MAX SIMON UHRIG's Posts (61)

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THE 4-1-1 Q & A Biblical Text on Sex!

1.[6] None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD.
2.[7] The nakedness of thy father, or the nakedness of thy mother, shalt thou not uncover: she is thy mother; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
3.[8] The nakedness of thy father's wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father's nakedness.
4.[9] The nakedness of thy sister, the daughter of thy father, or daughter of thy mother, whether she be born at home, or born abroad, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover.
5.[10] The nakedness of thy son's daughter, or of thy daughter's daughter, even their nakedness thou shalt not uncover: for theirs is thine own nakedness.
6.[11] The nakedness of thy father's wife's daughter, begotten of thy father, she is thy sister, thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
7.[12] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's sister: she is thy father's near kinswoman.
8.[13] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister: for she is thy mother's near kinswoman.
9.[14] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy father's brother, thou shalt not approach to his wife: she is thine aunt.
10.[15] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy daughter in law: she is thy son's wife; thou shalt not uncover her nakedness.
11.[16] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy brother's wife: it is thy brother's nakedness.
12.[17] Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness.
13.[18] Neither shalt thou take a wife to her sister, to vex her, to uncover her nakedness, beside the other in her life time.
14.[19] Also thou shalt not approach unto a woman to uncover her nakedness, as long as she is put apart for her uncleanness.

1.[11] And the man that lieth with his father's wife hath uncovered his father's nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
2.[17] And if a man shall take his sister, his father's daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she see his nakedness; it is a wicked thing; and they shall be cut off in the sight of their people: he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity.
3.[18] And if a man shall lie with a woman having her sickness, and shall uncover her nakedness; he hath discovered her fountain, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood: and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.
4.[19] And thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of thy mother's sister, nor of thy father's sister: for he uncovereth his near kin: they shall bear their iniquity.
5.[20] And if a man shall lie with his uncle's wife, he hath uncovered his uncle's nakedness: they shall bear their sin; they shall die childless.
6.[21] And if a man shall take his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing: he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness; they shall be childless.
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To Thomas Nufer

You bet you bro, any old time. I am a Watchman for the Cross of Christ. God gave me that title and office back in 2003 as a focal point of how He was turning me into what He needed to see in and through me of Him.

8 years of homelessness brought me to my knees unto learning solely of Him. The particulars of how I got there are of no importance really. The real deal about that spance of time was studying my own Obedience level unto Him in my learning of who He really is, His Son and the importance of His duty and call in His Life before, during, and after His death, burial, and resurrection. But, most importantly of all was knowing who and where His Holy Spirit is.

I'd asked Him 5 times over the course of 1 of those years to show me His Holy Spirit. I said, Father, Show me Your Holy Spirit. I need to know who He is. For You had our Patriarchs mention and write about Him. He must be important to You and knowledge of Your Wisdom and Grace. Please show me Your Holy Spirit.

You know what He told me every time?

Shut up! And Keep Reading! All 5 times.

The 5th time though, I got it. What I had been doing, as He instructed of me to do, as a simple act of Faith and Obedience, was reading out loud His word unto Him. For Jesus said: "And Ye shall be Witnesses unto Me!" Sure, it goes on, but the BUZZ words in that abbreviated sentence struck home. He gave me a little prayer which goes: Father, may I minister unto You? From Your Word? From one You LOVE "In" Your Word; From one who loves You, Me!

Then I would read His Word aloud unto Him, ministering and praying fervently as it went.

When I got it (the Knowledge of His Holy Spirit), it was at that 5th time when the Father told me to "Shut Up! and Keep Reading!" It hit me like a ton of lead, lights, bells, whistles, I mean to tell you brother it was one great big WOW! all the way through me. Here I'd been so close to Him all that time, yet, because of the learned behaviors of the Traditions of Men, I was aloof of the real thing.

The Realization and Rationale of His Spoken Word "ALOUD" is the Holy Spirit come alive in the performance of Reading His Word unto Him.

Nothing magical or mystical. I just learned that I had become too intelligently smart for my own spiritual health and well being. I had to Dummie Down to get what I'd yearned to learn all of my life.

My soul Hungered and Thirsted for His Right Righteousness. I intuitively knew that there was more in His word than just the written word on those pages. I'd read my Bible 25 times in my life, but the last 5 times were the greatest thing and eventfull movement ever.

