Agenda 21 - While America Slept!!!

Agenda 21 - While America Slept!!!

Wake Up You Slumbering Giant!!!

Below is evidence by fellow patriot that documents what is going on behind the curtain and is now coming literally to our doorsteps.  We must become informed and take action.


Trouble Linking Sustainable NJ and Agenda 21?

Some activists are saying that regardless of their explanations, many NJ officials do not see the link between Sustainable NJ and Agenda 21.  Here are the jigsaw pieces connected.  The attachments tell the story:


  • The UN 1987 Brundtland Report defined Sustainable Development as development that shaped the "international community's attitude toward economic, social and environmental development."  (See attached Word doc.: UNICEF Report UNICEF%20Report%20on%20Sustainable%20Development.docx, Par. 1, 7)
  • This same theme for Sustainable Development was carried forward to The UN Rio Earth Summit in 1992 as, Agenda 21.  (See attached pdf: UNICEF Report UNICEF%20Report%20on%20Sustainable%20Development.pdf, Par. 4-6)
  • In the UN's 2002 Sustainable Development Report,  "the three principle dimensions of economic growth, social equity and protection of the environment" were operationalized.  (See attached pdf:  UN Sustainable Development Strategies UN%20Sustainable%20Development%20Strategies.pdf, Par 2,3)
  • The UN's Sustainable Development program, or Agenda 21 was implemented in the US under the 1994 President's Council on Sustainable Development.  (See attached pdf: PCSD Vision for Sustainable Development PCSD%20Vision%20for%20Sustainability.pdf, Par 2:#2)
  • The name Agenda 21 was tactically removed from public's view to avoid scrutiny on the recommendation of PCSD advisor, J. Gary Lawrence.    (See attached pdf: Millennium Papers Millenium%20Papers%20-%20Lawrence.pdf, Page 5 - Top of page to end of par 2.)  (see page 4, Par 1-2 for "equity, economy, environment")
  • You will find the identical mission, goals and terminology in Sustainable Development programs across the nation.  (Attached pdf: Sustainable NJ homepage Sustainable%20NJ%20homepage.pdf, Par 1, Bullet 4)


Identical or similar Sustainable Development or Smart Growth plans are being implemented across the nation.  They call for open spaces, limited vehicular traffic, light rail systems and multi-use dwellings.  Conservation easements,  eminent domain, TDR, (Trade of Development Rights,) wetlands and endangered species designations are all being used to confiscate citizens' property rights.  The overarching objective is to reduce individual property and nudge humans toward hi-density urban dwellings. 


The key to avoiding the loss of property rights is to avoid any government grants.  They come with severe hidden strings that are later found to be unalterable.  Sustainable development and environmentalism are healthy and good ideas.  In America though, the terms have been co-opted by a UN based political agenda.  Communities leaders are becoming aware. 



There are plenty of original documents to validate that Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Smart Growth are alive and well, just using some warm and fuzzy names.  Public officials need to be aware so they can protect their citizens.  New Jersey is up to its eyeballs in the unhealthy iteration of sustainable development, but officials are shielded from the full story.  This is one case where green is NOT good.


All the best,


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  • Thank God people are waking up..I have been aware of the communist plot for the past 40 years and have been writing articles and telling others only to be classified as a conspiracy nut, but I could see this Agenda forming and taking root in our Country and felt so helpless.  There are many who have sounded the alarm but it takes a while for America to hear the message..just hope it is not too late.
  • Leslie, Michelle et al;  You are spot-on, Leslie, on the goals.  This is exactly what the plan today is.  

    And, FYI, this IS EXACTLY who was behind the "hippie movement" in the '60's.  I did a lengthy study of it for a class in high-school during that time, and the very same people were egging on the "Love-ins", the anti-war protests, everything.  The communists, including the CPUSA and other radical anarchist groups provided food, soup-kitchens, shelter, clothing, money, drugs, you-name-it.   There are only 2 things that have changed: The calender dates, and the fact that now we have in the White House ONE OF THEM, with their fellow-travelers now in the highest reaches of our government.

  • Leslie: Thanks for all that good information.

    Also, did you know about the false flag pretext for war associated with the so called 'terror plot' which the Feds supposedly foiled with the Iranian 'mastermind' against a Saudi Diplomate? This needs to go viral. There is a GREEN LIGHT-GO for an Israeli attack on Iran in the next 2 weeks. Colonel Anthony Shafer and others have confirmed. The white hats in the pentagon are against this, but it will happen if we don't expose it. Part of this is to distract from the likely subpeona and investigation of Eric Holder and Fast and Furious.

    Here are some other links:

  • This is the most threatening plot ever to destroy our freedoms and those of our children and grandchildren.  We must band together and fight back before it is too late!!  If you read the Naked Communist, and the 45 goals of the Communist party, you will not believe how many have already been finalized.  Also see AGENDA: Grinding America Down.  Study all you can about AGENDA 21, ICLEI, and those 45 goals.  God Bless America!  For we must choose candidates who do not want ANY of these programs!!
  • About time Tea Part got on board with this information. Many of us have been on this for over a year at least. I also recommend the YouTube video, "Agenda 21 for Dummies."
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