Marcia Wood's Posts (77)

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4063838442?profile=originalWhat Budget

The Good:

Let’s discuss the “Good” first, it always refreshing to hear about the positive events in our Country that give us hope and a reason for defending our Nation.

Dr. Ben Carson is definitely in the spotlight, quietly, methodically working to repair our Nation’s healthcare system.   It’s so refreshing to see an American Patriot step forward to help us take back our Country.   Dr. Carson is a bottom line man, no BS – he points out here’s where we’re at, here’s where we should be and here’s the way to resolve the healthcare issue.  He’s definitely a man that should be supported the next few years.

So proud of our young teen who won a gold medal at the Winter Olympics, America’s teen Mikaela Shiffrin becomes youngest to win gold in women's slalom.  Here’s one youngster that never gives up in the quest of the American dream.  She’s an inspiration to young and old.

 Ligety, a 29-year-old from Utah learned how to overcome obstacles and fought to the end winning Gold in the giant slalom – Ted was the first American to win gold in this event.  Ted Ligety is an American to be proud of – believing that hard work does make dreams come true.

Maddie Bowman won the first gold in women’s Olympic halfpipe skiing – Maddie truly had wings and gave tribute Canadian freestyle skiing icon Sarah Burke who had died in a training accident. Maddie said when speaking of her Gold medal, this one’s for Sarah.  There are other Americans this winter who have won gold, silver or bronze and to them I say, “We are so proud of you.”  “All of you young Americans give us hope and joy – your pride in your Country warms our hearts, thanks.”

The largest teacher’s union stands up against Common Core saying the standards are “completely botched.  This is a good thing; hopefully they’ll join us in getting rid of Common Core.

The Bad:

IRS remains quite a contentious subject – Obama’s “not a smidgeon” of corruption proves to be another monstrous lie.  Something of interest about the IRS refusing to give Conservative groups the 501(c) (4)s approval is this – they illegally put the Conservative organizations on hold for years under the pretense of “inappropriate criteria.”

In 2011 Obama’s ½ brother Malik Obama received tax exempt status in about 30 days from Lois Lerner.  Lois actually made this retroactive back to 2008 – giving Malik a free pass from any tax evasion problems since he and Auntie Sarah were raising money in the US illegally claiming to be charities. Of further interest is Obama’s “auntie” or step grandmother in Kenya was given tax exempt status also called the Mama Sarah Obama Foundation.  If checked both of these people connected to terrorists!

Obamacare continues its pathway of destruction, harming the medical field, families, our youth and businesses.  Every day is a new day and new edict from Barack Obama – no one could understand Obamacare when it was crafted and on one can understand it after its unsuccessful launch October of 2013.  What we do know it’s laden with hidden taxes - many lost their doctors, their insurers and have been slapped with higher insurance prices and higher deductibles.

Obama is trying to strong arm businesses by threatening them if they lay people off due to the Obamacare epidemic – since when does the Commander in Chief have a right to threaten fellow Americans who are trying to keep our Country afloat?

NSA has certainly invaded our privacy – emails, phone calls and many if not all of our Social sites are being monitored.  They’re everywhere, they’re ever where and it’s unlikely that they discontinue their invasion of our private lives.

The Ugly:

Four Americans killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack and many murdered in the Fast and Furious gunrunner operation – this is two of the ugliest scandals in our Country.  Five bankers dead in the last few weeks, a JP Morgan executive is the 5th one murdered – this is serious

It’s hard to define all that’s Obama and his Administration has done to this Nation in just a bit over five years.  They have attacked our Religion, our freedom of speech, our 2nd amendment, our businesses, our healthcare and our schools have been invaded.

The latest maneuver by Obama is to monitor our Newsrooms, news staff and staffers – they will decide what information Americans need, if it’s newsworthy and demand that news venues disclose their news philosophy.  Here’s the good news Federal Communications Commission put this invasion of our privacy on hold.

Our Government has been infiltrated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Communists, Socialists and at this time whether we want to admit it or not, Americans have reluctantly given their beautiful Nation over to a “Dictator.” We’re no longer in control, our freedoms are disintegrating and big Government has taken over…

It’s like sitting here totally helpless, being forced to watch a “horror” movie – the House of Representatives would be more aptly named the “House of thieves.”  They grab our money (which they are in charge of) and willingly, almost gleefully hand it over to Obama & the DEMS – case in point thanks to the House our debt ceiling was raised again without any provisions to budget for the increase, just more free money to Obama & gang.  After all, why should they worry – it’s just our money!

The behavior of the GOP is by far the “ugliest” most disgraceful and disconcerting issue that Americans have at this time. Our Country is under siege by both Republicans and Democrats.  Starting with the stimulus, the invasive Government grants, the debt ceiling increases there’s nothing to show for it but a bunch of glorified politicians in our White House frittering our money away for political gain.

The Republicans aren’t good stewards of our money; they continue their bloody spending seemingly enjoying every minute of it with the DEMS.  They don’t monitor Obamacare, the money being sent to Muslim terrorists, the misuse of our stimulus bill, the pork crap, the green scams, the programs to assist Americans during the housing bubble and the list goes on.  They’ve definitely waged war against America and all Americans. 

Bottom-line is this - the House controls the purse strings or better yet doesn’t control anything.   When we hear from Republicans it is always after the fact – after our money has been spent on Obama and Democrats reckless pursuit of a “false ideology.”

Time to go to Washington DC and clean out the garbage, the gophers and the rats in our icebox.


As Always,

Little Tboca

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In my quest to find someone at home in the White House, I decided to hit all venues where they might be hiding out.  Specifically looking for John Boehner, Harry Reid and members of Congress, but so far no luck finding anyone. This is a tough job, because they’re never where they say they are, sort of like the snow job Obama & Clinton gave us the night of the Benghazi massacre.

Maybe they all took a long leave of absence and accompanied Barack Obama to Man’s Country. 


Maybe they’re preparing for another dog & pony show


 VIP’s at Obama’s Party learning the "Kenyan Bongo"


Found Obama & Boehner Bonding on the Golf Course


As Usual Making Deals Behind Closed Doors

Boehner A Very Busy "Boy"


Here’s why I’m desperately trying to find Boehner, Reid & Congress – testimony from top officials proves beyond a doubt that the Commander in Chief and Hillary Clinton knew that terrorists had attacked our Compound and murdered Ambassador Chris Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, and former navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

Sent Boehner, Reid & Congress a letter a week ago and sent it to the attention of Hannity, Greta and O’Reilly at FOX News.  Then I wrote a personal email to 15 different Republican sites in 15 different States.  I tweeted the information & used Facebook and many Conservative sites posted the blog.   No one responded, not one member of Congress, neither did Boehner or Reid. 

So this would infer several different things, (1) they’re not interested, (2) They’re too busy playing politics, or they’re AWOL. The reason I find it inconceivable is this – Obama & Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack in Beghazi.  They were briefed immediately by our top Generals and our CIA. 

The answer to the third question, “Why didn’t they send help for our men in Benghazi” is more difficult to pinpoint, maybe a kidnapping of our Ambassador in exchange for the “Blind Sheik,” or maybe Chris Stevens knew too much about heavy arms and gun trafficking to the Muslim terrorists or, and the most obvious reason for their actions and decisions on 9/11/12 was political motivation. 

The letter can be read or reviewed at   the letter asked Congress to do their job.

The letter answers three questions about the Commander in Chief and Hillary Clinton during the night our four American men were murdered in Benghazi:  (1) Did they know, (2) When did they know and (3) why didn’t they send help for our men in Benghazi.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR SENATORS RECEIVE THE LETTER – THEY WORK FOR US AND ASK THEM AT LEAST TO ADDRESS THE FAMILIES OF OUR 4 AMERICANS AND ALL AMERICANS ON NATIONAL TV. We need Trey Gowdy.  It’s time to put those responsible behind bars – there’s absolutely no negotiating on this, Benghazi will not be forgotten!

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Game on Obama & Clinton

You are responsible for Benghazi Murders

Who knew the attack on the Benghazi compound was a terrorist attack?

Obama, Clinton, General Petraeus, General Ham, Leon Panetta, General Dempsey, Gregory Hicks, Jarrett, Rice, Charlene Lamb, Jay Carney, President Mohamed Magariaf, CIA, Al Qaeda


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                                          They Knew 

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                                        They Knew

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They Knew

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           2 Men Muffled & Gagged


After Obama & Hillary briefed about terrorist attack, per testimony by top Generals, Panetta, Hicks and others neither one bothered to help our 4 brave American men.  Clinton under oath said, Obama contacted her about the terrorist attacks. Gregory Hicks also testified that he told Hillary Clinton.


                                                                   Las Vegas 9/12/12


Obama went to Las Vegas for campaign mentioning in speech that Al Qaeda was on the run.  Hillary’s job was to organize all the “Obama Gophers” including Rice, Carney, White House aides and the Liberal News media giving them their script that the Benghazi attack was due to a Youtube “video.”  Neither one had time to fight for our brave American men – that’s perverted politics folks!

Told Families their loved ones lost due to "Video"

Told Families their loved ones murdered due to “Video”


That night, while the attacks were still unfolding, and before Woods and Doherty were killed, Secretary of State Clinton released a statement–entitled “Statement on the Attack in Benghazi”– linking the attacks to an anti-Muslim video that had been posted on YouTube. – See more at:

So sometime within a six hour period after the Benghazi Terrorist attack, Clinton was doing what she does best “Lie.”  