And, all the while I'd been taking notes, read - study, 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for 4 years of my 8 years of homeless.

In 2005, October I believe, I'd gathered so much information through His tutilage through His blessing me with the spirit of Discernment, and the Revealings He'd given me, I once thought about putting them together in a book form, quite possibly for myself to read again and again to keep these things fresh, alive, and new throughout the rest of my life. And the Holy Spirit tagged me on it and said, Write it! Whoa! Dude! Chills of WOW! filled every crevass of my being. I'd never written a book before, I'm a musician, I write songs to go along with my guitar playing.

But, I put that baby to task, actually He did, within me, just for this point! Once completed, it wasn't all cut and dried! Nope! I had to live it out in my own life to somewhat test the waters as it were, as to verify what He'd given me was of a truth, or if it had all been a driving force of the anti-christ, or Satan himself.

Another 4 years of homeless, but now ministering to others as homeless as myself or worse, to Proof Him Faithful and True, that all He'd given me had come to fruition and exactness of life eternal with these proofs.

Looking back now, I wouldn't have changed a thing. Tough going most times, usually on a moment by moment basis every day. If it had been any at all different, I may have continued missing the mark and never reached any goal in Him at all, and remained the self-righteous pig I'd always been to that point.

He is an Awesome God we serve in and on this earth my friend.

Just a snippet of the things I'll share with you. The COMMUNION!

Jesus said: Every time you eat and drink! (there too it goes on) Yet, every time, "This Due! That's right, this due ( as in paying our dues, OK?) in Remembrance of ME! Well, I'll tell you brother, that settles a lot in my heart, mind, and life, knowing that if that's all it takes,(not titheing, being put to the axes to grind type of stereotypical worldly chris T Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, Hannity and Holmes, anity) to know Jesus as Lord, and to Please Him, to know Him and forthrightly know for a certainty that He knows me, is just so simple as to welcome Him to my table every time I eat and/or drink, well so be it done, amen! And to Remember Him until He comes, simple acts of Obedience go a long way my friend.

The title of the book He gave me is called:

Keeper of The Knew, The Fullness of The Gentiles, copyright 2006. If you would like to have a complimentary copy (FREE) please send me your email address to: or and I'll zip it out to you asap.

The Real Zeal of the Living God is jam packed inside each and every page of the book. Yet, I enforce it by appealing to each ones soul to fervently open and study avidly with your own King James Bible to partner with your souls learning capacity. For, the soul is what needs to grow in leaps and bounds, so the Personality leaves its denial, manipulations, and distractions out of the equation of hearing the Voice of God, as you seek His Face, to know His Thoughts of and about you, in every moment, of every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day. For all we really have is Right NOW!

Bless you my brother, Keep the Faith of Christ alive within you, always, and in all ways, in Jesus' name, amen.

See you soon. Keep in touch. Smile Big for Jesus!

Always in Christ,

Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley, AZ

Like Jesus said: Do Not let your Left hand (the hand which holds the leftovers)

know what your Right hand (the hand that is always doing, believing, and acting upon the Word of God and the Compassionate Heart of Jesus, Gods RIGHT Righteousness, not selfrighteousness of man)

IS (it exists and is profoundly straight up on this issue)

Doing! (active, pro active, alive and well meaning always.)

Pretty simple huh?

