Here we are, in the second decade of the 21st Century, a disparate American electorate composed of a vast heterogeneous citizenry of peoples comprising a broad cross-section of conflictive races and ethnic groups.  While slightly less than 85 percent of the current electorate (men and women 18 years-of-age and older) are high school graduates, less than 28 percent are college educated, and, amazingly, less than 70 percent are functionally literate.  Wow!  While this does not speak too highly of the American public education system, it does sadly mean that approximately 38 percent of the men and women who actually go to the polls to elect representatives to their state legislatures, senators and representatives to the U.S. Congress, and the President of the United States are essentially incapable of comprehending what is written in the English language in newspapers, magazines, and textbooks.  Yet, an even more alarming statistic is that approximately 90 percent of the functionally literate portion of the electorate doesn’t regularly read newspapers, magazines, periodicals, and textbooks in order to be abreast of the news, in order to be informed voters.  This great majority of literate Americans get their news, and perception of political reality, from television, radio, and the Internet.  In regard to those of the electorate who are functionally illiterate, a hundred percent of these people are very obviously informed according to what they see and hear presented by the electronic media.

So, in the current age of the Internet and electronic media broadcasting, when newspapers, magazines, and periodicals, which used to be only available in paper-form at the newsstands, are displayed electronically on the Internet and made available on personal computers with the click of an electronic mouse, the literate American voters want to believe that what they see and hear electronically is the real unbiased truth.  But can the electronic media really be trusted to publish the truth about what has happened, and is happening, in the United States and around the world?  Since political reality to each, and every, individual American voter is the perception that’s carried to the polls in their minds, the veracity of the information which shapes each voter’s perception is much like the electronic voting machine that embraces each person in the voting booth with the “you can trust me” effect.  With no visible paper trail to see and count after you press the buttons to activate the electronic circuits to do their work, no one knows exactly what happens when a voter selects a candidate.  The voter leaves the booth thinking that she’s voted for one particular candidate, when the electrons have been programed to serve another candidate, and the only one who knows the truth is the sly programmer of the electrons.  When the voters cry foul, accusing a political party of voter fraud, only shoulders are shrugged, since there no paper trails proving fraud.  Have you ever been snipe hunting?  Well, recounting electronic votes is as dubious a business as snipe hunting, you only find what they want you to find.   

I sincerely hope that you can clearly see what I’m endeavoring to say.  A republic is no better than the ability of a properly informed electorate to elect representatives to represent them in Congress and the State legislatures.  If you have a poorly educated electorate receiving fiction instead of facts from the electronic media, those gullible misinformed voters are going to carry false perceptions about the current social, legal, judicial, and political issues facing the nation to the polls, where they will cast their electronic votes which are cleverly rigged to favor one, or more, candidates over other candidates.  So, in the end you have a political process that is totally flawed, manipulated by a few wealthy and powerful power-mongers, who, like puppeteers, deceitfully pull the strings, unseen, from behind the scenes.  What I’m talking about are criminal conspiracies, designed by the duplicitous conspirators to create false perceptions in the minds of the electorate, and to control their behaviors.            

Does sad human history inexorably repeat itself again, and again, over time?  I think that it does, but only with the help of conspiring and deceitful human beings.  For example, in 375 B.C., Alexander the Great, entered the Asian city of Amphipolis, occupied by independent Thracians, who had built the city.  According to ancient history, Alexander wanted the people of Amphipolis to welcome him as their liberating conqueror, since there were several Thracian military groups competing for control of the Thracian government.  So, before he marched into the city, Alexander secretly sent a group of his men into Amphipolis to start a fire in the government palace, and to kill and leave dead the body of the leader of the largest Thracian military group at the scene of the fire.  The next day, Alexander marched into the city with his Army and assembled the leaders of Amphipolis at the scene of the fire and gave a speech accusing the Thracian military of burning the center of government.  Alexander was so deceitfully suave in the way he presented a divided Thrace, he persuaded a majority of the people of Amphipolis, around 100,000 of them, to accept unifying Macedonian rule.  This was the first instance of this particular type of conspiracy recorded in history, and since 375 B.C. it has been recorded as occurring more than 1,000 times in the past 2,354 years of Western civilization.   