Our four brave American men.

                                                             Our four brave American men.


Bottom-line – Obama & Clinton both knew about the terrorist attack in Benghazi.  Neither one did the job that they were hired to do… Obama was running for his second term, Clinton was cleaning her plate off for a stab at the Presidency in 2016.  So in there perverted thought process and in order to keep blood off their hands and to relinquish any responsibilities as Commander in Chief and Sec. of State they blamed the murders in Benghazi on a “Video.”

Congress do your job apprehend and bring to justice those responsible for the Benghazi Massacre.  It’s been 1 ½ years and the families of our 4 brave Patriots and all Americans deserve to know that justice has been served. 

“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.”
Edward R. Murrow

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Did They Know?  When Did They Know?

Three questions that haunt Christopher Stevens, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty and Sean Smith’s families and all Americans; (1) Did they know?, (2) When did they know?, and (3)Why didn’t they send help? 

So let’s back track to September 11, 2012 – we have 3 Generals, Sec. of Defense & a Joint Chief of Staff who just filled in the missing pieces about the Benghazi murders.  “Top Secret” testimony on the Benghazi terrorist attack was just recently declassified. 


According to declassified testimony obtained by Fox News, Ham -- who was working out of his Pentagon office on the afternoon of Sept. 11 -- said he learned about the assault on the consulate compound within 15 minutes of its commencement, at 9:42 p.m. Libya time, through a call he received from the AFRICOM Command Center. By James Rosen  Published January 14, 2014,

Gen. Carter Ham, who at the time was head of AFRICOM, the Defense Department combatant command with jurisdiction over Libya, told the House in classified testimony last year that it was him who broke the news about the unfolding situation in Benghazi to then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The tense briefing -- in which it was already known that U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens had been targeted and had gone missing -- occurred just before the two senior officials departed the Pentagon for their session with the commander in chief.  By James RosenPublished January 14, 2014,

Sec. Panetta and Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey briefed the Commander in Chief about the terrorist attack in Benghazi as it was happening?  After the President was briefed General Ham met again with Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey. 

Panetta was asked if he believed at the time this was a terrorist attack.  Leon Panetta responded saying, “There was no question in my mind that this was a terrorist attack.”

CIA Director, General David Petraeus testified that the CIA believes the Benghazi attacks were conducted by terrorists, not a spontaneous demonstration. General Petraeus was in disagreement with Obama, Clinton & Rice’s talking points and wouldn’t play their political game.

So what we have here is a “Commander in Chief” who knew our American men in Benghazi were under terrorists attack and apparently he sneaked out of the White House to prepare for his campaign speech in Las Vegas.  Clinton hid in her dog house messaging the news media about a video during this time. 

Let’s check out Hillary Clinton (Sec of State,) the person while under oath said, “What difference does it make.”  The Senate Intelligence Committee after months of investigation and testimonies basically said the “buck stops here” pointing at the State Department and Clinton’s negligence and failure to do the job we Americans hired her for – the SIC stated in no uncertain terms that the Benghazi terrorist attack could have and should have been prevented.

Charlene Lamb (ex Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for international programs) testified that she followed the Benghazi Attack in real time. 

Charlene Lamb, the deputy assistant secretary of state for international programs, had this exchange with Rep. James Lankford (R-OK), describing how she followed via telephone the developments in the Benghazi attack as they were happening:

LANKFORD: Mrs. Lamb, can you clarify for me, where -- where were you working September 11? Were you in the Washington area -- were -- in the main facility there?

LAMB: Yes sir. I was in the D.S. Command center on the evening of the event.

LANKFORD: You -- you -- you note that in your testimony that you were in the Diplomatic Security Command Center and then you make this statement, "I could follow what was happening almost in real time." 

Here is one portion of Cheryl Lamb’s testimony that simply gives a way the fact that she thought help was on the way to Benghazi. 

Lamb:  Here is what she said, Sir, what was happening is they were making multiple phone calls and it was very important that they communicate with the annex in Tripoli because this is where additional resources were coming from. So they would hang up on us and then call back. It appears Military assistance was on its way???? 

Charlene was quickly snatched out of the “limelight” by Clinton and Cheryl Mills (Clinton”s Chief of Staff) muffled & gagged.  Charlene holds a very important key to Clinton’s whereabouts the night of the Benghazi attack. Cheryl Mills according to Gregory Hicks testimony is the one who ordered Gregory Hicks not to meet alone with Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) when he visited Libya following the attack.

We’ll never know who was communicating with whom during the 6 hours since the attack on our embassy, but we know someone nabbed “Rice” to do their dirty work.  Here’s the sequence of events.

Remember Obama and Gregory Hicks notified Hillary Clinton of the Benghazi attack which according to Politico started about 4:00 Eastern Standard Time or 10:00 PM Benghazi time –Clinton was obviously quite involved with covering her “ass” and Obama’s at this time.  So Obama, Clinton & without a doubt Jarrett were busy spinning the web of deception because of the upcoming Presidential election.  

Around 10 PM EST, Hillary issued a statement that one State official had been killed in an attack on the Benghazi Consulate along with a reference about about a video - MSNBC posted this information around 10:30EST including the mention of the video.  Hillary continued messaging, so sometime in a 6 hour interim (4:oo PM to 10:00PM) Obama, Clinton and probably Jarrett created the worst scandal in all of America's history. 

Obama went to Las Vegas to campaign, Rice appears on five Sunday shows saying the murders in Benghazi was due to a group of protesters over a video. 

Sept. 16: Libya President Mohamed Magariaf says on CBS News’ “Face the Nation” that the attack on the U.S. consulate was planned months in advance.  Magariaf also said, Magariaf also said the idea that the attack was a “spontaneous protest that just spun out of control is completely unfounded and preposterous.” Rice pounced on President Magariaf’s statement calling him everything but a liar 

Obama & Clinton created a 70,000 dollar ad on Pakistani Television denouncing the Anti-Muslim Video.  For weeks after the Benghazi massacre, Obama, Clinton, Rice, Carney & the Liberal news media beat this lie to death.

3 Generals, Sec. of Defense & a Joint Chief of Staff all verified that Obama knew that the attack on our embassy was a terrorist attack.  Hillary was notified about the terrorist attack by the Commander in Chief and Gregory Hicks. 

Petraeus, Ham, Charlene Lamb, Gregory Hicks and President Magariaf were all kicked under the bus.  

Obama and Hillary can run but they can’t hide for much longer –DEMS & the Liberal news media can continue spinning their stories, but the one fact that remains on the table is this…  Obama and Hillary knew the attack on Benghazi was a terrorist attack and they deliberately allowed 4 of our American men to die horrible deaths in the hands of terrorists. 

As Always,

Little Tboca


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Accomplices to murder - Obama & Clinton???



The Benghazi murders have more twists and turns than a roller coaster – the one thing and most important thing about the massacres of our four brave Americans is this:  the two key people in our Government, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were in charge.  There’s no negotiating on that fact – it was their duty and responsibility to do whatever it takes to protect Americans whether it’s on our turf or a foreign turf.

So regardless of the various conspiracy theories and extensive testimony from others, the bottom line is this, neither Obama or Clinton did one thing to protect our Americans in Benghazi.  In fact both did what they’re notorious for – both lied, both created a cover-up using a video as an excuse and both shirked their duties to protect our Nation and Americans. 

We are on overload from the many conspiracy theories from the right and the left’s feeble attempt to run from the Benghazi  scandal – this is nothing but partisan posturing, which pretty much leads to a dead end.

So my question to our Government is pretty simple and easily understood – why are the two people responsible for the murders of our men still out and about running free as “jay birds?”  Why aren’t they behind bars until their day in Court has been established? 

What gives them immunity and why weren’t  they  charged with the murders of Christopher Stevens, information officer Sean Smith, former navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty?

Going back in time, we know that not just once but repeatedly Mursi vowed to free the blind sheik (Omar Abdel-Rahman) spiritual leader who thanks to his attorney continued messaging the terrorist organization while he is detained in our prisons.  Mursi was so confident about his ability to free the blind sheik that he actually used it in his political speeches or platform. 

The other very peculiar piece of the puzzle is that  months later the Obama administration sent four F-16 fighter jets and 200 Abrams tanks  to Egypt along with the foreign aid package  - John Kerry just upped the aid to Egypt by stating that that they would be receiving another $250 Million in aid from the Obama administration.

The Benghazi murders could well be a pre-planned plot by Obama because a delegation of Egyptian lawmakers did meet with White House and State officials in regards to a possible release of the “blind sheik.”  The delegation included some pretty “bad boys,” Abdul Mawgoud Darderv (Muslim Brotherhood member), Sondos Asem (senior editor with Ikhwaweb, which is the Muslim Brotherhoods official publication,) and two other brotherhood members, Hussein El-Kazzaz and Khaled Al-Qazzaz. 

Supposedly the meeting between our officials and the Muslim Brotherhood was moderated by John Esposito, a pretty well know Muslim Brotherhood apologist.  It would seem that John Esposito would be a critical witness at this time, because we the people need to know why terrorists were in our White House.

Possibly the plot was set at this time and possibly it was to be a trade-off of the blind sheik for Chris Stevens – we’ll never know the answer or truth about this meeting, but the timing is suspicious and also the delegation that traveled so far to meet with our top officials are not our  friends.