Always in Christ, Always American

Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley, AZ

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I am a Watchman for the Cross of Christ. God gave me that title and office back in 2003 as a focal point of how He was turning me into what He needed to see in and through me of Him.
8 years of homelessness brought me to my knees unto learning solely of Him. The particulars of how I got there are of no importance really. The real deal about that spance of time was studying my own Obedience level unto Him in my learning of who He really is, His Son and the importance of His duty and call in His Life before, during, and after His death, burial, and resurrection. But, most importantly of all was knowing who and where His Holy Spirit is.
I'd asked Him 5 times over the course of 1 of those years to show me His Holy Spirit. I said, Father, Show me Your Holy Spirit. I need to know who He is. For You had our Patriarchs mention and write about Him. He must be important to You and knowledge of Your Wisdom and Grace. Please show me Your Holy Spirit.
You know what He told me every time?
Shut up! And Keep Reading! All 5 times.
The 5th time though, I got it. What I had been doing, as He instructed of me to do, as a simple act of Faith and Obedience, was reading out loud His word unto Him. For Jesus said: "And Ye shall be Witnesses unto Me!" Sure, it goes on, but the BUZZ words in that abbreviated sentence struck home. He gave me a little prayer which goes: Father, may I minister unto You? From Your Word? From one You LOVE "In" Your Word; From one who loves You, Me!
Then I would read His Word aloud unto Him, ministering and praying fervently as it went.
When I got it (the Knowledge of His Holy Spirit), it was at that 5th time when the Father told me to "Shut Up! and Keep Reading!" It hit me like a ton of lead, lights, bells, whistles, I mean to tell you brother it was one great big WOW! all the way through me. Here I'd been so close to Him all that time, yet, because of the learned behaviors of the Traditions of Men, I was aloof of the real thing.
The Realization and Rationale of His Spoken Word "ALOUD" is the Holy Spirit come alive in the performance of Reading His Word unto Him.
Nothing magical or mystical. I just learned that I had become too intelligently smart for my own spiritual health and well being. I had to Dummie Down to get what I'd yearned to learn all of my life.
My soul Hungered and Thirsted for His Right Righteousness. I intuitively knew that there was more in His word than just the written word on those pages. I'd read my Bible 25 times in my life, but the last 5 times were the greatest thing and eventfull movement ever.
And, all the while I'd been taking notes, read - study, 18 hours a day, 7 days a week for 4 years of my 8 years of homeless.
In 2005, October I believe, I'd gathered so much information through His tutilage through His blessing me with the spirit of Discernment, and the Revealings He'd given me, I once thought about putting them together in a book form, quite possibly for myself to read again and again to keep these things fresh, alive, and new throughout the rest of my life. And the Holy Spirit tagged me on it and said, Write it! Whoa! Dude! Chills of WOW! filled every crevass of my being. I'd never written a book before, I'm a musician, I write songs to go along with my guitar playing.
But, I put that baby to task, actually He did, within me, just for this point! Once completed, it wasn't all cut and dried! Nope! I had to live it out in my own life to somewhat test the waters as it were, as to verify what He'd given me was of a truth, or if it had all been a driving force of the anti-christ, or Satan himself.
Another 4 years of homeless, but now ministering to others as homeless as myself or worse, to Proof Him Faithful and True, that all He'd given me had come to fruition and exactness of life eternal with these proofs.
Looking back now, I wouldn't have changed a thing. Tough going most times, usually on a moment by moment basis every day. If it had been any at all different, I may have continued missing the mark and never reached any goal in Him at all, and remained the self-righteous pig I'd always been to that point.
He is an Awesome God we serve in and on this earth my friend.
Just a snippet of the things I'll share with you. The COMMUNION!
Jesus said: Every time you eat and drink! (there too it goes on) Yet, every time, "This Due! That's right, this due ( as in paying our dues, OK?) in Remembrance of ME! Well, I'll tell you brother, that settles a lot in my heart, mind, and life, knowing that if that's all it takes,(not titheing, being put to the axes to grind type of stereotypical worldly chris T Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, Hannity and Holmes, anity) to know Jesus as Lord, and to Please Him, to know Him and forthrightly know for a certainty that He knows me, is just so simple as to welcome Him to my table every time I eat and/or drink, well so be it done, amen! And to Remember Him until He comes, simple acts of Obedience go a long way my friend.
The title of the book He gave me is called:
Keeper of The Knew, The Fullness of The Gentiles, copyright 2006. If you would like to have a complimentary copy (FREE) please send me your email address to: or and I'll zip it out to you asap.
The Real Zeal of the Living God is jam packed inside each and every page of the book. Yet, I enforce it by appealing to each ones soul to fervently open and study avidly with your own King James Bible to partner with your souls learning capacity. For, the soul is what needs to grow in leaps and bounds, so the Personality leaves its denial, manipulations, and distractions out of the equation of hearing the Voice of God, as you seek His Face, to know His Thoughts of and about you, in every moment, of every second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day. For all we really have is Right NOW!
Bless you my brother, Keep the Faith of Christ alive within you, always, and in all ways, in Jesus' name, amen.
See you soon. Keep in touch. Smile Big for Jesus!
Always in Christ,
Max Simon Uhrig
San Tan Valley, AZ
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This is the New Millenium. 2011  Star date,     shut up!

