amendment (130)

Flag Burners…You HAVE Been Warned

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

I would like to take a moment, to address the myriad of morons who are mulling over burning an American flag.bur-1.jpg?width=152

While the United States Supreme Court has issued a ruling that flag burning is a right, protected by our 1st Amendment…there are a few things that you should know…and I’ll get to those in a little bit.

Before I do though, let’s first examine why, exactly, you people are doing what you’re doing, because it’s important to have the facts before we proceed.

You bunch of brainless buffoons are burning American flags because…you are disgruntled…but over what exactly?


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Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

There IS, I suspect, a very good reason that the ilk of Obama, so many left wing nut-job celebrities and the always light yeacas-1.jpg?width=264rs to the left of liberal mainstream media has been shedding crocodile tears over the death of Fidel Castro.

CNN called the now dead dictator “magnanimous” and “grandfatherly.”

Absolute idiot, Colin Kaepernick stated that he agreed with Castro’s investing in Cuba’s education system, universal healthcare and wore a Castro shirt to a press conference just days before Castro died.

Steven Spielberg once said, “The best seven hours I ever spent was actually with Fidel Castro.”

In the past, Jack Nicholson called Castro a “genius” and Cuba under Castro, “a paradise.”

Chevy Chase said that Cuba is proof that, “sometimes socialism works.”

Over this past weekend, Barack Hussein Obama stated…


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By Oscar Y. Harward

Public schools are failing to teach our children responsibility, but are teaching our children irresponsibility in a way to proceed without constructive performance as would be taught in ‘Social Studies’ classes.

Public schools are failing to teach our children values as experienced by our Founding Fathers and would disclose these earlier founders’ wisdoms as inscribed into our US Constitution.  Instead, our public schools are barred from teaching the Bible as a more than 2,000 year old history.  Public schools are teaching our children as to how our Constitutional freedoms based on Judeo-Christian values may be destroyed.

Freedom of Speech: Public schools are failing to teach our children the importance of the 1st Amendment; ‘Freedom of Speech’, as a method of protest allowing law-abiding citizens to express their lawful views.  Instead, local, state, and federal government agencies are teaching our children how to attack law-enforcement officers and others, to practice protest and often leading to vandalism, looting, burning, and rioting throughout communities. Some attacks by community thugs are leading to deaths.

Freedom of Religion: Public schools are failing to teach our children the importance of the 1st Amendment, ‘Freedom of Religion’, as a method of allowing citizens to worship at their choice within any Judeo-Christian House of Worship of choice, but after an erroneous SCOTUS decision; ABINGTON SCHOOL DIST. v. SCHEMPP, (1963). Public schools are teaching our children and instructed to a ‘Freedom from Religion’.

Freedom of the Press: Public schools are failing to teach our children the importance of the 1st Amendment, ‘Freedom of the Press’.  Our Founding Fathers wanted to make sure the citizenry would be permitted to know, from inside, what members of government was doing.  Many in the ‘Main-stream Medias’ have turned their 2nd Amendment rights from a news reporting view, but into a cheering section in support their own choices of candidates and/or other political positions. 

2nd Amendment:A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  

Public schools are failing to teach our children the importance of the 2nd Amendment.  All schools; public, private, charter, and all other schools should be teaching our children: 

  1. 1.    The safety of owning and operating guns.
  2. 2.    Practicing target shooting as a sport.
  3. 3.    Hunting wildlife for food used for (y)our family’s nourishment.
  4. 4.    Guns for protecting yourself and/or your family against a home invasion.
  5. 5.    Guns for protecting against a mutinous government. 

Public schools should be teaching our children the importance of owning guns and its safety in protecting Americans how to defend its citizens against terrorist groups or a mutinous government. 

Summary: This commentary is only a small measure illustrating how our ‘public educational’ system is failing to teach our children the importance, the freedoms, and the love of a precious nation; the importance in creating and enriching a ‘free and open’ nation under civilized Constitutional law. 