There are videos showing Ansar al-Sharia prepping for an attack on our Benghazi embassy – this too is probably true and could be verified if our FBI & CIA were so inclined to do their job instead of doing flip flops in an attempt to remove Obama’s involvement in the Benghazi murders.

According to a Fort Hood press release Obama deployed troops from Fort Hood, Texas on a supposedly “peacekeeping mission” to Egypt.   Why would Obama do this?

Why the conflicting information concerning about the Dod and AFRICOM stating that some knew about the Benghazi Annex and that the man in charge General Carter Ham wasn’t aware of a CIA annex in Benghazi. 

The story goes that on the night of the Benghazi attack, General Ham was put in charge of the C 110, a 40 man Special Ops force which was for the sole purpose to handle rapid response to any and all emergencies.

Ultimately, the C-110 was not deployed to respond in Benghazi. Instead it was ordered to return to its forward operating base in Italy. Read more at

In summation a fish rots from the “head down,” and so far our sophisticated investigative committees have yet to start interrogating the head (Obama & Clinton.)  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that in order to solve a crime, first you go to those responsible for the crime.

Create a timeline on the day of 9/11/12 that tracks every move, every phone call, email and communication for Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton.  In other words, they knew it was a terrorist attack immediately so where were they the night of the terrorist attack in Benghazi, before Obama landed in  Las Vegas for his campaign? 

Next in order of time, what did Obama and Clinton do to protect our brave men in Benghazi?  Their hiding behind other “skirts” is hog wash – they were responsible to do everything in their power to get those four men out of Benghazi along with others safe and sound.  End of conversation –

It’s time to hold Obama & Hillary accountable and placed behind bars for the Benghazi massacre.  Their feeble excuses and monstrous lies don’t hold water and certainly aren’t justifiable reasons for letting them off the hook.  We’re talking about murder, accomplices to murder and political corruption.

As Always,

Little Tboca


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To Obama & Congress - We Have Your Bags Packed


It’s time to write a letter to “Congress” and discuss their reckless spending and their reluctance to be good stewards of our money. Obama and Congress have lost our trust – we actually are beginning to realize that they in fact are our enemy. OBAMA & CONGRESS YOUR BAGS ARE PACKED!

“We need to relay the message in plain English don’t spend more than you take in – it’s called a budget.” We’re not interested in each politician’s “sacred cows,” and pork delights – we’re interested in a Government that works for the people, not against the people.

The House of Representative’s job is to insure that neither political party misuses our money for personal ideology or interests. The House has lost touch with reality, they not only allow misappropriation of our money they are the problem – they’ve sold their souls to Obama, DEMS, Unions, Lobbyists, US Chamber of Commerce and personal political gain.

They allowed our 787 billion dollar stimulus money to go to Obama’s big bundlers, public sector unions and very wealthy Democrats and corrupt lenders who were in charge of the “housing bubble.” All together about 75 percent of loans and grants have been given out to companies run by Obama supporters. The stimulus money supposedly was to get our economic wheels rolling again through job creation, but Congress didn’t honor that commitment.

Billionaire Democrat donors who received a lot of money from the Obama administration include: Solyndra owner George Kaiser; Tesla Motors owners Leon Musk,Larry Page and Sergey Brin; NRG Energy owners Warren Buffett, Steven Cohen, and Carl Icahn; Abound Solar Manufacturing’s Pat Stryker; and Siga Technologies’ Ronald Perelman. Among other wealthy Democrat winners were former Vice President Al Gore whose investment in Fisker Automotive was rewarded with a $529 million loan guarantee. This is a brief from FOX news By John Lott Published March 23, 2012

Yearly our politicians orchestrate the dog and pony show pretending to be worried about the senseless spending by the Government and promising to get a handle on the situation via some kind of off the wall budget that none of us understand or ever comes to fruition.

The “debt ceiling” fiasco always ends up allowing the Government to continue their spending binge, which in all reality is spending money frivolously that we the people don’t need or benefit from. Neither Republicans or Democrats have learned from the devastating experience European Countries have suffered due to the insane philosophy of spending more than you take as an answer to our problems.  This  always ends up in a lose, lose situation for the hard working class (the taxpayers.)

Please excuse me, I understand that one should not express their personal opinions and thoughts when writing, but as a grandmother of eight awesome angels and four adult children today I’m climbing on my soapbox.

I really don’t care if Congress and the President have to take a hit on salaries – let’s think about the very little amount of time that Obama spends working for us versus his partying, lavish vacations and using our Air force One like it’s his personal taxi cab. Air force One should only be used for emergencies at this time. We’re broke, our Nation has an extremely high National Debt with an ungodly amount of interest that goes with this debt created by Obama and Congress.

Congress should be paid only for time in their offices working for “we the people.” Their days off which are more than days on the job would allow them to get a second job, because they certainly have proved that they’re incapable of running a Government for the people, of the people and by the people.

Let’s quit carrying these sophisticated politicians (that like the “entitlement society”) think we owe them a living, we don’t. Let’s get a budget, which will mean cutting out a mass of redundant Government programs, stopping the senseless funding creating Government dependency.

Time to rescue all people who have been entrapped by our Government – create jobs, jobs and more jobs help people get off the food stamp and entitlement kick. Dump Obamacare and while we’re at it dump Obama, Podesta, George Soros, The US Chamber of Commerce, the old Republicans establishment and Hillary Clinton.

Like Rick Perry said, retrieve our money and start at “zero” for foreign aid – if money is handed out to foreign Countries , it is to be monitored noting who is receiving the money, how much, what it is being used for and damn sure verify that every penny sent to foreign Countries is monitored and accounted for…  Taxpayer’s money is being used to fund the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorists!

Ditch the politician’s sacred cows and pork delights, downsize the Government which means ruthlessly cutting their deranged spending agenda. Do not spend one penny more than is taken in – it’s called a budget and millions of Americans would be most willing to show politicians how to budget since they seem to be in “La La” land.

It’s time to quit talking and demand action from those who pretend that they’re working for Americans and America. Every politician is a public servant who was hired to work for us – I really don’t care about their political elite clubs and dirty schemes behind closed doors. It’s time to “take back our Country, America.”

Thanks for lending an ear,

As Always,

Little Tboca

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America meet “Obama’s social justice or better yet social injustice” a robin hood philosophy that circumvents the laws of our land attacking our freedoms and rights.  In the past five years, Obama has sold us a pig in a poke wrapped up in pretty ribbon with all of the Liberal bells and whistles.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that our beautiful America and American citizens are slowly becoming the property of “big Government.”   In five years Obama has changed the social landscape in our great Nation by redistributing our money, changing laws and picking and choosing who receives certain advantages and who are the recipients of certain disadvantages.     

 For 50 some odd years, a very small minority group has fought “God” Christianity, the Cross, memorials and a slew of other important things like our children and our children’s education.

 Everyone knows the group that is described above and each year their war on Christmas grows as they litter our streets, highways and public areas with billboards and signs in their feeble attempt to remove “God” from our Nation.  Every year a Liberal judge plays Robin Hood and gives them another slice of our God given freedoms.

Next comes Obama’s “social political justice” which merely means a selective process that buys votes and support for Barack Obama and the DEMS.  Obama chooses include the LGBT community and illegal aliens over African Americans - African Americans are the recipients of the disadvantages.  Selective is the keyword here – Obama perceives that he already has the African American votes in the bag so he turns on them chastising them when they express their grievances. 

Big daddy Obama told the African American community to “Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes.  Shake it off. Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying.”  But notice that the LGBT community has managed to get everything their little heart’s desire. 

This group of people are pretty savvy about the political process and they did two things; (1) They voted for Obama with strings attached – meaning Obama would have to pay them off just like he did with his big bundlers, and (2) They vetted him arming themselves with damaging information about Obama’s relationships and activities before he ran for office.

They forced Obama to flip flop on marriage – he retracted his statements that marriage was between a man and women.  But their wish list kept growing and unlike the majority of Americans, they made the Government work for them.

Obama gave them ““Don’t ask, Don’t tell” in the Military, which probably wasn’t the safest decision for our brave Military men and women, but that will be an issue debated later after we have a few more wars under our belt.

It’s a mystery why they haven’t quite figured how what caused the HIV /Aids epidemic, but they don’t have a clue or do they?  Anyway in order to continue their lifestyle they’ve asked for more money, lots more money from Obama in order to reduce the number of HIV infections via increased training and various support services. 4063829803?profile=original

Obama with that favorite pen he keeps talking about gave them more hate crime laws, supported their civil unions and followed by more and more discrimination laws. That my friends is “Political Social  Injustice.”

Then along came the somewhat ugly face of what Obama calls social justice or economic disparity, which included Obamacare, Common Core, IRS, NSA and of course the not so famous  “Dream Act” which benefits about 20 ml. illegals – this was a mere ploy to purchase Hispanic Votes for the 2012 Presidential Election. Obama’s pen at work again, as he says with or without Congress.  

As is the President’s style he’s revised, changed amended and screwed around with the “Dream Act” to suit his fancy, but the bottom line is this – Obama has managed to give a safe haven to the illegals until  he gets his way on immigration. 

Obama’s State of the Union Address laid out his “social justice” plans for Americans in the next 3 years, which includes income inequality, more redistribution, raising minimum wage, climate change, further revisions of Obamacare and immigration changes - he threatens Congress and Americans that he will do this with or without them… 

As mentioned earlier Obama picks and chooses who receives certain advantages and who the recipients are of certain disadvantages (and that would be us – the taxpayers).  Obama’s  robin hood philosophy of social justice has in fact harmed all working Americans, our economy, or job growth, our children’s education and has stalled the “American Dream” diminishing our freedom and rights.    

