I Stand Beside Brother Rush!

4063467300?profile=originalShowing himself to be a class act, Rush Limbaugh apologized to Ms Fluke. Rush further explained that his apology was not the result of losing sponsors. Rush said he turns down millions of dollars in sponsors each years. Rush said he apologized because he realized he had taken his sarcasm, to prove a point, a bit too far.

Folks, when I was a little boy, I said I wanted to grow up to be a man. What was my image of a man? My dad and Sheriff Andy Taylor of Mayberry. Both men seemed to always try to do the right thing regardless of the consequences or people's opinions.

It frustrates me that whenever a conservative says the wrong thing or makes a mistake, conservatives run for the tall grass to distance themselves from our colleague caught in the media's crosshairs.

Well, I “ain't” doing that! Unapologetic, I love brother Rush!

I am not going to waste your time, stating the obvious about the media's hypocrisy regarding defending women. We all know they never defend conservative women, when viciously attacked.

I thought, “Oh my gosh, what if the left finally succeeded in getting the FCC to kick Rush off of the air? What would we do?” But then a truth I have learned over the years, gave me peace. As much as I appreciate Rush's efforts and extremely powerful influence in our tea party movement, no man is our source. God is our source.

Sadly, we lost brother Andrew. King Obama has decreed, bring me the head of Rush Limbaugh. Obama and his mainstream media machine's evil efforts will fail. Cause last time I checked, God is still in control. Hang in there patriots, we're gonna win!

Lloyd Marcus, Proud Unhyphenated American

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  • Rush is a giant POS in my opinion. WHY is he not talking about Sheriff Joe and the good things that he is doing out in Arizona?

  • Vicki, now your getting to the crust of the matter. Fluke could have gone to another university to get her law degree, that offered the coverage she wanted, but she didn't. She deliberately chose this one for the sole purpose of IMPOSING her will upon it. Apparently Ms. Fluke does not respect the Constitutional Rights of others, which unfortunately seems to be all too common these days. After all, Obama doesn't respect the Constituion, so why should she?

    Ya know, I'm a licensed carrier of a sidearm. I carry everyday. Businesses in my state have the right to bar firearms if the wish to do so. If I arrive at a store that has "NO FIREARMS" signage, I just go to another store that doesn't bar fire arms. That's what Fluke should have done! But noooooo.....she had to be a bitch.

  • Rush was a gentleman about it. He said exactly what I was trying to say. He just got carried away and he should not be penalized as the left was not penalized for much worse.  Hope this will fade from the news quickly, so Obama can stop benefiting from it.

    “In fighting them [liberals] I became like them,” Limbaugh explained.  “I do not think she is either of those two words. I did not think last week she was either of those two words.”

    “I became like the people we oppose. I ended up descending to their level. It’s important to never be like them,” he added, before reiterating that “the apology was heartfelt, the apology was sincere.”

  • Obama is a master at "slight of hand" and "smoke and mirrors" trickery. We have to do better at not being distracted.


  • Jerry, well said.  Obama has played it to us and we have returned volley.  We need to bring it back to the issues that are important to the country. He has taken this mandate, a loser move, and turned it around into something he can get traction on with not only his base, but independents.  We need to be smarter about what we choose to get embroiled in bc we will end up in the weeds and battling crap like this.

  • Vicki, I'm not trying to pick a fight with anyone, I think you know that.

    I believe everyone is missing the bigger picture here. As I already stated, This whole fiasco with Ms. Fluke is a cover something bigger.

    This all started by targeting the "Church" medical facilities and healthcare providers. I believe that Obama is attempting to drive the churches out of the healthcare business all together. A Catholic bishop has already said that if this mandate is not reversed, the church will be dumping it's healthcare facilities and retire from providing care.

    If this happens, the govenrment will swoop in to take over all facilities formerly owned/operated by the religious entities. Thereby, re-enforcing government run healthcare (OBAMACARE).

    So while everyone is fusing and fuming over this contrived issue with Fluke, Obama is salivating over taking control of a wide swath of healthcare/medical facilities in this country.

  • ..and Laura Ingrahm ...not a slut...who was it that called her that?  Ed Schultz?  I mean, I don't know if she is or not, but that's not the point. He had no right to say that and I don't think she is.

  • There is huge hypocrisy in the way the left media and commentators speak about conservatives, esp women.  I think we can all keep a civil tongue and still be effective. Not gonna happen though.  And Bill Maher, there is just something wrong with that man.  And  Obama needs to get off the  phone, off the campaign trail and  off his butt and do the work he was hired to do.  

  • I do not agree with Rush's decision to apologize to Fluke, though if I was in his position, I would not have made the remark in question in the first place.  Whether a mistake or not, you do not show weakness to the Left, and he did by apologizing.  Now they want blood.  Also the whole issue of "free contraceptives" is a plant issue by the Left, just as Fluke herself is a plant by the Left.  The issue is not contraceptives; the issue is one of freedom.  Give the Left a foothold here, and next they will maneuver us into giving them free abortions themselves as a matter of "womens' contraceptives rights."  Never fail to confront the Left, or misunderstand their true motives and designs.

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