In the 20th Century, such a conspiracy was again successfully repeated by Adolf Hitler, on February 27, 1933.  This was when he consummated his secretly contrived conspiracy, with his Nazi cohorts, to set-fire to the ornate Reichstag Building in Berlin, which housed the German Parliament.  The Nazis perpetrated this arson in order to cause some dire political consequences to occur.  At that particular time in German history, there were quite a few competing political movements in post-World War I German, all vying for control of the German Parliament.  The Communist Party was one of these factions.   Hitler, who had been elected Nazi Chancellor in January 1933, successfully orchestrated the covertly perpetuated conspiracy that destroyed the building, and successfully pinned the blame for the fire on the communists, one particular communist in particular.  After the fire, Hitler called for German President Paul von Hindenburg to sign into law the Reichstag Fire Decree, which, much like the U.S. Patriot Act of 2001, suspended most of the civil liberties of the German people, under the Weimar Constitution.  Then, later, in March 1933, Hitler proposed the Enabling Act that, when signed into law by Hindenburg, gave Hitler plenary power as German Chancellor.  This is when Hitler’s German dictatorship actually began.  Directly after Hindenburg’s death, in August 1934, Hitler dissolved the German Parliament and declared to the German nation that he was Deutsch Fuhrer, which meant the German leader with complete dictatorial power.  Though some German historians have doubted that the Nazis actually set the Reichstag fire, and have written such in some history texts, a Nazi Gestapo officer, Hans Gisevius, testified in 1946 that the Nazis were the actual arsonists.  According to Gisevius, SA Gruppenfuhrer Karl Ernst, under orders from the Nazi central command, assembled a band of SA henchmen to set the Reichstag fire.  Had it not been for the Reichstag fire conspiracy, the political climate of Germany, and the perception of the German people, would not have been ripe for the passage of the two laws that led directly to Hitler’s dictatorship.

Conspiracies, euphemistically called cabals by some historians seemingly sympathetic to them, have been responsible for most of the grief, misery, and death that have been caused by wars, economic depressions, genocides, and immoral tribulations concocted by evil people in the tribes, feudal states, kingdoms, nation-states, and republics that have existed during the course  of Western civilization.  Conspiracies have always been directly associated with events having undesirable consequences, and are all defined as organized, step-by-step, plans made by two or more human beings for the orchestration of future events, which are to happen in accordance with the furtively planned designs.  So what about a surprise birthday party?  Could it be labeled as a conspiracy?   I suppose it could be labeled as such, but you would hardly ever hear it called that.  Why?  Good things nearly always happen at surprise birthday parties.  But you do hear bad things about criminal conspiracies, such as planting bombs, extortion, blackmail, bank robbery, burglary, etc.  All of these awful crimes have to be committed with certain duplicitous conspiratorial planning, with a serious disregard for human life and property, wherein two, or more, people are involved in their dire perpetration.  Most criminal conspiracies are hatched with impunity, right under the noses of the intended victims.  This is why it is cleverly said that people are actually free in the U.S. to plan future crimes.  Nearly always, the perpetrators of horrendous crimes are usually apprehended and arrested only after the crimes have been perpetrated, before conspiracy can be proven.  That is, unless law enforcement, or ordinary citizens working with law enforcement, discovers what two or more conspirators are criminally planning before the crime is perpetrated.  This rarely happens because well-orchestrated criminal conspiracies, resulting in tragic crimes, are usually very difficult to prove.  They are ordinarily concocted in office suites and in plush surroundings by people you would never suspect.  After the crimes have been successfully committed, pragmatic conspirators usually ensure that loose-ends, which would jeopardize the conspiracies, are liquidated.  This means murdering the people who were used and manipulated to ignorantly fulfill their various roles in constructing and implementing the various parts of the conspiracy.  