Solutions: For America to cultivate its people as a ‘free and open’ nation, changes need to re-claim Judeo-Christian values and place these values back into our laws, our brains and our hearts.  As Judeo-Christian values are revealed and implemented, all other fiscal and national security issues will follow, rightly, and leading us to a more prosperous nation. 

God Bless America!

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How Scalia and Ted Cruz Saved the 2nd Amendment

Since the passing of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, the GOP presidential field has, in a rare show of unity, supported Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s statement that Scalia’s replacement should be determined by the results of the November election. Democratic hypocrites like Sen. Chuck Schumer accuse the GOP of obstructionism, the memory of their blocking of George W. Bush nominees having faded.

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Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who is carrying water for casino-owning billionaire Sheldon Adelson, has announced he will be hosting a press conference tomorrow with former Rep. J.C. Watts (who is also a paid lobbyist for Adelson) and a handful of conservative organizations to push for his nationwide ban on states legalizing online gaming for their residents.  Nearly 25 conservative and liberty-minded groups have come out in opposition to the Chaffetz bill.  This afternoon, the American Conservative Union (ACU) blasted the groups that are selling out constitutional principles.  ACU Executive Director Dan Schneider issued the following statement reminding social conservatives that support for the Constitution must take precedent over their opposition to gambling:

Social conservatives all understand that gambling harms some people.  The only question for us is if the heavy hand of the Federal government should be brought to bear in this instance or whether the 10th Amendment to the Constitution should permit states to exercise their police authority.  

It is deceitful to imply that any bill in Congress would or could ban online gambling. There are already many gambling opportunities which are legal and widely available, but left untouched by the Restoration of America's Wire Act. Fan Dual and Draft Kings are just two examples. Similarly, people have been legally allowed to bet on horse racing for many years, and that wouldn't change under this bill.

As strong supporters of the 10th Amendment, the American Conservative Union does not see the kind of broad-based harm to justify Federal intrusion into the rights of states to govern themselves.  We must never forget that when we grow the power of the Federal government to limit people's freedoms, we also empower it to mandate other aspects of our lives.  From the Little Sisters of the Poor to those who wish to feed the hungry in their communities, Americans are now required to violate their conscience precisely because we have failed to reign in the Federal behemoth.  

Moreover, it does not make sense to allow some types of online betting while prohibiting others.  It’s not Congress’ job to pick winners and losers.  Using the Federal government to target certain competitors may be very good for the profits of some favored businesses, but it is by no means an appropriate way to set policy.

Those who are supporting the latest efforts to bring the Federal government into this arena ignore the inevitable results: gambling will continue online both domestically and on sites run by operators in the Caribbean, China, and Russia.  The Web has become a place where many vices flourish but banning certain US companies from this space cedes market dominance to foreign countries and dubious sites. 

Although we understand the substantial downsides to irresponsible gambling, it is not a proper use of the Federal government to preserve the profits and success of a single company’s business plan. 

Conservatives recognize and understand that each state should set its own policies under the rights guaranteed by 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  Conservatives trust the states to know what is right for each state.  Furthermore, conservatives trust our fellow Americans to understand that all people should be treated equally under the law with favoritism toward none. 

Schneider is spot on.  The Tenth Amendment empowers states to make their own decisions.  Conservatives and libertarians don't have to agree with those decisions but should respect them.  They should also oppose any and all efforts to gut the Bill of Rights -- especially to please a crony businessman who just wants to eliminate one form of competition for his billion dollar empire.  

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Oregon Shooter – If Obama Had a Son…

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on

ump-1.jpg?width=240“There is a gun for roughly every man, woman, and child in America. So how can you, with a straight face, make the argument that more guns will make us safer? We know that states with the most gun laws tend to have the fewest gun deaths. So the notion that gun laws don’t work, or just will make it harder for law-abiding citizens and criminals will still get their guns is not borne out by the evidence.”