The next time you hear Barack Obama speak of social justice, income equality or economic disparity grabbed your wallet and run, because he’s about to place one more costly burden on your shoulders. 

 “His Majesty” Obama has big plans for America, but like O’Reilly said to Geraldo Rivera, “I don’t think he has majesty! He’s not a king!” O’Reilly said, adding that he respects the office of the presidency but presidents still need to be held accountable.  O'Reilly, let's get one thing straight "accountable" to Obama is making sure that all hard working Americans contribute to his perverted social justice agenda - so far he's won that battle!

As Always,

Little Tboca

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If You Like Your Job & Pay Check - You Probably Can't Keep Them

Wow, it’s apparent that the Obama “savior” and his DEMS are once again looking out for their fellow Americans.  In fact, they’ve been worrying about Mr. and Mrs. or Ms. American working full time, so they came up with a solution for 2.3 million Americans.  

These geniuses decided that Mr. & Mrs. or Ms. American should get a reprieve and be demoted from full time work to part time status or it might be best if they even lost their jobs.  In fact they’re even spinning their propaganda today calling it a choice just for you – I call it a Saul Alinsky move preparing you for the next dump into the entitlement bucket. 

So in the scheme of things 2.3 productive Americans are now going to being placed under the watchful, caring arms of “Big Daddy” Government.  In order for these Americans to receive the Obamacare albatross, they will either go to part time employment or no employment – this doesn’t sound like a fair shake, but who’s allowed to question big Government.  Obama & the DEMS are much smarter than 2.3 million Americans – their message today is just shut your mouths and enjoy all the free time that’s headed your way.

Not to worry though Mr. and Mrs. America, if you lose your job you can draw unemployment until it runs out and you can get your cut of the food stamps.  Now, if you are demoted to part time employment that is where it might get a notch “sticky.”   Less hours = more free time + less income, but not to worry – you will be a recipient of Obamacare that is if you can afford it even with subsidies some will take a hit. 

But on the bright side – you may be able to spend your day at home with the kids, surfing the Net and TV growing plump on junk food from your new allotment of food stamps.  Just think, Obama and the DEMS selected you as the new kids on the block who now have more choices, more free time and less money and healthcare that has high deductibles and co-pays.  In reality what they have done to 2.3 million Americans is a travesty.

Obama and Democrats have once again attacked our fellow Americans.  They’ve snatched the American Dream from them just like they did when they took our primary care physicians, our insurers and hospitals from over 5 million Americans last fall. 

It takes a “hell” of a lot of nerve for the Democrats to get on National TV and spin the yarn that they’re looking out for us and giving us more choices.  Wrong, they’re destroying us and taking our freedoms and rights away. 

If these 2.3 million Americans were given a real choice does anyone think they would walk away from a full time job that was paying their expenses, putting food on the table and clothes on their children’s backs in exchange for a broken down non- functional healthcare package?

Here we go again America, if you like your job and weekly paycheck “you probably can’t keep it.” 


As Always,

Little Tboca

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Good morning America – what’s the definition for those who ignore our Constitution, distribute our wealth, control our healthcare, spy on Americans, put our youth in harm’s way and use violent act to achieve a political goal.  Words that come to mind are dictator, terrorist, traitor and Socialist or Communist.

The political climate in our White House is hot, tepid and pollutants are in the dangerous zone.  There’s no signs of this political drought leaving in the near future, in fact the hot air coming from our White House indicates that our Government  is reeking with corruption, false ideologies, propaganda, double dealing  and  criminal misconduct.

Wake up America – we no longer live in the land of the free.  Our Country has been confiscated by a perverted group of people who have plans already formulated to bring our beautiful America to its knees.   We are not in control – we’re being controlled. 

We have A Commander in Chief who without a doubt is the most corrupt evil leader in our history.   In five years he has taken over businesses large and small controlling them and inhibiting their growth.  This person has stolen billions of taxpayer’s money via lies, propaganda, misrepresentation and abuse of our Federal laws.


There aren’t just a few red flags, there’s land mines intentionally and deliberately placed to destroy our rights, our freedoms and our Country.  His strategy to destroy our Nation is based on one principle – take power from the “Haves” and give it to the “Havenots.”  In order to implement his strategy Obama utilizes what most of us know as “redistribution” always disguised under the pretense of a moral necessity to care for the “havenots.” 

Good morning America – are we there yet?  "President Obama's anti-poverty efforts are basically to give more people more free stuff," Robert Rector, a specialist on welfare and poverty at the conservative Heritage Foundation, told The Washington Times. 

As he hands out the free stuff our National debt increases, our Nation becomes poorer, full time jobs disappear, dependency on the Government increases and we’re basically in “limbo.”
Barack Obama’s ultimate goals are listed below.

  • Healthcare

Control healthcare and you control the people

  • Poverty

Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

  • Debt

Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.

Here’s but a few examples of the power, deception and manipulation that this person some refer to as “Mr. President” has implemented in the past five years.  13 million more Americans have fallen into the Entitlement society since Obama took office.  Over 15% of Americans are now in the poverty level and Obama is trying to strong arm States into increasing their Medicaid for the poor, which is paving the way for the millions of illegal aliens who are on our turf.

Americans are one “notch” away from a single payer healthcare system – Obama has already taken over our healthcare via Affordable Care Act.  It’s not a matter of when – it’s happened.  His Obamacare has had a devastating effect on businesses, private citizens, children, senior citizens and our medical field.

Debt is close to being unsustainable and it’s obvious that Obama still has our credit card in his hip pocket.  The House of Representatives either don’t care or are incapable of controlling our purse.

The CBO, just yesterday shared some crucial information with us – Obama in a blink of an eye has just added 2.3 million more to the “Havenot” society.  The “Havenots” will be Obama’s army because they are owned totally by the Government.  

Good Morning America – your children, your Country and your future are in danger.  It’s time to remove Obama and gang from our White House – this is a matter of life or death for the greatest Nation in the World. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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If Not Us, Who and If Not Now, When


Redistribution Front and Center

Over the past five years our Nation has been attacked by Barack Obama and Liberals, they have been relentless in their strategy to create an army of the poor.  In 2009 Americans had a renewed hope that Obama would stand by all of his promises to create jobs, downsize the Government, insure transparency, secure the borders and use our stimulus money to start our economic wheels rolling.

None of these commitments were enacted by Obama; instead he concentrated on “redistribution” not with the intent of helping the poor sector, but to increase the entitlement society.  (1) Via EPA Obama put a screeching halt to job growth, (2) He continued his reckless spending policies knowing that our National Deficit would mushroom, and (3) In 2010 passed the Obamacare law planning to place our healthcare under Government control (one payer system.)

  • During the last five years, unemployment sky rocketed from according to legitimate reports the unemployment rate in 2009 was 9.2% and in 2013 hovering around 14.4% or higher.  The unemployment rate during the Great Depression was 25% so the actual unemployment rate when you include those no longer looking for work and those working seasonal or part time jobs is most likely 20% plus.
  • According to CBS – the National Debt has surpassed an increase of 6 trillion since 2009.
  • Breitbart released information from Bloomberg government analyst that the Obamacare cost is over a billion dollars – this doesn’t take into consideration the subsidies and payoffs for insurers nor does it include the extremely high co-payments and deductibles of the consumer.

In 2014 Barack Obama has placed “redistribution” front and center once again.  The strange disturbing thing is this - many of the GOP have joined him in this destructive venture by pushing for amnesty.  In the past few days the GOP continued Obama’s “redistribution” by passing the 956 billion dollar Farm Bill.

This bill has more sticky fingers in it than carters got pills.  This is what Mr. Wobbly (Speaker of the House) said as he jammed the bill thru the House.  "I've got concerns," Boehner said of the farm bill. "But doing nothing means that we get no changes in the farm program, no changes in the nutrition program and as a result, I'm going to vote for the farm bill."  Did it ever occur to John Boehner that he was hired to do a job not crumple every time the going gets tough?

Wrapping up here once again the Conservatives, tea parties and Libertarians have one viable option – take back the Senate and control the House.  In order to do this, we must unite and work together.  As long as all of the small clusters are content to go it alone and go their own way, we very likely will not be able to place good Patriots (men & women) in the Senate or the House. 

2010 was a great start, but the job isn’t finished yet and we’re faced with almost insurmountable odds, because the Old Republican establishment, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Liberals along with George Soros all pretty much on the same page in the mission to control us. 

We need a leader, someone who can unite the tea parties, Conservatives and Libertarians in the most difficult fight in our recent history.  Hopefully we can chuck our petty grievances and power plays in the garbage and work for a common cause, “taking back our Country.”

Remember Reagan’s 1981 speech when he said, “All of us came here because we knew the country couldn’t go on the way it was going. So it falls to all of us to take action. We have to ask ourselves if we do nothing, where does all of this end. Can anyone here say that if we can’t do it, someone down the road can do it, and if no one does it, what happens to the country? All of us know the economy would face an eventual collapse. I know it’s a hell of a challenge, but ask yourselves if not us, who, if not now, when?”

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Obama & Hillary the Bobbsey Twins


Many times I have written about Obama and Hilary Clinton and their unadulterated worship of Saul Alinsky and his “Rules for Radicals.”  There is one thing that wasn’t mentioned in my articles and that is securing the trust of the people. Obama and Hillary threw “trust” out the window thinking it unimportant.