The EU wishes to implement the New World Order and usurp American Sovereignty at all costs.

While all this time we have had at our disposal the Western Hemisphere's Act of 2000.


From Alaska to Gallapogos Island we are the Western Hemisphere.

Turn Northern Mexico into the Drug Mecca of this Hemisphere between the central Mountain Ranges and the Baja Peninsula.

Everywhere else is Fair Game for New Business, Factories, Jobs, housing, even Corporate Sponsorship and NASCAR would love it.

Stop outsourcing our goods, natural resources, etc elsewhere, when the entire shootin' match can be done right here on our property and make this Hemisphere a Land of Opportunity and Peace with and to our International Neighbors of Canada and Mexico, South American Countries and all of our resources, including the bolstering of our peoples.

Sounds good, feels right, lets get on it and ride baby!


Always in Christ, Always American

Max Simon Uhrig 3

San Tan Valley,  AZ

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A PASS from FT

IT's Wednesday, which means it's time to mock the First Ego.


Wright was arrested for murder, and convicted. Sentenced to death,
President Obama spends all day on the telephone trying to convince the
Governor to give a stay of execution.

His last minute plea for clemency had failed and he was feeling worn out and depressed.

soon as he walked through the door into the private wing of the White
House, Michelle started on him about, 'So that's all you can do? I
thought you had some stroke? What, the old fist-bump lost its touch?'.
And on and on and on.......

Too shattered to play his
usual role in this familiar ritual, he poured himself a shot of whiskey
and headed off for a long hot soak in the bathtub, pursued by the
predictable sarcastic remarks as he dragged himself up the stairs.

While he was in the bath, the phone rang.

answered and was told that Rev. Wright had been granted a stay of
execution after all, and would not be hanged that night.

Finally realizing what a terrible day he must have had, she decided to go up stairs and give him the good news.

As she opened the bathroom door, she was greeted by the sight of her husband, bent over naked, drying his legs and feet.

'They're not hanging Wright tonight,' she said.


Max Simon Uhrig 3t'
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Brutal Beheading, Revisited

Well, you know

if these barbarians wanna play that game?

I'll tell you what, you Obama Wanna-Be's

Two can play that game, Homie!

We pull out our troops, then NUKE CITY!

No excuses, reasons, alibi's, waiting period,

protocol, NADA!

JUST   N U K E' M.


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For this great nation under God

Finds mention of Him very odd.

If Scripture now the class recites,

It violates the Bill of Rights.

And anytime my head I bow

Becomes a Federal matter now.

Our hair can be purple, orange or green,

That's no offense; it's a freedom scene.

The law is specific, the law is precise.

Prayers spoken a loud are a serious vice.

For praying in a public hall

Might offend someone with no faith at all.

In silence alone we must meditate,

God's name is prohibited by the state.

We're allowed to cuss and dress like freaks,

And pierce our noses, tongues and cheeks..

They've outlawed guns, but FIRST the Bible.

To quote the Good Book makes me liable.

We can elect a pregnant Senior Queen,

And the 'unwed daddy,' our Senior King.

It's 'inappropriate' to teach right from wrong,

We're taught that such 'judgments' do not belong.

We can get our condoms and birth controls,

Study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles.

But the Ten Commandments are not allowed,

No word of God must reach this crowd.

It's scary here I must confess,

When chaos reigns the school's a mess.

So, Lord, this silent plea I make:

Should I be shot; My soul please take!From the mouth of babes...

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Cypers like us

The whole idea behind the push for everyone in America to be HDTV by 2009 was so the UHF/VHF channels could be used exclusively by the US Military and Government Agencies for ultra Top Secret Communique.

The alleged problems this country has about the Internet is the overkill of Spam, Hackers, and Phisher scams.

If they'd pay closer attention to those incidents of wrong doing, there'd be a greater focus given and more productivity achieved by these agencies to curtail the misuse and abuse of OUR Internet viabilities nationwide and internationally.

To bust them all is at the same level as busting illegal immigrants. It is massive at best. Yet, achievable.


Our Governments terminology for

As Low As Reasonably Achievable.

This standpoint must be overtaken by a new set of orders from the highest Pentagon and Department of Defense authoritative processes and procedures as possible.

