Jail Obama

Apparently, members of the President’s party are facing some pretty serious heat over King Obama’s unconstitutional-power grab this week. Appeals to the President’s support base seem to be growing in their hysteria.

For instance, in a desperate email sent to Obama supporters this morning, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) suggested that unless liberals show that they are “still standing with President Obama,” their beloved leader could end up in the slammer.

The email (shown below) has the subject line, “Impeachment? Prison??? — Sign now, stand with President Obama.” The clear implication is that unless people get behind Obama, he could be jailed.

The DCCC, which incidentally is the Democrat’s official campaign arm for Congress, claims that the Republicans are trying “to destroy the President.” And this is all due to the President’s “Constitutionally granted power to take bold steps to overhaul our nation’s broken immigration system.”

Because of the GOP “threatening lawsuits, shutdowns [and] impeachment,” and one congressman’s suggestion that “Obama be thrown in jail,” the DCCC implores Democrats to show they’re “still standing with President Obama” and “have his back.”

Given the fact that most Americans do not support Obama’s power-grab, and even members of his own party disapproveimpeachment should be on the table.

Regrettably, it’s not. Fresh out of overwhelming mid-term victories, the GOP is once again moving tepidly. Even on the issue that arguably provided their margin of success – Obamacare – leadership has stated that a vote on repeal will not even be held.

So the DCCC’s hysteria over impeachment and jail time is just a fundraising gimmick. They know, as do all Washington insiders, that the ruling class will ensure continuation of the status quo. And absent another Jacksonian or Reagan revolution, we’ll continue our slide into the dustbin of history . . .

See a full screen of the DCCC’s fundraising email HERE.

Read more: http://joemiller.us/2014/11/democrats-suggest-unless-supporters-stand-president-obama-may-go-jail/#ixzz3JuO2FV3V

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  • yes indeedy help the needey.lol, that's where Obama ,biden ,reid & Pelosi belong ,in prison ,for crimes against the people & the country of USA. we should help it along,read my blog this morning.

  • The dems are just trying to create sympathy for Obama and divide conservatives. Contrary to what many believe, Obama did not issue any executive order on immigration. What he did issue was an executive action, which is very different, as it does not have the force of law as does an executive order. This was a trick to get conservatives screaming about how Obama broke the law, where he did not actually change any law. For more information do a web search on executive orders vs. executive actions.  This page http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2014/11/20/fact-sheet-im... clearly shows that it is an executive action, not an executive order and these two sites discuss executive actions versus executive orders



    As for the claim that the GOP is "moving tepidly", it is not 2015 yet and the GOP does not have a majority in both houses yet.

    In addition there is a lot of disinformation that will be flying around trying to stir up hate and discontent within the conservative base. I suggest that instead of immediately venting rage, let's check out the stories in depth to make sure they are true.

  • RFB Mod,

    Your senator's town hall sounds exactly like Congressman Jeb Hensarling. Completely staged.

    They really go out of their way to muffle us or redirect the issue.

    Glad to know others are persistent in the fight. I will never quit. 

    Good evening and God speed to you.

  • 4087191227?profile=original4087191250?profile=original

  • Smoke and Mirrors from the Democraps. This is just another sympathy plea to con money out of their supporters for 2016-NOTHING MORE/NOTHING LESS!

  • RFB,

    You are not alone there are millions of us that are active with our local And State governments. In this section of this huge Library There is a detailed plan how to take back our local governments and then the national government. End tax us and bribe them government.


    Feel Free to copy and paste the above graphic to your computer.  Save it to your "Picture" file and email it to all your friends.  It is a jpg image.…
  • RFB Mod,

    I have been trying for over a year to get my friends and their friends, etc. to join me in going to town hall's and other methods of speaking out in person. Every time I say let's go they are "too busy" and leave me hanging. However, I still go it alone. It pisses me off that they won't take real action. Now that obama announced executive amnesty, They are calling me and saying they are willing to do whatever and join me in visiting Jeb Hensarling's offices IN PERSON. We will see.

  • RFB Mod,

    I have been trying to organize people for over a year. All of my friends complain but they never will go with me to town halls or join me in any united front. Now that obama has executive ordered amnesty, they are finally willing to join me in going to Jeb Hensarling's offices in person.

    I never give up, but I can only insist in so many ways. They, until now, were "too busy" to join me in my efforts. Now they are finally seeing the need to follow my lead. Pisses me off that they always left me hanging in the past. They want to bitch but not take any action. We will see if they are sincere this time.


  • Hey now that's a GREAT NEW CAR SMELL Obama and hid tribe out of the whitehouse!

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