New Jersey Congressman Leonard Lance has asked the question about why DHS bought so many bullets and other military hardware.  No answer from Secretary Neapolitano.  Why?  To my mind when Congress does not get an answer from DHS they need to cut off the funding immediately.  This administration told us that they were going to be transparent but in fact they are the most non-transparent administration in the nations history.  What are they hiding?  Congress has the right to know!  Support Congressman Lance because he asked the tough questions and support the Constitution of the U.S.

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  • Personally I have come to believe that the Dept of Homeland Security has and is the equivalent to Hitlers Gestapo in todays world. I believe the buying of ammunition in this quantity was ordered by BHO and his administration to accomplish at least two things in America today.
    1) Obviously. To arm his Gestapo and allow them the training that they will initially need to train on how to squash any and all uprisings that we all know and BHO knows is coming. He has planned for this and is getting the troops ready to take us down. First of course they have the need for Marshal Law. I believe BHO has already tried this through the Occupy movement for one. I'm sure that you can think of others yourselfl

    2) And I'm starting to think this might be the most important, your DHS has purchased all this ammo with a huge government purchase order. Of course the manufacturers didn't have anywhere near this kind of inventory so they have panicked. I've been told by a distributor buys from a couple of them to sell to the retail gun dealer that they have been informed the ammo hopefully along with reloading components will start to floiw around June or July hopefully if the raw materials don't get any harder to find. This leads me to believe it's maybe a plot from the government to keep gun control off the table but to attack it from another angle. Letting us keep our guns, play with them, put them on the mantle for show and tell. Basically... so they have stopped the bullets from us and the manufactures are scared not to fulfill the government contracts first for fear of losing future contracts that will surely be coming down the pipeline ..... OR NOT maybe the administration is working against the manufactories to stop making ammo, or stop the raw materials from being made or maybe instead he wants time for his tax plans to become effective and the ammo will be one of them. Guns without ammo of course is useless except for the show and tell about how the guns might have saved America if they could have been protected. And that my dear children is why we are now Slaves Of The United States.

    Of course there is a lot of conjecture, expected. Only BHO and a few of his close alleys know for sure. what is going down in that devils head, even the Congress is being fire walled AND they ALLOW that. What a rip off.
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