Those were the words of Obama, Thursday, after he rushed to the White House briefing room before the bodies were cold in Roseburg Oregon…not allowing a crisis go to waste…to promote his anti 2nd Amendment agenda.

Let’s just see about his statement shall we?

Where ARE the MOST “gun laws” in our nation found?

Chicago Illinois…and how is that working out?



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"Birthright Citizenship": Politics v Rule of Law


We've all heard or read the stats: currently, only the United States grants birthright citizenship to illegal aliens and 8% of babies born in the US are so-called "anchor babies" born of illegal aliens. In and of itself, this doesn't constitute a crisis, but, for many of us, it does illustrate how far we've strayed from the Constitution. 

Like all babies, “anchor babies” too are sweet and cuddly, and deserving of mother’s love and society’s protection. But automatically conferring citizenship on babies of illegal aliens is an ideologically-motivated perversion not only of internationally accepted legal norms, but, much more importantly, of both the Constitution and the 14th Amendment as well.

By nimbly mischaracterizing the motives of birthright citizenship opponents, many in the media and blogosphere—to include attorneys who should know better-- have irresponsibly misrepresented the framers’ intent and have reduced the level of discourse on this legitimate constitutional issue to that of ad hominem, race-baiting, specious legal citations, contrived legal justifications, and mindless pandering. Shamelessly seeking ideological and political supremacy, to these people the Constitution and the rule of law mean absolutely nothing. And for a nation which once prided itself as being a “nation of laws”, that is inexcusable.

During an interview with Mr. Trump last night, what annoyed me greatly was Bill O'Reilly's characteristically bombastic--and wholly erroneous--claim that "the 14th Amendment says that any person born on US soil is a US Citizen. Period".  Poppycock! He couldn't have read the amendment at all to reach this specious conclusion. And the fact that even Judge Napolitano, a Libertarian jurist, a few days earlier asserted this revisionist and ignorant view is nothing short of bewildering and scary.  But, this does underscore just how flawed and fallible jurists and seemingly bright, well-informed talking heads can really be.

That said, for my own edification I decided to take the time to again review the actual words of the 14th’s framers, pertinent case law and the opinions of jurists and legal scholars on both sides of the question to determine the truth in this matter.

Here are my findings and conclusions:

First, while researching pertinent materials, I soon discovered that understanding the clear intent and meaning of the 14th Amendment was much simpler than anticipated. In fact, the meaning of the 14th was surprisingly straightforward. Lesson learned: if one simply abandons one’s ideological blinders for a moment and commit to an honest effort to objectively review a constitutional issue, clarity is nearly always one’s reward.

It also became apparent that from a strictly Constitutional standpoint, and despite many assertions to the contrary from both the left and the right, a constitutional amendment is NOT needed to deny anchor babies citizenship. In short, I was unable to find convincing constitutional evidence that so-called anchor babies can legitimately and automatically acquire U.S citizenship. Thus, a simple act of Congress--and most certainly NOT an amendment to the Constitution—in order to clarify the original intent and meaning of the 14th Amendment is all that is really needed.

Toward that end, introduced on April 2nd, 2009, and co-sponsored by 93 congressmen, inclusive of one lonely Democratic supporter, Mississippi’s Gene Taylor, HR 1868 (Birthright Citizenship Act of 2009) intended to amend section 301 of the Immigration & Nationality Act to provide that a person born in the US is “subject to the jurisdiction” of the US for citizenship purposes if the person is born in the US of parents, one of whom is: 1) a US citizen or national; 2) a lawful permanent resident alien who resides in the US; or 3) an alien performing military service in the US Armed Forces.” And if one simply reviews the original meaning of the 14th Amendment one can easily see that there is absolutely nothing at all revolutionary about this bill's language. In any event, the bill failed.

Intended to protect the rights of emancipated Negroes, the 14th Amendment specifically provided that “all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside.”