Obama’s first few years were smooth sailing for the youth, African Americans, Hispanics and Liberals were gushing and literally idolizing and jumping through hoops for him.  His word was gospel to them and the Liberal News Media aided and assisted Obama never wavering just marching steady to his drum.

Hilary Clinton did the same thing during those first few years of Obama’s first term – as Sec. of State she slithered around traveling to and fro partying, wining and dining on our tab. Easy come – easy go!

 Let’s not forget though, Hilary Clinton is a tough broad with brass knuckles whose “rap sheet” starts in the 70’s and read like America’s most wanted. During this time there were murders, suicides, the Watergate scandal and she & Bill earned a devious reputation of body slamming anyone and everyone who confronted them or questioned their actions.

So let’s put the “Bobbsey Twins” (Obama & Hilary) in the same political arena. Both are arrogant and confident that they can slither out of any problem or scandal that arises, because they’re much smarter than Americans. Both of these individuals are adept at power punching their detractors because they have the mainstream media willing and waiting to finish off their prey.  Although no one knows for sure what the deal was between the Obama’s and Clintons; it was obvious to all that they had a deal. 

Hillary was to lay low, work on her run for President in 2016 while Obama paved the way for her to finish destroying our Nation.  Although Bill Clinton wasn’t happy about this arrangement, he reluctantly agreed to be a buffer for Obama and keep Americans in tow. Bill had big plans for Hillary. 

There’s one major glitch in their strategy though and that is the American populace, the hardworking middle class, the college students still waiting for jobs that were promised and the seniors who have had their retirement destroyed by their shenanigans. 

Obama lied to the African Americans and instead of bringing them out of poverty like he had promised – he deliberately took jobs from them, ignored their suffering communities and as time went on the African Americans became more dependent on “Big Daddy” Government joining the entitlement crowd.

But, the ones who have taken the biggest hit during his five years without a doubt is the middle class. He has attacked them from all sides not creating jobs, but destroying jobs. He’s misused their stimulus money redistributing it mainly to his green scams, big bundlers and the Unions.

While they were busy trying to keep food on the table he sneaked into their schools attempting to steal their children from them through what is known as “Common Core.”  Just a brief on “Common Core”  this will help everyone understand the illegal and over – reach of power that Obama has used to infiltrate our schools.  U.S. CODE § 1232A - PROHIBITION AGAINST FEDERAL CONTROL OF EDUCATION. 

Today CBO stated that the Obamacare debacle was causing havoc in our Nation.  CBO predicts this monstrosity is going to cost Americans 2 million plus jobs in 2017.  It’s my contention that there will be millions of jobs lost in 2014 way before the election in November.

Do to the horrendous cost of ACA, businesses can’t stay afloat without laying off employees and/or keeping them on a part-time status. This will intensify our recession, increase the entitlement society, increase the National Debt and add one more financial burden on those who are working.  Yes, all of this is bad news for Americans, but Obama and Hillary aren’t home free by a long shot!


The Bobbsey Twins have one of the biggest scandals in United States history lingering on their plates and it’s not about to be kicked down the road and thrown into the shadows by Obama and Hillary – the Benghazi murders will haunt them daily because Americans will not forget that they both were in charge and neither one lingered in the White House to save our four American men. 

They both lied for weeks about the attack blaming it on a “video.”  This is one time the smooth talking twosome will be held accountable –even the Liberal news can’t bail them out of this devious, evil political scheme.  No one will forget Hillary’s nasty remark, “What difference does it make.”

Bill O’Reilly interviewed Obama Sunday the 3rd, 2014 and Obama lied again about Benghazi.  He pretended that he told America the day after the attack, that it was a terrorist attack.  Then why did Obama, Hillary and Rice for weeks keep blaming the attack on a video.  Simple answer - because there was a Presidential Election coming up. 

If Alinsky were still alive he’d be the first to tell them, they were doomed because they’ve both lost the trust of the people.  Without the trust of the majority of the people, you can’t fundamentally change a Nation.  They’ve both blown it – it’s only a matter of time now. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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John Boehner the crumpler, the gutless wonder who’s always waving his white flag and crumpling under the Obama Regime, the US Chamber of Commerce and his Old Republican reprobates.  He’s the guy who pretends to be a Patriot and an avid Constitutionalist. 

October of 2013 John Boehner said, “The House has fought with everything it has to convince the President of the United States to engage in bipartisan negotiations aimed at addressing our country's debt and providing fairness for the American people under ObamaCare.  That fight will continue.

He continues with this false statement that the Republicans are on a drive to stop the train wreck (Obamacare.)  Wrong – Ted Cruz and Mike Lee tried to stop the Obamacare train wreck, not Boehner and his Republican buddies.

House Speaker John Boehner was cobbling together support for a measure to fund the government, Ted Cruz advised Tea Party conservatives not to support him and they took his advice.  What are the real reasons that Republicans attacked the junior senator from Texas.

(1) Republicans were irate because he exposed their scheme about Obamacare - Republicans were having a hay day lying to the public and not exposing the real truth about Obamacare.  (2) If Republicans were really worried about Obamacare as they’ve been stating for years – they would have joined Ted Cruz.  (3) They trashed Cruz to the Press and on National TV, because Senator Cruz unveiled the real dangers that Obamacare poses for the Nation.

Senator Cruz explained why the dangerous healthcare bill would harm American citizens and businesses creating additional debt for taxpayers and hidden tax increases. Ted said Obamacare would be the reason that businesses lay off employees or reduce some full time employees to part time work.

Senator Cruz knew that Americans wouldn’t be able to keep their insurers, their primary care physicians or specialist nor would Obamacare actually save consumers 2500 dollars a year.  The Old Republicans, DEMS, US Chamber of Commerce hate him, because he exposed them with their pants down. 

John Boehner and his cohorts are on the brink of deliberately and with reckless intent creating plans to drive our economy over a cliff.  They met with lobbyists this week on their retreat to discuss immigration, amnesty or whatever you want to call it, because the US Chamber of Commerce wants an amnesty bill passed in 2014.

In plain English "Amnesty" would lower American worker’s wages and thrill the Chamber’s big business allies.  Cheap labor equates into a huge profit margin for the Chamber’s un-American friends (big business allies) and the Chamber.  

Yes, we’ll have to go through the agony of another “Debt Ceiling” increase – it’s inevitable with the pansy’s we have running our Government.

So Boehner will make sure the debt ceiling is raised, because as the story goes we wouldn’t be able to pay the obligations that our Government has incurred.  We all know the debt ceiling fiasco – Boehner and a few Republicans will put on their usual reality show by stating that whatever is spent on the debt ceiling must in fact come out of the budget.

How many times are Republicans going to be able to sell this lie to Americans?  If we had a real budget, which we don’t there wouldn’t be any reason to keep raising the debt ceiling.  So, be prepared Boehner will have his white flag out, his knees will be shaking, crocodile tears will flow and Americans will get “duped” one more time. 

Congressman Boehner on Passage of Omnibus Appropriations Bill

Jan 15, 2014 - Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) today issued the following statement regarding House passage of the FY 2014 omnibus appropriations bill: “Today the House came together to keep the government open while further reining in its out-of-control spending. I am particularly pleased that this meas...

The statement above isn’t only poor messaging it’s a blatant lie.  Can anyone tell me how the House has stopped the Government out of control spending?  Furthermore the Republicans along with the Democrats have been on a “bloody” spending spree like a bunch of drunken sailors going on 6 years now. 

It’s shameful to realize that the Republicans on their retreat last week included lobbyists with the sole purpose of jamming amnesty down our throats.  Boehner has known for over a year now that Americans don’t want amnesty and yet he’s more than willing to ignore the people. 

Judson Phillips and Erick Erickson have both asked the Conservatives to “Unite” and take back their Government and their Country.  “Unite” is the keyword here…

Read Judson’s blog “An open letter to the Conservative blogosphere on TPN and catch Erick’s blog “Time to change, time to choose,”

We have the power to expose John Boehner (Speaker of the House) for what he really is “A Politician’s Politician,” meaning he is a delight to the DEMS and Liberals because he has no scruples or allegiance to his Nation or Americans. 

Fill out this form every day until the Republicans get the message that there will be no amnesty in 2014 or any other time.

Subscribe to his YouTube channel and post daily in fact several times a day.  Write articles, blogs call your Senators and tell them “no amnesty.”  Use Twitter and tweet daily to Boehner, make him feel the heat!

We can do this friends - it takes hard work, extra time out of our busy day, but in the end we can win.  It’s all about learning to use the Internet to our advantage and becoming experts in our messaging on the Social Media.

There’s so much more information on J. Boehner but for now let’s stop amnesty and remember that John Boehner isn’t a Patriot and doesn’t give a damn about Americans.  In his 2014 agenda his priorities are stopping tea party candidates in the November 2014 Elections, pushing amnesty through, raising the debt ceiling, and continuing the out – of – control spending.

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Democrats - Party of Two Faces


It’s sad, but necessary to call a “Spade a Spade.”  The Democrats are not defenders of our Constitution – they are two- faced and the party of treason.  Democrats have turned on America and Americans. 

They refuse to address and take ownership of the five biggest scandals in our history starting with the Fast & Furious gunrunner operation, the Benghazi murders, the IRS, the NSA and Obamacare. 

