Is martial law the ultimate goal?

With everything happening to this country of ours it is getting harder and harder to maintain a cool head and not jump to conclusions but if we sit back and view the last four years as well as what’s happening now an image is starting to appear of what might possibly be our future.

During President Obama's first term he laid the ground work. President Obama issued over 144 executive orders, many dealing with martial law. As the Supreme Court already opinioned when looking at President Lincolns use of martial law, "Martial law ... destroys every guarantee of the Constitution.". This means when martial law is declared we as Americans have no rights at all.

During President Obama's first term he wrote Executive Orders granting the government the power to take over all communications media, electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals. He also wrote an Executive Order where the government can take over all modes of transportation and control of the highways and sea ports. That means Obama can confiscate your horse, your donkeys, your bicycle or even your riding lawn mower. All forms of transportation. Executive orders signed by Obama also include railroads, inland water ways, public storage facilities, airports and airplanes including commercial planes can all be taken over by the government.

Think that’s bad, well it gets worse, much worse.

Executive Orders have also been signed allowing the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision. To take over all health education and welfare functions. To allow the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations, AND grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

If that doesn’t scare you then look at this. An Executive order has also been signed which allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money in U.S. financial institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when the president declares a state of emergency, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

Now why that last part that congress cannot review the action for six months? To understand why President Obama wanted that executive order lets look at what martial law is. Martial law is the suspension of civil authority and the imposition of military authority. When we say a region or country is "under martial law," we mean to say that the military is in control of the area, that it acts as the police, as the courts, as the legislature. The president is the commander in chief of the military and as such in full control of the martial law. Seeing how the constitution is suspended during martial law and the President is in control the only ones able to stop martial law is the congress. In effect that Executive order that says Congress cannot review the action for six months in effect give the President full unchallenged control for six months.

A little tidbit to add to martial law here is that our constitution Article 1, Section 9 states, "The privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." The concept of the of Habeas Corpus is that a person may not be held by the government without a valid reason for being held. A writ means the government would have to provide a person to a court to show just reason for holding them. With the suspension of the writ the government can detain and hold a person indefinitely.

In a nut shell a President can declare martial law, would have six months of free reign to do as he pleases while rounding up any congressional opposition to his martial law and detaining them indefinitely and doing this totally legally.

In order for a president to declare martial law he must have a valid reason to do so. For that lets look at our present situation. Today we have a president whom has openly declared war on the second amendment to our constitution. This is causing a great deal of civil unrest in the nation. Being told that their actions are unconstitutional doesn’t slow the President down at all, in fact it emboldens him to push even harder. To top that off our President is also pushing us to the fiscal cliff of ruin. When asked about the out of control spending our President replies that we do not have a spending problem. Top that off with our government printing money as fast as possible as well as demanding unrestricted borrowing powers we can see we will be heading to a financial meltdown very soon. A financial meltdown coupled with civil unrest over constitutional violations would be the catalyst for open revolt and exactly what would be needed in order to openly declare martial law. Then we all are doomed.

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  • Notice how Obama uses children to get his point across? Hitler did the same exact thing. Why hasn't Obama been impeached? It is quite apparent that he was elected to office by those who believe in his idiologies, just so long as it doesn't impact their lives in any way. There is enough evidence to have started hearing procedures during his last term in office. There is more than enough evidence to bring up charges of treason, and yet no one has done anything about it. Why do you suppose no one has said anything about his BC not being legit, or that his academic records remain sealed? I don't know about you, but many unemployed people, when applying for a job, usually bring in their resumes. If a job requires a degree in academics, they provide that information. This is a man who was "applying" for the highest position in our nation and we got nothing. Sure, people talked about Ayers, and his other communist buddies, but no one cared. IF all we know about Obama to be a lie, he wins anyway. Imagine, if you will, how many riots would take place if Obama was charged with treason. That alone, would have him declaring martial law immediately. I'll wager he's counting on it and that's why he's passed so many executive orders that will have a profound impact on our lives. People will be detained by the gov't in various locations throughout the US. If this information doesn't scare you, then you are someone who is going to wake up far too late when shtf. 

  • Unless Barry Soetoro aka: Barack Obama is removed from office by any means America is doomed to utter destruction!

  • I think the actual number of executive orders Obama initiated was somewhat lower. I admit  my last count was before the election and I know it was over 150 at that point. Since then he has written more.

