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Defining the Democrat Party…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

As I pointed out in “Defining the Democrat Party…Part 1”…they continue to repeat their ang-1.jpg?width=204failures of history, expecting a different result having not learned from their mistakes, and while on the surface, it might well seem they are stuck on stupid, that simply is not the case.

What they are, is angry, and desperate…which makes them dangerous…but what is it exactly that has them so desperate?

That’s the question, isn’t it?

The answer is both simple, and complex…it is power, or the lack thereof that has them flailing about, repeating their own mistakes.

But there is a whole lot more to it than that…


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Defining the Democrat Party…Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen – Right Side Patriots on American Political Radio

It has often been rightly said, that “those who fail to learn from the mistakes of history, are doomed to repeat them,” but what does that mean, exactly?mis-1.jpg?width=191

It means that history is where we make both great strides forward, and where we make our mistakes and what we learn from both should guide our steps in the future. From what we did right, we grow in the future. We use those things as stepping stones to greater and greater things. We improve on our successes to achieve even greater successes.

From our mistakes, we should also learn what not to do again. From our history’s failures, we should learn what to do to prevent future failures of a like nature.

Those who fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it. In other words, those who fail to learn for their history’s failures, are doomed to thus fail again by repeating those failures in the future.

Einstein once said that “doing the same thing over and over again, while expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.”

I submit, that by combining the two quotes, one can find the very definition of the democrat party.

To illustrate this point, let’s look at four prime examples.


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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Yesterday, in “Cruz IS Eligible – The Facts…Part 1 of 2,” I began to provide indisputable eli-13.jpg?width=196facts regarding the Constitutional eligibility of Ted Cruz while also exposing the falsehoods of Trump’s followers and birthers.

Allow me to continue presenting those facts and further exposing the birther lies, because there is now an article out there being spread by low-info birthers which states, “NATURAL BORN CITIZENAs the society cannot exist and perpetuate itself otherwise than by the children of the citizens, those children naturally follow the condition of their fathers, and succeed to all their rights. The country of the fathers is therefore that of the children; and these become true citizens merely by their tacit consent.” (The Natural Law as understood by the Founders in Article II of the US Constitution)”

First of all…Article II never mentions “natural law,” and second…the fact of natural law, as understood by the Founders and Framers would have been vastly different than what the birthers claim it was, because they hope that nobody does the proper research.  Blackstone wrote of natural born both as it pertained to England and to the American colonies, and in his writings, Blackstone is quite clear, in that “natural born,” whether they be from England or the American colonies included all those born “in” the lands under British sovereignty.



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By Craig Andresen Right Side Patriots http://www.americanpbn.com/

Once again, now as their candidate, Donald Trump, faces not gathering enough delegates eli-1.jpg?width=155to secure the nomination on the 1st ballot at the convention, Trump’s low-information followers are screaming more birther propaganda


I’m not trying to change the minds of Trump’s blind followers here. There is little point in that as their minds are made up with little to no care for the end result. In that way, they’re like lemmings…blindly following their chosen leader over a cliff. No…this article is for those whose eyes are still open, and have yet to make their 2016 choice who might be influenced by Trump’s low-information voter propaganda.

In order to not be fooled by Trump’s fools…real information is needed so…here it is.

Ted Cruz is eligible to run for, and hold the nation’s highest office, and he is a natural born citizen.

Without research and proof…those words would mean nothing more than the words of Trump’s blind followers harping and hawking the Cruz is ineligible propaganda so…allow me to give you the proof that he is eligible and a natural born citizen.

Let’s start with the most recent and work our way back.


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Oh, The Hypocrisy of it All

By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on americanpbn.com

According to Donald Trump, “I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot people ancou-1.jpg?width=180d I wouldn’t lose voters.”

Is he the only one who could do such a thing and not lose any of his support?


Any penny-ante, tin-pot dictator in any 3rd world, one horse rogue nation could do it. Lil Kim in North Korea could do it. There was a time when Saddam and Gaddafi could have done it. Lenin and Stalin and Hitler did do it.

Forget 3rd world, one horse rogue nations…hell, Obama could get away with it just to name another dictator and that is exactly what’s wrong in this country. Electing a president has become a side show rather than a concerted effort to choose who would actually be the best for the job.

After Trump made his latest, ‘out of touch with reality’ statement on Saturday afternoon…his Trump-drunk followers started making excuses…”it was taken out of context,” and “he didn’t mean anything by it.” “Lighten up, he’s joking.”