They slink away and hide behind closed doors pretending that their Democratic Party is not responsible and should not be held accountable for these scandals – we’re talking about murder, corrupt politics, invasion of our privacy, intentional and malicious attacks on tea parties and conservative groups plus a healthcare law that is causing harm to private individuals and businesses. 

Instead of worrying about our horrific National Deficit, a balanced budget, secured borders, a strong Military, jobs and reduction of the entitlement society they want to spend the little bit of money we have left, refuse to balance the budget, want amnesty for millions of illegal aliens, climate and energy change, depress our Military and increase the entitlement society. 

There is definitely a progressive trend within the Democratic ranks that is easily identified by the manner that they conduct business in our White House.  They spend all of their waking hours demonizing, falsely accusing any and all Americans who aren’t in agreement with their Socialistic ideology.

As we speak they’re attacking Dinesh D’Sousa, Hollywood Conservatives “Friends of Abe”, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Chris Christy, Marilinda Garcia, S&P and tea parties and conservative groups. That’s just the tip of the iceberg – throw in all of the AG (Eric Holder’s) lawsuits and recent attacks on MLK Day against Hermann Cane, Niger Innis and Dr. Ben Carson. 

They have already launched the New Year creating headlines of one distraction after the other. Obama’s State of the Union jargon pretty much sets the stage for Americans in 2014.  While Democrats and the Liberal news media work behind the scenes creating the distractions, Soros, Podesta & Obama have plans to force higher taxes, amnesty, climate and energy change thru this year, which like Obamacare will weaken the middle class.


Again I must refer to the Democratic Party as two-faced individuals (the party of scandals) hell bent on destroying the greatest Country in the World. They are a treacherous evil group of individuals who have spent the last five years destructing and destroying America by intentionally removing our freedoms and rights as handed to us by our forefathers in the Constitution.

While we were sleeping the Democrats launched an attack on our children with Common Core – it has been established for one purpose only warping the minds of our children starting with the youngest. They have taken parental rights away, infiltrating our schools in an attempt to brainwash and control the next generations.  The Washington Bureaucrats just snatched parental control from parents making our children the property of “Big Government.” 

They have launched an attack on the middle class (all races) destroying jobs and job growth, which has created a larger group of people who are totally dependent on the Government.

The Party of Two Faces have increased out debt to an almost unsustainable level.

In 2014, the Party of Two Faces has big plans to ramrod many costly changes and new laws down American’s throats via Obama’s Executive Orders.  Be prepared for what’s about to come if Obama and Democrats get their way. 

Their talk about income inequality, climate and energy change is merely a devious way to continue Obama’s “redistribution” and shove us down the path to Socialism.  Their agenda for 2014 is to suppress the American populace, remove their “God” given rights and freedom, control our kids, healthcare, energy and explode the growth of the entitlement society. 

72 percent of Americans expressed the belief that big government now poses a greater threat to America than big business or big labor. Americans are realizing that actual unemployment for full time workers is hovering between 20 and 25%. 

Millions of Americans are without jobs and have discontinued looking for jobs.  Millions of Americans have been forced to take part time jobs.  Millions of Americans are suffering because of the Democratic Party.

The past five years should be a wake - up call for poor, the middle class and the wealthy. The poor or (entitlement crowd) will get poorer, the lower part of the middle class will join the entitlement recipients and the wealthy will be expected to pay for the costs created by a socialistic society. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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First you control the healthcare, then increase poverty & debt via climate and energy change and Obamacare.  Sounds like a bad fictional movie doesn’t it? 

Podesta had Barack Obama pave the way for his “climate change” initiative internationally.  In June of 2013 Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping came to an agreement on phasing down HFC’s, a temporary substance with a very short life used in air conditioners and refrigerators.  

Obama and XiJinping under Podesta’s direction extended this arrangement to Montreal Protocol treaty and their strategy is to hopefully include G-20 Nations before next fall. Podesta as you imagine has been a very busy boy and last summer worked with Andrew Light on methane emissions.

Next he planted Andrew Light the State Department October of 2013 promote and oversee Podesta’s climate change project.  India has been dragging their feet and Andrew was to soften up India by convincing them that they should start reducing HFCs, methane and black carbon.


As we speak Podesta is strong arming the Cabinet Agencies and the White House offices insisting they get on the same climate change page with him. Podesta isn’t one to negotiate on his climate change initiative – he will make it clear to all in no certain terms that it’s my way or the highway.

Podesta’s strategy is two-fold if he gets his way on climate change by phasing down HFC’s, black carbon and methane. Methane will be a household word before John Podesta gets thru with us because it is his primary reason for pushing climate change this year – if he can get his way hydraulic fracturing used access our nation’s shale gas fields will come to a screeching halt.

The other reason is Podesta wants to go to the United Nations climate gathering in Paris in 2015 totally armed and prepared to present US negotiating strategies.

Now that Podesta along with George Soros is pretty much running our Country we can expect several critical changes in the next couple of years.  Remember Podesta is chair of the Center for American Progress (CAP) a far left group determined to go “green” and at the same time implement strategies that will reduce America’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Although this brief article may seem to be boring and nothing that Americans need fear at this time – that’s a wrong assumption.  Obama, Soros and Podesta’s  climate and energy plans for a New World Order may seem a little far-fetched and something that’s in the distant future – FYI the threesome are prepared to implement both climate and energy laws starting in 2014, 2015 & 2016.

Podesta and & Soros believe there’s a loophole in our Constitution and they’re depending on Obama’s Executive Orders to get their climate and energy changes up and running immediately.   

The EPA are armed and waiting for their marching orders – they’re prepared to attack and all fossil fuel companies, coal mines and any companies that are energy related.  Many coal mines have already suffered and closed their doors or laid off employees due to EPA’s restrictions and regulations.  Hydraulic fracturing will no longer be an option. 

If Soros & Podesta get their way – our National Debt will explode due to the cost of going “green.” Billions of dollars of taxpayer’s money will be used immediately.  Businesses will be closing their doors or laying off thousands of employees, taxes will increase, cost of fuel will skyrocket and we could very easily slide from a recession into a “depression.”

Again, I bring up Saul Alinsky, because Obama, Soros & Podesta know his rules by heart.  In the next three years their goal is to control our healthcare, increase poverty and debt, and control climate and energy. 

  •  Healthcare

Control healthcare and you control the people

  • Poverty

Increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

  • Debt

Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.

We the people need to get on the social media, contact our Senators, Speaker of the House (J. Boehner), Obama, all Democrats and Republicans and let our Government know we don’t want Soros & Podesta’s climate and energy change period.

What we want is balanced budget, smaller Government (much smaller), a strong Military, secured borders, full-time jobs, Obamacare repealed, our freedoms returned and most of all a Government of the people, by the people and for the people .

As Always,

Little Tboca


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Republican's Invited Lobbyists to Their Retreat


Just heard on Greta Van Susteren that the Republicans are planning a retreat for this week-end.  House Republicans will hold their annual retreat at a waterside resort on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Although Republicans will deny what I’m about to say vehemently, deals behind closed doors not exactly kosher. The bottom line is they’re wining and dining with some high powered lobbyists from big corporations and various associations. The lobbyists just purchased themselves a free pass to wheel and deal behind closed doors with the Republican Party.   

I know what their song and dance will be about my comment – they’re going to say that the Republican Party doesn’t get any of the lobbyist’s money – it all goes to the Congressional Institute. Lobbyists at Your retreat????? 

Shame on all of you – here’s your lousy report card for the past five years which will show beyond a doubt that you haven’t been doing your job.

Starting back in 2009 Americans were forced into handing the Government 787 billion dollars for the sole purpose of jump starting our economy, creating jobs, helping those who are losing their homes and jobs due to the housing bubble.  That didn’t happen! 

For starters let’s discuss the $312 billion in tax breaks available through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act which are being claimed legitimate yet no one in Congress could get a handle on these tax breaks or verify the actual eligibility of the recipients. All were too busy playing politics and as usual taxpayers got gouged once again.

Where were the Republicans when the DOE kept handing our millions of our stimulus money for the “Green Energy” scams?  Reports verify that over 90% of our loans to the green scam went to Obama’s big bundlers or donors, Harry Reid and other high ranking Democrats.  Not a bleeping peep out of you!  You didn’t bother telling us about this scam until you were caught with your pants down and companies started going belly up.

Let’s revisit the 75 billion dollars that Obama said was set aside for mortgage relief – this money once again went to risky lenders who were in lawsuits up to their armpits. Everyone was too busy to oversee and monitor this relief fund. 

My daughter was a victim of the HARP program, which was a blooming nightmare with more holes in it then tea strainer!  All this program did was prolong the agony of foreclosure.  Not one of you bothered monitoring this program either – it was easy come easy go, taxpayers and homeowners took another financial hit due to your negligence.

Let’s talk about the Fast and Furious Gunrunner operation – Obama funded the program with our money, Holder & Napolitano choreographed and launched the program.  In April 2009, they toddled down to Cuernavaca Mexico City to discuss the Fast and Furious operation with Mexican officials. Holder and Napolitano both perjured themselves lying under oath feigning that they didn’t know about the operation. End of story!

The rest of the story about the gunrunner operation is this: OIG sent a letter to CIA, FBI, ATF, Homeland Security and Congress warning them that the gunrunner operation was flawed and dangerous. You can find this information on the DOJ website if you’re having a lapse of memory. 