The glut of the American way of life is usurped 100% of the time by the Corporations in America. We live from spoon to mouth each and every day we live, which is a close to 3rd world poverty as we can get without an all out WMD event upon our own nation, which may not be that far away, all for the sake of blaming another country for the doings for further Corporate support programs and shipping our jobs and livelihood elsewhere. And that, for the name of progress.

I joke not.

150 Nuclear power plants within the continuous 48. One NUKE upon just one of those places and kiss our , good bye!

They'd still insist upon the addage of Creating Jobs! WHAT?


I'm beside myself just thinking about it.

We all need to stop this Machined Beast we've allowed this country to produce and spawn from within our midst, regardless of the loss of some sort and form of comfort zones and free ourselves of this great evil.

Otherwise, the counter effects are brutal, massive, and all consuming.

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That's just how bass ackwards this country has become.

The man has suffered greatly, even now I'd think is in much anguish if not sweating bullets in pain.

And these A-Political Proselytes are thinking they're doing him a favor by releasing him. Oh yeah, and probably on Probation too.

God that's gotta suck!

Well, I'm praying God Please Heal this man, in Jesus' name. Amen!

I sure hope so. For Gods sake, and the sake of this mans soul.

Thank ya'll.

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Atheism, Liberalism, intoMeism is all it is.

Don't ruffle anyones feathers or ----WHAT?!

Political Correctness is Out of here!

Put God and the 10 Commandments and Prayer and Decency and Innocence and Shivelry back in the Class room, Court houses, Public buildings Barring NONE, American Flags, All of it, PERIOD comes back with both Barrels Blazing as bright as the Sun and the Son of God, Amen!

And this IS what it is going to take on the logistical side of life:

Shut down all XXX ratings everywhere

Knock out punch to the Video Game Industry

Same magnitude of blows to the Lottery and Gaming commissions Nationwide

STOP Abortion, I don't care how they say for the Life of the Mother, CRAP! What, 1 every 12 years dies in child birth?

Dry counties, every other county, in every state

Official Spay and Neutering of ALL Sex Offenders within the first 48 hrs of their confinement

Mortify Tatoo and Body Piercing parlors

The Calculated round up of all gangs known in these US of A with ties to any and all brands of Violence, Drugs, and sex rings

Kill the aptitudes of:




And everything and body else alive known to usurp anti-American authority NationWide, disbarring and disallowing their return   - - - EVER!



Well, just look where we're at now with their Radical!

Tell me I'm wrong! I double Dog Dare you! Do it! or Lose it!

Nobody else in America wants it nor you for that matter if you even think there's a snowballs chance in hell that this THING is going to live anymore in America.


America    S A V E   AMERICA! ! ! ! !


Glory to the Lamb of God.

Always in Christ, Always American

Max Simon Uhrig 3

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America S A V E AMERICA! The Curse:

Yeah brother, that's exactly the Plan of the Evil One himself to do.
Divide and Conquer. Steal, Kill, and destroy.
People play it off as some kind of a Joke.
The Entire world is giving us, We The People tidbit hints of what we
should be expecting this administration to do and perform, right out
of the Eternal Playbook, The Bible.
Prophesy is not a laughing matter. But, tell that to our Clergy across
the board, they say, not now, not until, not, not, not.
It's harboring upon rediculous. And we even pay them with our Tithes
and Offerings. Yet, they back our government only in namesake, placing
upon the hoards of believers in this country Blame, Shame, and Guilt for
1) Not or Failure to Tithe, yet, Jesus never -- uh hmm, N E V E R spoke one
word about the Tithes, offerings, love gifts (other than love one another)
2) Taxes, saying, well Jesus told Peter to catch the first fish, take the coin out
of it's mouth and pay the Tax. singular tax. And that unto Ceasar. Not the
IRS, HOA's, City, State, Federal, County, Municipal, etc
Jesus said, Render unto Ceasar what is Ceasars (our bodies, toil, work, etc)
and Render unto God what is Gods! (our souls, sacrificial servitude to our
fellow man, widows, orphans, and strangers, which in this age are the
homeless, destitute, hungry, Water, Food, Shelter, Clothing, Visitations in
Jails, Prisons, Hospitals, their own homes, etc)
We are at a Turning Point in America, yet everyone wants someone else to
step in and do the dirty work so they can lounge in the fruits of others labors.
Well, look where it has gotten us. 80 Million unemployed or nearing that Blacks.
55 Million Hispanics/Latino's bucking for everything that moves. God only knows
how many Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabs, etc, the list goes on.
It started with ease of entry back in the day after WWII. And that is the exact
time we should have had Immigration Reform. Pass the proverbial Buck is
what our leaders did then, and they still do now.
We have before us a Golden Opportunity to turn back the tide in America
if people would just buck up with one another, trust one another and do
even 3-7 hours of real Bronco Busting work for the common good.
Canvasing towards getting people out to vote.
Helping one another by monies assistance to their fellows in harms way.
This would Yes include the dead beat moms and dads in this country.
Where, once discovered they OWE are refused job placement for the company's
own fear of the Court System in this country. No hire, No job, No child support
payment, Plenty of Jail time, no real Days for Dollars towards payment, just a
Felony Charge and they still owe the monies.
Do the math.
How many millions of inmates behind bars doing time for drug violations, simple
possession. Non-violent, and most cases were either in the wrong place and time
or some SNITCH turned states evidence to clear their punk lilly white asses.
Yet, they're recieving Days for Dollars. But not so for the DeadBeat Parent.
Nope. Just Days and a Felony Rap. Simple mathmatics eh?
No one wants to hear about it, thinking it will never happen to them
and I pray to God for their sakes it never does.
This country needs to wake up.
Threats don't work. Even those that do work are milking their jobs
just for the simple Cash Cow mentality.
What happened to fairness in this country?
The Unemployed are drawing checks for up to 99 weeks.
Back in the day, when I did recieve unemployment, 26 weeks tops.
Even as late as 1996 it was like that.
Now, folks in AZ are sweating bullets for fear their 99 weeks of getting
paid for doing nothing attitude, will be shot down to a loatesome 78
Oh Waaaaaaaaaaaah! Too bad, so sad.
I've been turned down 4 times here in AZ for my entitlements of
Unemployment Insurance. I worked. Lost jobs legitimately, Filed
claims forms and jumped through hoops for these idiots with 6
fingers on each hand, all for naught.
Oregon State had it right. Allow them to recieve a one-time Lump
Sum payment of all their entitled insurance claims to start small
businesses. And it must have worked, for haven't heard word one
about it since.
Nope, dear brother, part of this proverbial curse We All have brought
upon ourselves to a certain respect.
Oh, I'm not leaving out the Fed, State, etc gov't,s Hell no.
But, to play Tiddly Winks with the very LIVES of American People,
Their Bread Winners of this Great Nation is beyond Travesty. Its SIN!
Not A sin neither. S I N ! ! ! ! !
America Needs America right now, and from now on.
Free lunches for Students up to age 18, sure, and God Bless them.
Free Health Care for that same age group, sure.
Same as for the elderly, homeless, dysenfranchised.
The RETRAINING of America is the initial Key to a successful and
Sustainable future.
But, these corporations farming out any and all brand new jobs
that hit the market is terribly wrong.
Any Corporation doing that is just the same as a Contractor stopping
in the middle of traffic to pick up an illegal immigrant for a cheap days
labor, not wanting to hire a legitimate American to do the honest days
work for the honest days wage. They are One In The Same.
Bring back the Big Unions Nationwide and see this garbage go away.
If need be, bring back the Mafia, American Style. Enlist the KKK to
help control the streets of America.
I have HIGH HOPES for this country. But the time is short for us to
make our move.
Most say it is way too late.
Bull Pucky!
You're alive and breathing aren't you?
You're still able bodied to work if given the REAL chance to show
your stuff, aren't you?
I am.
I was Born Ready.
Lets Do This!
Larry the Cable Guy don't fail me now.
Git R' Done! ! ! ! ! !

Always in Christ, Always AMERICAN

America S A V E AMERICA!

Max Simon Uhrig
San Tan Valley, AZ
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FHavoc at HacefBook

Pretty bad how these individuals operating such astute web sites play games of such a selfishness. That I guess is their power grid of being Control Freaks. Bummer. Back in the day, no one would run amock with the system, for if they did they were subsequently arrested. But, now, they have hemorhoidal infarctions over the idea that millions of Americans are enjoying themselves within the crux of these medium.

They'll blame it on Sun Spots, Congress, noisy neighbors, just to shift the all watching eyes of their clientele away from the real deal behind the scenes.

