) asked Obama to explain WHY he doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played. 
The General stated to Obama that according to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171... 
During rendition of the national anthem, when the flag is displayed, all present (except those in uniform) are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. Or, at the very least, "Stand and Face It". 
Senator Obama replied: 
"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be perceived as taking sides." "There are a lot of people in the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression..." "The anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all that sort of thing." 
Obama continued: "The National Anthem should be 'swapped' for something less parochial and less bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like To Teach the World To Sing'. If that were our anthem, then, I might salute it. In my opinion, we should consider reinventing our National Anthem as well as 'redesign' our Flag to better offer our enemies hope and love. 

It's my intention, if elected, to disarm America to the level of acceptance to our Middle East Brethren. If we, as a Nation of warring people, conduct ourselves like the nations of Islam, where peace prevails - - - perhaps a state or period of mutual accord could exist between our governments ......"

When I Become President, I will seek a pact of agreement to end hostilities between those who have been at war or in a state of enmity, and a freedom from disquieting oppressive thoughts. 

We as a Nation, have placed upon the nations of Islam, an unfair injustice which is WHY my wife disrespects the Flag and she and I have attended several flag burning ceremonies in the past".

"Of course now, I have found myself about to become The President of the United States and I have put my hatred aside. I will use my power to bring CHANGE to this Nation, and offer the people a new path. My wife and I look forward to becoming our Country's First black  Family. 

Indeed, CHANGE is about to overwhelm the United States of America."
Dale Lindsborg, Washington Post
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Something I have learned in my short 30 years on this earth, is that the children are our future. With Common Core running rampid and more kids being inundated with the liberal agenda, I am glad to be a part of something to change that. There is a troop for Boys and Girls that helps to teach them correctly. For boys instead of Boy Scouts consider Trail Life USA. What are they? Great question. They are the Faith based alternative to the Boy Scouts. Who are they? Trail Life USA is a Christian adventure, character, and leadership program for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. Living the Trail Life is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible. 

What is the Girl Scout Alternative, you ask? American Heritage Girls! Who are they, you ask? American Heritage Girls is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. The organization offers badge programs, service projects, girl leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences to its members. It serves as a catalyst for building young women of integrity and faith. It also broadens girls social development through extra-curricular activities. This program of character building has successfully served thousands of girls since its inception and will continue to do so long into the 21st century. 

I was so excited to find out about AHG. I started a troop here in Butte, MT. Let me tell you it is not easy. This town is inundated with people who think they are Liberal and in reality are actually more independent/conservative. They have a HUGE Girl Scout following. Luckily, there are those who are totally over the GSUSA program. AHG is a prolife group and does not in any way support Planned Parent hood, like GSUSA. They have amazing program frontiers and they teach actual history. Each level is based off of a historical woman! This program is amazing and I have seen the amazing growth in the few girls that have managed to stay with it. 

It is imperative as adults that we role model to our children properly. You need to be their parent first! Kids need discipline and structure. They need to know that they are unique and made in God's image. They need to know that what they are learning in school is wrong. Take them out of public school and put them in charter schools. They are scholarships available for those who can't afford it. The kids are worth it! Kids need supervision and age appropriate activities. So many kids here in Butte wander around town by themselves and the parents don't have any supervision or rules. Kids say and do mean things and the way they dress??? If that was my daughter, she would not be leaving the house dressed like that! 

The societal pressures and just pure lack of judgment seriously should scare the crap out of everyone, or you are not paying attention. I have yet to have kids, and when I do they will probably respect me more than anything because I will be tough but firm. My kids will not have cellphones until they are 16. They will not be going off and doing there own thing. I will meet all their friends and the parents. My kids will have a private education, even if that means I have to work 2 jobs. I had a crappy upbringing and thank God I learned from it. 

Kids are impressionable and if we don't take a stand against Big Government and the Liberal Agenda, then our kids and our Country will suffer because of it. Do not be the bystander who does nothing. I am doing what I can do. What are you doing? Time to re-evaluate and put your time where it matters, re-educating your children, teaching them the correct history, and showing them true historical documents. Time to be a true role model and leader, someone your kids can look up to, an inspiration. The only way to get away from the problem is to become part of the solution. There is no middle ground. It is do or die. In the word of Patrick Henry, "Give me Liberty or give me death!"

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Finish The Work Of JFK

JFK knew what to do. Please research his executive order 11110. This would take the U.S. away from the federal reserve. 6 months after this executive order he was killed. This is one big step that will get the powers that be sit up and take notice.

There are many more steps but this is a great start.

Election 2016 the winner should be a non politician.

Our current two party system is a scam.

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Muslim Extremist Attacks Christian Street Preacher… Guess What Happened Next!


In this older video, watch as a radical Muslim extremists attacks a street preacher. Not only is he controversial and violent, but thanks to political correctness… the police are hesitant do to anything about it! As far as we can tell, the Christians were acting in a peaceful manner, while the Muslim was extraordinarily aggressive. Skip to the 4:40 to see the situation escalate into a physical confrontation.

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If You Place or Post Ads Online You Need To Read Our Article Article At Project N Search - 

The EASY Solution for Quickly and Easily Posting One Ad to All High-Traffic Classified Sites

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hard to sugarcoat what was for me a launching disaster.

On the 16th, flash floods, heavy rain and cold winds ushered in what, at best, can be described as an anemic OAS turn-out on the Washington Mall. Though we put our best face forward, the acute disappointment—indeed, the dismay-- among the few hundred OAS participants was palpable.
Owing to the paucity of participants--variously reported as  somewhere between 324 to 2,000--it was often difficult to even locate the rally amid the throng of tourists which dwarfed the number of OAS participants on the Mall.

