An idea to unite the right and stop the enemy.

OK, everyone who hates obama, and I'm convinced that's around 75% of the population, wants him out but the so-called republicans are divided, right? Some like me think a third party is the way to go, others want to stick with what I call the Titanic of politics, the GOP.

Someone tell me why this wouldn't work to bring the conservative thinking people together:

The establishment republicans run their candidate as usual. The New Tea Party, or something like it runs a truly conservative candidate, ala Col. Allen West, or Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, or Dr. Ben Carson the neurosurgeon. 

Here's the catch. *The stated policy of the conservative party is that they will run as hard as they can to win over America. All true conservatives like me will be able to vote for someone who hasn't been selected by the likes of Boehner and Rove. The GOP can run their typical unelectable candidate, Dole, McCain, Romney. Two weeks before the election if the conservative party isn't in contention based on a mutually agreed upon polling service, they pledge to swing their votes over to the Republicans and withdraw their candidate! That way, no votes end up going to supporting the likes of this hunk of garbage we have in there now and all of us can unite behind one candidate while still voting our conscience.

Now, if that sounds too unreasonable, or if you can't get on board with that, we are truly doomed because right now the left is rolling over us and the Constitution like a bull dozer.

We need something bold. Why not this? If you agree that it's worth a try, please spread it around. I'm so sick of liberalism and it's tentacles, not to mention islam while I'm at it. Liberalism is at the heart of the vast majority of our decline! 

Michael Quinn

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  • ...but I still like the direction you are taking.

  • As long as there are "Republican'ts who hate Ron Paul and the freedom he embodies more than Ovomit, things can't change.  The problem is that we have an elected class and elite cabals that run the parties that nominate them.  As long as we allow them to have power, this will continue.  Also, as an example, if the treasonous anti-American McCain had been elected he would have ruled any differently than Ovomit has?  He would have given illegal amnesty within his first year in office.  And his Constitution-destroying NDAA might have been put into law against American citizens even sooner.  It does no good to defeat the tyrant of one party just to elect one from the other.

    The problem is unacceptable candidates from both parties.  In my opinion, the parties, especially the GOP must be removed from power and eliminated if possible.

  • Henry, if you don't "hate" obama my question would be, what are you saving that word for?  Someone who is intentionally trying to destroy all we believe in qualifies in my opinion.  There is no one on this planet I have less regard for, would that be more acceptable? ;)

  • Darren, yes the corruption is a terrible thing.  I totally believe the election was hijacked.  The ways are too numerous to list.  I'll never believe that slug got "elected" and I'll never believe he's even qualified to be a mail man much less a senator or a president.  It's a hijacking clear and simple.  But before we can take them and their media on we'll have to be united on our side of the aisle or we're doomed to continue spinning our tires and marching into the abyss.  That's my 2 cents.

  • Bobby, yes I understand that.  But the reality is what it is. Before we can battle any of the disgusting things on the left we have to be united.  That MUST be our first goal, a way to get all those on the right to agree on a direction that, while not perfect for any of us, will allow us to attack the left with a better chance of winning than we have now which is NO CHANCE.

    So yes, we either are going to cling to our individual "requirements" and go down in flames as we've been doing for HOW LONG NOW?  OR, we find a way to unite.  If my idea were taken seriously by someone with some power I think it might stand a chance. It might even get through to the Ron Paul people who I completely don't understand but realize we need them on board.  So they have to be included and treated fairly.  I'm fully prepared to hold my nose and vote for someone who isn't my first choice if I can be guaranteed that no one on a par with this scumbag obama ever darkens the Oval Office door again.  We'll be lucky if we can recover from this.

  • Until corruption in both the senate and congress is dealt with nothing can be accomplished.  The truth lies in money and here is the truth.  Numerous stuff put in place and payed for by tax payer money is illegal under the constitution, then again these representatives wont say anything because they get there greedy pockets filled.  Step one legislation at each state level passed to make all federal taxes routed through state treasuries.  Step two these states only give the federal government money that is required by the constitution.... nothing more, nothing less.  Then the state uses excess tax money to create jobs and or decrease the taxes on business that increase jobs for the citizens of those states.  We will soon be out of debt this way...  because most states know how to make a budget.

  • Obummer is an ego-maniac who is used by the super rich of the Chicago Mob's to destroy the U.S. of A. Plus he is one of the Devil's favorite demons. I know many dreamed of him being their deadbeat savior..With billions of dollars from his puppetteers he will make the U. S.  of A a third world nation and start a civil war when  welfate, food stamps, unemployment ceases, then the honest hard working folks better keep their weapons ready. Anyone who beleives Obummer has any care for America is a stupid idiot. As we near the end of this world as we know it, Prayer is your best salvation. Since the last world war has started in the middleeast, soon millions will die as nuclear weapons are used. True Christians never die but spend Eternity with our Lord and his son Jesus Christ. All others spend eternity in Hell with the Devil..

  • You are close to something here Michael.  However, many of us view the RINO candidates such as you mention to be so unacceptable that we refuse to vote for them at all.  You see, the DemonRat Party may be despicable communist, statist and anti American but they don't/can't deny it.  The enemy is the enemy. 

