The gang of 8 & cohorts are ready to give 11 million criminal invaders amnesty at a cost of $1.5 to $2.7 trillion per year to citizens!   That’s roughly what is already embedded in our economy right now!   The gang doesn’t know how many are here, where they are, lie about the cost, and refuse to mention around 25.8 million citizens who might want to be employed.   Calling criminal invaders “undocumented workers” doesn’t change the facts that they criminally entered the country, criminally remain every day, are criminally employed in criminal jobs (no tax etc.), criminally pay no taxes, criminally take citizens’ public resources… simply saying it’s serial crime!   The executive-legislative-DOJ areas of government invite, aid, and abet this corruption by violating oath of office, Constitution, and law!     The issue is CRIME, NOT RACE!    We borrow roughly $1.5 trillion/yr that we can’t repay, while countless millions of every race citizen live in progressive hell holes worse than Afghanistan, TODAY.

Bottom line "jobless American" loses $37,096 cash pay, government loses $100,294 (tax revenue plus 2 subsidies), & the US economy takes a $137,391 hit for every illegal… assuming there is only 11 million.     That's up to $1.5 trillion @ 11 million to $2.7 trillion if 20 million!   That’s $69 to $124 Trillion over a 46 year work life!

Remember!!!   Illegals take home $12,480 (40 hr @ $6 cash (same as $8 pre tax)) plus $36,545 from various government & other related government subsidies ($402 BILLION/11 MILLION) for a total $49,025.     An average BLS citizen takes home $37,096 after $12,365 employee taxes & regulations – That’s $11,929 less than the alien takes home!      The criminal alien’s criminal employer doesn't pay employer wage taxes.     Government pays the $36,545  illegal alien subsidy plus subsidies for jobless citizens at the same $36,545 (?).

Don't understand the jobless numbers???  December 2012 was 12.506 million "unemployed", 6.434 wanting a job, 6.896 disappearing workforce (1997 through 2008 workforce to population 66.54% vs 2012 @ 63.70%), sets maximum unemployed @ 25.839 million (16.7%)!

If 154.975 "working" 40 hours full time instead of 34.4 (BLS) adds 25.228 million (16.3%) more jobs lost, then joblessness potential is 51,067 (33%).    Obamacare scare is throwing millions into the part-time unemployment.

This country is being divided and conquered from within by deception and sedition.    The Constitution as written and its core law will heal and reunite if enforced!    That won’t happen until a good dose of truth and consequences is injected into the legislature.    Let them be known by  what they are!

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  • 3.6 trillion is a low  estimate i the one foundation did a study and put the figure much closer to 6.9 trillion and that's with out all the other lugage that comes with it,

  • I am so sick of this illegal crap! They broke the law and need to go back if they did not come here with papers.I can't break laws and get away with it! It is time for every American to say No and fight back.
  • Some people have pointed out that the Mexicans are invading the U.S. and will reclaim the Southwest and California eventually without firing a shot.  We are almost at the point of being similar to Belgium where they speak two languages: Walloon (French) south of Brussels and Flemish north of Brussels.  This situation has posed tremendous headaches to Belgium.  Any resolution of the immigrant problem MUST REQUIRE learning English as soon as possible in order to avoid the divisiveness that naturally comes with two languages in a country, i.e., "them and us."  English is not only essential for unity but also for the immigrant to become a solid citizen.  This is only common sense.  But two or three generations of Americans have been so brainwashed by the socialists/communists that when presented with facts and obvious common sense issues they cannot seem to grasp the TRUTH of a matter.  They are unable to see the reality or the truth through the socialist lense which the school systems and the media have hung on their heads.  It will take another generation of Americans to face the facts and realize the truth of any given situation.  The communists have succeeded so very well in propagandizing 3 generations.  According to a communist defector who defected many years ago the communists had a 4 prong propaganda program to, in effect, bring about the self destruction of the U.S. by Americans themselves.  1.  Demoralization of the population so that they cannot perceive the truth.  2.  Destabilization of the country.  3.  Crisis generation, i.e., convince Americans that free market competition is not good; bring about a situation where the U.S. is at war with itself (the system); bring about big brother government; convince the U.S. Government and Americans to do everything to aid communism within Russia.  4.  Normalization.  Your enslaved!


  • WHEN are people going to accept that the correct term for 'illegal immigrants' is INVADERS !!!??????

  • Or, was it $3.6 TRILLION??  Doesn't matter - -it's way tooooo much money!

  • Sadly, even the Congress "refuses" to admit the number of "illegal aliens", in the USA, is more than 20 MILLION!!  So, multiply that "supporting cost" of $6.3 TRILLION a couple more times!


    The number one victim of amnesty is the citizen worker who is also the number one victim of joblessness, the absolute meltdown of SSI, and soon "the "which" doctor", as in who will be left for you to choose from.     START A CHAIN OF ACCOUNTABILITY - impeachment for liars, thieves, and and the bureaucracies filled with sedition!

  • Historically it does not matter a hoot who or what you are, that is, if your not a Muslim or not willing to convert to Islam you will be relegated to third class citizenry if your lucky and keep your nose clean.  So it is not just Christians or homosexuals or atheists or anyone you in trouble unless you convert.  In a community controled by Muslims your out of luck.  I believe it was Ann Arbor, MI where the community is controlled by Muslims where they passed a law that prohibited Christian Churches from ringing their Church bells.  This is just a small example of what you can expect from these intolerance.  But this is nothing new ....not at has been going on as early as 852 AD where Saints George, Aurelius, Natalia, Felix, and Lilioa of Corduba were martyred.  Spain was honored by the martyrdom of many Christians under the Moors, in the ninth century.  We Americans need to get a good understanding of the history of Muslims in their interactions with western societies.  9/11 was nothing new in an historical sense but another episode in the long history of intolerance of the Muslim society.  They talk about peace but historically one finds it hard to believe that they are sincere.  WAKE UP AMERICA BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!  Read your history!

  • Lori D. u r spot on, all of us just need to take all our $'s, retire, hunker down and watch the Mexi-Musi war begin.  Do u know what the muslims do to homosexuals?  unless u r a homosexual for hire and u r caught in a r"relationship" u r hung.  Wait till the homosexuals in the usa start dying for their sin.  Maybe it won't seem like such a good idea since most libs and dems go for the same-sex. 

  • them muslims will win they beed like rats, what we need to do is export them all

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