And as I very quickly learned, of central importance in this statement is the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof”, something birthright citizenship proponents have consistently and very conveniently ignored.

To begin, Sen. Jacob Howard of Michigan, co-author of the 14th Amendment, expressly asserted that “this will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers.” And it is in this plain-spoken construction birthright proponents somehow discover ambiguity or a totally different meaning. Amazing!
Under Section 1992 of the US Revised Statutes, the same Congress which adopted the 14th Amendment confirmed that “all persons born in the United States who are not aliens, excluding Indians not taxed, are declared to be citizens of the United States.”

In 1873, the US Atty Gen ruled the word “jurisdiction” under the Fourteenth Amendment to mean the absolute and complete jurisdiction. Aliens, among whom are persons born here and naturalized abroad, dwelling or being in this country, are subject to the jurisdiction of the US but only to a limited extent. Political and military rights do not pertain to them.”

Sen. Trumbell noted during the drafting of the 14th Amendment that it was the amendment’s goal to “make citizens of everybody born in the US who owe allegiance to the US,” and if “the negro or white man belonged to a foreign government he would not be a citizen.”

On March 1, 1866, Rep. James Wilson of Iowa, House Judiciary Committee, added that “we must depend on the general law relating to subjects and citizens recognized by all nations for a definition, and that must lead us to conclude that every person born in the US is a natural-born citizen of such States, except that of children born on our soil (jus soli) to temporary sojourners or representatives of foreign governments.” This statement served to nicely clarify Sen. Howard’s construction above.

John Bingham, framer of the 14th Amendment’s first section, stated that Sec. 1992 of the Revised Statutes meant “every human being born within the jurisdiction of the US of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of the Constitution itself, a natural born citizen.”

And if we reach way back to our founders in search of a definition of citizens of a foreign power, Thomas Jefferson said “Aliens are the subjects of a foreign power.”

To a man, among the framers the premise behind “within the jurisdiction thereof” was that all children born to parents who owed no foreign allegiance were to be citizens of the US; thus, not only must a child be born on US soil (jus soli) but born of parents whose complete allegiance was to the US.

Subsequently, Sen. Howard further explained that “only thru expatriation, which could be accomplished thru law alone, and not thru any immigrant acting on his own outside the law—and certainly not by any act of birth alone—could an alien become a citizen.” This, of course, would mean that the alien/sojourner would need to affirmatively renounce his allegiance to his/her country of origin before s/he could be considered completely within the jurisdiction of the US.

Sen. Howard also stated the following: “…the word 'jurisdiction', as here employed, ought to be construed so as to imply a full and complete jurisdiction on the part of the US, coextensive in all respects with the constitutional power of the US, whether exercised by Congress, the executive, or the judiciary; that is to say, the same jurisdiction in extent and quality as applies to every citizen of the US now.” In effect, he was saying that an alien may, by treaty arrangements with his country of origin, avail himself of the protection of the US, much as sojourning US citizens in the alien’s country of origin would avail themselves of that country’s protection, but that an alien's physical presence in the US would not render him/her under the "complete jurisdiction" of the US. Simple enough.

The rationale behind not granting automatic citizenship can be illustrated by the fact that American Indians could not be subject to the jurisdiction of the US because the US dealt with them through treaties. By logical extension, aliens sojourning in the US are extended privileges and protections by virtue of treaties in force with their countries of origin, much as American citizens are granted similar rights and privileges—but not citizenship--when sojourning in those countries. Logically, therefore, only if an alien voluntarily and affirmatively renounces his citizenship and expresses an intent to swear allegiance to the US may the alien, through operation of law (a formal naturalization process), be granted US citizenship. Thus, in a nutshell, since neither children of tourists/sojourners nor of diplomats born in the US can be US citizens, children of illegal entrants cannot be lawfully granted the privilege of US citizenship.

