Servant Mark D. Stancil's Posts (22)

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  As an Honorably Discharged Veteran of the U.S. Army(1974) and the U.S. Navy(1979) I fully support ALL of our Servicemen all over the globe. The embarrassment of having to serve under an Anti-American like Barry Obummer must be disheartening. My Prayers go out for all of you. Impeach Obama, NOW! 

  Also, The base in Guantanamo Bay,Cuba is now a Luxury Resort for the Islamic Terrorist there compared to the conditions We had back in 1977-78. We,the military stationed there then, had No A/C, NO access to Multiple TV stations, and rare calls to home from call centers only.

   I say that the incarcerated Terrorist now there should stop the whining and be subjected to the same or worse conditions that our military was back then. Add in Hard Labor and no further outside communications and they won't want to get involved in terrorist activities quite as much again.

  No more Desert Island Vacations for Terrorist anymore. Gitmo can be a Top Notch Rehab for them now.

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Memories Sweet Memories.

     The state of our great country has brought back some fond memories from my past and new insights into the present.
     We had a partying womanizing liar as Commander in Chief caught in an adulterous affair with one Monica Lewdinsky. To take the American peoples mind off his impeachment “Slick Willie” started a WAR against Christians on the other side of the pond.
     Luckily, now, we have a radical left wing anti American doing the same type stuff. In an effort to hide the attacks and deaths of Americans in Lybia, inaction by another Clinton aiding in this fiasco, Obummer has caused a FAKE Fiscal Fiasco, and trying to cause as much harm and Fear in These Great United States as possible by disgracing and disrespecting Real Americans that either Served this country or love it very much.
     By trying to force socialism on us all, this community organizer and Coward (having never served  this country in any real fashion) is trying to break our (real Americans) hearts, minds, souls spirits, and Banks, all to cover up his failure as a leader in any sense of the meaning.
       Whatever did happen in Benghazi and when will this madness ever end?
     Impeach and Defund now. You Guys Know what I mean, I’m sure.
                                                 May God Have Mercy on us all.

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