Now we go from the conceptual and theoretical aspects of conspiracy to the making of the actual conspiratorial product, to September 11, 2001, the day every American remembers as 9/11.  The 81 Executive branch agencies of the U.S. federal government (some visible and some totally invisible to public scrutiny) involved in U.S. military, paramilitary, and civilian intelligence, law enforcement, and law enforcement support, insisted, and currently still insist, that two jet aircraft crashing into WTC Towers 1 and 2, and the ensuing kerosene jet fuel fires, caused those super-structures to totally collapse into their tracts in a manner identical to controlled demolition.  The super-costly 9/11 Commission, composed of federal politicians and bureaucrats, produced the “Report of the 9/11 Commission,” which documented this conclusion in print.  The crux of the problems associated with this explanation is, simply, that millions of people saw the buildings collapse, in real time and on television, and ultimately realized at the outset that it was scientifically impossible for it to happen unless great amounts of explosive were used to remotely detonate Towers 1 and 2, and, later, Building 7.  

So simple logic, therefore, confirms in the reasonable person’s mind that if controlled demolition caused the buildings to collapse into their tracks, those aforementioned agencies of the federal government must have planned, prepared, and imploded the three buildings in order to make the American public, more specifically the American electorate, to perceive that Islamic fundamentalists, Islamic terrorists, flew those jets into the WTC Towers, causing them to collapse.  Of course, unlike the Reichstag Fire perpetrated by the Nazis in 1934, the federal government failed to consider that what they claimed had happened was scientifically impossible, and nearly two-thousand architects, engineers, and physical scientists from around the world have, since September 12, 2001, gone on record to testify that those buildings, engineered and constructed to resist collapse in the wake of colliding aircraft, were brought down by well-orchestrated controlled demolition. 

If there was a smoking gun pointing directly to a conspiracy, it was the collapse of WTC Building 7.  The effects of the colliding aircraft had no effect, whatsoever, on the huge 47 story structure.  For some reason, two fires had started on two floors of the massive building, and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a federal government agency, concluded erroneously in a separate, subsequently submitted, report that those two fires were totally responsible for the building collapsing in a fashion identical to controlled demolition.  Incidentally, the “Report of the 9/11 Commission” didn’t even mention the collapse of WTC Building 7, as though it wasn’t connected in any way to 9/11.  The facts, however, reveal that pedestrians, firefighters, and police officers heard loud secondary explosions occurring on floors of the two WTC Towers, and on floors of Building 7, before the structures fell, at free-fall speed, into their tracks.  Nearly all of those witnesses have died from strange deaths since

October 1, 2001.  

You see, WTC Building 7 contained offices of two federal agencies, from where, several reliable witnesses say, the crashes of the jet airliners into the WTC Towers 1 and 2 were directed and controlled.  These offices were branches of the CIA and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).  So, it’s clearly apparent why Building 7 had to be completely destroyed, just like the two WTC Towers.  It was to erase the material evidence.  Yet, the sight of the building collapsing at free-fall speed, after the two WTC Towers had collapsed, was quite enough to create doubt, and reasonable suspicion, in the minds of millions of witnesses that the federal government was not reporting the truth.  And, certainly, the logic was, and still is, overwhelming that if the federal government had orchestrated the WTC debacle, it must have also been responsible for the happenings at the Pentagon.  For it was also scientifically impossible for a huge Boeing 757 to have crashed into the Pentagon wall leaving such a small entry hole, and no fuselage and engine wreckage, supposedly creating such an intensely hot fire that would consume the entire aircraft while allowing sufficient organic remains of the passengers to remain for identification.  In other words, if the kerosene jet fuel fire had been intensely hot enough to totally consume two, 8 ton steel and titanium, engines, it would have also consumed any remains of the passengers. 