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By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

side-1.jpg?width=184Of all the useless organization that exist on this earth, the United Nations (of thugs, thieves and despots) just may be the absolute worst.

Over the decades, the U.N. has allowed some of the worst actors on the human rights stage sit on their Human Rights Council…not because they in any way, shape or form, deserved to be there but because…on the Un’s rotating wheel of insipidness…it was simply their turn to sit there.

With regard to Iraq…the United Nations (of thugs, thieves and despots) allowed Saddam to thumb his Islamic nose at them…allowed him to ignore and violate 17 resolutions over a 12 year time span and contrary to liberal/socialist talking points…that is why George W. Bush took them to task…not over 9/11.

Now, in the latest of a long line of despicable behavior, the United Nations has launched into a whole new realm of Islamic-loving knot-headedness.

The U.N. has, in the side deal they struck with Iran that is not a part of the Kerry/Obama deal, as though Obama didn’t know this full well, Iran will be allowed to choose their OWN inspectors to inspect their nuclear facilities…home-brew inspectors that will, no doubt, find absolutely no evidence whatsoever of any nuclear bomb building (which I can all but guarantee you has already been accomplished) or evidence of any nuclear bomb research.

In other words…


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By: Craig Andresen and Diane Sori / Right Side Patriots on CPR Worldwide Media / www.cprworldwidemedia,net

pant-1.jpg?width=195Yesterday, in Part 1 of “Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups,” we outlined the more than suspicious nature of Platte River Networks, the company that has been in charge of Hillary Clinton’s private email accounts and server since 2013. Given how deep the scandal goes, not to mention the cover-up of the entire situation from alpha to omega…it should not be a bit surprising that the Director of Sales and Marketing for Platte River Networks, one David DeCamillis was once accused of 14 counts of fraud while raking in $1.5 million dollars as an executive for $500 million dollar Ponzi scam artist Lou Pearlman. DeCamillis then took the position at Platte River Networks and declared bankruptcy owing some $24 million dollars in debts.

All of this, along with the disclosures we related in Part 1 of this 2 Part report leads one to wonder just what sort of background checks or vetting was done by Hillary Clinton before striking the deal with Platte River Networks. Easy money would say none but…if you were going to violate the espionage Act of 1917 and knew you would have a great deal to hide…would you go with an above-board company or with an outfit like Platte River which is looking none too good right now?

And who do you suppose paid for the wiping of those servers? We suspect it was Arab monies, via donations to and possibly laundered through the Clinton Foundation that picked up that tab.

Let’s now get down to the emails of Hillary’s that we actually know of, who leaked them and why.

Last Tuesday, with a wink and a nod, Hillary finally agreed to turn over her private server to the FBI. Why? Because she had ample time to wipe it completely clean and sanitize whatever was there that forensic analysts would have found.

What was on that private server when the FBI finally got their hands on it?


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God v. The Constitution…Part 2 of 2

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

gvc-1.jpg?width=264Yesterday, in Part 1 of our report, “God v. The Constitution,” we laid out the legal aspects of the upcoming Supreme Court case regarding same sex marriage but, at the bottom of all the hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth however, is the mantra chanted endlessly by those on the far, far right and the holier than thou set…that being…”traditional biblical marriage is only between one man and one woman.”

What this really is, is the ultra-religious ascribing words either to the Bible or directly to God that simply aren’t true but let’s give them a chance and see how it lines up with the facts.

To imply that biblical marriage is between one man and one woman would need a Bible verse or passage as backing to make it fact however, no such verse or passage exists. In fact…the Bible never uses the word “marriage” nor in fact does the Bible ever define marriage. Sure, there are plenty of verses and passages regarding love or husbands and wives that one can look up but none of them, not one, offers any definition regarding the institution of marriage.

That said however, the Bible does offer a great deal of insight into “traditional” marriage.


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God v. The Constitution...Part 1 of 2

By Craig Andresen and Diane Sori –  Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

scotus1%2Bcover.jpg?width=200Let’s start with the bottom line…the ‘social issues’ belong to the states…period. And anyone who says otherwise does NOT know the Constitution…you know…that pesky little document Obama so loves to trample on.