    The GOP on the other hand, pretends to be with us, on our side but then stabs us in the collective back, by selling us out.  That is treasonous to us and promote hatred for them.  It is one thing to be a declared enemy of people, it is quite another, and worse to pretend to be on their side and then stab them in the back for your own benefit.

    No, until people are fed up enough to whole-hardheartedly put their country ahead of their political party, they will keep voting like sheep for whatever RINO cr@p their party feeds them.  Here is my idea;

    Founders Party Platform


    We, the people of the Founders Party believe and assert that when in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them to another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the principles which impel them to claim and assert their sovereignty.

    We hold these truths to be self-evident that all people are created equal, and that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life,(in all stages) Liberty and  the pursuit of Happiness, unmolested by intrusive government.  And that people in government have no rights or authority to dictate outside the consent of the governed, nor to make laws or regulations that do not apply equally to all, including themselves.

    Our purpose is NOT to replace, commandeer or annex the Tea Party, its people, donations, ideals, or autonomy but to provide its members and patriots with a political party that reflects our principles, morals, economics and way of life.  In short, this is the party for people who are of a like mind to America’s Founders and feel they are otherwise unrepresented in the political arena.

    We of the Founders Party proclaim and declare that we generally embrace the principles and ideals of our nation’s Founders and believe specifically;


    • American patriots must unite under a single political party that is truly conservative if we are to avoid losing the nation to statists.
    • Because our Rights are endowed by God, no man, government or entity can take, minimize, alloy, or infringe upon them.
    • It is our duty to reclaim the sovereignty, dignity, and liberty of our states and people.
    • Our Constitution and Bill of Rights mean EXACTLY what they say as they are written.
    • Laws must contain sunset clauses and never continue forever.
    • It is unfair, immoral and un-American to financially support able-bodied people.
    • Any laws, regulations, or amendments that offend our Constitution are necessarily unconstitutional.
    • Conservatism and patriotism are principles for which we will never, ever apologize or compromise, ever.
    • Almost everything government does today is unconstitutional, illegal and/or destructive to our lives, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
    • The states were specifically declared as states so there would be no ambiguity that they are indeed sovereign states and not small fiefdoms to be dominated by a national leviathan.
    • The united States of America were conceived to be a bottom-up political structure whereby the most potent political entity is the individual himself who grants minimal power to local authority, which allows less power to the county and/or state which grants even less power to an assembly/conference at the federal level which has the least power of all.
    • The proper solution to unconstitutional federal fiat is nullification by the sovereign states.
    • All federal laws, regulations, rules, programs, taxes, dictates, and usurpations enacted since 1871 must be evaluated and/or nullified by the sovereign states.
    • The UN with its tyranny has no place in America and America has no place in the UN cabal of despots.
    • Without secure borders and control of immigration sovereignty is impossible or meaningless.
    • Politicians who pass laws that do not apply to themselves are tyrants masquerading as God.
    • Anyone found to violate their oath to protect and defend the Constitution must face trial for treason and suffer the customary penalty quickly if convicted.
    • Suppression of religious expression on public property is religious tyranny.
    • Every citizen’s supreme right is to live unmolested by government as long as he harms no others.
    • The only acceptable role of any government is to protect the property, liberty and persons of individuals. 
    • There is an urgent need for separations between business and state as well as economy and state and education and state.
    • Government has no right to confiscate and spend our money as the politicians see fit.
    • The Tea Party Movement is the most vital movement to happen on this continent since the American Revolution.
    • It makes no sense to pretend that the liberal mainstream media will ever tell the truth about us or our principles.  It proudly serves America’s enemies.
    • We are a classless nation and society.  Splitting us into racial groups and classes only serves to divide and dominate us.  All races are equal today, despite their pasts.
    • Only evil people succeed by dividing us and/or turning Americans against one another.  E Pluribus Unum
    • There are no overwhelming problems that have not been caused or perpetuated by government.


    No one will completely agree with all the points of this platform and that is not the goal.  The goal is to delineate principles that can be embraced by what must be a majority of patriotic Americans.  It has become obvious and intolerable that there is no successful political party today that embraces our values so it is high time to abandon them all.  They have only to serve themselves and our demise.  Efforts to drive them to serve us rather than us serving them have been fruitless.  It is time for change.  It is time to act.  It is time to realize that we owe our progeny the birthright that was passed to us that we have lost.  Because if not us, who; if not now, when?  This is our oath our dream, our duty.  We will regain the liberty of our forefathers or must be willing to perish in the attempt.  Because without liberty, what is life worth?

    © Bobby XD9

    22 November 2012

    Distribute Widely

  • Great idea, however !!!

    Until the issue of voter fraud is addressed AND settled there is little hope for the GOP and/or the RINO's. And no chance for a third party candidate.


  • ibeleve Sara palan would make a great PRESIDENT-i allso beleave ALLAN WEST would be a good choice for VICE PRESIDENT.what we have there is a joke i think that is why biden was chosen in the first place.color isnt an issue

    but caractor is.

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