So, as we now know, if the 9/11 forensic investigation had been conducted by seasoned state, county, and city homicide detectives, instead of law enforcement and intelligence agencies of the federal government, completely different conclusions would have resulted as to what happened on 9/11.  But the sinister federal foxes were allowed to control the investigation, about who raided the WTC chicken coop, so there was little chance of the truth emerging from the investigation about who killed all the chickens.  For a very unconstitutional reason, the federal government can currently claim law enforcement jurisdiction over any purely state criminal matter when state investigations are likely to show federal complicity in the crime, or crimes.  The federal marshals, the FBI, the NSA, or the CIA can suddenly appear in the midst of a city, county, or state criminal investigation, flash their badges, and shout “national security” and the city, county, and state cops are supposed to stand-down and turn any results of the investigation over to the feds.  This is very wrong.  This was how the Nazis operated in Germany and occupied-Europe, during World War II, when Allied spies and Jews were inadvertently seized by local police.  Everything was controlled from Berlin, the Nazi capital.  If the local police had no cooperated with the Nazis, the war in Europe might have been over much earlier than 1945. 

In summation, f the facts I have aforementioned are true, and they are, the current federal government under the sinister leadership of the Legislative branch, the Congress, the Executive branch, Barry Soetoro Barack Obama, and the Judicial branch, the federal courts, cannot be trusted to tell the American people the truth.  In the wake of a federally orchestrated 9/11, the Patriot Act was passed, that is very similar to the act imposed upon the German people in the wake of the Reichstag Fire, which severely limited the rights and freedoms protected by the Bill of Rights.  And if the federal government could orchestrate the murders of over 3,000 people on 9/11 with impunity, could they continue to orchestrate other plotted terrors, such as shootings and bombings, to keep the American people thinking that there are domestic and foreign terrorists on the loose seeking mayhem and destruction?  The federal government is incredibly large and, in effect, capable of covertly planning and implementing crimes to support heinous domestic and foreign policy agendas.  It’s just downright awful what they are capable of doing. 


If, by this essay, you are persuaded that the strange collapses of WTC Towers 1 and 2, and WTC Building 7, and what happened at the Pentagon, are, indeed, suspicious, please watch the well-prepared video on the website of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, ( which is narrated by the respected actor Ed Asner.  It is located on the left-side of the homepage.  If, by that video, you are persuaded that there was a federal government conspiracy, please go to the homepage of the 9/11 Truth Movement down to the trailer of the DVD, “Operation Terror.” This particular film, a top-notch motion picture, was made independently for the 9/11 Truth Movement, and depicts what very probably happened on 9/11, in the wake of a federally orchestrated conspiracy.  It is so powerful, in it’s effect on the viewer, that it has been banned, and vilified, by the mainstream media and the American motion picture associations.  It is good to remember that the film, “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington,” was also vilified by the U.S government as seditious and inflammatory when it was produced in the 1930s.  But it is now an iconic film that is greatly respected.  If you are persuaded by the film, “Operation Terror,” that, indeed, the federal government was behind the murders committed on 9/11, sign the petition for an independent State-sponsored forensic reinvestigation of 9/11, and call, and write, and email, your U.S. senators and representatives ordering them to start properly representing their electorates, and you the American citizen voter according the federal rulebook, the U.S. Constitution.  Only by doing this will the federal government be made to stand accountable before the People for its high crimes and misdemeanors.  It might be too late to keep our beloved Republic from crumbling in the hands of a pernicious fascist government, but we have to keep on trying.                



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  • Right on Norton, great article.  I have studied 911 for years, and I completely agree with your assessment and more!  For me, the smoking gun of 911 was No NTSB investigation, no FBI investigation, the evidence (remains of the steel) was hauled off site as fast as possible.  No black box flight recorders found, yet one of the passports for the patsies was found in the street.  All of these items I pointed out have never occurred before.

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