Sam Bradley's Posts (5)

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Vibe Magazine calls our party"Racist"

Friends, I read an article in the Pro-Obama "Hip-Hop" magazine called "Vibe" that compared us to the KKK (which is ironic, considering the KKK was a militant arm of the Democratic Party during both Reconstruction &the Civil Rights eras), Have they ever been to a Tea Party rally?, have they spoken to any of our members? I think this is pure slander of the lowest form. Is it racist to want limited government?, Is it racist to want lower taxes, lower debt (if not, no debt at all)?, Is it racist to hold our elected (or appointed) officials accountable to the oath the swore to uphold? Or is it racist to keep minorities dependent upon Government because the Government thinks they`re incapable of taking care of themselves, & making their own decisions, & using them as political fodder?  Ask Allen West, Roy Innis jr, Dr.Ben Carson, Mia Love, Sonnie Johnson, etc, if our party is racist. Racism is to the Democrats what the word "phony" was to Holden Caufield in "Catcher in The Rye".+

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Thank God that Limey Commie is gone.

Friends, We can rejoice that the fly in the ointment that is the media is gone. That lying Limey Commie named Piers Morgan is no longer on CNN ( The Communist News Network). He shot off his mouth once too often & alienated the wrong people. If we can get rid of people like Al Sharpton, Ed Shultz, Melissa Harris Perry, & all the Obama acolytes, that would strike a blow for freedom & objective journalism.

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Grayson must be censured.

As you know Congressman Alan Grayson (D-Fl.), made a damning remark about our organization, comapring us to the KKK. Such language wouldn`t be tolerated if Grayson were, say a Republican, so why is it ok  that he`s a liberal Democrat? There`s nothing racist about wanting limited government, lower taxes, & holding our officials (elected or otherwise), accountable to the oath they swore to uphold. Grayson must be censures or given the maximum punishment due an elected official who abuses the power that was given them.

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Friends, As you were made painfully aware, Obama & his thuggish consiglieres targeted our group by using a Government institution to silence our voices so that he can gain political traction. His actions are worthy of John Gotti. Obiviously this President has forgotten that he works for us, & not the other way around. He has forgotten that he`s the President of the United States Of America, and not some third-world banana republic, (even though he wants to turn us into one).Obama has created a culture of corruption, deceit, & duplicity, with his consiglieres using the Sgt. Schultz defense, "I know nothing, NOTHING"......", when pressed by congress to sing about what they know. What kind of country have we become, What kind of legacy are we going to leave our children & grandchildren? This is beyond unacceptable, this is a total outrage, & Obama is a mockery of everything our brave men & women fought (& some have given their lives), for. We can`t have two governments at the same time, (the one that was elected, & a shadow government that was created like a mob family). Obama is compromising our rights, our security, our prestige, For the sake our our country, We must throw the bums out. President Grover Cleveland said: "A public Office is a Public Trust", Obama  obviously forgot that, (He`s not a student of history apparently). He`s losing the trust of the people ( I never trusted him, & you probably didn`t either),He & the Chicago Mafia should lose theirs. Keep fighting all the way, You your guard up. I`m riding with y`all all the way.



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Friends, Recently our group has been attacked by the leftist media when pictures of Obama with a Hitler mustache or as a witch doctor has been portrayed as racist, but when radical leftists painted Bush as a Fascist or as being unintelligent, it is prasied. it shows the blatant hypocrisy that exists in the media today. Look at the recent "protests" on Wall St., when hundreds of radicals, wannabe revolutionaires, wannabe Hippies, & others, caused a massive disruption over the Brooklyn Bridge, the liberal media covered it as being "democracy in action", but when our people ulitize our right to dissent, we`re labelled a "mob".Of course, Hollywood aere the biggest hypocrites & phonies. They shun anyone who thinks differently than they do, yet they continue to lament over what Sen. J.R. McCarthy allgedly did to the careers of the fathers & grandfathers.People need to wake up & smell the hypocrisy.
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