Not one Republican raised their hand to notify Americans about the deadly operation, not until two of our brave border agents were killed and hundreds of innocent Mexican men, women and children were murdered. Once again you were AWOL – now years later Obama, Holder & Napolitano are walking our streets free as “jay birds.” 

The Benghazi murders are still unsolved after all of these months, yet you regularly get on National TV putting on your dog and pony show pointing fingers, naming names and no one is responsible.  If you’re afraid of Obama, Clinton, Panetta, Lamb, Carney and Rice – then kindly step down, the last thing we need is cowards in the Republican Party.

In closing the other scandals that you seem to avoid like a plague are the IRS, NSA and Obama care – all of these scandals have harmed Americans and been a horrendous cost to taxpayers. Yet, you opt to play politics and worry more about job security rather than fulfilling your oath to our Nation and all Americans.

The Old Republican establishment is a disgrace – you are self- serving back biting leeches. You turned on the tea parties and the new faces that entered the House and Senate in 2012.  For five years you’ve refused to be good stewards of our money. Originally I  thought the House was in charge of our money or is it no one is in charge of our money?

The Old Republican dogs are the gutless wonders that kicked Ted Cruz under the bus when he wanted to repeal Obamacare.  Obamacare is the most deadly dangerous law that Obama has jammed thru - Republicans better believe if it isn’t repealed and Obama gets his way he will control our beautiful America.

Alinsky was right, if you control the healthcare, you control the people.  The other thing the Republicans have ignored is the extreme increase in the poverty level – Obama is truly the food stamp President and he’s damned proud of it. 

Alinsky said increase the poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back of you are providing everything for them to live.

So enjoy your retreat, but understand that you have failed in your promises to Americans and you’ve fractured, sliced and diced what was once a political party that Americans were proud of and embraced.   Not much to be proud of now, is there?

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Andy Cuomo's Dirty Laundry


Anti Guns, Pay to Play, You’er Not Welcome - Governor at Large

Andy & Infanticide – Infants no right to life

On Sept. 13 of 1984 of that year, another Governor Cuomo, Andrew’s father, Mario, famously laid out his contention that being personally opposed to abortion – the taking of innocent human life – and being a public advocate for its legality and subsequent policy accommodations was a morally sound position for a Catholic in politics.

You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’  Matthew 5.21

Andy & Pro - Gun Control – Better than thou Governor loves “Hunting and Skeet Shooting.”

A well - regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." 

Andy & Gay Marriage – Andy is buying votes, could care less about LGBT but he gushes over their money and votes. Cuomo focuses on gay marriage but nothing deters a chase for millions of dollars and yes LGBT paid the notorious Governor so they could hang out and play in NY.

OCTOBER 2004: “What I believe is that marriage is between a man and a woman …Obama

OCTOBER 2010: “I have been to this point unwilling to sign on to same-sex marriage primarily because of my understandings of the traditional definitions of marriage,” President Obama said… 

In 1996, President Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage to be a "legal union between one man and one woman."

By the way New Yorkers, he meant what he said and said what he meant -  he said “right to life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay” conservatives have “no place in the state of New York.”

Mr. “Better than Thou” isn’t exactly the kind of guy you would probably be comfortable with as your next door neighbor.

Of course everyone remembers the subprime mortgage crisis, well surprise, surprise the one who fanned the flames for the subprime mortgage crisis was none - other than Andrew Cuomo. This is the same guy who was thrilled to death that the Muslim cultural center would find a home at Ground Zero.

The New York Daily News reports that Cuomo received two donations totaling $100,000 from a developer who stands to reap millions from a tax break signed by Cuomo — two days before he signed the bill: Check out the Elco Master LLC or Extell Financial Services both, they actually “Paid to Play” and got a hefty tax break – neither company were lifetime suporters, in fact it was their very first contribution to Cuomo’s treasure chest.


Actually George Soros and his son Jonathon also “paid to play” in Albany, NY.  Johnathan paid Cuomo because he wanted help on a campaign finance reform.  Old George just casually chucked 750,000 to the state Democratic Party knowing Cuomo was in charge and could skim funds from the pot as needed.  Andy Cuomo and George Soros are sort of bosom buddies or at least top the list of dirty politics.

Andrew pledged never to accept donations over 10,000 from special interest groups – but that was a bald-faced lie. Cuomo re- established the rules for his “pay to play” monopoly game and grabbed over 7 million dollars in 2010 from Unions, Corporations, organized labor or is it referred to as organized crime in NY (whatever.)  Players like lobbyists, self interest groups, construction, RE, healthcare big dogs joined the game. 

FYI Cuomo and John Podesta aren’t just kissing cousins – they’re more like Siamese twins.  Cuomo isn’t by any stretch of the imagination a “nice man” even his assembly has turned against him in NY.  Many NY Dems are unhappy about his campaign against his own party – the Governor can kiss the idea of running for President good bye. 

By the time the NY DEMS get thru tarring and feathering him – Cuomo will be the one looking for a new home. The NY DEMS don’t like his “Pay to Play” game or the way he has attacked his own party via harassment and scandalous attacks. 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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Obama has been rescued by George Soros and his “top gun” (John Podesta) - be prepared to see heads roll and many new appointments in the next 3 years.  Most of all brace yourselves as Obama signs one Executive Order after the other as we head into the 2014 November Election. 

John Podesta is big on Executive Orders and defiantly intends to use them to ease Americans into his pet projects (climate change, giving our Oceans to the UN and the UN’s Millennium Development Goals (MDG.)  He says EO’s give a perception of momentum and accomplishments, which deciphered means it’s a way to shut “we the people up.”

So there’s not enough time or pages to discuss all the evil pots Podesta has his fingers in, but there is adequate time to show his political DNA and his intense desire to take over our Nation.  I realize that we’re a day late and dollar short, because like Obama no one took time out to really vet this person who will be running our Country. 

What you’ll read now will pretty much give everyone a bird’s eye view of the new “De Facto President” (John Podesta) that Soros sneaked into our White House – the one who just replaced Valerie Jarrett.  If anyone thinks George Soros isn’t running our White House they’re wrong and if anyone doesn’t believe he demoted Valerie Jarrett, you’re wrong on that assumption too!

John Podesta is known as the “Clinton Fixer” or fireman that stepped in and pulled Bill and Hillary Clinton up from the political gutters and restored Clinton’s Presidential term.  Podesta’s past is sordid but difficult to track because his mentor Soros has a way of sweeping the platter for his top gophers clean leaving only dim footprints to follow.

Recently Podesta’s advice to Obama was this when referring to the GOP.  He said, “They (Meaning Obama) needs to focus on executive action (Executive Orders) given that they are facing a second term against a cult (GOP & Tea Parties)worthy of Jonestown in charge of one of the houses of Congress.”  If you remember Jonestown cult was behind one of the worst mass-murders of civilians in history.  This shows his total disregard to our political process as given to us by our Constitution.

Podesta’s number one priority is climate change and he’s already let the President know that he objects to the Keystone Pipeline and this objection is two – fold: (1) He doesn’t want to create more jobs, and (2) He must support his good old buddy ( investor Tom Steyer.)  Tom Steyer is one of the trouble makers who has spent millions of dollars mobilizing the opposition for the Keystone Pipeline and wouldn’t you know it he’s in bed with the EPA too.

John Podesta under the guise of “climate change” is going to give EPA all the authority they need thru Executive Orders to strap big and small businesses involved with energy production with many more stupid nonsensical regulations that will result  in jobs loss and many businesses will be forced to close their doors which will intensify the recession we’re already in…   Podesta will be dealing with leases on federal lands and permits for development and mining projects.

Podesta when ridiculing Obamacare made this statement, “Single payer anyone?” remarked Podesta, alluding to a major difference between Medicare and Obamacare, and one of the major policy objectives of many on the left.

Here is my rundown on why John Podesta has actually been placed in our White House to run our Country.  Obama displeased George Soros and was unable to get the job done – Soros would definitely give him a failing grade on his first five years.  In order for Soros to continue his take down of our Nation, there’s an extensive amount of clean-up needed in the White House, so he put Podesta in to pave the way for Hilary Clinton.  


Podesta, the Clinton fixer or fireman isn’t there to help Obama but to pave the way for Hillary Clinton.  If Soros & Podesta get their way, we will have climate change in place, a one payer healthcare, laws on income inequality, amnesty, more stringent EPA regulations and higher unemployment. As businesses close their doors or lay off employees the welfare crowd grows which in the end is Soros’s end goal. 

As the welfare population grows, so does the Nation’s financial crisis and economic crisis Soros & Podesta will accelerate Obama’s “redistribution” scams via Executive orders.

Three big “red flags” that demonstrate beyond a doubt which direction Obama is heading our Nation.  (1) Reid’s changes to the filibuster laws making 51 votes adequate, (2) Obama’s threat to use pen and phone against the American people, and (3) George Soros & Podesta are now running our Government. 

The devastating part of our Nation’s critical problems is this - the US Chamber of Commerce and Old Republican establishment are playing right into Soros’s hands because they are fracturing the Conservative base in their attempt to destroy the tea parties.  They’re setting us up to lose the November 2014 elections and 2016 Presidential election, which is just exactly what Soros and Podesta are counting on… 

As Always,

Little Tboca

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The "De Facto President" on a Rampage


The “De facto President’s” hit list for 2014 include S & P, O’Keefe, Israel, Conservative actors and all who oppose or disagree with her Socialist agenda to destroy our Nation.  The “she devil” is dangerous and has the money to support her 2014 agenda to take back the House of Representatives and maintain control of the Senate. 

Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett and Eric Holder are starting to roll out their plans to demonize the Republican Party and all who are in disagreement with the Obama Socialist take-over of our Nation and the citizens living in our Country. 

This isn’t a pretty picture folks, but it’s one that pretty much sets the political environment for 2014. As Valerie Jarrett the real Commander in Chief said – it is payback time America. 

Remember when S & P downgraded the US credit rating in August of 2011. S & P says the billion dollar lawsuit that Holder filed against them is retaliation for the downgraded credit rating which was a result of the gridlock between Congress and the Obama Administration and the dysfunction in in reaching an agreement on the “debt reduction.” 


Headline news shows Obama, Jarrett and Holder continuing their mass destruction of any and all that disagree or oppose their policies. Conservative activist James O’Keefe attacked by NY Governor Andrew Cuomo when O’Keefe responded to Cuomo’s threats against Conservatives. 

The Governor of NY pretty much told Conservatives who are right to life, pro-assault-weapon, anti-gay to pack their backs and get out of  Dodge because they have no place in NY.

 O’Keefe’s “Project Veritas” exposes alleged fraud like ACORN, green jobs or the Obamacare law.  He received a subpoena from the Department of labor demanding all documents and financials since the founding of “Project Veritas.” 

O’ Keefe says they’re on a witch hunt again like the meeting scheduled with O’Keefe and the Department of Labor on December 13, 2013.  O’keefe was there but the NY Department of Labor was a “no show.”

Obama on the attack again in a recent interview unable to assume responsibility for the position he holds as Commander in Chief.  Note that Obama as usual blames someone else for his low poll ratings and inability to reach across the aisle and work with Republicans – at least it’s not Bush or the ATM’s this time – its Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. 

Obama and Jarrett have instructed the IRS to do whatever is necessary to put the Conservative actors in Hollywood under lock and chain. The Hollywood conservative group “Friends of Abe” is being targeted by the IRS as we speak.  It’s important to note that many of the conservatives who belong to the “friends of Abe” group have taken to the underground in an attempt to remain anonymous from the Obama Hollywood crowd. 

Jarrett has sent her two gophers out Obama and Kerry to join the Palestinian jihadist in an attempt to bring Israel to her knees.  Citing an unnamed Obama administration official, Israel Radio reported Thursday that President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry blame the Israeli government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for encouraging American Jews to criticize the White House for its foreign policy, particularly regarding Israel. Breitbart by Joel B. Pollak, 23 Jan 2014.


Jarrett is just beginning her paybacks that she promised – 2014 will be the year of the “De facto President’s” retaliation against Americans, Republicans, Conservative or anyone else who happens to anger the Queen Bee.  Americans better sell their coat and buy whatever protection is necessary to “take back their Country America.” T B O C A

As Always,

Little Tboca

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In case you didn’t know, since the 17th of January the Liberal News Media happens to be on life support.  They’re huddled in their little nooks and crannies trying to figure how to throw the remark by Rocky Seto of the Seahawks out of the ball park never to be heard again.  I’d say the Seahawks have one up on the Liberals, because they just quietly and without malice announced to the World that Jesus is in their corner and they’re darn proud of it…

"Literally, Jesus is the greatest treasure in the universe," said Rocky Seto, who is on the Seahawks coaching staff. "It just makes sense. It's not like you give up your life and then you get something worse. He gave us everything. We had nothing, He gave us everything, so literally it's just one plus one equals two, it's that simple. Jesus is better than anything… even better than the Super Bowl, better than an NFL career, any of that."

"If you have Jesus it's still going to be awesome, win or lose," the Seahawks' defensive passing game coordinator said. There’s a quiet movement stirring in the athletic world - there are many athletes who stand up for “God.”

Here’s a short roster of athletes who are very outspoken about their faith.  Zach Johnson (Golf), Michael Waltrip (NASCAR), Tim Tebow (football), Tom Dungy (coach of the 2007 Super Bowl-winning Indianapolis Colts), Joe Gibbs (NASCAR), Derek Fisher (basketball), Allyson Felix (Gold Medalist), Jake Peavy (San Diego Padres pitcher), Shaun Alexander (football) and many, many more. 

Wow, what a breath of fresh air to hear young men and women stand up for “Jesus.” This is the kind of message that should make headlines on a daily basis – yet seldom do we hear this message anymore because many are afraid to stand up for Jesus.  They’ve been told it isn’t politically correct and they’ve been threatened with lawsuits. 

Little children are being chastised for mentioning God or the Bible in school. The college crowd has been put in their place and must hide their religious beliefs behind closed doors. Those who hit the freeways daily (so far) are free to say a prayer or two on their way to work, but not in the work place because the Liberals have put a zipper on their lips.

Prayer removed from schools, the 10 Commandments removed from Court Houses and the Atheists are fighting our God given rights to remove God from public view. The Supreme Court struggled in 2013 trying to come to a decision whether prayer is allowed at local Government meetings – why the struggle?

The Supreme Court has fallen victim to Liberalism and the relentless attacks from the left.  Anyway by the time they finish rewriting the new law on prayer – very likely we will have to limit prayer to our bathroom.

Note that Congress and the Supreme Court open with prayer. The Supreme Court opens with,"God Save The United States and This Honorable Court."

Eighty-five members of the House of Representatives — including six from Florida, 11 from Texas and six from North Carolina — have signed on to a brief akin to the Senate's that endorses legislative prayers.  Only 12 House members joined an opposing brief that urges tighter scrutiny, and no senators did.-   

Marco Rubio wants the Senate to continue opening with a prayer.  Here’s what Marco said, "For a few minutes each morning, politics and party are set aside," Rubio and 33 other senators advised the Supreme Court in a legal brief. "Instead of debate, senators reflect on their duty … mindful of the nation's core values and their need for divine assistance in carrying out their responsibilities."

Scuttlebutt on the street is that Obama and his administration have joined conservative state and federal lawmakers in urging the Supreme Court to tolerate prayers during government meetings.

Although Obama has attacked God from all sides and tried to remove him from our Nation it’s obvious that he believes there is a “God”- in all of his arrogance and dictatorial actions when push comes to shove he moves over for God and wants him present at government meetings.  Obama has met his match – God is alive and well, need I say more?


As Always,

Little Tboca

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Sometimes when you blog, it feels like you’re sitting at your desk beating an old dead horse to death.  It seems that even though one wants to talk about the new news of the day, we get bogged down on the same ole, same ole.  That is exactly the way my day feels for I’m back on the Obamacare kick.

A quick run - down of the obvious problems, millions have lost their healthcare, their doctors, their hospitals and their Government.  They’ve been lied to, cheated and been treated like second rate citizens by Obama and his gophers.  But it only gets worse as the days go on…

For days, even months they tried to get on the Obamacare website, but to no avail - they couldn’t even get signed in let alone signed up for healthcare.  Finally after a numerous amount of quick fixes and band aids they were able to sign in, sign up and choose a plan that offered benefits they didn’t want or need, high co pay, higher deductibles and a costly monthly insurance premium. 

After all of these difficulties they find that the website is very vulnerable full of security flaws and not protected against hackers.  Insurers add fuel to the fire informing them they can’t confirm their coverage or show proof of insurance.  The consumer isn’t stupid - they know someone has their vital statistics and their money.  Just when you think it couldn’t get any worse check some of the State Obamacare sites are in deep “doo doo” too.

Many of the State Obamacare sites are coughing, sputtering, chewing up information and sending consumers to unknown places that has nothing to do with healthcare.  Residents in Maryland who tried to access a help desk were routed to a pottery supply store in Seattle.  Exchanges in other States aren’t functioning correctly and in the meantime there are many people who no longer have insurance due to the Obamacare tragedy.

Most remember Obama saying, “You’re not going to have anybody getting in between you and your doctor in your decision making.”  Now that just so happens to be one more lie from this Nations Dictator. 

Section 1311(h)(1)(B) of the health law gives the secretary of Health and Human Services blanket authority to dictate how doctors treat patients. This includes people who are paying for their own healthcare plan and as we speak “they” (whoever the heck they are) are writing the rules for how physicians will care for their patients. 

So let’s get this straight now, we had our insurance and physicians stolen from us and forced to get a Government healthcare plan whether we like it or not and some “A- - hole” in Health and Human Services is dictating what a physician can or can’t do when offering  healthcare to us.

Let’s not forget the IRS “death panel” who will decide if we are eligible for treatment, how we will be treated and when we will be treated.  Right now IRS is begging for some training – they don’t understand medical terminology, nor do they know specifically what they were hired to do for Obama and Sebelius.  Guess IRS could get a few pointers from Rahm Emanuel’s brother, Ezekiel Emanuel– the Doctor creep that helped create this healthcare monster.   

Sounds like Socialized medicine to me folks – plan and simple the Dictator did it to us again.  He stole our stimulus money, our jobs, our healthcare, our freedoms, millions probably on the verge of billions to create a healthcare law that we didn’t want from the “gecko.”

But the clincher is this as Charles Krauthammer explains – hidden in the deep dark pages of Obamacare is a neat little guarantee written for insurers.  Charles said, “that buried deep in the Affordable Care Act is a “large government bailout” to cover up to 80 percent as insurance company losses.”  Redistribution just crossed our empty plates again Americans. 

 As Always,

Little Tboca 

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