In 1867, George Yeaman, American Minister to Denmark, in his highly respected treatise on allegiance and citizenship and for whom the framers had great respect, asserted that “the idea of a double allegiance and citizenship united in the same person, and having reference to two separate, independent, and sovereign nations or governments, is simply an impossibility.” Thus, dual citizenship was also a no-no. (Take note, BHO.)

P. A. Madison, a modern day master of constitutional analysis, points out that “since illegal aliens are unlawfully in the US, their native country has a proper and primary claim of allegiance on the child. Thus, the completeness of their allegiance to the US is impaired, which therefore precludes automatic citizenship.” Slam dunk obvious, I’d say.

Also, Rep. Aaron Sargent, a representative from California during the Naturalization Act of 1870 debates, said the 14th Amendment’s citizenship clause was not a de-facto right for aliens to obtain citizenship. Significantly, none of his contemporaries disputed that assertion.

Adding to this mix, here is a little case law since the 14th’s ratification.

In the Slaughterhouse Cases(1873), the Supreme Court observed that the 14th Amendment overturned the Dred Scott decision by making all persons born within the United States and subject to its jurisdiction, citizens of the US; the ruling went on to point out “that [the 14th Amendment’s] main purpose was to establish the citizenship of the Negro” and that “the phrase ‘subject to its jurisdiction’ was intended to exclude from its operation children of ministers, consuls, AND citizens or subjects of foreign states born within the United States", thus reinforcing Sen. Howard’s construction above. So, since they cannot be subject to US jurisdiction, children of citizens of foreign sovereignities and children of foreign ministers/consuls/ambassadors cannot be lawfully considered US Citizens. Makes perfect sense.

Then, in Elk v Wilkins (1884), the Supreme Court ruled that the 14th Amendment did not even confer citizenship on Indians—because they were subject to tribal jurisdiction, not U.S. jurisdiction. In effect, the court essentially stated that the status of the parents determines the citizenship of the childand not merely the fortuitous birth of that child on American soil. (Note: not until the Citizens Act of 1924 was U S citizenship granted to American Indians. As with many whimsical court rulings over the years, I was unable to understand the legal grounding for this reversal. Thus, it would seem that judicial arbitrariness is not an affliction peculiar to modern day American courts alone.)

In US v Wong Kim Ark (1889), the courts held that children born in the US of parents of foreign descent who, at the time of the child’s birth are subjects of a foreign power but who have a permanent domicile and residence in the US and are carrying on business in the US, and are not employed in any diplomatic or official capacity under a foreign power, and are not members of foreign forces in hostile occupation of US territory, become a citizen of the US at the time of birth. As expressed in the minority opinion, this decision violated the 14th Amendment. But, in any case, how many new illegal aliens have permanent domiciles in the US and how many of them are carrying on business in the US at the moment of their child's birth on US soil? I suspect precious few. But note that in this case the parents were, unlike illegal entrants, legally present.

In Steel v Citizens for a Better Environment (1998), the court stated that “jurisdiction is a word of many, too many, meanings.” However, and as can be clearly seen above, Sen. Trumbell and, yes, Sen. Howard, 14th Amendment co-authors, had long ago provided a clear, unambiguous definition by declaring that “the provision is, that all persons born in the United States, and ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof’’, are citizens. That means ‘subject to the complete jurisdiction thereof. What do we mean by ‘complete jurisdiction thereof'? Not owing allegiance to anybody else. That is what it means.” And this from the framers' themselves! (Clearly, majority jurists in the Steel v Citizens court didn’t bother to research the framers’ clear intent and meaning. And one must wonder if a neophyte, such as I, can easily deduce original meaning, why can't trained jurists? Could it be incompetence or do political agendas get in the way of constitutional law?)