    However many of the Executive Orders he is able to use without having to get the approval of the House or Senate were issued by previous presidents and according to Obama they were never done away with.  So it is easy for him to use them for his own purposes.  The ones he has had written and personally signed are deadly to us, literally.  They can destroy all we hold dear and take total control of our  rights and property and even our own bodies, placing it all into the hands of one man,  Barry the illegal alien in the presidency.  Do you honestly think Amnesty is important to him  for the poor down trodden masses???  If Amnesty passes it covers him too.  Suddenly he will be legally in the presidency... Why is that so hard for people to see??????? 

    This thief  who I refuse to acknowledge as president , since there is no legal name change to Obama...No proof of citizenship and the blatant use of forged or stolen documents, and a stolen election by voter fraud...must be jailed or chased out of this nation. Politics won't remove him because he does not respect our laws.  He thinks he is the rule of law and has proven it over and over again. Only action will remove him. 

    Open action will no doubt change the very structure of  this nation and I do not see how it could remain intact. But will it destroy us or save us???  If Barry has his way we are already doomed.  America may not be the same, ever again, but without action, America will not survive at all.  I get sick of hearing about the next election.   What part of there will never be another real election don't people understand.  If Barry  could manage to be in Office with all the obvious fraudulent garbage done in the last elelction, you have to realize our last real election was the first one he got in on by telling the country a lot of lies...  It never should have happened since well before the election many knew Barry was not a U.S. citizen.  Had our elected officials made him prove his citizenship we would not be in this position, but we would not be out of the woods either.  The far left socialist group would have found some other puppet to put in office and we would have found ourselves in the same place.   That is why Barry had to be given enough rope to hang himself, which he is now in the process of doing...

    Anyone who can read can come to the conclusion that Barry and his followers are in the midst of a Hitler type of takeover, simply by compairing the steps Hitler took to get total power in Germany to the steps Obama is taking.  This man must be stopped, not just his legislation..The man must be removed from the Oval Office where he thinks he has squatters rights... He must be charged with treason preferably by the military who he is setting up to destroy.  This illegal alien has given our islands off Alaska to Russia, no one stopped him.  He has given fighter jets and weapons to governments controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.  Now he want to stop giving our troops breakfast!  He is kicking men out of the military on false charges, just because they refuse to deny their oath to defend the Constitution and us.  He is setting up our Naval Fleet to be taken out by China in a fuss between Japan and China, where we are supposed to be on Japans side. But then we find Obama giving control over our valuable resources to China to pay our debt... all the while printing and giving away financial aid to our enemies. 

       The sooner people come to grips with the fact that our politicians from both sides are too busy playing politics with our lives to stand up and stop him the sooner we will get our nation back.  They say the word Constitution a lot, but if they truly stood on it, they would have long ago made him prove his citizenship. 

    No true American wants to see this nation destroyed or divided, but we must stop fooling ourselves that politics as usual will stop the destruction of all we hold dear.  Political games and political correctness is what got us in this place...  Trusting our legislators to protect our rights got us in this place.  They have been far to busy protecting their own political futures to protect ours.

    Our elected officials have acted just like the opposing party to Hitler did.  They thought they could control him with their bills and their votes, but Hitler did not play fair, and neither does Barry.  In 1933, 100,000 of Germany's political leaders from oppposing parties were rounded up and placed in concentration camps.  They thought German Law would protect them, but they didn't figure in the Enabling Act which is like part of our NDAA Law and the didn't figure in the Economic State of Emergency declared by Hiter that put them under Marshall Law.  OOOOOPS, no more citizens rights!!! Hiter became the total law of the land.  Revolt early on, if they could have done so, would have saved them,  but they had no weapons to fight with.... Daniel Detwiler is wrong.  Barry can declare Marshall Law if just 10 % of the population is suspected of having the flu according to the appointed ( by Barry) head of the CDC.  Or he can do what Hitler did and declare Marshall Law by declaring an Economic State of Emergency and all that is required to do so is for Barry to tell the appointed (by Barry) head of finance to say we are in one...  ( which by the way we have been for some time...By the figures we have gone way over the cliff long ago, and are being artificailly, very temporarily, propped up) He can and will declare marshall Law to "prevent panic and rioting".  And while we are at it, all these smart meters just installed all over the U.S. can be controlled by a single computer, hacked into by someone on Barry's team.  Put a failed money system causing everything  to come to a screeching halt, including shipments to our grocery stores, then have someone turn out the lights and you will have panic beyond measure.  With no food, no water, no medical care, no welfare payments, how long do you think it would be before riots began.  That is all it would take to make Marshall Law seem like a good idea to the blind , frightened masses.  Then with the promise of shelter, power, water and food and you would have millions lining up to get Federal provision and protection.  The problem with that is you won't get it in your town, you will have to go to FEMA camps all over the U.S. manned and ready,  and darned if they don't look just like Hitler's concentration camps...  