This may be a some sorted rant in the eyes of some, a revelation to others, but it is a sincere calling out to these individuals running these services to knock it off with their Control Freakazoid mentality. Its bad enough that our Govt wants to play Home Owners Association Politics, Lording all things over our heads, just because they think that we shouldn't be allowed to have as much fun as they do.

So sad, the fact that they have such a stuffed shirt way of accessing things. Trying to dictate imorallity in their ways a behaviors of attempting to call it a moral value.



Just saying.

Always in Christ,

Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley,  AZ

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I have been more than patient with these people.

9 attempts over the last 4 months has netted me the whole of 1 blog and no messages either way, and I'm tired of them all making me out to look like a fool.

Yeah I'm hot right now.

Ridiculous is being nice.


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A quick annecdote from Freedom Torch

1. You refine heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to liquor. You may be a Muslim

2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes. You may be a Muslim

3. You have more wives than teeth. You may be a Muslim

4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean. You may be a Muslim

5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide You may be a Muslim

6. You can't think of anyone you haven't declared Jihad against. You may be a Muslim

7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your underwear. You may be a Muslim

8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs. You may be a Muslim

9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least four. You may be a Muslim

10. Your cousin is president of the United States . You may be a Muslim

11. You find this offensive or racist and don't forward it. You may be a Muslim.

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IT used to be that when any past President of the United States made room and a causeway for America to grow, the next President saw to it in their own Integrity to leave ALL -- Well Enough Alone!

So, who is this guy we call a President? Everything that nearly every President before him's STUFF, laws, etc. has come under his personal vendetta and pep-heave to deliberately exponge, croon into Never-Land, and Flush down the Proverbial Septic Tank in what we are learning now should be known as the WHAT? HOUSE.

The Wicked know NO Shame! It's in the Bible. Not in Koran, Torah, nada.

King James had this idea many years ago, and thank God - this Authorized Version of the Holy Bible has had its 400th birthday not to long ago. Its whole book value is Supreme above the rest. Yet, there are those in the PulPitude to make attempts and the innate swearings that this particular version of the bible isn't worth the usage of Toilet Paper.

Prayer, 10 Commandments, Gods name on our Money, Nativity Scenes, even Life itself is being found to be a no no.

Well, how about this. Those whom seem to think that the Bible is just a book of poetry and should not be taken literally, that everything in the Prophetics is dead and gone, that the times and gifts of the Apostles was their dispensation only and not to be assumed in TODAY's line of thinking nor doing.

Well, anyone thinking this way, just jump right on the next bus heading out to sea and head back to where your distant relatives Spawned you from and don't look back. Cause baby, that door slams shut tight and there ain't no coming back.

This Land, Country, Nation, and its Government of, by, and for The People Stands on its Own. It is more solid than Sears Roebuck, Much bigger than any one of you and will flat stomp your stuff right in the dirt for saying anything different.

Trust me, I am 100% American, 100% Of God in Christ, anyone, thing, or entity else, is just UnCivilized.

That's my story and I'm STICKING TO IT!





Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley,  AZ

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Local News Post, 2006


East Valley Tribune

April 12, 2011 | 06:36 pm


Posted: Friday, November 3, 2006 12:00 am | Updated: 10:48 am, Wed Mar 10, 2010.

Church coalition caring for A.J. homeless Tribune East Valley Tribune | 0 comments

"Uncle Max" Uhrig sat in a shaded church corridor Monday afternoon, playing gentle music to entertain a handful of homeless

people. Soulful, bending notes floated through the air as the 52-year-old homeless man strummed his guitar.

Uhrig and his companions had gathered for lunch provided by the Genesis Program - a network of four East Valley churches

that this month began offering free meals to the homeless. The coalition of churches in Apache Junction, Mesa and Gold

Canyon also offers a few hours of shelter each day and services such as bicycle repair, first aid and employment counseling.

Uhrig said for him it's easy to understand the plight of the homeless. After all, he's been on the street most of his life, he said.

"The look in their eyes basically tells a lot of their story: pain, suffering, terror," he said.

The Genesis Program was created to address a need for basic human services in Apache Junction, which doesn't have any

overnight homeless shelters. The program was created after a similar program proved successful at Apache Junction's Desert

Chapel, which opened its doors this summer to offer the homeless food and daytime escape from the heat.