Despite the clear meaning and intent of the 14th's framers, we fast forward to the somewhat enigmatic ruling in US ex rel. Hintopoulis v Shaughnessy (1982), which some bloggers have used to justify birthright citizenship. In that case, and out of whole cloth, somewhere in the ruling it asserted, almost unconciously, that although a child born in the US to two illegal aliens was a US Citizen (????) that, nonetheless, “suspending the alien parents’ deportation based upon “the accident of birth in the US of their son would be to deprive others, who are patiently awaiting visas…” Thus, since the glancing allusion to the legality of birthright citizenship, though gratuitous—and erroneous—appeared in this suspension of deportation decision, birthright proponents often blithely and excitedly cite this case to substantiate the legality of birthright citizenship. Grabbing at straws, I'd say.

Then, true to activist form, in Plyler v Doe (1982) the court, apparently without access to the 14th framers’ erudition and written words, mysteriously ruled 5-4 that there is “no plausible distinction” with respect to “jurisdiction” between resident aliens who entered the country lawfully and those resident aliens who entered unlawfully. Wowee! Clearly a yawning divergence from the framers’ clear meaning and intent. Seems judicial activism was as alive and well in 1982 as it is today.

To me, these two rulings which capriciously and arrogantly turned Thomas Jefferson and the framers of the 14th on their heads are clearly unlawful at worst, convenient contrivances at best.

When I explained all this on-line to an attorney who is also a strong proponent of birthright citizenship, this was her reply: “I disagree with your interpretation of the phrase ‘subject to the jurisdiction thereof'. The first rule of statutory construction is that we don’t look to the drafters’ intent if the words are plain and unambiguous…If the drafters meant to include some allegiance test, they would have. They didn’t.” That sort of revisionism, gobbledegook, willful ignorance and dishonesty is, folks, what this country is up against. My rejoinder was civil, but to the point: “It wasn’t MY lowly interpretation. It was the framers’ interpretation. But, ignore original intent and meaning? A living constitution is like having no constitution at all. We can merely make it up as we go along and continue to hand-off an increasingly irrelevant document to the next generation. While I sincerely hope this isn’t what you have in mind, at this juncture I can see there’s really nothing more to discuss with you on this or any other constitutional issues. How very sad.”

Finally, based upon what I now understand, we must be faithful to the 14th Amendment framers’ clear intent and meaning—surely a tall order with so many activists and social engineers infesting our courts these days. In the case of "birthright citizenship", Congress is constitutionally empowered to re-assert the original meaning of the the 14th Amendment, and that's precisely what it should do.


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                  I've  often wondered since I first heard the term politically correct back in the late 80's and 90's just what exactly it was, and just how it was suppose to pertain to me. Now maybe I ponder to much on such things because most people I knew at the time just took it in stride.                                                                                                                    Normally I say what I think even in public and over the years have suffered a lot of flings and arrows that go with it, it seem that I've never had time to write any thing down and express myself in this form before, but being on vacation from work and finally having some free time lets see how many agree with me or if I'm the right wing nut job some paint me to be.                                                                                                              First of all the first amendment says we have the right to free speech. So why is it when sum of us on the right use it do we allow ourselves to be maligned and shamed into walking it back or apologizing for our beliefs. the recent left-wing attacks on Ted Cruse ,Donald Trump are prime examples of these tactics and the only way I see to stop them is to stop apologizing and turn it on them. Free speech is the right to offend and to be offended . I find myself offended everyday when I hear someone refer to illegal aliens as immigrants. First of all they are not they are invaders they break the law in coming, they break the law by staying , by driving automobiles without a valid license period not to forget driving drunk, by trafficking drugs and people. and then there is incidents like the murder in San Francisco this past week. the left will try again to attack the second amendment. instead of recognizing the fact that that man shouldn't have been here at all. or putting aiding and abiding felony charges on the mayor of San Francisco as well as the whole city counsel, and yes the federal government should with hold all federal dollars from San Francisco and all other sanctuary cities.                                                            Now the PC police will probably come after me for hate speech or some messed up crap . Oh Well let em but I will never apologize or surrender my right given by God to speak my mind, because free speech and political correctness can not co-exist.                                         

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Judicial Tyranny MUST be Resisted

th?id=JN.ErIPYJpx4Kbs7o4H3f48qw&pid=15.1&H=51&W=160Our Founders shaped a remedy for judicial tyranny, and we ignore it at our peril.