The Constitution…the very document that defines our freedom and protects us from a tyrannical government (that is until Obama came along)… clearly and unequivocally states which powers will be delegated by law to each branch of government. And while amendments to the Constitution have been added that deal with specific ‘human rights’ (rights believed to belong equally to every person) those amendments still rightfully place limits on government powers in regards to those rights. And the ubber-religious far right, and even some centrist conservatives, do not understand that when ‘social issues’ cross the line into political fodder they themselves become what’s legally referred to as ‘constitutionally improper.’ And neither the federal government nor Obama himself…even when yielding his trusty pen and his phone… can legally choose which Constitutionally given ‘human rights’ to focus on…to fixate on…over the others. But the delegation of the so-called ‘social issues’ still must adhere with the Constitution not with Obama or with the socially conscious and many times judgmental ubber-religious far right.


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MORE Blood on the IMAM’S Hands

By Craig Andresen on September 3, 2014 at 4:42 am

lies-1.jpg?width=269Last week, in an article co-written by myself and my RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner, Diane Sori…’Obama’s Caliphate…The Truth Exposed’ I wrote the following:

“Last week, Obama was blaming the ‘surprise’ that is ISIS on a lack of accurate information from our intel community. “There is no doubt that their advance, their movement, over the last several months has been more rapid than the intelligence estimates, and I think then the expectation of policy makers both in and outside of Iraq.” Are we really to believe that the Director of the CIA, John Brennan, a muslim convert himself, didn’t know what ISIS was up to…oh please…”

“The Obama doctrine…creating vacuums of power in the Middle East and North Africa…is giving way to the strategic plan of ceding regional power to ISIS in an effort to do away with Israel and complete a caliphate the size and strength of which has never been seen before. And like a garden variety islamist, Obama has moved on from his support of the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda to throw in with ISIS…always bowing to the barbarians who carry the biggest sword.”

And I continued…


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By Craig Andresen on June 8, 2014 at 4:55 am

tnp-eagle1.jpg?width=229The cockroaches of liberalism are scattering wildly as the harsh light of truth shine upon them in the wake of the tyrant King’s latest scandal.

In Bowe Bergdahl, Obama set free a terrorist sympathizer, a converted Islamist Jahidi, a deserter and most likely a traitor whose father, Bob Bergdahl, sanctified the white house and recited a victory chant for the terrorists after tweeting to the mouthpiece of a known terror organization that he, Bob Bergdahl, was still working on his behalf.

To secure Bowe Bergdal’s “release” from his Taliban “captors,” Obama sent five of the most vile and genocidal terrorists in GITMO to Qatar where, supposedly, they will be kept from traveling out of the country for a period of one year.

Upon their arrival in Qatar, the GITMO 5 were hailed as heroes, praised and made into instant celebrities.

One simply has to wonder; now just one week after Obama shredded United States laws to make this move, if the government of Qatar has any bloomin’ idea where any one of those 5 former GITMO terrorists is today.

But, liberal/socialists are all wadded up because they think my outrage over this felonious freeing of GITMO terrorists is solely being driven by Fox News and right wing Obama haters.

In fact…nothing could be further from the truth.

NBC, a notoriously Obama ass kissing propaganda organization filed a report stating the words of State Department spokeswoman, Marie Harf:


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Friday Fume

By Craig Andresen on May 30, 2014 at 5:24 am

fume-1.jpg?width=284It seems like it SHOULD have been a short week, what with Memorial Day and all but…LIBERALS COULD MAKE A ONE CAR PARADE SEEM LIKE IT TAKES A MONTH OF SUNDAYS!!!

Not to worry though, we made it through and we’ve come to yet another Friday.

Let’s just jump into the deep end of liberal insanity shall we?

Friends and Patriots…

I’m fuming.

We have an URGENT update on the “MISSING” Malaysian Flight 370!!!!

Yes, I KNOW this has been covered ad nauseum …hell I’m ad NAUSEATED by it MYSELF but THIS is important and I feel COMPELLED to bring it to you.

Dear whoever built the thing that looks for things that are lost and make noise so you can find them…

You had ONE job…

I’m talking to the nerd or team of nerds who, no doubt, acquired taxpayer dollars to fund their research to build something called a…”Towed Pinger Locator”…It’s a thingy that gets towed behind a ship to listen for and locate the black boxes of flying machines that may well have become submersibles.

Within days of Flight 370 going missing…EVERYBODY just KNEW it went into the Indian Ocean so…they go and get the ”Towed Pinger Locator” and start dragging it around and VIOLA…they started hearing “PINGS!!!”

That was 2 ½ months ago but the “PINGS” faded away and they’ve been looking around in the same area ever since but…on WEDNESDAY…we learned THIS…it seems the “PINGS” they were hearing either came from…THE SHIP they were using or…


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