Once the weather cleared, we cautiously anticipated an appreciable uptick in participant numbers on Saturday, the 17th. But, alas, the weekend "crowd" was no less anemic.
Though we met some stalwart and energized patriots from all over the country and enjoyed a pleasant meeting with Col. Riley at the Washington Monument—he actually remembered me—my companions and I couldn’t shake our painful disappointment. 
Among OAS participants, here are some of the refrains, or variations thereof, we so often heard: “What happened? “I can’t believe this.” “So where are all those patriots?” “This is scary.” “This is terrible.” “This is embarrassing.”  “This sucks.” “I’m pissed. Doesn’t anyone care?” “This is ridiculous.” And the most poignant: “It really is all over, isn’t it.” “Man, are we in trouble.”
Recalling what appeared to have been a sizable and determined internet base of supporters and prospective participants, the dismal OAS showing was both surprising and mystifying to us all.
So, what DID happen?
While speakers from among the participants added some congealing fervor, I couldn’t help shake the notion that high-profile patriotic speakers may well have encouraged more participation, more clout. Apparently, even patriots like to be “entertained”. But, that's only speculation.
Also, I can't ignore Glenn Beck's mischaracterization of OAS as "irreponsible and dangerous", and who, onThe Blaze, equated OAS with the 1848 Marxist "Spring of Nations", describing OAS hearts as "cold and hard". That ringing endorsement did little to rally supporters. And then there were other “conservative” personalities and bloggers who described the event as a “coup”. Wow! 

Coupled with a virtual media black-out leading up to the May 16th launch, I naturally wondered if the cacophony of negativity from the right hadn't, in fact, fatally undermined the OAS effort from the start. In this vein, I wondered if it was possible that self-destructive and narcissistic turf wars among patriotic organizations  and personalities on both the local and national levels may have materially contributed to the discouraging OAS launch. OR was it simply a matter of “sunshine patriots” doing what they do best: whine and complain, but ignominiously failing to get off their dead asses and be counted? Well, from my lowly perspective, all of these toxic factors most certainly contributed to the lackluster launch.
If there is a lesson here, for me it is this: if there is no fire in the belly of patriots, no sense of urgency, no recognition that only convincing action—not blog posts and commentary alone--can turn the Marxist tide, then the OAS  effort will continue to limp along to little or no avail and the country’s downward spiral into a fetid socialist abyss will be irreversible.
So, in short, and despite the single-minded leadership of Col. Riley and the dedication of  OAS organizers and participants alike, the OAS launch was extraordinarily disappointing and, for me, it does not bode well for the Republic's survival.

Happily, Col. Riley, undeterred, intends to push forward with the hope that real patriots from around the country will eventually step up and be counted, failing which, folks, it REALLY is all over.
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For the last twelve months, we’ve watched conservative Republicans in Congress rail against unconstitutional NSA spying and the targeting of tea party groups by the IRS. Many question why government needs access to all of our information in the first place.

Yet, largely unnoticed and with bi-partisan approval from Congress, a large and powerful infrastructure is actively collecting the data of millions of American kids every single day.

According to Politico, “(Education) tech companies of all sizes, from basement startups to global conglomerates, have jumped into the game. The most adept are scooping up as many as 10 million unique data points on each child, each day.”

“That’s more data, by several orders of magnitude, than Netflix or Facebook or even Google collect on their users,” Politico adds.

In the name of racing to the top and leaving no child behind, the federal government has opened the door to this largest violation of privacy in our nation’s history—all under the watchful eye of President Obama. In 2011, President Obama relaxed federal privacy laws (FERPA) to incorporate private institutional access into this data collection program.

By incentivizing participation in longitudinal databases through federal grants, the Department of Education has now created a system that tracks everything a child does—homework completion, behavior characteristics, health records, test scores, classroom comments, teacher observations of a their nutrition and hygiene, and more.

This information becomes part of the student’s file, along with millions of other students, to be utilized in the future for unknown purposes.

These databases aren’t simply for educational use by local school districts and state agencies—they are designed specifically to communicate with federal databases on a daily basis. The federal government, state agencies, and local schools can determine who has the right to access the information, including private for-profit companies, without parental knowledge or permission.

Perhaps the most concerning aspect is that some of these databases are now shared projects with Health and Human Services—and one can only assume that this giant collection of private information could be used to feed into the Obamacare exchanges in the near future.

- See more at:

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A retired United States Army colonel expects as many as 30 million like-minded individuals will descend on Washington, DC this week and demand that President Barack Obama and other members of his administration be booted from office.

Those are just some of the demands that Col. Harry Riley, founder of “Operation American Spring,” said he’ll ask the Obama administration to adhere to when militia members and patriots of all sorts arrive in the nation’s capital on Friday and begin demonstrating against a government the group considers to be in violation of the principles established by the founders of the country. 

“We are calling for the removal of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi and Eric Holder as a start toward constitutional restoration,” Riley told the Before Its News website during an interview earlier this year. 

POLL: Do you believe that Congress is for sale to the highest special interest group bidder?

“They have all abandoned the US Constitution,” he said, and “are unworthy to be retained in a position that calls for servant status.” 

Riley told Before Its News in January that he expects his Operation American Spring movement will provoke anywhere from 10 million to 30 million Americans to mobilize this week and arrive in DC, where they will participate in a “massive, gigantic effort as a last stand before America moves into a more devastating condition.” 

“For more than five years, ‘we the people’ have been writing, calling, faxing Congress, the media, screaming in town halls, marching, rallying, demonstrating, petitioning, all to no avail,” he said. “Every branch of government looks at ‘we the people’ whom they have taken an oath to serve, as ‘pests,’ interfering with their political agenda, cramping their self-serving, greedy agendas. We have no faith in the ballot box any longer, as many believe this sacred secret box has been compromised.” 

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