Entirely justified by the 9th and 10th Amendments, a surefire and sensible solution to judicial overreach is STATE NULLIFICATION, an action which constitutionally renders a judicial ruling  "null, void and of no legal effect" within the sovereign territory of a nullifying State. However, the efficacy of this perfectly legitimate remedy relies upon the existence of State leaders with spine and principle.

In the longer term, expedited passage of a constitutional amendment which would enable a majority of State legislatures to overrule ANY supreme court ruling within 6 months of issuance must be initiated either by Congress or, per Art V of the Constitution, by the States themselves. This, of course, would constitute a permanent means of checkmating a runaway judicial oligarchy.

But, alas, will either of these prudential actions be taken? No. Why? Most Americans and nearly all their political "leaders", both at the State and federal level,  are spineless, unprincipled, disengaged and ignorant of their constitutional rights and duties.

So, what shall clear-eyed Patriots do to remedy this tyranny in order to restore constitutional order? Both Natural Law and our Founders are crystal-clear on this point: it is our Right and Duty to appropriately resist. Vested in the People themselves and condoned by our Founders, Civil Disobedience, Rebellion and Secession are perfectly legitimate and sacrosanct remedies to tyranny.

I believe we have breached that tipping point. 
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Looks like our invincibly arrogant Supreme Court is on a Progressive roll--a veritable steamroller of errant and overreaching Delphic rulings quite at odds with our Constitution. 

On the heels of the Court's outrageous ruling yesterday on Obamacare, here it goes again by "ruling" that same-sex marriage is a "constitutional right". Huh? Constitutional right? This ruling is much more than mystifying; it is subversive.

While the same-sex ruling was entirely predictable--no less so than the Obamacare, aka SCOTUScare, ruling yesterday--I am no less stunned by this judicial quackery and lawlessness.

Thinking I may have missed something along the way, this morning I carefully re-read my copy of the Constitution, and for the life of me I couldn't find marriage of any kind defined as a "constitutional right". Nowhere! In fact, marriage isn't even mentioned in the text.

Per the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, any power not specifically/expressly delegated by the States to the federal government remains with the States and the People. Thus, defining marriage is a State power and same-sex marriage is constitutional ONLY if the individual State and its citizenry says it is. This isn't rocket science, folks. It's  the law. And the obscene misapplication of the 14th Amendment's ""equal protection" clause yet again cannot nullify the authority of the 9th and 10th Amendments. Only a constitutional amendment can do that.

Just what Constitution are these Progressive judicial oligarchs reading? Have they even read the Constitution? And, if so, do they at all regard the US Constitution as the supreme law of the land? Obviously not. Clearly, Judicial Supremacy has virtually supplanted Constitutional Supremacy. And therein lies the seed of our self-destruction.

Wouldn't it be splendid--indeed, principled and courageous--were the States to exercise their lawful authority by NULLIFYING this outrageous judicial usurpation of State sovereignty? Without spine and political courage at the State level, the US Constitution is, without question, D-E-A-D and this "constitutional republic" but an illusion.

Until this judicial tyranny is stopped, what precious remains of this tattered constitutional republic will be relegated to the dustbin of history.

I do not see a good end to this lawlessness. As to a remedy, let our Founders be our guide ...

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Liberals don't like this fact's their cities ! it really boils down to black and Hispanic gangs in this country that run up the gun crime numbers but the liberals don't want to admit it because it is their voters, But they want to control the law abiding peoples gun rights ...and we need our guns to protect ourselves from these same thugs and our government !

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