    Revolt might be the only thing between us and genocide.  My heart thrills each time I see groups of people from another branch of our military make a stand for our Constitutional rights.  They are our best hope, as are our Sheriffs around the U.S. that I see standing for our Constitutional rights.  It is time to get physical.  First bring that illegal alien up on real charges, don't just take him to another court with another case that he can simply keep appealing.  And don't just try blocking his Executive Orders, he doesn't care what political things you try.  They don't mean a thing to him..   Wake up people don't be like sheep to the slaughter.  Demand action now or there won't be a United States of America any more,  at least not one we would want to be a part of...

    Wake up to the fact that the legislators who actually do want to protect our Constitution have long since realized they can't do it by legislation.  They are just biding their time till those who they have asked to come to our defense have all their ducks in a row and are ready..  It would be a miracle if we could come through this with no shots fired.  Neither side is stupid, but they are counting on the fact that most of America is in the dark, and therefore will not rise up to protect themselves before the appointed time.  The good guys need for Obama and his whole socialist party to be brought down.  They know just getting Obama out won't fix anything.  They know there must be a destruction of the corrupt system that gave Barry this much power. I do not think it can be done without blood shed... Both sides are trying very hard to cause the other to act in a manner that would make rising up against them look like the best thing to do to save this nation.  Both sides want rising up to stop the other to make them look like the good guys in the white hats.  If the Constitutionalists ( who are the real good guys) act too quickly and in the wrong manner, public opinion would be against them.  It would look as if the far right was in rebellion trying to destroy the union and the  (Barry owned )press would crucify them.   But if Barry acts first and begins to act on his Executive Orders during Marshall Law, the Constitutionalists will look like the good guys as they rescue the people from tyranny.   Personally I think there is a way for the good guys to stop Barry and his crew before he does any more damage,  so it makes me wonder, are both sides into culling the masses to a more controlable number?  I know for sure Barry is, the jury is still out on the other side. One thing is sure, both sides will lock people up.  Neither side will allow riots to continue.  And neither side has the money to keep supporting the present welfare system.  In both cases, the common man will again be reduced to statistics and will bear the brunt of the suffering.  It's funny how in war there are always an acceptable number of casualties...  I personally do not intend to be a casualty....

  • Oh, but you want us to keep a "cool head?" Obama has but one big thing in his way right now...GUN CONTROL. We have let this illegal baboon take control and have not lifted a single finger to stop him. We need to keep a cool head and let's all just write and call our congress men and women right? Where has that gotten us? The congress is in bed with obama, why do you think he was not properly VETTED to begin with? Do you honestly believe we will have elections in 2016? obama plans to stay in power and if he can control guns he'll do just that. God help us all...........................

  • We have a power greater than Obama, if we just believe and follow HIM. We are told in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of satan, with all power, signs and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie.  HOWEVER GOD promises in 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and will turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land."  America has turned from God, we have pushed HIM out of our lives with things like abortions, same sex marriage, doing business on HIS sabbath, taking HIS name out of everything, showing preference to Allah in many areas, more I could list.  God has been angered greatly and HE will punish America, as HE did Israel and other nations through out history because they turned away from HIM. Unless we follow HIS words in 2 Chronicles.  We are in very dangerous times and must get on our knees humbly, asking GOD to forgive us and heal this great nation. GOD does not lie!!  No one knows how HE will do this, we must simply turn back to our GOD, trusting HIM and follow HIS word.

  • Yes indeed how many are in on this? I think the voters have allowed this country's leaders to be Lilly liveried liberals. I have been asking foe IMPEACHMENT for over 4 years. Now every red blooded american needs to scream IMPEACH Obama this week! Not only Obama  but his entire dictatorial staff. Send letters to your Congress demanding they file the articles of impeachment. 

  • If this doesn't scare the crap out of you ,nothing will !! Who does he think he is ? Lincoln or Hitler? I know Lincoln had a reason,with the Civil War,but Hitler did it so he could be a Dictator.Look where that led Germany! Do we want this to happen in our country? I think not! This AssHat,needs to be impeached and prosecuted as a traitor!!!!!

  • I thought the legislative branch was the sole source of laws...rules....that the executive branch enforces the laws the legislature comes up with. Since when did the executive branch get the power to write executive orders, bypassing Congress? It sounds to me Obama has given himself the power to declare himself dictator of everything for no real reason. Given the history of this man, it's hard to believe he won't do it.


  • No...I beg to differ. "Then we all are (not) doomed".
    They are.
  • I have been saying this for months. Why are our leaders allowing this to happen? How many are in on it?
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