The Rev. Galene Boyett, a pastor at Desert Chapel and the Genesis Program spokeswoman, said she hopes Apache Junction

will soon fund its own homeless shelter, even though the churches have started to provide some basic services.

"Ultimately, what we would like to see is a daily food program and a shelter," she said.

Meanwhile, many homeless people will be relegated to sleeping in undeveloped, desert areas throughout the city.

Genesis Program volunteers and Apache Junction officials met earlier this month to discuss homeless issues, including the

possibility of a city-funded shelter.

City Councilman Kris Sippel said it's difficult to determine how many people are homeless, so the extent of the problem is unclear.

Sippel, who attended the meeting with Genesis, said he hopes residents would bring up the issue at a public comment session next

month, when city officials will distribute the next round of grant money. "If the need is there, I most certainly think we should do it,"

he said.

"If we get 30 or 40 people that come and say, 'We need a homeless shelter,' we'll build a homeless shelter," Sippel said.

Lee Boschee, 60, was homeless earlier this year and lived in the desert near City Hall. Now, Boschee works full time as a grounds

keeper at Desert Chapel, has opened a bank account and rents a mobile home said "a steady job and support of local churches have

helped him put his life back on track."I think I'm pretty much like everyone else again," he said.

Contact us  East Valley Tribune   Phone number: 480-TRIBUNE  Address: 1620 W. Fountainhead Parkway, Ste. 219  Tempe, AZ 85282

Max Uhrig's continuation:

Since that time, a few have died. One from attempting to steal copper wire from a power transformer at a renovation site of the old

Grand Hotel, where Movie moguls used to reside while movies were in production in the regions between Tucson, Phoenix, and the

Gold Canyon districts. Just to name a few: John Wayne and Ben Johnson.

Another death occurred the next year 2007, causes were undetermined, and his body slighted for cremation 30 days later. Finally his

mother was contacted the very same day and his demise was set. Identified, county officials could officially close the case.

Nearly 20 of them had joined the church, 2 joined the choir, 1 was a member of the Womens committee, and the remnants of this

number had moved up or at least moved on.

Max's book: "Keeper of The Knew; The Fullness of The Gentiles, was finished by June 2006, and he is at this date still seeking

financial support for publication, as the jobless rates in Arizona are still exceeding 9.5%. Very few companies or corporations

are financially able to hire anyone. Considering the loss of many businesses over the lacking within the American Economic

slump, and their recent deboccal over the SB-1070 immigration debate, there just isn't any lasting work for the peoples of the

unemployed to find work. And those fortunate enough to keep their existing employment are doing so with greater emphasis

on just who they are and would like to remain.

Always in Christ.

Max Simon Uhrig

San Tan Valley,  AZ


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Who's Blue Shoes are Whose?

So the title ain't much to look at, but this tidbit of info may be.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011.

Phoenix,  AZ


3 Israeli Fighters trek across the Phoenix Metro skies flying in a Northerly direction at a usual speed and altitude, I'd assumed for training purposes. Usual altitude because they were high enough for the radar from Luke AFB to pick them up I'm sure.

Now, my question is, were they from Israel? Pakistan? Mexico City? or all three? Hmm?!

I know that we are all aware that the US military and State Department are well versed within the scope of International Laws prohibiting such Flights over Sovereign Airspace without prior and approved notice from Host Nation.

So, did anyone know or care to know if Mexico has an AirForce?

With the Drug Cartel reaping Havoc down there, would it be at all possible for the thing which escapes everyones mind come to a reality one day?

China owns the Panama Canal. FACT!

And, North Korea has the Nuke. FACT!

Mexico has a major problem with its own people. FACT!

Central and South America toying and entertaining possible ties with Taliban, Iran, China, North Korea, etc. etc. FACT!

And we're all being Hyped Out by some Contraversy about our President. D I S T R A C T I O N S !!!!!!!!!!!!!


This is the usual suspect of Case Scenario's which always takes place before the Big One happens.

Distractions up the wazoo to keep everyone (us People-Folk) at a "I / we didn't have a clue that was going on!" mindset, while our enemy (s) sneakup from behind, from the sides, and direct full frontal assault (remember 911) so our government leaders can cry "Foul!" and call us a bunch of illiterate bystanders.

I don't think so.





JUST F A C T !!!!!!!


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